Appel: MT Summit VII

Philippe Blache pb at
Fri Mar 5 12:20:08 UTC 1999

From: "Megumi Kiya" <aamt0002 at>

                   "MT in the Great Translation Era"
                   September 13-17, 1999, Singapore
                         2nd CALL FOR PAPERS
MT Summit VII solicits submissions of research papers, system presentations,
and user reports in the broad field of machine translation and natural
language processing.
    Important Dates:
        30 April 1999      Paper submission deadline
            (Note: The date has changed since the 1st CFP.)
        30 May 1999        Notifications
        15 July 1999       Final camera-ready copy deadline
Please see the "Paper Submission" section below for the details.
MT Summit VII will also have many invited presentations by researchers,
and policy makers from all parts of the world.
    Featured Speakers:
        Martin Kay, Xerox PARC and Stanford University
        Jo Lernout, Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products nv
        Toru Nishigaki, University of Tokyo

        Makoto Nagao, Kyoto University
Please see the "Invited Speakers" section below for the details.
Further Information:
    Please visit our Web-site for up-to-date MT SUMMIT VII information:
    By e-mail, please contact the AAMT secretariat: aamt0002 at
The seventh Machine Translation Summit, organized by the Asia-Pacific
Association for Machine Translation (AAMT), will be held at Kent Ridge
Digital Labs on the campus of National University of Singapore from 13 to
17 September 1999.  Meetings of the MT Summit have been held once every two
years since 1987 under the auspices of AAMT, EAMT (European Association for
Machine Translation) and AMTA (Association for Machine Translation in the
Americas).  MT Summit VII, which is the last conference of the 20th century
in the premier series of conferences on machine translation, will provide
a forum for discussing the prospect of MT and related areas in the coming
century.  MT Summit VII will feature an expanded program including research
papers, reports on users' experiences, discussions of policy issues, invited
talks, panels, exhibitions, tutorials, and workshops.  AAMT invites all who
are interested in any aspect of machine translation - researchers,
providers, users, and watchers - to participate in the conference.
The schedule of MT Summit VII is outlined as follows:
  Monday,      13 September: Tutorials                         Reception
  Tuesday,     14 September:  Main conference  Exhibition
  Wednesday, 15 September:  Main conference  Exhibition  Banquet
  Thursday,    16 September:  Main conference  Exhibition
  Friday,        17 September:  Workshops
                            Paper Submission
MT Summit VII seeks original papers in all aspects of machine translation.
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
  - Methodologies for MT (rule-based, knowledge-based, analogy-based,
   statistics-based, etc.)
  - Practical MT systems (MT for professional translation, MT for the
   Internet, MT for localization, etc.)
  - Translation aids (translation memory, terminology databases, etc.)
  - Speech and dialogue translation
  - Natural language analysis and generation techniques
  - Dictionaries and lexicons for MT systems
  - Text corpora for MT and knowledge extraction from corpora
  - Human factors in MT and user interfaces
  - Evaluation techniques
  - Standards in text and lexicon encoding for MT
  - Cross-lingual information retrieval
  - MT and related technologies (information retrieval, text categorization,
   text summarization, information extraction, etc.)
There will be three categories of papers:
(1) Research papers:
Submissions are invited for reports of significant research results in any
aspect of machine translation and related areas.  Such reports should
include a substantial evaluative component.  Papers should be in English,
not longer than 5,000 words.
(2) System presentations with demos:
Submissions are invited for reports on the design, implementation, operation
and evaluation of operational and prototype systems.  Reports should be in
English, not longer than 2,000 words.
(3) User studies:
Submissions are invited for reports on users' experiences with applying MT
to some task, evaluation of MT systems, analysis of MT markets, etc.
Reports should be in English, not longer than 5,000 words.
All types of papers should be submitted to the address below and must be
received by the indicated date.  Papers should include a cover page with the
following information:
  - paper title,
  - author(s)' name(s), affiliation(s), address(es), and e-mail
  - 200 word abstract,
  - for research papers: up to 5 keywords,
  - for system presentations with demos: the word "System presentation with
   demo", and the hardware, software and network requirement for the
  - for user studies: the word "User study".
Please mail 4 hardcopies of the paper to:
  MT Summit VII
  Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT)
  3F, Shiba-Koen Sanada Bldg.
  3-5-12 Shiba-Koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan
In addition, please submit an ASCII version of the cover page electronically
  aamt0001 at
Important Dates:
  30 April 1999      Paper submission deadline
      (Note: The date has changed since the 1st CFP.)
  30 May 1999        Notifications
  15 July 1999       Final camera-ready copy deadline
                            Invited Speakers
In addition to submitted paper sessions, the conference program will include
a keynote speech, invited talks, regional reports, special sessions on
selected topics, and panel discussions.  Following is a list of invited
Opening session:
    Representative of Singapore Government
    Representative of MITI of Japanese Government
Keynote speech:
    Hozumi Tanaka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
      (President, International Association for Machine Translation)
Invited talks:
    Martin Kay, Xerox PARC and Stanford University, USA
      Prof. Kay, who has been a leading scientist in computational
      linguistics and machine translation, will present a technological
      perspective of MT.
    Jo Lernout, Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products nv, Belgium
      Dr. Lernout, one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the field of
      speech and language, will present an industrial prospect of MT and
      related technologies.
    Toru Nishigaki, University of Tokyo, Japan
      Prof. Nishigaki, who is an interdisciplinary researcher in computer
      science and sociology, will give an enlightening talk on social
      implications of MT.
Special talk (at Banquet):
    Makoto Nagao, Kyoto University, Japan
      Prof. Nagao, President of Kyoto University and the founding Presidents
      of IAMT (The International Association for Machine Translation) and
      AAMT, who is a pioneer of MT as well as a wide areas of AI, will give
      a talk at the Banquet which will take place on September 15th, 1999.
Survey reports on MT in each area:
- Asia
    Hemant Darbari, Center for Developemnt of Advanced Computing, India
    Aiping Fu, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China
    Hirosato Nomura, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
    Se-Young Park, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute,
- Europe
    Rose Lockwood, Equipe Consortium Ltd., UK
- North America
    Elliott Macklovitch, Universite de Montreal, Canada
Special sessions:
                                                ( *) Coordinator)
"Controlled Language"
    Hiroyuki Kaji,*) Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
    Uus Knops, LANT nv, Belgium
    Teruko Mitamura, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
    Virginia Cha,*) Star+Globe Technologies, Singapore
    Michael Anobile, Localisation Industry Standard Association,
    Stanley Park, International Transformational Information Corp., Korea
"MT and Speech"
    Key-Sun Choi,*) Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and
      Korea Terminology Research Center for Language and Knowledge
      Engineering, Korea
    Hitoshi Iida, ATR Interpreting Telecommunications Research Laboratories
      and SONY Computer Science Laboratories Inc., Japan
    Gianni Lazzari, Instituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologia, Italy
"Multilingual Information Access"
    Vilas Wuwongse,*) Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
    Thomas Baker, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
    Sung H. Myaeng, Chungnam National University, Korea
"MT from the Research Perspective"
    Dominique Estival,*) University of Melbourne, Australia
"Views from Users"
    Hirosato Nomura,*) Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
"MT for the Next Century"
    Jun-ichi Tsujii,*) University of Tokyo, Japan, and University of
      Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK
    Eduard Hovy, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
    Shin-ichiro Kamei, NEC Corporation, Japan
    Keh-Yih Su, Behavior Design Corporation, Taiwan
    Yorick Wilks, Sheffield University, UK
    (TBA) From MT users
    (TBA) From MT users
                                                ( *) Moderator)
"International Cooperation - From Funding Agencies' Point of View"
    Antonio Sanfilippo,*) European Commission, Luxembourg
    Roberto Cencioni, European Commission, Luxembourg
    (TBC) Lianzhong He, Development and Planning Commission of China, China
    (TBC) Akira Kubota, MITI, Japan
    Ronald Larsen, DARPA, USA
    Gary Strong, NSF, USA
"MT Evaluation"
    Margaret King,*) University of Geneva, Switzerland
    Eduard Hovy, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
    Benjamin K. Tsou, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    John White, Litton PRC, USA
    Yusoff Zaharin, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Closing session:
    John Hutchins, University of East Anglia, UK
Many commercial and research systems, including a speech translation system
by C-STAR Consortium (ATR, CMU, etc.), will be demonstrated in exhibit
throughout the conference.  About 30 booths will be prepared for exhibitors.
Spaces will be allocated to applicants on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you would like to exhibit, please contact the Exhibition Coordinator
(e-mail: vicky at
                           About Singapore Singapore is a vibrant,
sophisticated city state of 3 million people offering the best of
modern facilities and comforts while retaining her heritage and
culture.  A progressive, cosmopolitan city, Singapore has the world's
best airport - Changi International Airport - and lies at the
crossroads of Asia.  Known for her food and shopping, Singapore is a
thriving nucleus for tourism, trade and finance.  The climate in
Singapore is tropical all year round with high humidity and
temperatures varying between 23 degrees Celsius (74 F) in the evening
to 32 degrees Celsius (90 F) during the day.  Showers are sporadic and
heavy but also brief and refreshing.  Light summer clothing may be
worn throughout the day.
                          About the Venue
Kent Ridge Digital Labs (KRDL) is a national applied research & development
organization established in January 1998 through the merger of former
national IT institutes - the Information Technology Institute (ITI) and the
Institute of Systems Science (ISS).  With a diverse team of more than 400
research scientists, KRDL's aim is to be the premier research and
organization in Asia-Pacific for information and networking technologies.
                      Conference Organization
Organizing Committee
  Honorary Chair:
    Makoto Nagao, Kyoto University, Japan
    Hozumi Tanaka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
  Vice Chairs:
    Hwee Boon Low, Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore
    Jun-ichi Tsujii, University of Tokyo, Japan, and University of
      Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK
Executive Committee
    Hirokazu Amemiya, Toshiba Corporation, Japan
  Vice Chair:
    Hideki Morimoto, Fujitsu Ltd., Japan
Local Organizing Committee
    Hwee Boon Low, Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore
    Victorine Chen-Toh, Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore
Program Committee
    Jun-ichi Tsujii, University of Tokyo, Japan, and University of
      Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK
  Vice Chair:
    Loong Cheong Tong, Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore
    Virginia Cha, Star+Globe Technologies, Singapore
    Jason S. Chang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
    ZhaoXiong Chen, Kezhi Co., China
    Key-Sun Choi, Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
    Robert Dale, Macquarie University, Australia
    Zhendong Dong, Chinese Information Processing Society, China
    Dominique Estival, University of Melbourne, Australia
    Changning Huang, Tsinghua University, China
    Hitoshi Iida, ATR Interpreting Telecommunications Research
      Laboratories and SONY Computer Science Laboratories Inc., Japan
    Etsuo Ito, Toshiba Corporation, Japan
    Hiroyuki Kaji, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
    Shin-ichiro Kamei, NEC Corporation, Japan
    Asanee Kawtrakul, Kasetsart University, Thailand
    Kunio Matsui, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan
    Se Young Park, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute,
    Wanchai Rivepiboon, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
    Trihono Sastrohartono, Agency for the Assessment and Application of
      Technology, Indonesia
    Youlwon Seong, Language and Computer, Ltd., Korea
    Satoshi Shirai, ATR Interpreting Telecommunications Research
      Laboratories, Japan
    Keh-Yih Su, Behavior Design Corporation, Taiwan
    Chew Lim Tan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    Benjamin K. Tsou, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Dekai Wu, University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
    Yusoff Zaharin, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
  International Advisors:
    Laurie Gerber, SYSTRAN Software, Inc., USA
    Eduard Hovy, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
    John Hutchins, University of East Anglia, UK
    Antonio Sanfilippo, European Commission, Luxembourg

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