35.1880, Books: Language, creoles, varieties: Granget, Repiso and Fon Sing (eds.) (2023)

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1880. Thu Jun 27 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.1880, Books: Language, creoles, varieties: Granget, Repiso and Fon Sing (eds.) (2023)

Moderator: Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Date: 26-Jun-2024
From: Sebastian Nordhoff [sebastian.nordhoff at langsci-press.org]
Subject: Language, creoles, varieties: Granget, Repiso and Fon Sing (eds.) (2023)

Title: Language, creoles, varieties
Subtitle: From emergence to transmission
Series Title: Eurosla Studies
Publication Year: 2023
Publisher: Language Science Press
Book URL: https://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/409

Editor: Cyrille Granget
Editor: Isabel Repiso
Editor: Guillaume Fon Sing
eBook: ISBN: 978-3-96110-430-7 Pages: 400 Price: Europe EURO 0

This book offers a selection of papers dealing with second language
acquisition, foreign language teaching and creole linguistics inspired
by the scientific legacy of Mauritian-born scholar Georges Daniel
Véronique (Port-Louis, 1948). An important part of the book is devoted
to the description of learner varieties with a focus on
sociolinguistic factors, such as the learner situation – from asylum
seekers to Erasmus students –, the degree of familiarity with the
target language – having or not previous knowledge about a genetically
related language –, the degree of literacy, and the type of
instruction. Linguistic complexity, case marking, the use of
self-positioning pronouns, verbal morphology and aspectual values are
among the linguistic phenomena analyzed by the authors having
contributed to this part of the volume. Another part of this volume
deals with language didactics and addresses the questions of whether
manipulating specific constructions from a usage-based perspective and
a focus-on-form approach do indeed aid beginner learners to acquire
complex forms in L2 German and nominal forms in L2 Polish,
respectively. It also explores how some educational policies in Sweden
have affected both the offer of French as a Foreign Language and its
demand by students. The contributions to creole studies present
diachronic analyses targeting the /z/ plural marking in Réunion
creole, Fa d’Ambô and spoken French, and a set of NPs found in two
speeches pronounced in 1835 on the island of Agaléga by a coconut oil
producer whose features are similar to Mauritian creole. Linguistic,
social and historical factors are at the center of these

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition

Subject Language(s): French (fra)
                     Polish (pol)

Written In: English (eng)


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1880

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