35.1669, Calls: XXV International Conference of AITLA - Language Simplification for Communication: Technologies in Context

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1669. Fri Jun 07 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.1669, Calls: XXV International Conference of AITLA - Language Simplification for Communication: Technologies in Context

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Date: 01-Jun-2024
From: Paola Leone [paola.leone at unisalento.it]
Subject: XXV International Conference of AITLA - Language Simplification for Communication: Technologies in Context

Full Title: XXV International Conference of AITLA - Language
Simplification for Communication: Technologies in Context

Date: 19-Feb-2025 - 21-Feb-2025
Location: University of Macerta (Italy), Italy
Contact Person: Francesca Chiusaroli
Meeting Email: f.chiusaroli at unimc.it
Web Site: https://sites.google.com/unimc.it/xxv-congresso-aitla/AItLA2

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Computational Linguistics;
Linguistic Theories; Pragmatics

Call Deadline: 15-Jul-2024

Meeting Description:

It is the XXV International Conference of AITLA (Associazione Italiana
di Linguistica Applicata; http://www.aitla.it/).

AITLA is a member of AILA (International Association of Applied

AItLA welcomes submissions in Italian, English, French.

Call for Papers:

In an age characterized by the vast availability of information, the
variety of communicative contexts, and the multiplicity of individuals
involved in public communication spanning the place, time, and status
variables, language simplification is essential to ensure clarity and
broad access to ideas, notions, and concepts, thereby facilitating
their cognitive processing.

Drawing on a well-established tradition (including works by De Mauro
1980, Bombi 2017, 2021, Cortelazzo 2021, Piemontese 2023),
simplification in communication is confronted with the pivotal role of
technologies and digital platforms, which serve as primary, if not
exclusive, conduits for communication.

Using methodologies substantiated across different contexts and
historical periods (Poli 1990, 2023), and leveraging the technological
dimensions of language use, simplification includes tools for
organizing knowledge logically, models for managing access to
information and  strategies for interacting under 'unequal' conditions
(Orletti 2020, Caruso-Maffia 2023), within a global framework
integrating diverse languages and communication modalities.

This Conference aims to gather both theoretical-methodological and
applied contribution.
On the one hand, we welcome clarifications of the theoretical
construct of simplification and explorations of its research
applications. This implies contextualizing simplification within
contiguous concepts such as clarity, accessibility, transparency,
linearity, and brevity, but also  identifying or developing theories
and tools to investigate oral and written communication exchanges in
such a way as to capture relevant linguistic markers for analysis and

On the other hand, the Conference aims to delve into the unbreakable
relationship between simplification and linguistic complexity across
various contexts and modes. This entails highlighting the different
forms of communication and levels of language affected by
simplification, and examining different approaches and perspectives
(i.e. textual, discursive, and interactional).

The Conference’s strands are as follows:
 1) Simplification for Communication and Dissemination:
Addressing the challenge of making messages accessible across
different communication contexts, particularly in online environments,
to bridge the knowledge gap and enhance comprehension.
 2) Discourse in Interaction, Computer-mediated Multimodal
Exploring simplification in oral and written discursive online
interactions, focusing on adaptability to the audience's knowledge and
skills, and its impact on conversational rules and content
 3) Automatic Natural Language Processing of and Artificial
Investigating text simplification in correlation with readability
levels using computational methods, and exploring tools and generative
environments – including Large Language Models – to cater to diverse
audience needs,.
 4) Tools and Methods for Accessibility and Inclusion in Different
Examining language simplification as a response to communication
diversity and communication barriers – particularly for people with
disabilities – and the role of technology in facilitating inclusion
and participation in cultural events.

In line with the Conference's strands, proposals may explore topics
such as:
 - the language of institutional communication;
 - the language of scientific dissemination;
 - mediation in specialized domains;
 - Readability metrics and the role of Natural Language Processing;
 - Accessibility tools for disability conditions;
 - Multimodal communication and interaction;
 - Artificial synthetic codes and interlanguage ("pivot language");
 - Human-machine interaction, LLMs, and Artificial Intelligence.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1669

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