35.1788, Calls: (De)verbal discourse markers: a comparative French/English/Spanish approach
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1788. Tue Jun 18 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 35.1788, Calls: (De)verbal discourse markers: a comparative French/English/Spanish approach
Moderator: Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Date: 13-Jun-2024
From: Laure Lansari [laure.lansari at u-picardie.fr]
Subject: (De)verbal discourse markers: a comparative French/English/Spanish approach
Full Title: (De)verbal discourse markers: a comparative
French/English/Spanish approach
Date: 18-Nov-2024 - 18-Nov-2024
Location: Amiens (University of Picardie Jules Verne), France
Contact Person: Laure Lansari
Meeting Email: laure.lansari at u-picardie.fr
Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics; Semantics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
French (fra)
Spanish (spa)
Call Deadline: 15-Jul-2024
Meeting Description:
This one-day conference will be focusing on the so-called “deverbal”
discourse markers (Schneider 2020), i.e. discourse markers of verbal
origin. The literature uses various labels for these markers : the
term “parenthetical”, adopted in English-speaking literature since
Urmson (1952); “rection faible” in the French-speaking tradition
(Blanche-Benveniste 1989) - two terms that emphasize their particular
syntactic function -; “comment clause”; or the more descriptive
“propositional marker” (Andersen 2007). Such terminological diversity
in different linguistic traditions highlights the difficulty
researchers face when it comes to classifying and analyzing these
units, and justifies the topic investigated.
The aim of this day is to shed light on the wide variety of this type
of marker, and on the common trends and divergences in the usage ot
these units in the three languages under study, by examining:
- the different linguistic traditions and labels in the three
languages, in order to compare and contrast the perspectives adopted
in the analyses of this type of marker;
- the verbs or verb types (cognition, speech, perception, etc.) that
are likely to appear in these units (think in I think, valer in vale,
dire in c'est-à-dire, etc.);
- the different syntactic configurations that occur: finite or
non-finite form of the verb, type of subject, type of sentence
(assertive, interrogative, imperative, etc.), possible presence of
other markers (modals as in I should think, je veux dire, quiero
decir; but also adverbs such as ainsi in pour ainsi dire);
- the different functions or types of regulation they may underpin
(reformulation, for example);
- the specific features of (de)verbal markers in comparison with other
types of markers, such as discourse markers of nominal origin (cf.
genre/kind of/en modo).
Papers may focus on case studies in one or more of these languages,
using synchronic, diachronic, diastratic and diatopic approaches, as
well as a didactic perspective. They may deal with various textual
genres (spontaneous oral interactions, web data, written language,
etc.) or experimental protocols, and various linguistic theories
(enunciation, pragmatics, Construction Grammar, etc.).
Particular attention will be paid to papers likely to shed light on
the similarities and differences between English, Spanish and French
in the study of these markers.
Conference languages : English, Spanish, French
Abstract should be 300 words maximum (excluding references). They must
be submitted in English, Spanish or French by July 15th 2024, and sent
fabiana.alvarez at u-picardie.fr
valerie.bourdier at u-pec.fr
laure.lansari at u-picardie.fr
Presentations: 30 minutes - 20 minutes presentation followed by 10
minutes discussion
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1788
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