Conf: HMC (Postponement)

Philippe Blache pb at
Thu Apr 15 15:53:47 UTC 1999

From: y.wilks at (Yorick Wilks)

Dear Colleagues:
I very much regret to announce the postponement of the third Bellagio workshop until 11-13 July 2000. It has been an unfortunate side effect of the recent problems at the European Commission. We annnounced the meeting with distinguished speakers and the plan was to fund them from an EC grant. Suddenly, our proposal along with the others that had received was
returned to wait for a new RFP in the summer--too late for us, alas!

We felt it would not be right to go ahead this year after withdrwing the invitations to the speakers, so we will postpone till next year, hopefully with the same speakers and sponsors and EC backing.

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