35.3447, Books: (Proto-)Indo-Iranian: historical phonology and basic lexicon: Polshin (2024)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3447. Thu Dec 05 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 35.3447, Books: (Proto-)Indo-Iranian: historical phonology and basic lexicon: Polshin (2024)
Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Joel Jenkins <joel at linguistlist.org>
Date: 03-Dec-2024
From: Ulrich Lueders [contact at lincom.eu]
Subject: (Proto-)Indo-Iranian: historical phonology and basic lexicon: Polshin (2024)
Title: (Proto-)Indo-Iranian: historical phonology and basic lexicon
Series Title: LINCOM Language Research 14
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: LINCOM
Book URL:
Author: Simeon Polshin
Paperback: ISBN: 9783969391921 Pages: 122 Price: Europe EURO 74.80
Within the list of approx. 180 selected basic meanings such as
‘black’, ‘hand’, ‘rain’ etc, a lexical database of approx. 45
Indo-Iranian languages, including such rarely accessed ones as Dardic
and Nuristani, is prepared. By applying the methods of historical
linguistics, this lexical database allows answering the following
1. Internal classification of Indo-Iranian languages using
quantitative methods. This includes the following topics. 1.1. New
subgroup of Indo-Iranian languages of those called “outer” ones is
detected. 1.2. It is shown that Dardic, Nuristani and “outer”
languages form a separate sub-branch of Indo-Iranian more close to
Indo-Aryan (in the strict sense) than to Iranian
2. Areal relations between these three sub-branches of Indo-Iranian
are studied using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Two major
directions of areal influences are found. 2.1. Iranian influence on
Dardic, possibly as a by-product of Islamization. 2.2. Early
Indo-Aryan influence on Dardic-Nuristani-“outer” languages, possibly
on their common ancestor.
3. Historical phonology of Indo-Iranian languages is studied for
the first time on its own right, not simply as an exponent of the
assumed Proto-Indo-European one. Rows of regular phonemic
correspondences between Indo-Iranian languages are identified and the
phonemic values of proto-phonemes lying behind these rows are
discussed, in particular the nature of Indo-Iranian aspirated stops,
and the reflex of Indo-European palato-alveolar *k’.
4. Within the above-mentioned list of basic meanings,
Proto-Indo-Iranian basic lexicon is reconstructed in the form of
approx. 400 proto-roots; only about 150 of them have reflexes both in
Sanskrit and Avestan, which justify the need to go beyond the usual
Sanskrit-Avestan comparisons. Etymological dictionaries of concrete
Indo-Iranian languages such as Sanskrit, Ossetic, and Khotanese, are
extensively used.
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Historical Linguistics
Written In: English (eng)
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