36.94, FYI: Call for book chapter proposals: High Impact Practices for Language Education: A Casebook

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LINGUIST List: Vol-36-94. Mon Jan 13 2025. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 36.94, FYI: Call for book chapter proposals: High Impact Practices for Language Education: A Casebook

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Justin Fuller <justin at linguistlist.org>


Date: 13-Jan-2025
From: Kazumi Matsumoto [kmatsumoto at bsu.edu]
Subject: Call for book chapter proposals: High Impact Practices for Language Education: A Casebook

Call for book chapter proposals
Kazumi Matsumoto, editor of the forthcoming volume High Impact
Practices for Language Education: A Casebook, invites scholars,
researchers, and practitioners to contribute chapter proposals to this
edited collection. This book aims to showcase innovative case studies
that explore the application of High-Impact Practices in language
and/or culture education.
Book Title: High Impact Practices for Language Education: A Casebook
Publisher: Routledge (contracted)
Editor: Kazumi Matsumoto, Ball State University U.S.A.
Description of the book:
The book will consist of a collection of case studies that will deepen
students’ understanding of language and culture in higher education
through High Impact Practices (HIPs). HIPs are educational experiences
with major benefits for undergraduate students. HIPs are identified
through student surveys of the most impactful experiences in their
college life and are thus student- rather than teacher-centered. HIPs
provide students with opportunities for learning through
student-centered tasks, practical experience, and collaborative
activities not often found in lecture-centered classes, often
resulting in high levels of student dissatisfaction. HIPs now receive
much attention from higher education professionals as many studies
show that this approach favors deep learning, learning gains, and
retention. Since no book to date has focused on the relationship
between HIPs and specific languages or cultures, the book will make a
major contribution to second language acquisition and the teaching of
language and culture. In addition to chapters based on Japanese
language and culture courses incorporating HIPs, the book will present
case studies of languages such as Spanish, French, German, Japanese,
and Chinese, etc. Contributors will be high school teachers or
instructors in higher education using HIPs in their world language and
culture classrooms. This book will show how HIPs can be implemented
successfully as part of language and culture courses for future world
language teachers. This book will exemplify acquired skills and
activities developed through HIPs and how world language classes can
be modified to become part of a wider learning community where the
students have a deeper experience of language learning through
meaning-centered activities they enjoy.
Possible Topics:
High-Impact Practices encompass 11 categories: (1) Capstone Courses
and Projects, (2) Collaborative Assignments and Projects, (3) Common
Intellectual Experiences, (4) Diversity/Global Learning, (5)
Portfolios, (6) First-Year Seminars and Experiences, (7) Internships,
(8) Learning Communities, (9) Service Learning and Community-Based
Learning, (10) Undergraduate Research, and (11) Writing-Intensive
We invite chapter proposals that explore innovative and effective
strategies for language learning, teaching, and curriculum design
through the lens of High-Impact Practices. Submissions may focus on
any of these categories, with particular interest in (1) Capstone
Courses, (3) Common Intellectual Experiences, (5) Portfolios, (6)
First-Year Seminars, (7) Internships, (8) Learning Communities, and
(10) Undergraduate Research. Chapters should demonstrate creative
approaches, provide practical insights, or present case studies
highlighting these practices' transformative potential in language
Submission should include the following:
1. Your name
2. Your affiliation
3. Your position title
4. Your contact information
5. A title and abstract (300–500 words) outlining the proposed
6. Keywords
Key Dates:
1. Proposal Submission Deadline: March 1, 2025
2. Notification of Acceptance: April 1, 2025
3. Full Chapter Submission: August 1, 2025 (3000 words -5000 words; 10
to 15 pages for each chapter)
For inquiries or to submit your proposal, please contact Kazumi
Matsumoto, Ph.D. at kmatsumoto at bsu.edu.
We look forward to your contributions to this exciting project!


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Language Science Press http://langsci-press.org

Multilingual Matters http://www.multilingual-matters.com/

Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke (LOT) http://www.lotpublications.nl/

Wiley http://www.wiley.com

LINGUIST List: Vol-36-94

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