35.3166, Books: Understanding Ghanaian Sign Language(s): Mac Hadjah (2024)

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3166. Mon Nov 11 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.3166, Books: Understanding Ghanaian Sign Language(s): Mac Hadjah (2024)

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
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Editor for this issue: Joel Jenkins <joel at linguistlist.org>


Date: 24-Oct-2024
From: Jan Martin [lotdissertations-fgw at uva.nl]
Subject: Understanding Ghanaian Sign Language(s): Mac Hadjah (2024)

Title: Understanding Ghanaian Sign Language(s)
Subtitle: History, Linguistics, and Ideology
Series Title: LOT Dissertation Series
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke
Book URL: https://dx.medra.org/10.48273/LOT0674

Author: Timothy Mac Hadjah
Paperback: ISBN: 978-94-6093-459-9 Pages: 413 Price: Europe EURO 45,00

Explore the intricate world of Ghanaian Sign Language (GSL), the
national sign language of Ghana, in this informative book. Within
urban deaf communities in Ghana, GSL is a cover term for various
signing forms (e.g., eglish, broken, local). Tracing GSL roots back to
the introduction of American Sign Language (ASL) in 1957 by an
American missionary, this study unveils a lasting connection between
ASL signs and GSL.

The book presents GSL's historical journey amidst significant
challenges such as discrimination and sign language bans (oralism). It
sheds light on signers' resilience and contributions to GSL's
evolution. This exploration also highlights the emergence of local
signing varieties (e.g., school-lects) alongside foreign-based signing
forms within a triglossic framework that resembles the distribution
and use of spoken languages in Ghana and other African countries.

The book unearths lexical relationships, examining variants of GSL’s
connections not only with ASL but also with locally evolved village
sign languages like Adamorobe SL and Nanabin SL. Moreover, the study
investigates the expression of Size and Shape Specifiers (SASS) within
GSL and Ghanaian gestural communication, offering valuable insights
into the susceptibility of sign languages to their gestural
environment throughout their life spans.

Beyond linguistics, the book explores social landscapes and language
ideologies of sign languages in the Ghanaian urban deaf communities.
It reveals a pluridimensional continuum of GSL usage and the interplay
between high- and low-prestige variants. As an invaluable resource,
this book enhances the understanding of African national sign
languages, providing essential insights for researchers, teachers, and

Linguistic Field(s): Sociolinguistics

Language Family(ies): African Deaf Sign Languages
                      Deaf Sign Language

Written In: English (eng)


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