36.550, Confs: 5th Afrikaans Grammar Workshop / USA

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Wed Feb 12 04:05:02 UTC 2025

LINGUIST List: Vol-36-550. Wed Feb 12 2025. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 36.550, Confs: 5th Afrikaans Grammar Workshop / USA

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 12-Feb-2025
From: Andries Coetzee [coetzee at umich.edu]
Subject: 5th Afrikaans Grammar Workshop

5th Afrikaans Grammar Workshop
Short Title: AGW5

Date: 05-Sep-2025 - 05-Sep-2025
Location: Ann Arbor, USA
Contact: Andries Coetzee
Contact Email: coetzee at umich.edu
Meeting URL:

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Afrikaans (afr)
Language Family(ies): West Germanic

The fifth installment of the biannual Afrikaans Grammar Workshop (AGW)
will be hosted this year by the University of Michigan, USA. This
follows on from the highly successful workshops previously held in
South Africa (2016, 2023), Belgium (2018) and the Netherlands (2021).
Like several of the previous workshops, AGW5 will be a hybrid event,
with participation available both online and in person at the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. The workshop aims to bring
together researchers from different theoretical and methodological
perspectives who study Afrikaans linguistics. We welcome contributions
on any aspect of Afrikaans linguistics, including lexicography,
orthography, phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, semantics, and
pragmatics. Papers that compare Afrikaans grammar with other West
Germanic or unrelated languages’ grammar are also welcomed, as are
papers on the diachronic development of Afrikaans grammar, the role of
language contact on the grammar, and current grammatical variation.
We are honoured to also announce our two keynote speakers:
(i) Paul Roberge (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
(ii) Adri Breed (North-West University, South Africa)
Language of presentations: As at previous workshops, the language of
presentation at AGW5 will be English.
Length of presentations: All presentations will be 20 minutes long,
with an additional 10 minutes for Q&A.
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings: Participants will have the
choice to either only present a paper at the workshop, or to also
develop their presentation into a short paper for publication in the
conference proceedings. Each paper submitted for publication will be
reviewed by two anonymous peer reviewers, and will also receive an
ISBN number. Proceedings will be published in electronic format on the
AGW website.
Student and early-career researchers: Student and early-career
researchers: In particular, we invite students and early-career
researchers to submit abstracts, including abstracts based on work in
progress or on a research proposal. AGW provides an ideal venue for
students and early-career researchers to receive feedback on their
research plans.
Instructions for abstract submission:
Abstract can be submitted via EasyChair at
(i) The text of the abstract should fit on a single page (either A4 or
letter size). A second page can be used for examples, figures, and
(ii) Use 12 point font size and single spacing.
(iii) Please submit the abstract in Microsoft Word (or other
compatible) format, with minimal formatting (i.e., avoid using your
own styles).
(iv) All abstracts must be submitted online via EasyChair before 23:59
(SAST) on March 31, 2025.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-36-550

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