36.309, Confs: General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Typology / Turkey
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Wed Jan 22 04:05:03 UTC 2025
LINGUIST List: Vol-36-309. Wed Jan 22 2025. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 36.309, Confs: General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Typology / Turkey
Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>
Date: 22-Jan-2025
From: Pavel Rykin [pavryk at yandex.ru]
Subject: Sixth International Conference on Mongolic Linguistics (ML 2025)
Sixth International Conference on Mongolic Linguistics (ML 2025)
Date: 07-Sep-2025 - 11-Sep-2025
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics;
Subject Language(s): Classical Mongolian (cmg)
Halh Mongolian (khk)
Khamnigan Mongol (ykh)
Middle Mongolian (xng)
Mongol (mgt)
Language Family(ies): Mongolian; Mongolic
We are pleased to announce that the Sixth International Conference on
Mongolic Linguistics (ML 2025) will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, from
September 7 to 11, 2025. The Conference will be based on the theme
“Language Contact of Mongolic: History and Present Condition”.
The Conference will be co-hosted by Department of Modern Turkic
Languages and Literatures & Mongolian Studies Center, Faculty of
Letters, Istanbul University, and School of Mongolian Studies, Inner
Mongolia University.
ML 2025 will serve as a comprehensive forum for exchange of novel
knowledge and experience in investigating various aspects of Mongolic
languages, especially those subsumed under the general theme of the
Conference. It builds on the outcomes of the previous international
conferences of the ML project (St. Petersburg, October 2013; Elista,
May 2016; Lindong Town, Baarin Left Banner, July–August 2018;
Ulan-Ude, October 2020; Ulaanbaatar, August 2023).
The following issues are expected to be discussed:
• Language contact of Mongolic in synchronic and diachronic
• Contact-induced language change in the history of Mongolic;
• General trends and specific developments in historical and
modern Mongolic varieties;
• Recent advances in Mongolic etymological studies;
• Sociolinguistic situations in Mongolic-speaking areas;
• Genetic and areal features of the Mongolic languages and
• Typology of Mongolic phonological, grammatical and lexical
• Contemporary methods and approaches to the study of the
Mongolic languages;
• Problems of classification and historical periodization of
Mongolic languages and dialects;
• Principles and methods of modern Mongolic dialectological
This list of possible topics is by no means exhaustive or directive,
it just provides the framework of the Conference.
The working languages at the Conference will be English, Mongolian,
and Russian.
There is no conference fee. Unfortunately, the Organizing Committee
lacks funding to cover travel expenses and accommodation.
The organizers will provide participants with a list of recommended
hotels. The Conference will take place at the Department of Modern
Turkic Languages and Literatures & Mongolian Studies Center, Faculty
of Letters, Istanbul University, located at Balabanaga Mah., Ordu
Caddesi, No. 6, 34459 Laleli, Istanbul, Turkey.
During the Conference, certain sightseeing activities will be
provided, namely a guided tour to the archaeological sites of Troy and
Assos. Please note that the transportation and museum entrance costs
during the tour will be covered by the participants.
If you are interested to participate please submit your application by
March 15, 2025. Applications should be submitted by filling in the
form below. We are planning to have published Conference Proceedings
with full-length papers after the Conference. The deadline and
guidelines for submission of papers will be specified in the next
circulars We will inform you whether your paper is selected by the
Organizing Committee before April 15, 2025.
The ML 2025 will be held as an in-person event, but online
participation will also be acceptable; if you prefer to make an online
presentation, please specify it in the application form below.
Please forward this circular to those of your colleagues who are
involved in studying of related topics and who might be interested to
participate. E-mail address: monglang2025 at gmail.com, please indicate
the topic of your message as follows: “To the Organizing Committee”.
Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖLMEZ
Department of Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures & Mongolian
Studies Center, Faculty of Letters, Istanbul University
President of the ML 2025
Prof. Dr. Pavel RYKIN
School of Mongolian Studies, Inner Mongolia University
General Coordinator of the ML Project
Application Form:
Last name, first name
Country, city
Academic degree, title, position
E-mail, phone number
Title of paper
Abstract in English, Mongolian or Russian (up to 200 words)
Participation (offline/online)
Necessary technical equipment
Do you need an invitation letter for visa? (yes/no)
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Language Science Press http://langsci-press.org
Multilingual Matters http://www.multilingual-matters.com/
Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke (LOT) http://www.lotpublications.nl/
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LINGUIST List: Vol-36-309
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