35.1104, Calls: Understanding Obviation: a Crosslinguistic Perspective
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1104. Sat Mar 30 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 35.1104, Calls: Understanding Obviation: a Crosslinguistic Perspective
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Date: 29-Mar-2024
From: Anne Bertrand [anne.bertrand at mail.mcgill.ca]
Subject: None
Full Title: Understanding obviation: a crosslinguistic perspective
Date: 04-Oct-2024 - 06-Oct-2024
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Contact Person: Anne Bertrand
Meeting Email: obviationworkshop2024 at gmail.com
Web Site: https://obviationworkshop2024.wordpress.com/
Linguistic Field(s): Language Documentation; Morphology; Semantics;
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 15-Apr-2024
Meeting Description:
Obviation is perhaps most commonly discussed in connection with
languages of the Algonquian family in which (i) multiple 3rd person
nominals in a certain domain must be assigned either proximate or
obviative status; (ii) proximate nominals are described as more
discourse prominent; (iii) coferential patterns are governed by the
proximate-obviative contrast; and (iv) the mapping between proximate
and obviative nominals and grammatical function may be signalled on
the verb direct and inverse morphemes. Each of these features has
factored into definitions of obviation (Aissen 1997, Bliss 2017,
Hammerly 2020, Oxford 2017).
A growing body of work has investigated phenomena across unrelated
languages which share some or all of the above properties, raising
questions about the underlying source and representation of
obviation-related phenomena. For instance, Underhill (2021) shows that
obviation is not restricted to 3rd person nominals in Ktunaxa, a
language isolate spoken in Canada and in the United States. Aissen
(1997) and Deal & Royer (2023) also show that Mayan languages,
although lacking overt obviation morphology, exhibit obviation-like
restrictions on certain combinations of 3rd person arguments in active
verb forms. Adopting a crosslinguistic perspective, we aim to
understand the relationships among phenomena related to obviation as
well as the formal mechanisms underlying them.
This workshop is supported by a SSHRC Insight Grant, The Grammar of
Hierarchy Effects. It is organized by project PI Jessica Coon (McGill
University) and PhD student Anne Bertrand (UBC & McGill University),
and includes the following invited participants:
Invited Participants
Judith Aissen (University of California Santa Cruz)
James Crippen (Co-PI, McGill University)
Amy Rose Deal (University of California Berkeley)
Christopher Hammerly (Co-PI, University of British Columbia)
Stefan Keine (University of California Los Angeles)
Will Oxford (Co-PI, University of Manitoba)
Pedro Mateo Pedro (Co-PI, University of Toronto)
Justin Royer (Co-PI, University of California Berkeley; Université de
Sigwan Thivierge (Co-PI, Concordia University)
Rose Underhill (University of British Columbia)
This is a second call for papers for Understanding Obviation
We invite submissions for descriptive and analytical talks on
obviation-related phenomena in any language or language family. Talks
will be 20 minutes long followed by a 10-minute question period.
Submission guidelines
Abstracts, including the title and all references and data, must not
exceed two pages Letter Size or A4
1 inch / 2.54 cm margins on all sides
Times New Roman font, no smaller than 11pt font
Fully anonymized (in the document properties and the text itself)
PDF format
Abstracts can be submitted by email at obviationworkshop2024 at gmail.com
by April 15th 2024, at 11:59pm anywhere in the world. Please include
name and affiliation in the email body.
Understanding obviation
Understanding obviation
Conference website: https://obviationworkshop2024.wordpress.com/
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1104
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