Jobs: 4 Offers
Philippe Blache
pb at
Tue Dec 21 11:11:04 UTC 1999
1/ From: "Rachel Gawron" <gawron at>
Subject: Post
2/ From: "Ingrid Meyer" <imeyer at>
Subject: poste
3/ From: eric at
Subject: Job: Catalan - English, Barcelona
4/ From: Paul Allopenna <pallopenna at>
Subject: Comp Ling: Technical Staff at, Providence, RI, USA
1/ From: "Rachel Gawron" <gawron at>
Subject: Post
Empirical Methods in the Cognitive Science of Language
The Department of Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins University is
offering Postdoctoral Traineeships in a problem-centered language
research program encompassing psycholinguistics, theoretical
linguistics, cognitive neuropsychology (especially neuroimaging and
cognitive neuropsychology of language), language acquisition, and
computational linguistics. Ideal trainees will have previous
experience in one or more of these disciplines and will possess strong
motivation for training in the other areas. Trainees must be able to
work independently, demonstrating high levels of initiative. Applicants
are required to submit a brief (approx. 3-page) proposal, indicating
(1) what courses or other academic resources they wish to take
advantage of in order to augment their doctoral education; (2) how they
expect to contribute to the training environment; (3) what research
activities they are interested in pursuing during their post-doctoral
appointment; and (4) how their proposed research fits in with existing
research in Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins. Applicants are
referred to our website ( for further information on
the training program. The interactive training environment for these
positions includes the facilities of the Cognitive Science Department
and other related units at Johns Hopkins, including the Center for
Language and Speech Processing, the Psychology and Neurology
Departments and the Mind/Brain Institute, along with access to a
research-dedicated fMRI facility providing extensive technical support
(the Kirby Center). The Traineeships are part of the department's
NSF-supported Integrated Graduate Education and Research Training
(IGERT) Program in the Cognitive Science of Language, and are also
supported through a group NSF Learning and Intelligent Systems (LIS)
grant on Optimization in Language and Language Learning. Traineeships
will begin on September 1; awards are for a period of one year and may
be renewable. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of
the US. The deadline for applications is January 31, 1999, but
applications will be accepted after that time until the positions are
filled. Please send CV, proposal, and three letters of reference to:
IGERT Postdoctoral Traineeships, Department of Cognitive Science, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218-2685.
The Johns Hopkins University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.
2/ From: "Ingrid Meyer" <imeyer at>
Subject: poste
Facult=E9 des arts : =C9cole de traduction et d'interpr=E9tation (=C9TI)
L'=C9TI sollicite des candidatures =E0 un poste de professeur adjoint =
=E0 temps plein menant =E0 la permanence.
1. Domaine : Traduction. Un int=E9r=EAt particulier pour l'un des =
domaines suivants est souhaitable : informatique et traduction, =
traduction technique, traduction espagnole, interpr=E9tation
2. T=E2ches :Enseignement aux trois cycles, en anglais ou en fran=E7ais, =
selon les besoins de l'=C9TI (l'=C9TI offre des cours de traduction en =
anglais, en fran=E7ais et en espagnol). Recherche. Responsabilit=E9s =
3. Crit=E8res d'admissibilit=E9 : Doctorat et publications. =
L'exp=E9rience de l'enseignement universitaire constitue un atout. Une =
exp=E9rience professionnelle est =E9galement souhaitable.
4. Salaire : Selon la convention collective.
DATE DE CL=D4TURE : le 15 janvier 2000.
ENTR=C9E EN FONCTION : le 1er juillet 2000.
Pri=E8re d'adresser la lettre de candidature, un curriculum vitae =
complet et =E0 jour, un exemplaire des principales publications et le =
nom de trois r=E9pondants =E0 : Madame Genevi=E8ve Mareschal, =
Directrice, =C9cole de traduction et d'interpr=E9tation, Universit=E9 =
d'Ottawa, C.P. 450, Succ. A, OTTAWA (Ontario), Canada K1N 6N5.
Conform=E9ment aux exigences prescrites en mati=E8re d'immigration au =
Canada, cette annonce s'adresse aux citoyens canadiens et aux =
r=E9sidents permanents. L'Universit=E9 a une politique d'=E9quit=E9 en =
mati=E8re d'emploi et encourage fortement les hommes =E0 pr=E9senter =
leur candidature.
Faculty of Arts: School of Translation and Interpretation (STI)
The STI invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position, with =
the rank of Assistant Professor.
1. Field. Translation. Special interest in one or more of the following =
areas is desirable: computers and translation, technical translation, =
Spanish translation, interpretation.
2. Tasks. The successful applicant will be required to teach at both =
graduate and undergraduate levels in French or in English, according to =
the needs of the School (the School teaches English, French and Spanish =
translation). The applicant will be expected to carry out research and =
participate in administrative duties.
3. Minimum qualifications. Doctorate and publications. Experience in =
university teaching is a definite advantage. Professional experience =
would also be desirable.
4. Salary. In accordance with the collective agreement.
STARTING DATE: July 1, 2000
Letters of application, accompanied by a detailed and up-to-date =
curriculum vitae, copies of principal publications and the names of =
three referees, should be sent to: Dr. Genevi=E8ve Mareschal, Director, =
School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa, Box 450, =
Station A, Ottawa ON, K1N 6N5
In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement =
is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The University =
of Ottawa has an Employment Equity Program and strongly encourages =
applications from men.
3/ From: eric at
Subject: Job: Catalan - English, Barcelona
I have been asked to pass this on -
For further information, please contact morales at or juan at
Job Offer
We urgently need to employ a Computational Linguist, who is also a
native speaker of English. The work involves participating in a project
team on a Catalan - English project, and in particular working with the
English side of the project.
The candidate should:
havea certain degree of knowledge of formal linguistics and (if
possible) of Computational linguistics.
havenative competence in English.
The work will be carried out in Barcelona (Cornella district) and will last
until August or September 2000.
Salary according to the profile and experience of the candidate.
4/ From: Paul Allopenna <pallopenna at>
Subject: Comp Ling: Technical Staff at, Providence, RI, USA
Rank of Job: member of technical staff
Areas Required: Statistical Language Processing
Other Desired Areas: Internet Search
University or Organization:
State or Province: RI
Country: USA
Final Date of Application: open
Contact: Paul Allopenna pallopenna at
Address for Applications:
203 Sout Main St.
RI 02903
We are seeking a Ph.D. level computational linguist with a
strong background in both Computer Science and Computational
Linguistics, with experience in statistical language processing.
We are an internet start-up company working on web search enhancement.
Experience with large linguistic databases or corpora would be helpful.
We are located in Providence RI, and attractive city
conveniently close to both Boston and New York. We offer a
competitive salary and excellent benefits.
Please contact Paul Allopenna for more information at:
(401) 621-3200 x45, or pallopenna at
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