35.2318, Calls: Varieties in Contact: Phenomena – Methods – Theories // Varietätenkontakt: Phänomene - Methoden - Theorien

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Sat Aug 24 02:05:02 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2318. Sat Aug 24 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2318, Calls: Varieties in Contact: Phenomena – Methods – Theories // Varietätenkontakt: Phänomene - Methoden - Theorien

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Date: 21-Aug-2024
From: Jones Anam [jones.anam at tu-dortmund.de]
Subject: Varieties in Contact: Phenomena – Methods – Theories // Varietätenkontakt: Phänomene - Methoden - Theorien

Full Title: Varieties in Contact: Phenomena – Methods – Theories //
Varietätenkontakt: Phänomene - Methoden - Theorien

Date: 04-Jun-2025 - 06-Jun-2025
Location: Dortmund, Germany
Contact Person: Jones Anam
Meeting Email: variationslinguistik.lid.fk15 at tu-dortmund.de
Web Site: https://germanistik.kuwi.tu-dortmund.de/variationslinguistik

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics;

Call Deadline: 15-Nov-2024

Meeting Description:

Worldwide, the vast majority of language varieties are in contact with
at least one other mutually intelligible variety in one way or
another. Scenarios of variety contact are numerous and multifaceted,
and range from the non-mobile dialect speaker who is confronted with
the standard variety via media consumption to the migrant worker in a
linguistically extremely diverse 'new town'. Variation – to name just
a few aspects – can be observed on the intra-individual level (one
person varies in their language use) and/or on the inter-individual
level (two people who do not share a common variety interact with each
other); migration may or may not be the cause of contact; and,
finally, the varieties involved in a given setting also differ in
terms of their status and their linguistic distance from each other.
What the different scenarios have in common is that contact between
the varieties involved typically entails specific dynamics. Examples
include the temporary linguistic adjustment to another person involved
in the conversation (accommodation) or language change processes
promoted/triggered by the contact (which is discussed in the
literature, for example, under the keywords convergence and

With the conference outlined here, we would like to focus on such
dynamics of variety contact. The understanding of the term variety
that we take as a basis is as broad as possible; contributions that
critically discuss the usefulness of the term are explicitly welcome.
The conference will focus on various phenomena from the entire
spectrum of the thematic area. Processes that go beyond mixing and
convergence by producing features that are not found in any of the
original varieties involved are of particular interest here (e.g.
interdialect formations). We also welcome contributions that
specifically deal with methods for the investigation of variety
contact. Extraterritorial varieties, for example, are particularly
challenging. Here, historical language forms and migration movements
are often of central importance for understanding the respective
language use – at the same time, however, these aspects are usually
difficult to ascertain (which is why they are sometimes neglected).
The same applies to concepts that are relevant for different settings
and defy simple operationalization; for example, the role of salience
in the process of levelling could be considered in this context).
Finally, the question also arises as to which theories can prove
fruitful to grasp the phenomena of variety contact. In that regard,
sociolinguistic and grammatical approaches will receive equal
consideration. An important question is whether approaches that have
been developed for language contact can be applied to variety contact
phenomena without further ado or to what extent language and variety
contact are even distinguishable at all.

The conference "Variety Contact: Phenomena – Methods – Theories" is
the concluding workshop of the project "The Dynamics of German in the
Multilingual Context of Southern Africa", which, among other things,
treats the question of the extent to which varieties of German in
Southern Africa are characterized by variety contact.

Invited Speakers:
Ulrike Freywald (Dortmund)
Daniel Schreier (Zürich)
Beat Siebenhaar (Leipzig)

Organisation: Jones Anam, Julia Dröpper, Horst Simon & Christian
TU Dortmund & FU Berlin

Call for Papers:

We invite researchers from all pertinent disciplines to submit
abstracts for 20 minute presentations (in German or English).
Abstracts should be anonymous and no longer than 500 words (plus
examples and references). Please e-mail your abstract to
variationslinguistik.lid.fk15 at tu-dortmund.de.

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 November 2024

Notification of acceptance: 13 December 2024

Registration for the conference: 13 December 2024 – 04 May 2025

Conference fee: tba


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2318

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