34.3035, Calls: International Congress of Linguists 2024
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Mon Oct 16 17:05:06 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3035. Mon Oct 16 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3035, Calls: International Congress of Linguists 2024
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 16-Oct-2023
From: Ewelina Wojtkowiak [ewelina.wojtkowiak at amu.edu.pl]
Subject: International Congress of Linguists 2024
Full Title: International Congress of Linguists 2024
Short Title: ICL2024
Date: 08-Sep-2024 - 14-Sep-2024
Location: Poznań, Poland
Contact Person: Dominika Gapska
Meeting Email: icl2024 at wa.amu.edu.pl
Web Site: https://icl2024poznan.pl/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics;
Linguistic Theories
Call Deadline: 08-Jan-2024
Meeting Description:
The International Congress of Linguists (ICL) has been organized since
1928 once every five years by Comité International Permanent des
Linguistes (CIPL) in collaboration with local hosts. It is a place par
excellence for international linguistics, where all areas and
sub-disciplines of linguistics as well as interdisciplinary topics can
be discussed. This is done through a number of plenary lectures
presented by eminent scholars who are specialists in their field,
through separate sections devoted to a part of linguistics and focus
streams related to special topics. Adam Mickiewicz University in
Poznań is proud to have been selected as the hosting institution for
the Congress in 2024, which leitmotif is: Languages – Communities –
ICL 2024 Local Organizing and Scientific committees:
1. President: Prof. Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (Vice-rector of Adam
Mickiewicz University, Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University)
2. Vice-president: Prof. Joanna Pawelczyk (Dean of the Faculty of
English, Adam Mickiewicz University)
3. Secretary: Dr Jarosław Weckwerth (Faculty of English, Adam
Mickiewicz University )
4. Treasurer: Ms. Joanna Bury (Dean’s Representative for Finances,
Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University)
5. Publicity manager: Dr Paweł Korpal (Faculty of English, Adam
Mickiewicz University)
Other members of LOC:
6. Prof. Katarzyna Klessa (Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of
Modern Languages and Literatures)
7. Prof. Eugeniusz Cyran (Faculty of Humanities, The John Paul II
Catholic University of Lublin)
8. Prof. Tomasz Lisowski (Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology,
9. Prof. Małgorzata Fabiszak (Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz
10. Prof. Camiel Hamans (CIPL; University of Amsterdam & Adam
Mickiewicz University)
11. Dr Dominika Gapska (School of Languages and Literatures, Adam
Mickiewicz University)
12. Ms. Agnieszka Stefańska (Science Support Office, Adam Mickiewicz
1. Prof. Rafał Molencki (University of Silesia, Katowice)
2. Prof. Marzena Żygis (Leibniz Centre for General Linguistics)
3. Prof. Justyna Olko (Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw)
4. Prof. Jacek Witkoś (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
5. Prof. Marcin Kilarski (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
6. Prof. Agnieszka Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak (Adam Mickiewicz University in
7. Prof. Nikolaus Ritt (University of Vienna)
8. Prof. Adam Przepiórkowski (University of Warsaw & Polish Academy of
9. Prof. Zofia Wodniecka (Jagiellonian University, Cracow)
2nd Call for Papers:
The 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL) will be held from 8
to 14 September in Poznan. We invite (i) abstracts for Sections and
Focus streams, and (ii) Workshop proposals. Sections will take place
on Monday and Tuesday (9–10 September), Focus streams on Wednesday (11
September), and Workshops on Thursday and Friday (12–13 September).
(i) Sections and Focus streams
Abstracts should clearly state the research question(s), approach,
method, data, and (expected) results. They should not display the
names of the presenters, nor their affiliations or addresses, or any
other information that could reveal their authorship. They should
contain the title, five keywords, and a text between 300 and 400 words
(including examples, excluding references).
Abstracts will be submitted via Easychair. The deadline for abstract
submission will be 8 January 2024 (12.00 PM CET).
Submission link for ICL abstracts:
Authors may apply, upon abstract submission, for a presentation or a
poster. Presentations will be organized in 30 minute slots (20 min.
presentation, 7 min. discussion, 3 min. room change). Posters are
always displayed during one full day. Separate time slots will be
included in the program in which participants can discuss with the
poster presenters.
Each abstract will be reviewed anonymously by two reviewers
(section/focus stream/workshop convenor + external reviewer).
Notification of acceptance will be 15 April 2024.
The topics of Sections and Focus streams, which will be held at ICL
2024 are the following:
1. Historical Linguistics
2. Language Evolution and the Origins of Language
3. Linguistic diversity, Language Contact and Areal Typology
4. Phonetics, Phonology and Phonetic Typology
5. Morphology, Syntax and Morphosyntactic Typology
6. Discourse and Cognition
7. Multimodality
8. Psycholinguistics, Developmental Linguistics
9. Neurolinguistics and Clinical Linguistics
10. Quantitative, Mathematical and Computational Linguistics
11. Language in Society, Variation and Change
12. Language Policy, Multilingualism, Education Development and
13. Grammar Writing, Documentation and Data Collection
14. Slavic Languages
15. Lexicography and Lexicology
16. Usage-based approaches to syntax and semantics
17. General session
Focus streams
1. Language endangerment and reclamation
2. Cognitive Translation & Interpreting Studies
3. Advances in the Digital Humanities
4. Sign Language
5. Urban Linguistic Diversity
6 Investigating the Indigenous languages of the Americas: History and
7. Historical Sociolinguistics
8. Corpus Linguistics
9. Language and Legal Practice
10. Productive Signs: Evolutionary, Typological, and Cognitive
Dimensions of Word Families
11. Current Perspectives on Historical Metaphor
12. Modern developments in dialectology and variation linguistics
(ii) Workshop proposals
Workshop proposals should contain the title, convenors’ name(s), five
keywords, and a description of the topic and the research question
(between 500 and 1,000 words, including examples, excluding
references). They are submitted to review-ICL2024 at univ-tlse2.fr. The
deadline for workshop proposals is 15 October 2023 (extended from 15
September 2023). Notification of acceptance will be 1 November 2023
(extended from 1 October 2023). The call for workshop abstracts will
be launched on 1 November 2023 (extended from 1 October 2023).
Conditions for submission of workshop abstracts will be the same as
for (i) General sessions and Focus streams.
Contact details:
Local Organising Committee:
Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
email: icl2024 at wa.amu.edu.pl
Website: https://icl2024poznan.pl/
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