34.3068, Calls: Language Ideologies and Inequality with a Perspective on the Arctic
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3068. Tue Oct 17 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3068, Calls: Language Ideologies and Inequality with a Perspective on the Arctic
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 16-Oct-2023
From: Christoph Hare Svenstrup [chs at uni.gl]
Subject: Language Ideologies and Inequality with a Perspective on the Arctic
Full Title: Language ideologies and inequality with a perspective on
the Arctic
Short Title: LIIA
Date: 23-May-2024 - 24-May-2024
Location: Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland), in Nuuk,
Contact Person: Christoph Hare Svenstrup
Meeting Email: liia_conf at uni.gl
Web Site: none
Linguistic Field(s): Sociolinguistics
Call Deadline: 01-Dec-2023
Meeting Description:
The contemporary sociolinguistic situation in the Arctic calls for an
engagement with language ideologies and inequality, examining the
diverse and unpredictable ways in which language form part of everyday
inequalities. The LIIA conference invites papers examining and
discussing issues within this context. Research presented at the
conference does not have to be directly based on work in the Arctic
area, but it should be clear how it is relevant to these contexts.
Call for Papers:
Language ideologies and inequality with a perspective on the Arctic
International conference at Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland),
Nuuk, Greenland
23-24 May 2024
The Arctic is a site of huge sociolinguistic changes. Historically,
different types of migration have led to complex sociolinguistic
situations with language ideologies and policies, implicitly or
explicitly, supporting certain linguistic practices while suppressing
others. This is evident in the way colonial powers have sought to
install certain languages as legitimate, e.g. through processes of
standardization, while others have been constructed as inferior and
perhaps even uncivilized and unfit for modern life. In many Arctic
regions indigenous languages are no longer the unmarked everyday
language, but this does not mean that they have lost their importance
as markers of identity and belonging, and at the same time, these
languages and dialects can gain new meaning and value. The linguistic
situation in the Arctic is furthermore impacted by modern processes of
globalization, mobility, and language contact, leading to new complex
sociolinguistic situations. Long distance labor migration to e.g.
Sápmi or Greenland leads to the presence of languages such as Arabic
and Tagalog, whereas English is ubiquitous as the global lingua franca
and as a prominent everyday language in many aspects of modern life,
also in the Arctic.
The contemporary sociolinguistic situation in the Arctic calls for an
engagement with language ideologies and inequality, examining the
diverse and unpredictable ways in which language form part of everyday
inequalities. The LIIA conference invites papers examining and
discussing issues within this context. Research presented at the
conference does not have to be directly based on work in the Arctic
area, but it should be clear how it is relevant to these contexts.
Invited plenary speakers:
• Hilde Sollid, Professor of Nordic linguistics, University of
Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
• David Britain, Professor of Modern English Linguistics,
University of Bern, Switzerland
• Sari Pietikäinen, Professor of Discourse Studies, University
of Jyväskylä, Finland
We welcome research from all areas of sociolinguistics and related
fields, such as discourse studies, linguistic anthropology and applied
Paper presentations are 20 minutes. There is no conference fee, and
the conference language will be English. Online presentations will not
be possible, while online attendance as audience is possible.
Important dates:
• 1 December 2023: Deadline for abstract submission
• 15 December 2023: Notification of paper acceptance
• 1 January 2024: Registration opens
• 1 April 2024: Registration closes
• 23-24 May 2024: Conference
For submission, please send an abstract of app. 300 words to
liia_conf at uni.gl.
In case of questions, please write to the organizers (Tikaajaat
Kristensen, Christoph Hare Svenstrup and Marie Maegaard), also at
liia_conf at uni.gl.
We look forward to welcoming you in Nuuk in May 2024!
Tikaajaat Kristensen, Christoph Hare Svenstrup and Marie Maegaard
Oqaatsinik Ilisimatusarfik, Kulturimik, Oqaatsinik
Oqaluttuarisaanermillu Ilisimatusarfik,
Centre for Language Research, Institute of Culture, Language and
University of Greenland.
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3068
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