35.883, Calls: HEL and Writing Studies thread at Studies in the History of the English Language conference

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-883. Wed Mar 13 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.883, Calls: HEL and Writing Studies thread at Studies in the History of the English Language conference

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Date: 12-Mar-2024
From: Amanda Sladek [sladekam at unk.edu]
Subject: HEL and Writing Studies thread at Studies in the History of the English Language conference

Full Title: HEL and Writing Studies thread at Studies in the History
of the English Language conference
Short Title: SHEL-13

Date: 17-Oct-2024 - 20-Oct-2024
Location: Madison, New Jersey, USA
Contact Person: Amanda Sladek
Meeting Email: sladekam at unk.edu

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Historical Linguistics;
Sociolinguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Writing Systems
Subject Language(s): English (eng)

Call Deadline: 01-May-2024

Meeting Description:

The HEL and Writing Studies thread will explore ways in which the
study of language change and variation can contribute to rhetoric and
writing studies, and vice versa. When proposing, keep in mind that the
history of the English language extends from the origins of the
language to very recent history, so proposals that engage contemporary
language use through a historical lens are welcome.

Call for Papers:

CFP available at https://bit.ly/SHEL13_HELWS

We invite proposals for the second HEL (History of the English
Language) and Writing Studies thread at the 13th Studies in the
History of the English Language (SHEL) conference at Fairleigh
Dickinson University in Madison, New Jersey, October 17-20, 2024.

The HEL and Writing Studies thread will explore ways in which the
study of language change and variation can contribute to rhetoric and
writing studies, and vice versa. When proposing, keep in mind that the
history of the English language extends from the origins of the
language to very recent history, so proposals that engage contemporary
language use through a historical lens are welcome.

Proposals are invited for individual papers as well as panels or
workshops on a range of topics, including…
Engaging the overall conference theme of English as a (G)local
Language, how can studying the history of English on a global or local
scale enhance our understanding of writing practices or ecologies? Or,
conversely, how does studying writing enhance our understanding of the
history of English as a (g)local language?
How does language vary within certain genres (e.g. academic writing,
business writing, technical writing, scientific writing, political
writing) throughout time or during a specific period?
What issues must we consider when representing dialects and Englishes,
especially historical ones, in creative writing?
How can collaborations between HEL and writing studies advocate for
and strengthen English, Writing, Linguistics, and/or other humanities

For additional ideas, references, and framing, see the call for
submissions for a “Confluences of Writing Studies and the History of
the English Language,” a special issue of Across the Disciplines
(submissions now closed).

If interested, please submit an abstract of no more than one page to
shel13 at tcnj.edu by May 1, 2024. Participants will be notified of
decisions by June 1, 2024. Please indicate in your email that your
proposal is intended for the HEL and Writing Studies thread, and
indicate any A/V needs in your email.

For questions about the thread, contact Amanda Sladek at
sladekam at unk.edu, Chris C. Palmer at cpalme20 at kennesaw.edu, or
Jennifer Stone at jstone32 at alaska.edu. Questions about the conference
program should be directed to Felicia Steele (steele at tcnj.edu) and
questions about travel to Madison, NJ, or conference facilities should
be directed to Matthieu Boyd (mwboyd at fdu.edu).


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-883

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