36.593, Calls: English, German; Applied Linguistics: Didaktik Deutsch - "Writing with AI. Literacies – Practices – Pedagogies" (Jrnl)

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Fri Feb 14 02:05:02 UTC 2025

LINGUIST List: Vol-36-593. Fri Feb 14 2025. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 36.593, Calls: English, German; Applied Linguistics: Didaktik Deutsch - "Writing with AI. Literacies – Practices – Pedagogies" (Jrnl)

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 14-Feb-2025
From: Friederike Kern [friederike.kern at uni-bielefeld.de]
Subject: Didaktik Deutsch - "Writing with AI. Literacies – Practices – Pedagogies" (Jrnl)

Call for Papers:
Writing with AI. Literacies – Practices – Pedagogies (LPP)
International Special Issue
The emergence of generative artificial intelligence is substantially
transforming writing. Technologies like ChatGPT enable virtually
anyone to create coherent written or multimodal texts at remarkable
speed by using even simple prompts. This shift reshapes traditional
notions on authorship and originality, presents opportunities for
accessibility and efficiency and is raising ethical concerns as well
as concerns about a potential decline in human writing skills.
Therefore, it poses significant challenges for writing pedagogy and
writing research.
We assume that AI can take on at least three roles in writing: it can
co-act as a “ghostwriter”, taking over the writing; as a “writing
tutor”, supporting the human writer; or as a “writing partner”,
collaborating with the human in the creation of texts (Steinhoff, in
press). Furthermore, it is our understanding, that writing with AI not
only involves the production of texts
(„Chat-to-Generate“/„Chat-to-Create“), but also includes co-writing
with AI through chatting as an activity in its own right
(„Chat-to-Chat“) (Steinhoff & Lehnen, in press).
We invite submissions of abstracts for an upcoming international
special issue of Didaktik Deutsch titled „Writing with AI – Literacies
– Practices – Pedagogies”. The language of the articles is English. We
encourage both theoretical and empirical contributions from all around
the world and welcome diverse perspectives on the writing of school
and university students across languages, including writing in second
and foreign languages. We invite topics including but not limited to
the following:
 • Should writing remain a central learning objective in schools and
universities? How does answering this question relate to educational
institutions and their curricula, text genres, writing functions,
writing practices, and demographic factors?
 • Which practices of writing with AI are didactically relevant? How
significant are prompting and multimodality, and should the focus lie
more on practices of text production or on co-acting with AI through
 • How can models of literacies be reimagined? Which traditional
literacies are no longer required or are evolving, and which new
literacies must be integrated into existing or new models?
 • How can competencies for writing with AI be developed? Should they
be built through analog or digital means to enable learners to co-act
effectively with AI, and how does this developmental process relate to
writing without AI?
 • How can teachers leverage AI in writing instruction? What
opportunities arise for the adaptive support of students in their
individual and collaborative planning, drafting, and revising
processes, as well as for text evaluation?
 • To what extent can writing research rely on traditional theories,
methodologies, and methods to explore these and similar questions?
Conversely, to what extent are new approaches needed, such as method
Please send a 500-word abstract that describes the type of submission
you are planning. Abstracts will be reviewed by the special issue
editors. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full
papers for peer review. Full papers have a length of 40,000 characters
(excluding spaces). Please send your abstract via email to the guest
editors (see below).
Please send abstracts to the two Guest Editors: Katrin Lehnen
(katrin.lehnen at germanistik.uni-giessen.de) and Torsten Steinhoff
(steinhoff at germanistik.uni-siegen.de)
Abstract submission: March 31, 2025
Authors notified: April 30, 2025
Full Paper submission: September 30, 2025
All full paper submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review
process, ensuring anonymity for both authors and reviewers to maintain
an unbiased evaluation.
Link and Copyright:
Information about the journal:
All contributions are published under the Creative Commons License CC
BY-NC-ND 4.0.
katrin.lehnen at germanistik.uni-giessen.de
steinhoff at germanistik-uni-siegen.de
Guest Editors
Prof. Dr. Katrin Lehnen, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany
Prof. Dr. Torsten Steinhoff, Universität Siegen, Germany
Steinhoff, T. & Lehnen, K. (in press). Schreiben mit Künstlicher
Intelligenz: Das GPT-Modell (Ghost, Partner, Tutor). In: Leseräume.
Preprint: https://doi.org//10.13140/RG.2.2.23519.37286
Steinhoff (in press). Künstliche Intelligenz als Ghostwriter, Writing
Tutor und Writing Partner. Zur Modellierung und Förderung von
Schreibkompetenzen im Zeichen der Automatisierung und Hybridisierung
der Kommunikation am Beispiel des Schreibens mit ChatGPT in einer 8.
Klasse. In C. Albrecht, J. Brüggemann, T. Kretschmann & C. Meier
(Eds.), Personale und funktionale Bildung im Deutschunterricht.
Theoretische, empirische und praxisbezogene Perspektiven. Stuttgart.
        Preprint: https://www.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.30477.92644/1

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics

Subject Language(s): English (eng)
                     German (deu)


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LINGUIST List: Vol-36-593

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