36.404, Summer Schools: South Asia Summer Language Institute (SASLI)

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Fri Jan 31 06:05:05 UTC 2025

LINGUIST List: Vol-36-404. Fri Jan 31 2025. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 36.404, Summer Schools: South Asia Summer Language Institute (SASLI)

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 31-Jan-2025
From: Kerry Uniyal [sasli at lpo.wisc.edu]
Subject: South Asia Summer Language Institute (SASLI)

South Asia Summer Language Institute (SASLI)

Host Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Website: https://sasli.wisc.edu/

Dates: 16-Jun-2025 - 08-Aug-2025
Location: Online / Madison, WI, USA

Minimum Education Level: High School Graduate and above

Focus: Summer 2025 Languages and levels offered through SASLI include:
In-Person Offering: Hindi (Elementary)
Online Offerings:
Bengali (Elementary and Intermediate)
Dari (Elementary and Intermediate)
Gujarati (Elementary and Intermediate)
Hindi (Intermediate, and Advanced)
Marathi (Elementary and Intermediate)
Nepali (Elementary and Intermediate)
Pashto (Elementary and Intermediate)
Punjabi (Elementary and Intermediate)
Sanskrit (Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced)
Sinhala (Elementary and Intermediate)
Tamil (Elementary and Intermediate)
Tibetan (Elementary and Intermediate)
Urdu (Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced)
The South Asian Summer Language Institute (SASLI) offers high-quality,
proficiency-based courses in 13 languages for undergraduates, graduate
students, and adult learners. The 8-week programs are the equivalent
of one year of study. Students learn speaking, reading, listening, and
writing skills though classroom instruction and a full range of
co-curricular activities.
SASLI Summer 2025 will be entirely online, plus an in-person option
for elementary Hindi!
Tuition: $5,000
Tuition Explanation: The maximum cost of tuition for SASLI is $5,000,
which is based on standard UW-Madison summer tuition rates.
This cost may be less for current UW-Madison students and WI and MN
residents. SASLI is committed to making our instruction as affordable
as possible while keeping the highest quality of instruction.
Financial Aid Applications accepted until 02-Mar-2025
The various types of funding that SASLI students can apply for to help
ease the financial burden of tuition can be found at this link:
Feel free to apply for more than one funding opportunity if you fit
the eligibility criteria.
We encourage both undergraduate and graduate students to consult with
their home department and university’s office of financial aid for any
funding they might offer.

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition

Subject Language(s): Hindi (hin)
                     Sanskrit (san)
                     Sinhala (sin)
                     Tamil (tam)
                     Urdu (urd)

Registration: 20-Nov-2024 to 15-Mar-2025

Contact Person: SASLI Coordinator Kerry Uniyal
                Phone: 6082633724
                Email: sasli at lpo.wisc.edu

Apply by Email: sasli at lpo.wisc.edu
Apply on the web: https://sasli.wisc.edu/

Registration Instructions:
Visit https://sasli.wisc.edu/student-application/ and fill out the
Google application form linked there. Then, submit additional
materials listed such as a personal statement, transcripts, and pay
the $25 application fee. There are additional materials that need to
be submitted if you are applying for funding opportunities.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-36-404

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