35.2096, Calls: Applied Linguistics / International Journal of Language Studies (IJLS) - "Applied Linguistics Today: Research Issues and Trends across Asia and the World" (Jrnl)

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2096. Tue Jul 23 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2096, Calls: Applied Linguistics / International Journal of Language Studies (IJLS) - "Applied Linguistics Today: Research Issues and Trends across Asia and the World" (Jrnl)

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Date: 21-Jul-2024
From: Hjalmar Hernandez [hphernandez1 at up.edu.ph]
Subject: Applied Linguistics / International Journal of Language Studies (IJLS) - "Applied Linguistics Today: Research Issues and Trends across Asia and the World" (Jrnl)

Call for Papers:

Call for Full Papers for the Guest–Edited Volume of the International
Journal of Language Studies

Theme: Applied Linguistics Today: Research Issues and Trends across
Asia and the World

Applied linguistics is a burgeoning field in the 21st
century–investigating language development and use in the everyday
world (Conrad et al., 2021). Across contexts in Asia and the world
today, the discipline is beset with new issues and trends requiring
studies that offer solutions and answers to specific language-related
problems (American Association for Applied Linguistics, 2024; Brumfit,
1995). In line with the existing issues and trends, applied
linguistics scholars and researchers are responsible for endeavoring
research studies–for applied linguistics’ global advancement. As such,
research in applied linguistics is significant and inevitable as it is
instrumental for broadening and deepening the discipline not only in
countries in Asia but also in nations in other parts of the world
where it is flourishing.

For these reasons, this call for papers aims to provide timely and
invaluable studies in applied linguistics. It invites scholars and
researchers all over Asia and the world to contribute empirical,
quantitative, qualitative, and well-written papers for the
guest-edited volume of the International Journal of Language Studies
(indexed in Scopus). The volume is themed as Applied Linguistics
Today: Research Issues and Trends across Asia and the World for
publication in 2026. Submitted papers are expected to be original
research articles which (1) investigate unexplored or underexplored
issues and trends and (2) offer new findings, principles, approaches,
or perspectives (International Journal of Language Studies [IJLS],
2007) in applied linguistics.

Research Areas
Papers addressing topics on the following research areas are welcome:
Academic Writing and Second Language Writing, Artificial Intelligence
and Technology in Language Education, Bilingualism and
Multilingualism, Computer-Mediated Communication, Discourse Analysis,
English for Academic Purposes, English for Science and Technology,
English for Occupational Purposes, English for Research Publication
Purposes, Forensic Linguistics, Global Englishes, Grammar, Language
Planning and Policy, Language Teacher Education, Linguistic
Stylistics, Psycholinguistics, Second Language Acquisition,
Sociolinguistics, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and

Submission Guidelines
In submitting papers, prospective authors need to adhere to IJLS
Author Guidelines that can be accessed here:
http://ijls.net/pages/authguide.html. The journal’s instructions on
paper submission should be strictly followed. All papers will undergo
double-blind independent peer reviews. Authors should submit their
papers by email (following the subject format–Complete Submission
Packet_RA_Last Name of the Author, First Name Initial of the Author.
Middle Name Initial of the Author._IJLS Guest-Edited Volume 2026) to
guest editor’s email address, hphernandez1 at up.edu.ph. If authors are a
group, only the corresponding author should do the submission. Authors
should observe the journal’s Code of Conduct that can be read here:
http://ijls.net/pages/ethics.html. They can find the Frequently Asked
Questions here: http://ijls.net/pages/faq.html.

Important Dates
Submission deadline of research articles  January 28, 2025
Feedback on research articles              April 28, 2025
Submission of revised research articles    July 28, 2025
Feedback on revised research articles      September 28, 2025
Submission of final research articles      November 28, 2025
Publication of research articles                  2026

For inquiries, contact the guest editor by sending email to
hphernandez1 at up.edu.ph.

Guest Editor
Hjalmar Punla Hernandez is an Associate Professor at the Department of
Humanities–Language Division, University of the Philippines Los Baños,
where he has received multiple International (Research) Publication
Awards. He earned his PhD in Applied Linguistics from the Philippine
Normal University, the Philippines’ National Center for Teacher
Education. He has continuously served as expert reviewer in various
international applied linguistics journals since 2018. In 2019, he
bagged the Outstanding (Research) Paper Award at The Education
University of Hong Kong. His research publications have appeared in
Asian Englishes, International Journal of Language Studies, Journal of
Research in Applied Linguistics, and LEARN Journal: Language Education
and Acquisition Research Network, among others.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2096

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