36.624, Confs: 15th Hellenic Language and Terminology Conference / Greece
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Mon Feb 17 22:05:02 UTC 2025
LINGUIST List: Vol-36-624. Mon Feb 17 2025. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 36.624, Confs: 15th Hellenic Language and Terminology Conference / Greece
Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>
Date: 17-Feb-2025
From: Mavina Pantazara [mavinap at frl.uoa.gr]
Subject: 15th Hellenic Language and Terminology Conference
15th Hellenic Language and Terminology Conference
Date: 06-Nov-2025 - 08-Nov-2025
Location: Athens, Greece
Contact Email: valeonti at otenet.gr
Meeting URL:
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Lexicography; Translation
The Hellenic Society for Terminology (ELETO), co-organizes with the
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), and with the
support of institutions that will soon be announced on the
Conference’s website, the 15th Conference “Hellenic Language and
Terminology”. The conference will be held in Athens, on 6–8 November
The aim of the Conference is to present the current situation of the
Greek language from a terminological point of view, as well as
methods, practices and tools of Terminology science, and their
application in the Greek language environment – monolingual and/or
interlingual –, with a view to promote terminological research and
contribute to the present-day terminological enrichment of the Greek
Themes of the Conference:
1. Theoretical and methodological approaches to terminology
Linguistic-ontological principles of terminology. Terminology as an
interface between language and knowledge. Methods, mechanisms and
rules of naming. Theoretical, synchronic and/or diachronic examination
of terms in monolingual and/or multilingual contexts.
2. Terminology and didactics
Terminology teaching and terminology didactics. Terminological aspects
of teaching lessons in specific subject fields. Concepts and terms of
3. Terminology in specific subject fields
Synchronic and/or diachronic consideration of terminologies and
terminology problems in specific subject fields. Systems of terms in
specific subject fields in relation to corresponding concept systems.
4. Terminology and translation – interpretation
The role of terms in the theory and practice of translation.
Application of the principles of terminology in translation.
Cross-linguistic matching and equivalence of terms. Concepts and terms
of translation and interpretation studies.
5. Terminological resources and digital tools
Dictionaries, terminological collections, term bases, corpora of
specialized texts. Terminology management tools. Terminology and
Artificial Intelligence (AI).
6. Standardization of terminology
Validation and standardization of terms. Harmonization of concepts.
Standardization of specific languages. Issues of simple and inclusive
7. Terminology policy - Activity of terminology institutions
Production, collection, processing, publication and availability of
terms and provision of terminology services. Ways and means of
disseminating specific terms and terminologies. Terminology
information issues. Regulatory tools for terminology policy.
Official languages of the Conference are Greek and English.
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts by 31 March 2025
Acceptance notifications by 23 May 2025
Submission of full papers by 20 July 2025
Abstract submissions:
Individuals wishing to present a paper at the Conference are invited
to submit an extended abstract (800 – 1000 words, excluding
references) in two electronic copies (one named and one anonymous), as
.doc or .docx files (compatible with MS Office 97/2003 or MS Office
97/2007) in one of the official languages of the Conference (in which
the final text of the paper should be written, too). The anonymous
copy should not include self-citations in the body or bibliography. In
unavoidable instances, the term "Author" with the publication date of
the article may be used.
Each contributor may be a) the single author of one paper and
co-author in one more, or b) co-author of at most two papers.
Submissions from students may be accepted only if co-authored by their
supervising professor(s).
The following items must appear on the page of the named copy of the
a) name, place and dates of the Conference: 15th Conference “Hellenic
Language and Terminology”, Athens, 6–8 November, 2025
b) title of the paper
c) the theme(s) (see above) the paper comes under and
d) name, affiliation, tel. no, and e-mail address of the author(s).
On the anonymous copy only a), b) and c) should be written.
The two files of the abstract should be sent by e-mail, as attached
files, to: valeonti at otenet.gr
Following the examination of the abstracts by the Scientific Committee
of the Conference, the authors of the selected papers will be notified
and receive the necessary information for the preparation and
submission of the full texts of their papers (which will be included
in the papers’ volume of the Conference (both printed and electronic).
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LINGUIST List: Vol-36-624
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