35.2656, Support: English; Applied Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics: PhD, University of Nicosia
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Tue Oct 1 04:05:10 UTC 2024
LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2656. Tue Oct 01 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 35.2656, Support: English; Applied Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics: PhD, University of Nicosia
Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
Editor for this issue: Joel Jenkins <joel at linguistlist.org>
Date: 28-Sep-2024
From: Georgios Georgiou [georgiou.georg at unic.ac.cy]
Subject: English; Applied Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics: PhD, University of Nicosia
Institution/Organization: University of Nicosia
Department: Languages and Literature
Web Address: https://www.unic.ac.cy/school-of-humanities-and-social-sc
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Phonetics;
Psycholinguistics; Sociolinguistics
Required Language(s): English (eng)
For Spring 2025 semester (commences on February 2025), the Department
of Languages and Literature at the University of Nicosia announces the
opening of five (5) positions for admission to the 3-year full-time
PhD programme in TESOL. More specifically, it is offered:
One (1) PhD position in TESOL with emphasis on speech acquisition. The
PhD will be supervised by Dr Georgios (George) Georgiou. The student
will have the opportunity to work under the Phonetic Lab,
unic.ac.cy/phonetic-lab/. For more information about the supervisor,
visit www.georgiougeorg.com. Please contact the supervisor at
georgiou.georg at unic.ac.cy.
One (1) PhD position in TESOL with emphasis on CLIL (Content and
Language Integrated Learning). The student will have the opportunity
to liaise with the working group of the NEOLAiA university alliance,
which investigates models of multilingual education,
One (1) PhD position in TESOL with emphasis on the use of technology
in English language teaching.
The PhDs will be supervised by Dr Antroulla Papakyriakou. For
additional information, please contact the supervisor at
papakyriakou.a at unic.ac.cy.
One (1) PhD position in TESOL with emphasis on L2 Pragmatics and more
specifically Email Pragmatics, or Young Learners’ Pragmatics, or
Pragmatics in the EFL classroom. The PhD will be supervised by Prof.
Maria Economidou-Kogetsidis. For more information about the
supervisor, visit unic.ac.cy/el/economidou-kogetsidis-maria/. Please
contact the supervisor at Kogetsidis.m at unic.ac.cy.
One (1) PhD position in TESOL with emphasis on English as a Heritage
Language in Cyprus. The PhD will be supervised by Dr Aretousa
Giannakou. For more information, contact giannakou.a at unic.ac.cy.
One (1) PhD position in TESOL with emphasis on AI. The prospective
student will have the opportunity to do their PhD with the Editors in
Chief of TEwT (https://tewtjournal.org/) as their supervisors. For
more information, please contact Dr Chris Alexander at
alexander.c at unic.ac.cy or visit https://tewtjournal.org/phd-in-tesol/
Application Deadline: 15-Jan-2025
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Kindly note that the PhD positions are not funded. For
more information about the tuition fees, visit https://www.unic.ac.cy/
Potential applicants should initially contact individual supervisors
and send:
-a full CV,
-a cover letter, and
-a 2000–2500-word research proposal (excluding references) on a
relevant dissertation topic including a short literature review, the
originality and importance of the study, aim and objectives, research
questions, and methodology).
Please note that this does not comprise an official application to the
doctoral program. Potential applicants will be directed to the
programme coordinator, Dr George Georgiou at georgiou.georg at unic.ac.cy
for guidance regarding their application.
General admission criteria:
Applications for admission to the PhD programme will be considered
only from candidates that fulfill the minimum entrance criteria as
described below:
-Accredited Master’s degree in TESOL, or Applied Linguistics, or
English Language/ Linguistics
-Teaching experience at least one year
-English language proficiency: Applicants should provide evidence of
English language proficiency equivalent to C1-C2.
-Initial Research Proposal: An initial proposal (2,000-2,500 words,
excluding references) outlining the research topic, aim and
objectives, research questions and proposed research methodology.
-Application form: Applicants must submit an application form for
admission and enrolment to the program. The application form requests
general information about the applicant, their qualifications,
relevant experience etc.
-Statement of Purpose: Applicants are required to submit a
comprehensive outline highlighting their academic and individual
competencies and state why they believe they are suitable for
admission to the Program, as well as their reflections regarding the
expectations and value of the Program for their personal advancement
and career development.
-Letters of Recommendation: Applicants must obtain two recommendation
letters from individuals who have known the applicant in an
educational and/or professional environment. At least one of the
recommendation letters must be from an academic institution where the
applicant has studied previously.
-Previous theses/dissertations and any published work of academic
relevance (if any).
-Individual Interviews: The interviews elicit motivation, potential
and personal mission.
Web Address for Applications:
Email Address for Applications: georgiou.georg at unic.ac.cy
Contact Information:
Dr Georgios P. Georgiou, PhD in TESOL coordinator,
georgiou.georg at unic.ac.cy
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Lincom GmbH https://lincom-shop.eu/
Multilingual Matters http://www.multilingual-matters.com/
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