35.1860, Confs: ELLRA 1st Anniversary Web Festival

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Wed Jun 26 01:05:02 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1860. Wed Jun 26 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.1860, Confs: ELLRA 1st Anniversary Web Festival

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Date: 22-Jun-2024
From: David Valente [david.valente at york.ac.uk]
Subject: ELLRA 1st Anniversary Web Festival

ELLRA 1st Anniversary Web Festival

Date: 01-Jul-2024 - 05-Jul-2024
Location: Online, Portugal
Contact: Carolyn Leslie
Contact Email: cleslie at fcsh.unl.pt
Meeting URL:

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics

Meeting Description:

Dear Colleagues

We invite you to the 1st Anniversary WebFestival of the Early Language
Learning Research (ELLRA) association.

The online event is open-access but prior registration is required.
Please register here: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/meeting/regist

The speakers represent a range of research contexts and their
scholarly areas in early language learning are likewise varied.

Please visit the ELLRA website to discover more about each speaker:

Time: 13:30 CET daily

Monday, 1 July 2024

Magne Dypedahl
Associate Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway
Systematic intercultural learning for young learners in the language

This webinar will present ideas about how systematic intercultural
learning can be integrated in language courses, with focus on school
grades 1-7. Magne will address what seems to be a gap between
intercultural communication as a field of study and intercultural
learning in education. He will also share components of intercultural
competence that can serve as a basis for activities in the classroom,
which in turn can enhance intercultural learning for young learners.

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Carolyn McKinney
Professor, School of Education, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Language teaching in a context of coloniality & deep social inequality

This webinar will explore the implications for language teaching, and
English as Additional Language in particular, in a context of deep
inequality in education, both locally and globally. Carolyn will argue
that as teachers of bi/multilingual children, we have a dual
responsibility. On the one hand we need to provide access to
particular privileged language and literacy practices, while on the
other we need to challenge these practices, and the deficit
positioning of bilingual learners.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Sunny Man Chu Lau
Research Chair in Integrated Plurilingual Teaching and Learning
Professor, Bishop’s University, Quebec, Canada
English and French teachers’ cross-curricular collaborations:
Supporting critical biliteracy learning

This webinar elaborates on a collaborative action research project
with Quebec elementary teachers (English as a second language and
French). Sunny will explore how cross-language and cross-curricular
collaborations supported students’ critical literacies and
bilingual/biliteracy learning. In particular, she will focus on a unit
based on two story books about Indigenous languages and cultures. She
will demonstrate how two participating teachers co-planned and
implemented a lesson sequence that promoted cognitive and linguistic
bridges and facilitated in-depth learning.

Thursday, 4 July 2024

Claudine Kirsch
Professor, University of Luxembourg
Children’s experiences with multiliteracies in crèche and at home

This webinar will explore shared reading practices in Luxembourg in
two homes and two crèches with young children. The research found,
firstly, that the quantity and quality of talk of the educators
differed, and secondly, that the language use of the parents and
educators as well as the adult-child interaction patterns varied. In
only one setting were children asked higher-level questions. Claudine
will argue that is important to engage children in deeper
conversations about text.

Friday, 5 July 2024

Rama Mathew
Professor (Retired), Department of Education, Delhi University, India
Multilingual assessment of young learners: is it possible? Necessary?

This webinar will focus on multilingual/translanguaging practices are
used by teachers extensively as a pedagogical device to teach
different languages as well as other content subjects in countries
like India. Therefore, classroom / formative assessment at least
during primary years of schooling should allow and encourage
translanguaging practices. Rama will demonstrate through assessment
tasks how a fuller range of children’s language and cultural
repertoires can be activated while at the same time developing them


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1860

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