35.3458, Calls: Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 31

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Fri Dec 6 04:05:05 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3458. Fri Dec 06 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.3458, Calls: Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 31

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 02-Dec-2024
From: Dorian Roehrs [roehrs at unt.edu]
Subject: Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 31

Full Title: Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 31
Short Title: GLAC 31

Date: 02-May-2025 - 03-May-2025
Location: Denton, TX, USA
Contact Person: Dorian Roehrs
Meeting Email: roehrs at unt.edu
Web Site: https://linguistics.unt.edu/glac2025

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics

Call Deadline: 01-Feb-2025

Meeting Description:

Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference brings together a large number
of scholars and students from around the world to share their latest
research on the historical and modern varieties of the Germanic
languages. Papers cover a wide range of academic fields from the core
areas of linguistics to issues relating to sociolinguistics, first and
second language acquisition, language teaching, language contact, and
language change.

Call for Papers:

We invite faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars to
submit abstracts to Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 31. GLAC
2025 will take place in person at the University of North Texas from
Friday, May 2 to Saturday, May 3, 2025. Preceding the main sessions of
GLAC, there will be a workshop on computational linguistics on
Thursday, May 1.

Papers may be on any aspect of any historical or modern Germanic
language or dialect, including English (up to the Early Modern period)
and the extraterritorial varieties. Papers from the full range of
linguistic and philological subfields, including phonetics, phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics,
stylistics, language variation, language typology, metrics, first and
second language acquisition, foreign language education, language
contact and language change, as well as differing theoretical
perspectives, are welcome.

All participants may submit a maximum of two abstracts, including one
abstract for a single-authored paper and one for a co-authored paper.
Accepted papers will be scheduled for 30-minute presentations (a
20-minute talk, followed by a 10-minute question-and-answer period).
All abstracts will undergo anonymous peer review.

Abstracts must be submitted electronically in PDF format by February
1, 2025. They should be anonymous, a maximum of one single-spaced page
(including references), and in standard 12-point font. They should be
submitted through EasyAbs at:

Notification of acceptance will be sent by March 1, 2025.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3458

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