35.2208, Calls: International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA)-Panel: Time and temporalities in digitally mediated communication

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2208. Wed Aug 07 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2208, Calls: International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA)-Panel: Time and temporalities in digitally mediated communication

Moderator: Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 06-Aug-2024
From: Karina Frick [karina.frick at leuphana.de]
Subject: International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA)-Panel: Time and temporalities in digitally mediated communication

Full Title: International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA)-Panel: Time and
temporalities in digitally mediated communication
Short Title: IPrA2025

Date: 22-Jun-2025 - 27-Jun-2025
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Contact Person: Florian Busch (Bern) & Karina Frick (Lüneburg)
Meeting Email: florian.busch at unibe.ch
Web Site: https://pragmatics.international/page/Brisbane2025

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Discourse Analysis;
Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics

Call Deadline: 01-Nov-2024

Meeting Description:

International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA)-Panel: Time and
temporalities in digitally mediated communication

As a fundamental dimension of performed and experienced actions of all
kinds, time is central to any study of sociality and culture—including
linguistics (Munn, 1992). In this panel, we aim at innovative
theoretical and methodological approaches and empirical findings in
order to capture, explain and critically discuss the reciprocal
relations between time, language, and digital media. As a working
hypothesis, we assume that people’s communicative everyday life in the
post-modern era is characterized by an overlapping of diverse
temporalities on different scales, which is caused by the
multiplication of communicative involvement through digital
technologies (Hartmann et al., 2019; Prommer, 2019).

The role of time in these complex social formations is at least
twofold: As linguistic actions and communicative practices unfold in
time, we find temporal structures linked to media practices that
sometimes stretch communicative constellations into asynchrony,
sometimes enable synchronous co-presence despite spatial separation
(Androutsopoulos, 2024; Licoppe and Smoreda, 2006). On the one hand,
time and temporal structures in communicative action can thus be
experienced and modulated through digital media. On the other hand,
time appears as a semiotic resource with which actors consciously
shape their interactions. Digitally mediated communication is not only
carried out at a certain pace and integrated into everyday social
life; participants are also oriented towards various socially distinct
communicative rhythms and use them to indicate social
contextualization (Jones, 2013). The panel aims to also explore these
temporal agencies in digitally mediated communication.

Against this background, we will work on guiding questions at
different levels:

a) Temporal affordances and constraints: What temporal structures do
participants construct with the help of and in orientation to the
technological affordances and constraints of digital media? How are
digitally mediated interactions shaped in relation to these temporal
infrastructures, and how do these temporal contexts relate to
linguistic means and practices? How are communicative practices
adapted to these temporal affordances and constraints?

b) Temporal agencies: How do participants use digital media to develop
their social network in specific (overlapping) rhythms? What rhythmic
practices of social presence and absence do participants weave into
the course of their everyday mediatized social lives? How are semiotic
repertoires bound to temporal patterns when communicative practices
prototypically unfold in certain rhythms? How do people vary the
rhythms of their digital interactions to indicate discursive stances,
identities, or actions?

c) Temporal ideologies: How do people make sense of time and rhythm in
digitally mediated communication? How is time as a physical dimension
discursively translated into temporality as a socio-culturally
meaningful experience? How are metapragmatic ideologies of temporality
bound to particular media, addressees, and communicative practices?
What interrelations between language ideologies, media ideologies and
temporal ideologies can we observe?

The panel aims to answer and discuss these questions by adopting an
interdisciplinary perspective rooted in sociolinguistics, linguistic
anthropology, pragmatics, conversation analysis, and media

Call for Papers:

We invite submissions of abstracts (between 250 and 500 words) with a
clear connection to the call by 1 November 2024 via the IprA website
(https://ipra2025.exordo.com/). Select the panel “Time and
temporalities in digitally mediated communication” in step 4 “Topics”
of the submission process. For more information on abstract
submission, see https://pragmatics.international/page/CfP2025 or get
in touch with us directly.

Panel organizers
Florian Busch, University of Bern (florian.busch at unibe.ch)
Karina Frick, Leuphana University Lüneburg (karina.frick at leuphana.de)


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2208

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