Philippe Blache
pb at
Mon Oct 18 11:59:01 UTC 1999
From: maybury at (Dr. Mark T. Maybury)
[Appologies if you receive this message multiple times]
*** NEW WEB SITE ****
Language Technology Joint Conference
Applied Natural Language Processing
and the
North American Chapter of the
Association for Computational Linguistics
General Conference Chair: Marie Meteer, BBN Technologies
The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) is pleased to
announce that the 2000 Applied Natural Language Processing (ANLP)
conference and the first conference of the new North American Chapter of
the ACL (NAACL) will be held jointly 29 April to 3 May 2000 in Seattle,
The joint conferences will offer a unique opportunity to bring industry
and researchers together to explore the full spectrum of computational
linguistics and natural language processing, from theory and methodology
to their application in commercial software.
For the general sessions, substantial, original, and unpublished
contributions to computational linguistics are solicited. (See the
separate Call for Student Papers to be announced soon for requirements
for submissions to the student sessions.) Submissions are due by 17
November 1999. See submission details at
The ANLP program committee invites papers describing natural language
processing systems -- their development, integration, adaptation and
standardization; tools, techniques, and resources contributing to the
development of complete end-to-end applications of NLP; evaluation of
system performance and related issues. In particular, submissions should
be directed to one of the following subject areas:
* Monolingual text processing systems
* Multilingual text processing systems
* Spoken language and multimodal systems
* Integrated NLP systems
* Tools and resources for developing NLP systems
* Evaluation of performance of complete NLP systems
The NAACL program committee invites papers on methodology, approaches,
algorithms, models, analyses and experiments in computational
linguistics. Program subcommittees will be organized around eight main
* Discourse, Dialogue, and Pragmatics
* Semantics and the Lexicon
* Syntax, Morphology, and Phonology
* Generation and Summarization
* Spoken Language
* Corpus-Based and Statistical Natural Language Processing
* Cognitive Modeling and Human-Computer Interaction
* Multilingual Natural Language Processing
There is some inevitable overlap between the topic areas for NAACL and
ANLP. In deciding whether to submit their papers to NAACL or ANLP,
authors should consider whether their paper focuses more on the
methodology or the end application of that methodology to solve a
particular problem.
A paper accepted for presentation at either meeting must not be or have
been presented at any other meeting with publicly available proceedings.
A paper may not be submitted to both NAACL 2000 and ANLP 2000, but may
be submitted to other conferences provided that, if accepted, it is
withdrawn from all but one. Submission to other conferences should be
indicated on the paper.
Papers will not be exchanged between the two program committees.
However, in the final program, papers may be grouped or juxtaposed in
related sessions to highlight similarities and downplay artificial
We also appreciate that it can be advantageous to view the same work
from both a theoretical/methodological perspective and an applied
perspective; we welcome paired submissions to NAACL and ANLP, though
each submission needs to make a significant contribution on its own.
Please acknowledge the related submissions and include their abstracts
with your submission, though decisions will be made independently and
acceptance of one does not guarantee acceptance of the other.
Original papers that do not easily fall within one of the suggested
areas are also invited. The submission should be directed to the chair
of the respective program committee, with the topic area slot in the
submission template empty.
Deadline for Tutorial Proposal Submissions October 28, 1999
Deadline for Workshop Submissions November 1, 1999
Deadline for Paper Submissions November 17, 1999
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