35.115, Calls: 45th Colloquium of the International Society for Functional Linguistics

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Tue Jan 9 15:05:07 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-115. Tue Jan 09 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.115, Calls: 45th Colloquium of the International Society for Functional Linguistics

Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>

Date: 08-Jan-2024
From: Eva Nováková [eva.novakova at upce.cz]
Subject:  45th Colloquium of the International Society for Functional Linguistics

Full Title:  45th Colloquium of the International Society for
Functional Linguistics
Short Title: SILF

Date: 02-Oct-2024 - 05-Oct-2024
Location: Olomouc, Czech Republic
Contact Person: Magdaléna Lapúniková
Meeting Email: silf2024 at upol.cz

Linguistic Field(s): Discipline of Linguistics; General Linguistics;
Linguistic Theories; Morphology; Sociolinguistics
Subject Language(s): Czech (ces)
                     English (eng)
                     French (fra)

Call Deadline: 31-Mar-2024

Meeting Description:

Colloquium of the International Society for Functional Linguistics
(SILF – Société Internationale de Linguistique Fonctionnelle)
traditionally gathers philologists and researchers in functional
linguistics from all around the world. The 45th year of this
significant meeting takes place in the Czech Republic at Palacký
University in Olomouc, Faculty of Arts, on 2–5 October 2024.

In close collaboration with the SILF office, the organizers from
Palacký University have defined two main conference topics – "Language
and Media" and "Europe of Languages". Additionally, the conference
participants are invited to present their papers in the thematic
session called "Grammaticalization and Dynamic Synchrony" and in the
workshop devoted to semiotics, as well as to introduce individual
topics broadening horizons in various linguistic disciplines.

Call for Papers:

The main topics of the conference include:

-       Language and Media
-       Europe of Languages
-       Grammaticalization and Dynamic Synchrony

In addition to these thematic sessions, the conference participants
are invited to present their own individual topics. The abstracts are
to be sent to silf2024 at upol.cz by March 31, 2024. They should not
exceed the A4 page size and must contain the following: title; name of
the participant; affiliation; e-mail address. Please specify whether
your paper is proposed for the main thematic sessions, or it concerns
an individual topic. The notification of acceptance can be expected in
May 2024.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-115

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