35.2019, Calls: Discourse-Pragmatic Variation in Postcolonial English Contexts (DVPEC) - International Workshop

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Fri Jul 12 20:05:02 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2019. Fri Jul 12 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2019, Calls: Discourse-Pragmatic Variation in Postcolonial English Contexts (DVPEC) - International Workshop

Moderator: Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>

LINGUIST List is hosted by Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences.

Date: 11-Jul-2024
From: College for Social Sciences and Humanities | University Alliance Ruhr [communications at college-uaruhr.de]
Subject: Discourse-Pragmatic Variation in Postcolonial English Contexts (DVPEC) - International Workshop

Full Title: Discourse-Pragmatic Variation in Postcolonial English
Contexts (DVPEC) - International Workshop
Short Title: DVPEC 2025 | UA Ruhr

Date: 06-Feb-2025 - 07-Feb-2025
Location: Essen, Germany
Contact Person: Foluke Unuabonah
Meeting Email: unuabonahf at run.edu.ng
Web Site: https://www.college-uaruhr.de/news-events/calls-vacancies/cf

Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis; General Linguistics;

Call Deadline: 15-Oct-2024

Meeting Description:

Postcolonial English contexts, mostly found in African, Asian, and
Caribbean communities, involve multilingual and multicultural
contexts, which are marked by the influence of ethnic languages and
cultures on the variety of English spoken in these parts, due to
previous colonial contact (Anchimbe, 2018). Such influence may be
reflected in the borrowing of discourse-pragmatic elements, including
address terms, interjections, and politeness markers from local
languages into English, refunctionalisation of English speech acts,
pragmatic markers and contextualisation cues, and discursive
constructions of social roles, identities, and ethnic orientations
(Anchimbe & Janney, 2011; Meierkord & Isingoma, 2021; Gut & Unuabonah,
in press). Although different theoretical approaches have been
instrumental in elucidating processes involved in discourse-pragmatic
variation within these communicative interactions, there is still a
limited focus on discourse-pragmatic variation in these contexts. This
workshop aims to bring together scholars who are interested in
discussing theoretical approaches, methodologies, and
discourse-pragmatic items implicated in discourse-pragmatic variation
in a wide variety of communicative interactions within postcolonial
English contexts.

Call for Papers:

Scholars are invited to submit abstracts of about 500 words (excluding
references) for 20-minute talks on any aspect of discourse-pragmatic
variation in different postcolonial English contexts, not later than
15 October 2024 to application at college-uaruhr.de. Please indicate
whether you would like to give an online presentation or join the
workshop in person.



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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2019

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