35.1972, Calls: Congressus XIV Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (The 14th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies)

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Mon Jul 8 18:05:04 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1972. Mon Jul 08 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.1972, Calls: Congressus XIV Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (The 14th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies)

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Date: 03-Jul-2024
From: Marili Tomingas [marili.tomingas at ut.ee]
Subject: Congressus XIV Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (The 14th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies)

Full Title: Congressus XIV Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (The 14th
International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies)
Short Title: CIFU XIV

Date: 18-Aug-2025 - 23-Aug-2025
Location: Tartu, Estonia
Contact Person: Marili Tomingas
Meeting Email: marili.tomingas at ut.ee
Web Site: cifu14.ut.ee

Linguistic Field(s): Discipline of Linguistics; General Linguistics;
Ling & Literature; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Typology
Subject Language(s): Estonian (est)
                     Finnish (fin)
                     Hungarian (hun)
                     Komi-Zyrian (kpv)
                     Sami, Inari (smn)
Language Family(ies): Uralic

Call Deadline: 30-Sep-2024

Meeting Description:

Congressus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (CIFU) is the biggest
international Finno-Ugric event, bringing together hundreds of
participants from different countries. The 14th CIFU will take place
in August 2025 at the University of Tartu and the main organizer is
University of Tartu Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics.

Since 1960, the International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies
(Congressus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, CIFU) has been organized
every five years, the congress develops the collaboration and contacts
between Finno-Ugric researchers  and others interested in Finno-Ugric
nations, languages, cultures, literature, and ethnography. CIFU is the
biggest international Finno-Ugric event, bringing together hundreds of
participants from different countries.

The last congress had been originally scheduled for 2020, but took
place two years later, in August 2022 in Vienna, due to the COVID
pandemic. At the meeting of the International Committee it was decided
that the next congress will take place in Tartu and will return to the
original schedule. Thus, CIFU XIV in Tartu will take place on August
18–23, 2025. Tartu also hosted the congress 25 years ago in 2000.

The programme of the conference will consist of plenary talks, general
session, and symposia, in addition, there will be receptions and
excursions organized for the guests.

The main organizer of the 14th CIFU is University of Tartu Institute
of Estonian and General Linguistics, and the president of the congress
is University of Tartu Professor of Finno-Ugric Languages, Gerson
Klumpp. More information on the congress will be published on the
website cifu14.ut.ee

Call for Papers:

Please find a 2nd Circular for CIFU XIV, 2025 in Tartu, on the
homepage of the Congress: https://cifu14.ut.ee/2nd-circular/

The circular includes the Call for Abstracts to symposia, general and
poster session. There are nineteen symposia in four different
categories: A. Discipline-related approaches; B. Linguistics; C.
Ethnology, religion, and folklore; and D. History, prehistory, and
archaeology. The symposia descriptions are available at

We are also looking forward to the abstracts for the general session
(all kind of Finno-Ugric-related topics are welcome!).
Guidelines for abstract submission are spelled out in the circular.
The deadline for abstract submission is September 30th 2024.
Notification of review results are expected by 1st of December 2024.

Please feel free to share the call to your colleagues!


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1972

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