Conf: NLDB'99

Philippe Blache pb at
Fri Apr 30 15:15:05 UTC 1999

From: "Christian Winkler" <christian.winkler at>

We apologize if you receive this mail more than once!

                        ****  CALL FOR PARTICIPATION *****
                  4th International Conference on Applications of
                     Natural Language and Information Systems
                      Klagenfurt, Austria, June 17-19, 1999

For details please have a look at

** Conference Aims and Scope **

Natural language processing and linguistic theory are of increasing
importance  in the field of information and communication systems design.

The integration of information systems, natural language processing and
linguistic theory has been a long term goal. The convergence of research in these two technologies is mainly due to the progress of research in natural language and to the development of new technologies which allow the storage and handling of semantically enriched electronic dictionaries. Most aspects of the life cycle of an information system may be improved by using natural language techniques: information system design (requirements analysis, specification, validation, conflict resolution), database query languages and consulting programs that use new software engineering research allowing natural program specifications.

NLDB conferences are aimed to bring together researchers and industrials
which are interested in the applications of natural language in the field of database and information systems .

The NLDB'99 contributions are a balanced mix of full paper reports and
extended abstracts from research and application giving a broad insight into the state of the art concerning problems and solutions within the context of
natural language processing and information systems.


Conference Chair: Prof. Dr. Heinrich C. Mayr
Program Chair:    Dr. Guenther Fliedl

Program Committee:
- A.T. Berztiss, Pittsburg University, US
- Mokrane Bouzeghob, University of Versailles, France
- Hans Burg, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Peter Chen, Lousiana State University, LA, US
- Paul McFetridge, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Udo Hahn, University Freiburg, Germany
- Willi Mayerthaler, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
- Elisabeth Metais, University of Versailles, France
- Erich Ortner, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
- Reind van de Riet, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Stefano Spaccapietra, Ecole Politechnique Federale, Lausanne,
- Bernhard Thalheim, Technical University Cottbus, Germany
- Werner Winiwarter, University of Vienna, Austria
- Ingrid Zukerman, Monash University, Australia

**  Preliminary  Program **

Keynote Speech:

Nicola Guarino
AI & Robotics Group Ladseb - CNR, Padova; Italy

Full Papers:

Linguistically based Conceptual Modeling of Business Communication
A.A.G. Steuten, R.P. van de Riet, J.L.G. Dietz
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Technische Universiteit Delft; Netherlands

Occurance-type-based Determination of the Functionality of
a Workflow Management Application
F.R. Lehmann
Technical Univ. Darmstadt; Germany

Graphical NL Versus Symbolic Notation in Object and Process Modeling
A. Galatescu
Research Institute for Informatics Bucharest; Romania

Natural Language Database Query System
B. Bouchou, D. Maurel
Universite Francois Rabelais de Tours; France

Text Parsing Medical Reports in MedSynDiKATe
U. Hahn, M. Romacker, St. Schulz
Freiburg University; Germany

An Adaptive Natural Language Interface Architecture to
Access FAQ Knowledge Bases
W. Winiwarter
University of Vienna; Austria

On the Use of Natural Language Concepts for the Conceptual Modeling
of Interaction in Information Systems
J. Lewerenz
Brandenburg Technical University at Cottbus; Germany

Metaphor Development for Internet Sites
B. Thalheim, A. Duesterhoeft
Brandenburg Technical University at Cottbus; Germany

A Uniform semantical Linkage Model for Dependency Structures
and Domain Ontologies
M. Romacker, U. Hahn
Freiburg University; Germany

Extended Abstracts:

The two functionalities of the SAREL System
N. Castell, A. Hernandez
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; Spain

Experiences with Domain-Based Parsing for Natural Language Requirements
V. Gervasi, V. Ambriola
Dipartimento di Informatica; Italy

Language and Information Systems - research at Tilburg University
Hans Weigand
Tilburg University; Netherlands

The NL-OOPS Project: Object Oriented Modeling using the Natural Language
Processing System LOLITA
L. Mich, R. Garigliano
University of Trento; Italy, University of Durham; UK

Object-Oriented Analysis: getting Help from Robust Computational
Linguistic Tools
S. Delisle, K. Barker, I. Biskri
Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivie; Canada

The NIBA project: linguistically based requierements engineering
G. Fliedl, Ch. Kop, H.C. Mayr, W. Mayerthaler, Ch. Winkler
Klagenfurt University; Austria

Analogy + Tables = Conjugation
Yves Lepage
ATR Interpreting Telecom. Res. Labs.; Japan

Structured Language Modeling for Speech Recognition
C. Chelba, F. Jelinek
The John Hopkins University; USA

Task-Based Metrics for Machine Translation Evaluation
J.S. White
Litton PRC; UK

Large-Scale Collocation Data and their Application to NLP -
First Trial for Word Processor Technology
M. Yasutake
Fukuoka University; Japan

Development of Speech Control System for intelligent Robot
F.G. Dinenberg, D. Y. Levin, I.G. Popov, Y.A. Zagorulko, M.A. Zhigalov
A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatic Systems; Russia

Word Sense Disambiguation for Understanding-Based Information Retrieval
Younk-Suk Lee, J. Goldberg, C. Weinstein
MIT Lincoln Laboratory; USA

Identifying and Extracting Relations in Textmetaphor Development
for Internet Sites
R.J. Byrd, Y. Ravin
T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM; USA

On the Scalability of the Answer Extraction System 'ExtrAns'
D. Molla-Aliod, M. Hess
University of Zurich; Switzerland

HALPIN: A Multimodal and conversational application in natural language
for information seeking on the World Wide Web
J. Rouillard, J. Caelen
Laboratoire IMAG-CLIPS; France

Cinema Paradise Multimedia Information Retrieval System
M. Jun, Seong-Joon Yoo, Kyung Taek Chong, Dong See Choi,
Myung-Gil Jang, Soo-Jun Park, Hyunjin Kim

Natural Language Access to Software Applications
P. Schmidt, A. Theofilidis, M. Marimon, J. Forster, P. Phelan, H. Schulz
University of Mainz, University of Saarbruecken Germany;
Anite Systems; Luxembourg

Multi-agent system for natural language processing:
studying the subject through the NALAMAS project
V.L. Strube de Lima
PUCRS - Faculdade de Informatica; Brazil

Tamic-P: A system for NL access to social insurance databases
J. Matiasek, A. Klein, H. Trost
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence; Austria

Word Taxanomy for On-line Visual Asset Managment and Mining
O.R. Zaiane, E. Hagen, J. Han
Simon Fraser University; Canada

The Prolex Database: Toponyms and Gentiles for NLP
O. Piton
Univiersite; Paris 1; France

Multimodal Natural Language Interface to Information Systems
L. Ahrenberg, N. Dahlbaeck,  A. Flycht-Eriksson, A. Joensson,
P. Qvarfordt, L. Santamarta, L. Stroemboeck
Linkoeping University; Sweden

Application-oriented Report Generation
H. Horacek, St. Busemann
DFKI GmbH Saarbruecken; Germany

A Knowledge Managment Prototype
M.S. Neff, J.W. Cooper
T. J. Watson Research Center IBM; USA

Automatic Indexing Thesaurus Intended for Recognition of Lexical Cohesion in Texts
N.V. Loukachevitch, A.D. Salii, V.B. Dobrov
Moscow State University; Russia

Programming Language Evolution
M. J. O'Brien, M. Bagiokou
School of Computer Science and Information Technology; UK

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