35.1844, Calls: Spanish; Applied Linguistics / Didacticae (Jrnl)

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1844. Sat Jun 22 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.1844, Calls: Spanish; Applied Linguistics / Didacticae (Jrnl)

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Date: 14-Jun-2024
From: Maria del Mar Suárez [didacticae at ub.edu]
Subject: Spanish; Applied Linguistics / Didacticae (Jrnl)

Call for Papers:

Teacher training practices in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign
language (SFL): a terrain to be explored
Carmen Ramos Méndez, Internationale Hochschule SDI München
Vicenta González Argüello, Universitat de Barcelona

Teacher training is inconceivable without an internship that offers
the student the opportunity to make contact with the teaching
environment, to relate the contents learned throughout the training
program with the needs of the students, to test and implement learning
materials; in short, it is the opportunity to experience for a limited
period of time what it means to be a teacher. This has been recognized
by numerous teacher training programs for teachers of Spanish as a
foreign language (SFL), which effectively include teaching internships
with very different characteristics in terms of requirements,
obligatory nature, duration, amount of class observation, possibility
or not of teaching classes by the trainee teacher (TT), etc. (Tirado &
García, 2023; Merino et al., 2016).

TTs tend to have mixed feelings about the internship. On the one hand,
they want to do them, because they feel that they will promote the
acquisition of teaching skills directly, i.e., in the SFL classroom.
On the other hand, they sometimes approach them with some anxiety. For
many, it is their first intervention in the classroom, the first time
they approach in practice the processes of observation, planning and
implementation of classes, and the first occasion when an internship
tutor gives them feedback on their teaching performance.
SFL teacher training is an under researched field, except for some
works carried out in recent years focused on the profile of SFL
teachers such as Muñoz-Bassols et al. (2017) or Méndez Santos and Pano
Alemán (2019). Despite the relevance exposed, teaching practices are
still much less researched. Some of the existing works focus on the
training needs of the ELE teacher (López, 2017), on the expectations
and perceptions of the FP regarding the role of internship tutors
(Montes Hernández & Ramos Méndez, 2024) or on how these were developed
during the Covid-19 pandemic (Bergmann & González Argüello, 2024).

Due to the dearth of research on the topic, the field of SFL has
traditionally been nurtured by research conducted in English as a
foreign language contexts, addressing issues such as TT socialization
as part of the teaching profession during internships (Farrell, 2001),
belief change (Qiu, Xie, Xiong, & Zhou, 2021), anxiety (Çelik & Zehir
Topkaya, 2024; Liu & Wu, 2021), stresses and frustrations experienced
(Johnson, 1996; Numrich, 1996) or the development of practices during
the Covid-19 pandemic (Altinsoy, 2022; Choi & Park, 2022). Borg (2006)
offers a compilation of studies on practices structured according to
different themes, always focused on the study of teachers' cognition.

This monographic section aims to present research results on different
aspects of practices in EFL teacher education, as well as on the
agents involved in them, such as:
 • Trainee teachers: expectations, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions of
the tutoring process, relationship between practical learning and
theoretical concepts acquired, etc.
 • Tutors: motivation, perception of the tutoring process,
construction of the interaction in feedback processes, perceived
learning from tutoring, etc.
 • Institutions: conceptualization of practices within training
programs, quality standards, etc.

We expect this monographic section will contribute to filling a gap in
the research on practices in the field of SFL teacher training.

Submission of manuscripts: 28th February 2025
Publication: October 2025
Please, select "monographic section" when submitting your paper.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1844

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