34.3119, Calls: Seminar on Metaphor, Metonymy and their Interaction - 17th ESSE Conference
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3119. Fri Oct 20 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3119, Calls: Seminar on Metaphor, Metonymy and their Interaction - 17th ESSE Conference
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 20-Oct-2023
From: Robert Kiełtyka [rkieltyka at ur.edu.pl]
Subject: Seminar on Metaphor, Metonymy and their Interaction - 17th ESSE Conference
Full Title: Seminar on Metaphor, Metonymy and their Interaction - 17th
ESSE Conference
Short Title: Metaphor and metonymy - ESSE
Date: 26-Aug-2024 - 30-Aug-2024
Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Contact Person: Robert Kiełtyka
Meeting Email: rkieltyka at ur.edu.pl
Web Site: https://wp.unil.ch/esse2024/
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 31-Dec-2024
Call for Papers:
17th ESSE Conference
26-30 August 2024 in Lausanne, Switzerland
Call for Seminar Papers
ESSE 2024 Seminar on Conceptual Metaphor, Metonymy, and Their
[in person]
Almost three decades after Antonio Barcelona organized a seminar on
metaphor and metonymy at the ESSE conference in Debrecen (1997), it
seems apposite to take inventory of what insights we have gained in
the interim. By taking a cross-linguistic/cross-cultural perspective
(involving English, on which researchers have mostly concentrated so
far, and/or going beyond), the proposed seminar aims to provide a
comprehensive understanding of conceptual metaphor and metonymy and
how these mental processes interact in language, thought and culture.
By examining their fundamental principles, mechanisms, and
implications, the seminar will explore the intricate dynamics that
shape our conceptual systems.
Possible topics to be covered: interaction between metaphor and
metonymy; blending and integration of metaphor and metonymy in
conceptualization; complementary and contrasting roles of metaphor and
metonymy; case studies and empirical research on the interaction of
metaphor and metonymy; the role of metaphor/metonymy in shaping
cognition, language, and culture; cultural variation and context in
metaphor/metonymy usage; metaphor and metonymy from a multimodal
perspective; metaphor and metonymy in word-formation; analysis of
metaphor and metonymy in specialized discourse (e.g., politics,
business, science, advertising, film, religion)
Scholars wishing to contribute their papers to the seminar on
Conceptual Metaphor, Metonymy, and Their Interaction are invited to
submit 250-word abstracts of their proposed presentations and a brief
bio through the EasyChair platform
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esse2024metaphorandm by 31
January 2024. Please upload a pdf version of your abstract as well.
• Réka Benczes (Corvinus University, Budapest)
reka.benczes at uni-corvinus.hu
• Mario Brdar (University of Osijek) mbrdar at ffos.hr
• Robert Kiełtyka (University of Rzeszów) rkieltyka at ur.edu.pl
• Marcin Kudła (University of Rzeszów) mkudla at ur.edu.pl
• Goran Milić (University of Osijek) gmilic at ffos.hr
Submissions of individual seminar papers (via EasyChair platform): 31
January 2024
Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2024
Conference registration will begin on 1 March 2024
Conference dates: 26-30 August 2024
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3119
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