35.1641, Confs: The 24th International Conference of the Department of Linguistics: Approaches to Language: Data, Interpretations, Theories

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1641. Mon Jun 03 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.1641, Confs: The 24th International Conference of the Department of Linguistics: Approaches to Language: Data, Interpretations, Theories

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Date: 21-May-2024
From: Carmen Mîrzea Vasile [colocviu.lingvistica.2024 at gmail.com]
Subject: The 24th International Conference of the Department of Linguistics: Approaches to Language: Data, Interpretations, Theories 

The 24th International Conference of the Department of Linguistics:
Approaches to Language: Data, Interpretations, Theories
Short Title: CIDL24

Date: 15-Nov-2024 - 16-Nov-2024
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Contact: Monica Vasileanu
Contact Email: colocviu.lingvistica.2024 at gmail.com
Meeting URL: https://litere.ro/cidl-en/

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Morphology; Phonetics;
Pragmatics; Syntax

Meeting Description:

The International Conference of the Department of Linguistics is an
annual scientific event aimed at fostering dialogue among scholars
across diverse linguistic fields. The current edition, centered around
the theme Approaches to Language: Data, Interpretations, Theories,
features six sections and three workshops.

🏛 The conference is organized by:

The Departament of Linguistics;

The Centre for Romanian Studies;

The Centre for Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (CLTA);

The „Solomon Marcus” Centre for Computational Linguistics within the
Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest. București.

Date: 15–16 November 2024

Venue: Faculty of Letters (University of Bucharest), 5-7 Edgar Quinet
St., Bucharest, Romania

Abstract submission: 15 september 2024

Notification of acceptance: 1 october 2024

Conference fee: 300 RON (60 euro); 150 RON (30 euro) for PhD students
and online participants

📢 Keynote speakers:

Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm (University of Stockholm)

Nikolaos Lavidas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Francisco Yus (University of Alicante)

 📑 Thematic sections:

– morphology, syntax, phonetics, and phonology;

– pragmatics and stylistics;

– lexicology and lexicography, semantics, and terminology;

– history of language, philology, and dialectology;

– teaching Romanian as a mother tongue;

– teaching a foreign language (Romanian or another language).

📇 Workshops:

 Digital language and online communication, convenors: Bianca Alecu,
Andra Vasilescu
 Romanian as a heritage language, convenors: Alexandru Mardale, Elena
 Special definites, demonstratives, and pronouns, convenors: Ion
Giurgea, Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin

🟢 Scientific committee:

Gabriel Bărdășan (Western University of Timișoara)

Roxana-Magdalena Bârlea (Aix-Marseille Université & Institute of the
Romanian Language & Bucharest University of Economic Studies)

Gabriela Biriș (University of Bucharest)

Adrian Chircu (“Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca)

Adina Dragomirescu (The “Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti” Institute
of Linguistics & University of Bucharest)

Benjamin Fagard (CNRS, ENS & Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle;

Alexandru Gafton (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași)

Ionuț Geană (The “Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti” Institute of
Linguistics & University of Bucharest)

Mihaela Gheorghe (Transilvania University of Brașov & The “Iorgu
Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics)

Emil Ionescu (University of Bucharest)

Adam Ledgeway (University of Cambridge)

Martin Maiden (Oxford University & University of Bucharest)

Alexandru Mardale (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations
Orientales, Paris & CNRS, SeDyL)

Roberto Merlo (Università degli Studi di Torino)

Isabela Nedelcu (University of Bucharest & The “Iorgu Iordan –
Alexandru Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics)

Alexandru Nicolae (The “Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti” Institute of
Linguistics & University of Bucharest)

Mihaela Cecilia Popescu (University of Craiova & The “Iorgu Iordan –
Alexandru Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics)

Răzvan Săftoiu (Transilvania University of Brașov)

Florentina Sâmihăian (University of Bucharest)

Adriana Stoichițoiu-Ichim (University of Bucharest)

Emanuela Timotin (The “Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti” Institute of

Salvador Valera (Universidad de Granada)

Andra Vasilescu (University of Bucharest & The “Iorgu Iordan –
Alexandru Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics)

Malinka Velinova (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”)

Rodica Zafiu (University of Bucharest & The “Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru
Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics)

Approaches to Language: Data, Interpretations, Theories (Bucharest,
15–16 November 2024)

Venue: Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, 5-7 Edgar Quinet
St., Bucharest, Romania

Conference website: https://litere.ro/cidl

As in the previous years, we intend to cover a wide range of topics,
comprising various domains
and directions of research in the study of Romanian and theoretical
linguistics, bringing together
researchers from Romania and abroad.
We encourage presentations in, but not restricted to the following
- morphology, syntax, phonetics, and phonology;
- pragmatics and stylistics;
- lexicology and lexicography, semantics, and terminology;
- history of language, philology, and dialectology;
- teaching Romanian as a mother tongue;
- teaching a foreign language (Romanian or other language).
Keynote speakers:
Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm (University of Stockholm)
Nikolaos Lavidas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Francisco Yus (University of Alicante)
Three hybrid workshops will take place during the conference:
1. Digital language and online communication, convenors: Bianca Alecu,
Andra Vasilescu;
2. Romanian as a heritage language, convenors: Alexandru Mardale,
Elena Soare;
3. Special definites, demonstratives, and pronouns, convenors: Ion
Giurgea, Carmen
Conference languages: Romanian, English, French.
Abstracts no longer than two pages, including references, should be
submitted by 15 September
2024. For thematic sessions, abstracts should be sent to
colocviu.lingvistica.2024 at gmail.com.
For workshops, abstracts should follow
the guidelines found in the workshop’s description. Notifications of
acceptance will be sent on
1 October 2024. Only the workshops will be held in a hybrid format;
the rest of the conference
will be in-person.
Presentations will be scheduled for 30 minute slots (20 minutes
presentation followed by 10
minutes for discussions).
Conference fee: 60€ (or 300 RON) for faculty members; 30€ (or 150 RON)
for doctoral
students and online participants.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1641

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