35.2093, Calls: Applied Linguistics / Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes - "Generative Artificial Intelligence in Writing for Scholarly Publication" (Jrnl)

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Tue Jul 23 02:05:07 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2093. Tue Jul 23 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2093, Calls: Applied Linguistics / Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes - "Generative Artificial Intelligence in Writing for Scholarly Publication" (Jrnl)

Moderator: Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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LINGUIST List is hosted by Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences.

Date: 21-Jul-2024
From: Pejman Habibie [habibiepezhman at gmail.com]
Subject: Applied Linguistics / Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes - "Generative Artificial Intelligence in Writing for Scholarly Publication" (Jrnl)

Call for Papers:

Open Call for Special Issue Proposals

Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes (JERPP)

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Writing for Scholarly

We are seeking proposals for a special issue (2025) of the Journal of
English for Research Publication Purposes on generative artificial
intelligence (GAI) and writing for scholarly publication. The
emergence, rapid advancement, and utilization of GAI technologies in
academia have given rise to interesting and controversial discourses
across a wide range of disciplines and domains. Similarly, in Applied
Linguistics in general and English for Research Publication Purposes
in particular, the introduction of Large Language Models (LLMs), a
GAI-powered technology capable of natural language generation (e.g.,
ChatGPT), has aroused both high hopes and serious concerns regarding
the use of such technologies in scientific research and writing for
scholarly publication. Consequently, there is an urgent need to
explore and conceptualize the impact of GAI technologies on the
policy, practice, and pedagogy of writing for scholarly publication at
institutional, local, and global levels.

Accordingly, we invite proposals on this timely topic for a special
issue in 2025. The special issue aims to examine the implications of
GAI technologies for different aspects of knowledge production and
dissemination in the current knowledge economy, including (but not
limited to):
 - Discursive and socio-rhetorical aspects of scholarly publication
 - Gatekeeping systems
 - Social justice in global knowledge economy, and the dynamics
between the Global North and Global South
 - Pedagogy and mentorship of writing for scholarly publication
 - Integrity of knowledge and ethics of scholarship
 - Scholarly publication practices of novice scholars and
under-represented demographics
 - Predatory and illegitimate practices and risks
 - Theory and research in the field of English for Research
Publication Purposes

We encourage interdisciplinary approaches and proposals that address
diversity and inclusion within the context of GAI in scholarly

Proposal Submission Guidelines: Interested guest editors are expected
to submit a complete proposal (not more than 600 words) including
plans, topics, potential contributors and their affiliations,
timelines , and their CVs for the special issue. Please ensure that
proposals are detailed and adhere to the journal's guidelines
regarding different manuscript types (e.g., full-length papers,
perspectives, book reviews).

Expected Timeline:

Proposal submission: August 15th, 2024
Proposal acceptance: September 10th, 2024
Publication of the special issue: April 30th, 2025

Please send your proposals and inquiries to Pejman Habibie at
phabibie at uwo.ca (CC Sue Starfield at s.starfield at unsw.edu.au). For
detailed guidelines on manuscript types and preparation, please
consult the journal website.


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Multilingual Matters http://www.multilingual-matters.com/

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2093

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