34.3170, Support: Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics: PhD, University of Edinburgh
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Wed Oct 25 01:05:02 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3170. Wed Oct 25 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3170, Support: Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics: PhD, University of Edinburgh
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Everett Green, Daniel Swanson, Maria Lucero Guillen Puon, Zackary Leech, Lynzie Coburn, Natasha Singh, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>
Date: 23-Oct-2023
From: Frank Keller [keller at inf.ed.ac.uk]
Subject: Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics: PhD, University of Edinburgh
Institution/Organization: University of Edinburgh
Department: School of Informatics
Web Address: https://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics;
Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation
School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
The Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation (ILCC) at the
University of Edinburgh invites applications for three-year PhD
studentships starting in September 2024. ILCC is dedicated to the
pursuit of basic and applied research on computational approaches to
language, communication and cognition.
Primary research areas include:
- Natural language processing and computational linguistics
- Machine Translation
- Speech technology
- Dialogue, multimodal interaction, language and vision
- Computational Cognitive Science, including language and speech,
decision-making, learning and generalization
- Social Media and Computational Social Science
- Human-Computer interaction, design informatics, assistive and
educational technology
- Information retrieval and visualization
Approximately 10 studentships from a variety of sources are available,
covering both maintenance at the research council rate of GBP 19,162
(2024/25 rates) per year and tuition fees. Awards increase every year,
typically with inflation. Studentships are available for UK, EU, and
non-EU nationals.
Applicants should have a strong undergraduate degree or equivalent in
computer science, cognitive science, AI, or a related discipline.
For a list of academic staff at ILCC with research areas, and for a
list of indicative PhD topics, please consult:
Details regarding the PhD programme and the application procedure can
be found at:
There are TWO DEADLINES for applications to receive full
round 1: 24th November 2023
round 2: 26th January 2024
The link to the application portal is linked below.
We strongly recommend that non-UK applicants submit their applications
in round 1, to maximise their chances of funding. Please direct
inquiries to the PhD admissions team at ilcc-admissions at inf.ed.ac.uk.
Application Deadline: 26-Jan-2024
Web Address for Applications: https://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/postgradua
Contact Information:
ilcc-admissions at inf.ed.ac.uk
Please consider donating to the Linguist List https://give.myiu.org/iu-bloomington/I320011968.html
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Edinburgh University Press www.edinburghuniversitypress.com
Elsevier Ltd http://www.elsevier.com/linguistics
Equinox Publishing Ltd http://www.equinoxpub.com/
European Language Resources Association (ELRA) http://www.elra.info
Georgetown University Press http://www.press.georgetown.edu
John Benjamins http://www.benjamins.com/
Lincom GmbH https://lincom-shop.eu/
Linguistic Association of Finland http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/sky/
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Multilingual Matters http://www.multilingual-matters.com/
Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG http://www.narr.de/
Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke (LOT) http://www.lotpublications.nl/
Oxford University Press http://www.oup.com/us
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3170
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