35.3433, Calls: Sinn und Bedetung 30

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Wed Dec 4 22:05:04 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3433. Wed Dec 04 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.3433, Calls: Sinn und Bedetung 30

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 29-Nov-2024
From: Lennart Fritzsche [fritzsche at em.uni-frankfurt.de]
Subject: Sinn und Bedetung 30

Full Title: Sinn und Bedetung 30
Short Title: SuB30

Date: 23-Sep-2025 - 27-Sep-2025
Location: Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Contact Person: Lennart Fritzsche
Meeting Email: sub30 at vicom.info
Web Site: https://vicom.info/sub30/

Linguistic Field(s): Philosophy of Language; Pragmatics;
Psycholinguistics; Semantics

Call Deadline: 28-Feb-2025

Meeting Description:

*Sinn und Bedeutung 30* will take place at Goethe University Frankfurt
from September 23-27, 2025. The conference is jointly organized by the
Institute of Linguistics, the Institute of English and American
Studies, and the Institute of Philosophy. It will feature a three-day
main session (Sept. 24-26) and two one-day special sessions. Special
Session I is titled *Beyond Descriptive Meaning: The Semantics and
Pragmatics of Demonstrations* (LingDem) (Sept. 23) and will be held in
cooperation with the Priority Program ViCom. Special Session II will
be held in cooperation with the CRC NegLab and is titled
*Philosophical and Linguistic Approaches to Negation* (PhilLingNeg)
(Sept. 27). We are pleased to announce that we can offer
**interpretation between English and American Sign Language /
International Sign** for Special Session I (LingDem). A call in
International Sign will be available soon.

**Conference website:** https://vicom.info/sub30/
**Submission platform:**
**Email:** sub30 at vicom.info

**Invited speakers (main session):**
•       Magdalena Kaufmann (University of Connecticut)
•       Orin Percus (University of Nantes)
•       Julia Zakkou (University of Düsseldorf)

**Invited speakers (special sessions):**

*Beyond Descriptive Meaning: The Semantics and Pragmatics of
Demonstrations* (LingDem)
•       Floris Roelofsen (University of Amsterdam)
•       Website: https://vicom.info/sub30-lingdem/

*Philosophical and Linguistic Approaches to Negation* (PhilLingNeg)
•       Elena Herburger (Georgetown University)
•       Website: https://vicom.info/sub30-phillingneg/

**Important dates**
•       February 28, 2025: Submission deadline
•       May 16, 2025: Notification
•       June 2, 2025: Registration opens
•       September 23, 2025: Special Session LingDem
•       September 24-26, 2025: Main session
•       September 27, 2025: Special Session PhilLingNeg

Call for Papers:

**Call for abstracts**

We welcome abstract submissions for talks or posters on topics related
to natural language semantics, pragmatics, the syntax-semantics
interface, philosophy of language, and psycho-/neurolinguistic studies
related to meaning. We especially encourage contributions that
incorporate experimental evidence, although all submissions should aim
to advance a formal model of natural language semantics and
pragmatics. We welcome abstract submissions for talks or posters on
topics related to natural language semantics, pragmatics, the
syntax-semantics interface, philosophy of language, and
psycho-/neurolinguistic studies related to meaning. We especially
encourage contributions that incorporate experimental evidence,
although all submissions should aim to advance a formal model of
natural language semantics and pragmatics.

Abstracts must present original research that has neither been
published nor accepted for publication at the time of submission. Each
individual may submit a maximum of one abstract as a sole author and
one as a co-author (or two as a co-author) for both the main and
special sessions combined. Abstracts submitted for the special session
will also be considered for the main session.

Authors should indicate whether they would like their abstract to be
considered for a talk, a poster, or both.

Submissions should be anonymous and should not include any identifying

Abstracts should be formatted to fit within two pages (letter size or
A4 paper, with 2.54 cm or 1-inch margins on all sides, 12-point Times
New Roman font). An additional third page may be included exclusively
for references (mandatory), large figures or tables, and lines
corresponding to glosses and translations in non-English examples.
Examples, whether glossed or not, should be integrated into the main
text rather than collected at the end.

Abstracts must be submitted in PDF format via OpenReview by Friday,
February 28, 2025 (23:59 Central European Standard Time):

*Note that you will first need to create an author profile at
OpenReview and it may take some time before your account gets fully
activated and ready for submission. Please make sure to do so as soon
as possible in order to ensure that your account is active before the
submission deadline.*


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3433

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