35.1750, Calls: General Linguistics / Euskera Journal (Royal Academy of the Basque Language) (Jrnl)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1750. Wed Jun 12 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 35.1750, Calls: General Linguistics / Euskera Journal (Royal Academy of the Basque Language) (Jrnl)
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Date: 11-Jun-2024
From: Iker Salaberri [ikelaberri at gmail.com]
Subject: General Linguistics / Euskera Journal (Royal Academy of the Basque Language) (Jrnl)
Call for papers: Euskera Journal (Royal Academy of the Basque
The Editorial Board of Euskera, the official, entirely open-access
journal of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language (Euskaltzaindia),
invites article submissions between 30,000 and 60,000 characters
(excluding spaces). Articles may address any linguistic topic, whether
focusing on general linguistic issues or a specific variety, provided
that the generalizations can be readily applied to Basque and, broadly
speaking, to minority languages. Potential fields of interest include
novel linguistic theories, as well as issues concerning
sociolinguistics and language policy.
Euskera was founded in 1920 as Euskaltzaindia’s official publication
and has been published ever since, with some interruptions due to
historical reasons. The journal’s areas of interest have always
revolved around Basque. However, because of changing circumstances in
academia, Euskera now aims to broaden its scope to a wider public
interested in general linguistics. In order to do so, linguists whose
research does not necessarily focus on Basque (or on any language in
particular) are encouraged to submit.
Submission guidelines for authors can be found in this link (in
English): https://euskera-ikerketa.euskaltzaindia.eus/index.php/eusker
a/idazketa-arauak. Submissions are to be sent as email attachments in
.doc(x), .odt or .rtf format to the following email address:
euskerazuzendaria at euskaltzaindia.eus.
Manuscripts are welcome in English, French, Spanish and Basque. For
questions and queries, Euskaltzaindia’s president and Euskera’s
Editor-in-Chief Andres Urrutia as well as Euskaltzaindia’s Project
Manager Ibon Usarralde should be contacted at the abovementioned email
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1750
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