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Tue Jan 14 12:05:03 UTC 2025

LINGUIST List: Vol-36-140. Tue Jan 14 2025. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 36.140, 

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Joel Jenkins <joel at linguistlist.org>


Date: 14-Jan-2025
From: Rachel Havard [Rachel.HAVARD at oup.com]

Title: Living Together Across Borders
Subtitle: Communicative Care in Transnational Salvadoran Families
Series Title: Oxford Studies in the Anthropology of Language
Publication Year: 2024

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Book URL:

Author(s): Lynnette Arnold

Hardback: ISBN: 9780197755730 Pages: 248 Price: U.S. $ 40.00


In Living Together Across Borders, author Lynnette Arnold tells the
stories of extended families living stretched between a rural
Salvadoran village and the urban locations in the United States where
their migrant relatives live. In this multi-sited ethnography, Arnold
examines seemingly mundane conversational practices-such as sending
greetings, negotiating remittances, and reminiscing together-that are
central to family life across borders. Arnold underscores the
consequentiality of these linguistic practices by tracing how they are
shaped by and re-shape gendered and generational norms of family care,
as well as how they are tied to Salvadoran histories of migration,
violence, and poverty, which are powerfully influenced by U.S.
economic and foreign policy.

This book demonstrates that these communicative practices bring
inequities between the global North and South into family life by
continually reproducing distinctions between relatives in El Salvador
and those living in the United States. Conversely, she examines
seemingly mundane interactions including greetings, remittance
negotiations, and reminiscing together. Although these relational
moments of cross-border connection are fleeting, their impacts endure,
laying the foundation for the ongoing material and economic
provisioning necessary to family survival. Through cross-border
conversations, families nurture intergenerational relations that
sustain the family and convivencia (living-together) over the years
despite ongoing separation.

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics


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LINGUIST List: Vol-36-140

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