35.3646, Confs: 31st Manchester Phonology Meeting

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Sun Dec 22 05:05:02 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3646. Sun Dec 22 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.3646, Confs: 31st Manchester Phonology Meeting

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 21-Dec-2024
From: Patrick Honeybone [patrick.honeybone at ed.ac.uk]
Subject: 31st Manchester Phonology Meeting

31st Manchester Phonology Meeting
Short Title: 31mfm

Date: 29-May-2025 - 31-May-2025
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom
Contact: Patrick Honeybone
Contact Email: patrick.honeybone at ed.ac.uk
Meeting URL: http://www.lel.ed.ac.uk/mfm/31mfm.html

Linguistic Field(s): Phonology

Meeting Description:

The Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm) is the UK's biennial phonology
conference, with an international set of organisers. It has been held
in Manchester in late May since 1993. The meeting has become a key
conference for phonologists from all over the world, where anyone who
declares themselves to be interested in phonology can submit an
abstract on anything phonological in any phonological framework. In an
informal atmosphere, we discuss a broad range of topics, including the
phonological description of languages, issues in phonological theory,
aspects of phonological acquisition and implications of phonological

Deadline for abstracts: 10th February 2025

A CALL FOR PAPERS is available here:


Details (e.g., of the invited speakers, the abstract submission system
etc) will be added to the conference website as they are confirmed.

More information can be found on our website.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3646

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