Jobs: 4 Offers

Philippe Blache pb at
Thu Apr 1 14:37:27 UTC 1999


1/ From: Sabine Reich <Sabine.Reich at Uni-Koeln.DE>
   Subject: Job posting

2/ From: "Jean Caelen" <Jean.Caelen at>
   Subject: Un poste de prof et un poste de MCF a Grenoble

3/ From:  Sandypac30 at
   Subject:  Software Engineer in Speech Technology; Silicon Valley, CA

4/ From:  Sandypac30 at
   Subject:  Software Engineer in Speech Modeling and Synthesis

1/ From: Sabine Reich <Sabine.Reich at Uni-Koeln.DE>
   Subject: Job posting

Corpus Linguistics -- Short-term Posting

The Department of English Linguistics at the Technical University of
Chemnitz is looking for one or two graduate research assistants to help
put the Handbook for the Lampeter Corpus of Early Modern Tracts on to the
World Wide Web. The contract will offer 20 hours of work per week for six
months, starting as soon as possible, and in any case before 1st
September, 1999. Payment would be on the scale BAT IIa (Ost), with a
minimum of 25,200 DM p.a. There would be opportunities to supplement the
basic salary through teaching assignments.

The post would suit a recent graduate looking for a short-term posting
before making the next career move or a researcher on a sabbatical year.
The successful candidate will need an understanding of corpus linguistics,
and knowledge of and interest in historical linguistics, as well as
experience in preparing material for web-pages. S/he should be a fluent
speaker of English, and good competence in German would be an advantage.

The Department provides a lively working environment. Alongside the normal
teaching activities there is a wide range of projects, involving corpora,
language varieties, computer-assisted language learning and the use of
modern multimedia techniques. As well as digitizing and editing the
Lampeter Corpus, members of the Department have also been responsible for
the East African section of the International Corpus of English. The
English Linguistics Department is contributing a research project on
'Learner Behaviour in the Internet Grammar' to a large-scale University
programme on 'Multimedia in Everyday Life', funded by the Deutsche
Forschungsgesellschaft, Germany's principal research funding body.

The city of Chemnitz is in the middle of an energetic programme of
rebuilding and renovation. In the inner suburbs the largest concentration
of Jugendstil houses anywhere in Western Europe is being restored to its
former elegance. Ample accomodation is available in the neighbourhood of
the Humanities Faculty, a little south of the city centre. There is good
public transport, and Chemnitz is only about an hour's train-ride from
both Dresden and Leipzig. The surrounding countryside is pleasantly wooded
and peppered with splendid castles, and in the Erzgebirge to the South
there is a wealth of dramatic scenery and wild-life, as well as villages
that still retain many of their ancient traditions.

Interested candidates should send or e-mail a CV and letter of
application, by 31st April 1999, to:

Professor Dr. Josef Schmied
Technische Universitaet Chemnitz
English linguistics
09107 Chemnitz
e-mail: josef.schmied at


2/ From: "Jean Caelen" <Jean.Caelen at>
   Subject: Un poste de prof et un poste de MCF a Grenoble

Le poste de MCF est a l'ISTG de Grenoble...

"Communication Personne/Systeme, multimedia" n°1363

Section du CNU 27 eme
Profil  Réseaux, Multimédia, Applications (ISTG)

Laboratoire d'affectation : CLIPS - IMAG


Profil Recherche
La recherche s'effectuera au laboratoire CLIPS de l'IMAG (Communication
Langagière Interaction Personne-Système). Ce laboratoire conduit des
recherches fondamentales et appliquées dans les différents domaines de la
communication homme-machine et entretient de multiples relations

Le candidat retenu participera aux travaux du laboratoire sur le dialogue
oral homme-machine dans le contexte des nouveaux services de
Ce profil nécessite des compétences en traitement de la parole
(reconnaissance automatique) en compréhension de la parole spontanée
(traitement syntaxico-semantique et pragmatique des énoncés) et dans la
modélisation de l'utilisateur (aspects cognitifs). Le profil comporte aussi
une ouverture  vers des secteurs d'application typiques des
télécommunications comme, par exemple, les interfaces de communication
multimodales, la communication multilingue ou la recherche d'informations
sur le réseau

L’IUT1 de Grenoble  procède au recrutement
d’un professeur des universités en 61e section-Génie Informatique
pour son département SRC à L’Isle d’Abeau


Ce Professeur d’Université sera affecté au département Services et Réseaux de
Communication délocalisé à L’Isle d’Abeau (85 Km de Grenoble-35 Km de Lyon). Ce
département a été créé en septembre 1996 et s’apprête à sortir sa deuxième
promotion. Actuellement le nombre d’étudiants est de 104 et l’équipe pédagogique
compte huit enseignants titulaires, un ingénieur systèmes, un technicien et 20
vacataires enseignants ou professionnels. Le site est connecté à RENATER.

En ce qui concerne le service d’enseignement, il participera à l’enseignement :
- de l’Informatique ( langages HTML, Java Script, Java,….),
- du développement d’applications en réseaux (couches hautes).
Actuellement ces enseignements ( cours, TD, TP )  sont montés et fonctionnent
soit avec du personnel titulaire, soit du personnel vacataire.

En ce qui concerne les responsabilités pédagogiques, il devra assumer la charge
de chef du département. A ce titre, il assumera la responsabilité de la
formation à la spécialité SRC à l’IUT1 de Grenoble, de la gestion du département
dont celle de l’équipe pédagogique. En outre, il sera amené, à court et moyen
termes, à mettre en place et  développer la formation continue et la formation
par alternance.


Les activités de recherche s’effectueront à Grenoble dans le laboratoire CLIPS
 Communication Langagière et Interaction Personne-Système ) de l’IMAG sur le
thème de l’analyse et de la génération d’images et/ou de  parole.

Un intérêt tout particulier est donné à l’exercice de ces recherches dans le
contexte des processus d’interaction : interaction multimédia, communication
homme-homme médiatisé, dialogue homme-machine sont des exemples des principaux
domaines d’intérêt du laboratoire concernant ce poste.

Les deux équipes plus particulièrement concernées dans le laboratoire CLIPS sont
- le groupe GEOD ( synthèse et reconnaissance de parole, analyse de dialogue )
- le groupe MRIN ( indexation et recherche d’informations multimédia ) .

prendre contact avec :
l’Administration : Service du Personnel (IUT1)   tél : 04 76 82 53 14

l’Enseignement :  Jean MICHOULIER ( SRC) tél : 04 76 82 53 60 et  04 74 18 19 92
     E-mail : Jean.Michoulier at
la Recherche:  Jean CAELEN ( CLIPS)  tél : 04 76 51 46 27 et  04 76  51 42 34
     E-mail : Jean.Caelen at
Jean Caelen
Laboratoire CLIPS-IMAG (Equipe GEOD)
Domaine universitaire, BP 53
38041 Grenoble Cedex 9
Tel  : +33 (0)4 76 51 46 27
Fax : +33 (0)4 76 63 55 52
E-mail : Jean.Caelen at


3/ From:  Sandypac30 at
   Subject:  Software Engineer in Speech Technology; Silicon Valley, CA

Location:  Silicon Valley, CA

For a complete listing of our current career opportunities, please visit our
Page at

Career opportunity for a proven Software Engineer in speech technology
to focus on dialog and grammar development.  Will design the dialogue
required to build speech recognition systems for telephone services
(e.g., booking airline tickets).

   Will determine exactly what the system should say at each point, and
   what the possible responses may be from the caller.  The critical
   skills required include:

   spoken user interface design

   any kind of computer-human interface background

   linguistics and cognitive science background

   IVR background (designing and building touch tone systems)

 Please respond directly to Arnold Garlick, President, Pacific Search
2377 S. El Camino Real Suite 201, San Clemente, CA  92672  Email:
arnold at
(ASCII Files or MS Word compatible documents ONLY PLEASE, NO Postscript
files, PLEASE) Fax: (949) 366-9200.

Please refer to Position #2487


4/ From:  Sandypac30 at
   Subject:  Software Engineer in Speech Modeling and Synthesis

Location:  Washington DC

For a complete listing of our current career opportunities, please visit our
Web Page at

 Significant career opportunity for a qualified software engineer to
 help develop innovative speech modeling and synthesis techniques for
 application in voice-interactive products and services.

  Main group objectives:

  Work with a team of engineers and scientists to develop and implement
  techniques for automatically generating natural sounding voice
  messages in multiple languages.  Techniques employed will include TTS
  and hybrid synthesis.

  Key Responsibilities:

  Assist with the general development and enhancement of existing voice
  output systems.

  Develop corpus-based approaches to modeling speaker-specific duration
  and intonation characteristics.

  Develop objective and subjective methods for evaluating speech
  synthesis quality.

  Establish guidelines and automatic procedures to facilitate the design
  and recording of message components to be used in hybrid synthesis

  Other Duties:

  Develop software modules in both the UNIX and NT environments to
  implement systems in support of the synthesis project aims.

  Communicate with prospects and customers to better understand their
  specific voice output requirements, and translate these requirements
  into development plans.

  Occassional work on recognition, interactive dialog related systems


  Essential: Masters degree or equivalent level of knowledge in
  Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, or Electrical
  Engineering.  Willingness to relocate to the Washington, DC area.

  Desirable: PhD in one of these areas.

  Experience Required:

  2 years in speech analysis and/or synthesis; 3 years programming in C
  or C++

  5+ years in speech analysis/synthesis with an emphasis on prosody
  analysis/synthesis in multiple European languages.

  Specialist Training Required:

  Experience in speech synthesis.

  Statistical pattern recognition, ToBI or other standard prosody
  labeling method.  Automatic POS tagging techniques. DSP. Acoustic

  Particular Skills Required:

  Fluent programming in C and/or C++.  Technical report writing. Fluent
  in English.

  Good verbal communication. Working knowledge of Tcl/Tk, Perl, Java.
  Fluency in multiple European languages.

  Type of Person Required:

  Creative thinker and doer capable of independent, focused R&D aimed
  at specific project objectives.  Must communicate effectively with
  co-workers to establish goals, approaches, and to track progress.  Must
  be flexible and willing to apply a theoretical background to solving

  Capable of assuming a leadership role as the company grows.

Please respond directly to Arnold Garlick, President, Pacific Search
2377 S. El Camino Real Suite 201, San Clemente, CA  92672  Email:
arnold at
(ASCII Files or MS Word compatible documents ONLY PLEASE, NO Postscript
files, PLEASE) Fax: (949) 366-9200.

Please refer to Position #2443

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