35.3106, Calls: Word-Formation Theories VII / Typology and Universals in Word-Formation VI: Workshop
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3106. Wed Nov 06 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 35.3106, Calls: Word-Formation Theories VII / Typology and Universals in Word-Formation VI: Workshop
Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>
Date: 02-Nov-2024
From: Makiko Mukai [mukai at cc.u-kochi.ac.jp]
Subject: Word-Formation Theories VII / Typology and Universals in Word-Formation VI: Workshop
Full Title: Word-Formation Theories VII / Typology and Universals in
Word-Formation VI: Workshop
Date: 25-Jun-2025 - 28-Jun-2025
Location: Koscie, Slovakia
Contact Person: Makiko Mukai
Meeting Email: mukai at cc.u-kochi.ac.jp
Web Site:
Linguistic Field(s): Morphology; Phonology; Pragmatics; Semantics;
Call Deadline: 07-Mar-2025
Meeting Description:
Compound formation has been one of the major topics in morphological
studies in linguistics. Compounding is a process of combining one
lexeme with another and a compound consisting of two lexemes is
usually taken up as central data for investigation. In this workshop,
we focus on compounds consisting of more than two lexemes, such as
kitchen towel rack, which are made up from the three lexemes and can
be referred to as a tri-constituent compound (Huber 2023). The aim of
the workshop is to descriptively or theoretically explore the nature,
classification, and function of this kind of multi-constituent
compounds, especially using typological, comparative, and/or
experimental methods.
What is interesting about tri-constituent compounds is that they
conceal a binary-branching structure and their interpretation can be
two-way ambiguous. (Mukai 2008, Wang and Holmberg 2021, among others).
So kitchen towel rack can have a left-branching constituent structure
[[kitchen towel] rack] or a right-branching structure [kitchen [towel
rack]]. Tri-constituent compounds containing a bi-constituent compound
are also called recursive compounds. Recently, Mukai (2024)
experimentally investigated fundamental properties of such English
tri-constituent compounds. However, the process of producing and
interpreting each type, their internal structure and grammatical
relationship, and the frequency and productivity remain
under-researched. The cross-linguistic distribution of recursive
compounding is also a major issue for scholars of compounding
research. Last but not least, compounding is not limited to nominal
compounding; that is, in languages with VV and AA compounds, is
VVV/AAA compounding possible?
It should be noted that the binary branching is highly debatable with
respect to coordinate compounds. For example, the Japanese coordinate
compound shoo-chiku-bai (lit. maple-bamboo-cherry blossom) ‘maple,
bamboo, and cherry blossom’ contains three constituents, but whether
it has a binary-branching structure (and if it does, which type it is)
is not obvious at all. Olsen (2001) suggests the left-branching
structure for director-writer-star and such, but this type is
different from shoo-chiku-bai. Research on coordinate compounds has
been almost always conducted based on the exploration of
bi-constituent compounds (Bauer 2008, 2023, Arcodia 2010, Shimada
2013, Mukai and Shimada 2021, Yonekura et al. 2023, Nagano and Shimada
(2024), among others), and there are few previous studies shedding
light on tri-constituent coordinate compounds.
Call for Papers:
Taking all the above into consideration, we would like to invite
linguists to discuss several debatable issues of multi-constituent
compounding. The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:
a. Classification of tri-constituent compounds and larger
multi-constituent compounds
b. The structure of tri-constituent compounds, including
comparison between right-branching and left-branching ones, comparison
between coordinate compounds of
shoo-chiku-bai type and those of director-writer-star type, and so on.
c. Phonological, semantic, pragmatic properties of
multi-constituent compounds
d. Typological or cross-linguistic issues of multi-constituent
e. Processing or acquisition issues of multi-constituent
Abstract submission:
Abstracts of no more than 300 words (plus references and
figures/tables if any) should be sent to the 2 workshop organizers,
mukai at cc.u-kochi.ac.jp, shimada.masaharu.fu at u.tsukuba.ac.jp by March
7, 2025.
Acceptance will be notified by March 22, 2025.
Arcodia, Giorgio F, Nichola Grandi, and Bernhard Wlchlli (2010).
Coordination in compounding. Edited by S. Scalise and I. Vogel.
Cross-disciplinary issues in compounding. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
pp. 177-197.
Bauer, Laurie (2008). Dvandvas. Word Structure 1: pp. 1-20.
Bauer, L. (2023). Coordinative Compounding, Including Dvandva. In The
Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology (eds P. Ackema, S.
Bendjaballah, E. Bonet and A. Fábregas).
Huber, Elizabeth (2023). Tri-constituent compounds: A usage-based
account of complex nominal compounding. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter
Lieberman, Mark, and Sproat (1992). Stress and structures of modified
noun-phrases in English. In Lexical Matters. Edited by Sag Ivan and
Anna Szabolsi. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 131-81.
Mukai, Makiko (2008). Recursive compounds. Word Structure 1: pp.
Mukai, Makiko (2024). A descriptive and experimental investigation of
recursive compounds in English: Their semantic, syntactic, and
phonological characterization. Languages 2024, 9, 175.
Mukai, Makiko and Masaharu Shimada (2021). Reduplication and
Compounding with Mimetic Roots. Language Association of Great Britain.
Paper presented at the Annual General Meeting, online, September 9
Nagano, Akiko and Masaharu Shimada (2024). NN and VV Coordinate
Compounds. Languages 2024, 9, 143.
Olsen, Susan (2001). Copulative compounds: a closer look at the
interface between syntax and morphology. Edited by G.E. Booji and J.
Marle. Yearbook of morphology 2000. Dordrecht: Springer, pp.279-320.
Shimada, Masaharu (2013). Coordinated compounds: Comparison between
English and Japanese. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 10: pp.
Wang, Qi and Anders Holmberg (2021). Reduplication and the structure
of nouns in Xining Chinese. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 39:
pp. 923-958.
Yonekura, Hiroshi, Akko Nagano, and Masaharu Shimada (2023). Eigo to
nihongo ni okeru toifukugogo (Co-compounds in English and Japanese).
Tokyo: Kaitakusha.
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