35.2339, Calls: 19th International Pragmatics Conference Panel - "Navigating media discourse: Communication, cognition and affect"

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Aug 29 04:05:06 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2339. Thu Aug 29 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2339, Calls: 19th International Pragmatics Conference Panel - "Navigating media discourse: Communication, cognition and affect"

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 27-Aug-2024
From: Pauline Madella [pauline.madella at beds.ac.uk]
Subject: 19th International Pragmatics Conference Panel - "Navigating media discourse: Communication, cognition and affect"

Full Title: 19th International Pragmatics Conference Panel -
"Navigating media discourse: Communication, cognition and affect"
Short Title: IPrA2025

Date: 22-Jun-2025 - 27-Jun-2025
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Contact Person: Pauline Madella
Meeting Email: pauline.madella at beds.ac.uk
Web Site: https://pragmatics.international/page/Brisbane2025

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; Discourse
Analysis; Pragmatics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)

Call Deadline: 01-Nov-2024

Meeting Description:

Join our IPrA 2025 panel on 'Navigating media discourse:
Communication, cognition and affect' (organized by Pauline Madella,
Ryoko Sasamoto, Julia Langkau) at the University of Queensland,
Brisbane, 22-27 June 2025.

Cognition and communication are intrinsic to the way we engage in mass
media and pop culture. Emotion and ‘affective effects’ are ubiquitous
aspects of these communicative phenomena, as they are exploited in
view of attracting the addressee(s)’s attention and focusing it on the
cognitive effects intended by the Speaker (de Saussure and Wharton,
2020). The proposed panel will discuss the intricate interaction
between communicators and (imagined) audience, ostension and
intention, and the affective side of cognition and communication to
focus on the rich communicative and expressive acts of communication
as reflected in popular culture worldwide, through digitally mediated
content (e.g. food porn), reality TV, the experience of art and the
affective-experiential meaning it entails (Langkau, 2024; Engisch and
Langkau, 2022). Indeed, an increasingly growing body of research has
been acknowledging the importance of this facet of communication (Alba
Juez and Haugh, 2024).

In relevance-theoretic terms, ostension and intention have been
discussed in relation to a number of continua: showing and meaning,
determinate and non-determinate, and propositional and
non-propositional (Sperber and Wilson, 2015; Carston and Wilson,
2019). In addition, there has been active discussion within relevance
theory to integrate expressive acts of communication into a theory of
utterance interpretation (Wharton and de Saussure, 2023; Madella and
Wharton, 2023; Wharton and Strey, 2019), while showing the benefit of
bringing affective sciences and cognitive sciences together (Wharton
et al., 2021). Furthermore, recent relevance-theoretic studies examine
communication in the current media landscape, beyond one-to-one
interaction (Forceville, 2020; Scott, 2022; Madella, 2024; Sasamoto,
2024a, 2024b; Yus, 2022).

The panel is primarily open to papers taking a relevance-theoretic
approach to utterance interpretation, but it is equally open to
discourse-based approaches in order to encourage an integrative
approach to pragmatics and a dynamic dialogue between and across
fields within and beyond the realm of pragmatics.

Call for Papers:

Join our IPrA 2025 panel on 'Navigating Media Discourse:
Communication, Cognition and Affect' at the University of Queensland,
Brisbane, 22-27 June 2025. If you are interested in contributing to
the panel, we'd like to invite you to submit your presentation
abstract via this link: IPC19 Call for Papers - International
Pragmatics Association

Deadline: 1 November 2024.

Any questions, get in touch at pauline.madella at beds.ac.uk

We look forward to reading your submissions!


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2339

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