35.2802, Confs: International Workshop on the Syntax of Predication and Modification 2024

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2802. Fri Oct 11 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2802, Confs: International Workshop on the Syntax of Predication and Modification 2024

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 09-Oct-2024
From: Éva Dékány [dekany.eva at nytud.hu]
Subject: International Workshop on the Syntax of Predication and Modification 2024

International Workshop on the Syntax of Predication and Modification

Date: 16-Nov-2024 - 17-Nov-2024
Location: Ichigaya Campus, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Masashi Kawashima
Contact Email: kawashima.masashi at nihon-u.ac.jp
Meeting URL: https://sites.google.com/view/iwspm2024/home

Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Morphology; Syntax

Meeting Description:

International Workshop on the Syntax of Predication and Modification

Important Dates
Extended Call Deadline: 7 August 2024
Notification of Acceptance: 7 September 2024
Meeting Dates: 16-17 November 2024

Workshop website: https://sites.google.com/view/iwspm2024/home

Predication is a relation between predicates and their subjects, or,
more generally, arguments for which they select. Predication plays an
important part in natural language syntax. Modification is a device
enriching the information conveyed by a constituent, which is carried
out by adding an element to that constituent (standardly via
adjunction). Both predication and modification come in a wide variety
of forms. Attempts to generalize over predication and modification
face a number of important questions, e.g., about optionality, the
category of the subject and the syntactic mechanism by which
predicates and modifiers are related to their ‘significant others’.
The division of labor between predication and modification is not
always clear-cut: thus, depictive secondary predication and
relativization appear to straddle the boundaries between predi¬cation
and modification. Detailed investigations of the various constructions
relevant to predication and modification enhance our understanding of
natural-language syntax and its interface with meaning (both semantics
and pragmatics).
Research questions to be addressed in the workshop include, but are
not limited to:
    1. What factors differentiate between predication and modification
in syntactic terms?
    2. Is it possible to reduce the distinction between predication
and modification to some syntactically definable notions, such as
complementation, specification, adjunction, dedicated
(lexical/functional) heads?
    3. Are there dedicated syntactic structures for predication and
modification, and if so, what are they rooted in?
    4. Do the syntactic structures assigned to predication and
modification vary cross-linguistically, and if so, what underlies the
    5. Are there any diachronic data that tell us whether, and if so,
how the syntax of predication and modification has evolved over time?
    6. Are there any syntactic constructions that can be ambiguous
between predication and modification, and if so, what underlies this
ambiguity and how can it be diagnosed?
    7. Are there distinct structural relations involved in
modification, and if so, what determines their distribution and how
can it be diagnosed?
This workshop will foster fruitful dialogue between researchers
through analyses of a selection of construction types involving
predication and modification, from a wide range of languages and
analytical perspectives.

Keynote Speakers:       Marcel den Dikken (Hungarian Research Centre
for Linguistics, Budapest), “On the syntactic relationship between
modification and predication”
Mamoru Saito (Notre Dame Seishin University, Okayama), “Language
Variation and the Labeling of Modification Structures”

November 16 (Sat)
9:00-9:30                                   Registration

9:30-9:35                                   Opening Remarks

9:35-10:35 (Keynote Speech)   "On the subject of subject depictives
and subject-oriented adverbials"
                                                  Marcel den Dikken
(Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest & Centre of
Linguistics of the
                                                   University of

(10 minute break)

10:45-11:20                               "Issues on adjectives and
nouns in predication and modification"
                                                  Isabelle Roy (Nantes

11:20-11:55                               "Comparative syntax of
genitive subjects in Standard Japanese and Hichiku Japanese"
                                                 Kazushige Moriyama
(Naruto University of Education) & Hideki Kishimoto (Kobe University)

(Lunch Break)

14:25-15:00                               "Adjunction as
categorization: On the syntactic quirkiness of word-level
                                                  Chenchen Song
(Zhejiang University)

15:00-15:35                               "From modification to
predication: The development of change of state complex predicates in
Old Spanish"
                                                  Margot Vivanco
(Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha) & Cristina Sánchez-López
(Universidad Complutense
                                                   de Madrid)

15:35-16:10                               "Result creation and
modification in Hungarian"
                                                   Éva Kardos
(University of Debrecen)

(10 minute break)

16:20-16:55                               "Modification versus
predication and binding: Prenatal particle verb and prefix verb
structures in German"
                                                  Patrick Brandt
(Leibniz-Institute for the German Language)

16:55-17:30                               "We thought and thought, and
eventually solved this: One predicate modifies the other"
                                                  Dalina Kallulli
(University of Vienna) & Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge)

November 17 (Sun)

9:00-9:35                                   "Apposition and the limits
of predication"
                                                  Caroline Heycock
(University of Edinburgh)

9:35-10:10                                 "Predication in disguise:
Which-constructions in Hong Kong Cantonese code-mixing speech"
                                                  Tommy Tsz-Ming Lee
(City University of Hong Kong)

(10 minute break)

10:20-10:55                               "Adjectives in an
adjective-deficient language: Wolof"
Acedo-Matellán (University of Oxford) & Isabelle Roy (Nantes

10:55-11:30                               "Keeping the syntax of
predication and modification distinct: The view from Tamil"
Venkatesan (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)

(10 minute break)

11:40-12:40  (Invited Talk)       "Language variation and the labeling
of modification structures"
                                                Mamoru Saito (Notre
Dame Seishin University)

12:40-12:45                               Closing Remarks

Alternate Paper 1:                     "The syntax of relative
complement clauses in Persian complex DPs"
                                                  Negin Ilkhanipour
(University of Tehran) & Ayaka Sugawara (Waseda University)

Alternate Paper 2:                     "Predicates-over-modifiers
parameter and the syntax of interrogative/quantity verbs in Tsou"
                                                  Henry Chang
(Academia Sinica)


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2802

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