35.2450, Calls: Multilingualism and Minority Languages in a Global Context – 10th Conference of the International Consortium “Multilingualism as a Chance”

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Sat Sep 7 01:05:09 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2450. Sat Sep 07 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2450, Calls: Multilingualism and Minority Languages in a Global Context – 10th Conference of the International Consortium “Multilingualism as a Chance”

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 04-Sep-2024
From: Alberto Giudici [alberto.giudici at uzh.ch]
Subject: Multilingualism and Minority Languages in a Global Context – 10th Conference of the International Consortium “Multilingualism as a Chance”

Full Title: Multilingualism and Minority Languages in a Global Context
– 10th Conference of the International Consortium “Multilingualism as
a Chance”

Date: 21-May-2025 - 23-May-2025
Location: Davos, Switzerland
Contact Person: Lilian Ladner
Meeting Email: sprachminderheiten at phgr.ch
Web Site: https://phgr.ch/veranstaltungen/tagung-minderheitensprachen

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition;
Language Documentation; Sociolinguistics

Call Deadline: 20-Sep-2024

Meeting Description:

The conference on “Multilingualism and minority languages in a global
context” will take place in Davos, Grisons (Switzerland) from 21–23
May 2025. The conference is organised by the University of Teacher
Education of the Grisons (PHGR) in cooperation with the University of
Teacher Education Lucerne (PHLU) under the patronage of the
international consortium “Multilingualism as a Chance”. Partner
organisations include the Department of Education and
Learning/University of Teacher Education (SUPSI/DFA, Ticino) and the
University of Teacher Education Valais (HEPV-S).

The following link leads to the conference website in German, English,
Italian, French and Romansh:
https://phgr.ch/veranstaltungen/tagung-minderheitensprachen. Here you
will find all the information about the conference.

The conference aims to provide a platform for exploring and
understanding the multiple dimensions of multilingualism,
translanguaging and linguistic minorities, sign languages and
indigenous languages in a global context.

Submissions (presentations, workshops, posters, audiovisual works/art
performances) can be sent via Conftool by 20 September 2024.

Registration for the conference is also via Conftool and is possible
between 2 July 2024 and 30 April 2025.

The Universities of Teacher Education of The Grisons and Lucerne, the
international consortium “Multilingualism as a Chance”, the Department
of Education and Learning/University of Teacher Education (SUPSI/DFA,
Ticino) and the University of Teacher Education Valais (HEPV-S) look
forward to a lively participation.

2nd Call for Papers:

The Universities of Teacher Education of the Grisons, Lucerne, Valais
and Ticino (Switzerland) and the consortium “Multilingualism as a
Chance” invite proposals for a three-day international conference
titled “Multilingualism and Minority Languages in a Global Context” to
be held on 21–23 May 2025 in Davos, Switzerland.

This conference aims to provide a platform for exploring and
understanding the multifaceted dimensions of multilingualism,
translanguaging and linguistic minorities in a global context. In the
era of post-multilingualism (Li, 2018), the notion of translanguaging
(García, 2009; García & Li, 2014) offers a critical perspective for
engaging with languages and their speakers. Focusing on minority
languages in a global context (Cenoz & Gorter, 2024), the conference
addresses social inequalities beyond the “celebratory discourse on
multilingualism” (Duchêne, 2020, p. 96) to draw attention to the value
of lesser-spoken languages, Indigenous languages and sign languages
(Hou & Kusters, 2023). In line with this, the conference challenges
modern language learning and teaching in search of more socially
responsible language education. In addition, the conference aims to
shed light on the impact of digital transformation and, in particular,
artificial intelligence (AI), on the promotion of multilingualism
(Schneider, 2022).

Scholars, researchers, educators and practitioners are invited to
present their research focusing on, but not limited to, the following
main thematic areas:
Linguistic and sociolinguistic features of linguistic minorities
 • linguistic minorities
 • language policy and language planning
 • sign languages
 • Indigenous and endangered languages
 • minority languages in the linguistic landscape
 • language attitudes and beliefs
 • language contact phenomena at the lexical, phonological and
morpho-syntactical level
 • new speakers
 • linguistic minorities and AI

Learning and teaching a minority language
 • language revitalisation efforts in language education
 • translanguaging in the classroom
 • socially responsible language education
 • linguistic minorities in educational settings
 • Indigenous and endangered languages in education
 • concepts and pedagogical models of multilingualism
 • linguistic inequalities in education
 • learning and teaching of minority languages using digital
 • linguistic citizenship

Multilingualism in border regions
• characteristics of multilingualism in border regions
• dominant language constellations (DLC)
• peripherality of languages in border regions
• borderlands as physical and imagined linguistic spaces
• fixed and fluid linguistic borders
• promotion of linguistic and cultural minorities in border regions
• sociocultural dynamics of languages in border regions
• language contact, language shift and language maintenance
• multilingualism and AI in border regions

Confirmed keynote speakers:
 • Evangelia Adamou, National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS),
 • Bernard Cathomas, Switzerland
 • Dominique Caglia, University of Teacher Education of the Grisons &
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
 • Alexandre Duchêne, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
 • Kijan Espahangizi, University of Zurich, Switzerland
 • Ofélia García, City University of New York, USA
 • David Kroik, Umeå University, Sweden
 • Annelies Kusters, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland

Submission of abstracts
Proposals are invited for papers (20 minutes presentation and 10
minutes discussion), workshops (short presentation and an interactive
part with the audience, 45 minutes), posters (10 minutes) and
audiovisual work or art presentation (max. 30 minutes). Abstracts may
be written in English, German, French, Italian or Romansh. The text
should be anonymous and not exceed 300 words (excluding references).
Authors are limited to one individual and one joint abstract.

If you have any questions, contact:
Lilian Ladner,
lilian.ladner at phgr.ch


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2450

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