Appel: MT Summit Workshop

Philippe Blache pb at
Fri May 21 14:18:42 UTC 1999

From: MT <secret-4 at>


"MT in the Great Translation Era"
September 13-17, 1999, Singapore



== Notice! ==== Notice! ==== Notice! ==== Notice! ==== Notice! ==
Paper submission dead line for the post-conference Workshop
"Machine Translation for Cross Language Information Retrieval" is MAY 31st,

The address for paper submission for the Workshop has been changed.

        Sophia Ananiadou
        Research  Fellow
        Department of Language Engineering
        UMIST, PO BOX 88, M60 1QD
        Manchester, ENGLAND
        tel: +44 161 200 3082
        fax: +44 161 200 3099

        Email: effie at

You can find more information on the Workshop Paper Submission at

For further information on MT SUMMIT VII, please visit the web site .
 We are pleased to inform you that many papers have been submitted to MT
SUMMIT VII. This was more than we expected. We hope that the paper
presentations will make the conference even more successful. We appreciate
your cooperation.

This news gives you information on a post-conference Workshop. The paper
submission deadline for the Workshop is the end of this month, MAY 31st.
Please note that the address for paper submission has been changed.
Information of the Exhibition is also

[1] Workshop on Machine Translation for Cross Language Information

The goal of this workshop is to explore the role of MT in the context
of CLIR. We invite papers on topics which link advances in Machine
Translation or related technologies to CLIR.

Organizing Committee:
     Sophia Ananiadou, UMIST, UK
     Yoshihiko Hayashi, NTT, Japan
     Christian Jacquemin, LIMSI, France
     Mun Kew Leong, Kent Ridge Digital Laboratories, Singapore
     Sung Hyon Myaeng, Chungnam National University, Korea
     Hsin-Hsi Chen, National  Taiwan University, Taiwan

Important Dates:
     May 31, 1999        Paper submission deadline
     June 30, 1999       Notifications
     August 2, 1999      Final camera-ready copy deadline
     September 17, 1999  Workshop

Submissions should be sent to:

        Sophia Ananiadou
        Research  Fellow
        Department of Language Engineering
        UMIST, PO BOX 88, M60 1QD
        Manchester, ENGLAND
        tel: +44 161 200 3082
        fax: +44 161 200 3099

        Email: effie at

Further information on the workshop:

[2] Exhibition

We also provide a unique opportunity for vendors and developers of MT/NLP
application systems in showing their latest products to wide range of
audience. If you would like to exhibit in our conference, please contact
the Exhibition Coordinator in Singapore:
   Ms Victorine Chen-Toh, KRDL
   Email: vicky at   Phone:(65)874-2003  Fax:(65)779-6958

Further information on the workshop:

[3] Schedule

The schedule of MT Summit VII is outlined as follows:
 [Papers for the Main Conference]
    30 May, 1999        Notifications
    15 July, 1999       Final camera-ready copy deadline

 [Papers for the the Workshop]
    31 May, 1999        Paper submission deadline
    30 June, 1999       Notifications
    2 August, 1999      Final camera-ready copy deadline

 [Call For Participation]
    Mid of June 1999    Call For Participation

 [The Conference]
    Monday, 13 September:     Tutorials                    Reception
    Tuesday, 14 September:    Main conference  Exhibition
    Wednesday, 15 September:  Main conference  Exhibition  Banquet
    Thursday, 16 September:   Main conference  Exhibition
    Friday, 17 September:     Workshops

(The program of tutorials will soon be available)

Secretariat of Organizing Committee, MT Summit VII
c/o Inter Group Corp.
Akasaka Dai-ichi Bldg., 4-9-17, Akasaka,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8486, Japan
TEL:+81-3-3479-5311	FAX:+81-3-3423-1601
E-mai: secret-4 at

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