35.3500, Calls: English based; English; Applied Linguistics / TESOL Quarterly (Jrnl)
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Sat Dec 7 09:05:02 UTC 2024
LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3500. Sat Dec 07 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 35.3500, Calls: English based; English; Applied Linguistics / TESOL Quarterly (Jrnl)
Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>
Date: 03-Dec-2024
From: Mohammad R. Hashemi [hashemi_ili at yahoo.com]
Subject: English based; English; Applied Linguistics / TESOL Quarterly (Jrnl)
Call for Abstracts:
Mixed Methods Research in TESOL
Deadline for abstract submissions: Friday, 31 January 2025
Deadline for full paper submissions: Friday, 1 August 2025
Mixed methods research (MMR) is now prevalent in the social and human
sciences. This methodological approach has opened up ample opportunity
for researchers to explore more complex research issues using
versatile and innovative research designs. Despite the growing
interest in using MMR in TESOL, there is still room for discussions of
and contributions to mixing qualitative and quantitative methods in
terms of design suitability, design novelty, integration quality, and
interpretive rigor. To address this critical need, the 2026 Special
Topic Issue of TESOL Quarterly intends to create a space for
contributions that explore various aspects of MMR in TESOL including,
but not limited to, epistemological, methodological, and quality
issues related to mixed methods studies. Additionally, this special
issue would potentially contribute to the ongoing discussion of open
scholarship in TESOL. We welcome abstracts on a variety of topics that
can shed light on the potential uses of MMR and advance the use of
mixed methods in TESOL research. Thus, we invite papers on a wide
range of topics related to MMR, including:
- empirical studies that use advanced or innovative MMR designs to
explore topics of significance and relevance to a diverse set of L2
teaching and learning contexts (e.g., using innovative integration of
MMR and other research methods;
- employing innovative data collection, analysis, and integration
methods, for instance, by bringing together arts-based or
arts-informed research and MMR; etc.);
- methodologically-oriented articles that directly address MMR and
the use of emerging technologies in TESOL research (e.g.,
technology-assisted mixed; methods data collection, automated/AI-based
data analysis, AI-generated visual displays, technology-assisted mixed
methods corpus analysis, etc.);
- theoretical papers that address important aspects of MMR in TESOL
(e.g., design suitability, data integration strategies, quality and
rigor, meta-inferences); and
- systematic reviews of MMR studies in TESOL.
Empirical studies that utilize MMR to explore a research problem in
the field should include the rationale for mixing, illustrate the
integration method, preferably employ an advanced or innovative MMR
design, and present sufficient information about the MMR design and
its application in TESOL.
The guidelines for abstract submissions and the submission link can be
found at the web page below:
Guest Editors:
Mohammad R. Hashemi
Associate Professor, Kharazmi University,
Tehran, Iran
A. Mehdi Riazi
Professor, Hamad Bin Khalifa University,
Doha, Qatar;
and Honorary Professor of Macquarie University
Tentative Timeline:
Abstracts due: January 31, 2025
Short-listed abstracts announced: February 15, 2025
Full papers due: August 1, 2025
Reviews sent to authors: October 31, 2025
Final revisions due: January 1, 2026
Final papers to TQ editors: March 31, 2026
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3500
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