From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:48:11 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:48:11 +0100 Subject: Jobs: 6 Offers Message-ID: _______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Amnon Meyers Subject: Programmers/NLP and Text Analysis 2/ From: (Dan Melamed) Subject: job in research at West Group 3/ From: Subject: Linguists/Computational & Russian 4/ From: Claude de Loupy Subject: Bertin 5/ From: VINESSE Jerome CNET/DSM/LAN Subject: Poste au CNET 6/ From: GAZEAU Didier 096289 Subjetc: CEA, stage post-doctoral _______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Amnon Meyers Subject: Programmers/NLP and Text Analysis Southern California Programmers A pioneering NLP-based company seeks candidates for software developer positions. Preference to those living in or willing to move to Southern California (e.g., Orange County). We offer perks such as stock options and support for working from home. As an early stage startup, we seek creative and versatile software developers. TAI builds GUI tool sets that enable users to create and maintain text analysis applications. Check out our website at Requirements: 5 years of programming experience required. Strong preference for MS Visual C++ experience, including GUI, with Windows NT 4.0 operating system. Experience with web (Java, Perl, CGI), database desired. Main platforms are PC and UNIX/Linux. Experience with natural language processing or document management middleware is a plus. B.S. Computer Science, EE, or equivalent is required. Strong written and oral English skills are required. Inquiries and resumes by email to amnonm at . Amnon Meyers Chief Technology Officer Text Analysis International, Inc. _______________________________________________________________________________ 2/ From: (Dan Melamed) Subject: job in research at West Group West Group, a leading international publisher and provider of value-added information to the legal and business communities, seeks qualified applicants to expand its research staff. The Computer Science Research Department at West Group currently consists of 15 individuals and is co-located in Rochester, New York and in Eagan, Minnesota (a suburb of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul). The department's primary research interests include information retrieval (including cross-language retrieval), information extraction, text categorization, machine learning, natural language processing, and performance evaluation. Principal duties would include analysis, design, coding and testing of concepts and prototypes for retrieval, extraction, and categorization systems in the context of very large data environments such as Westlaw. The department and its staff are positioned to pursue cutting-edge research in order to impact the company's new technology-driven applications, and thus to achieve recognition both inside and outside the firm. Applicants should have a graduate degree in Computer Science or related field, with a focus in IR, IE, NLP, or ML. Excellent UNIX, C/C++, Java, OOA/OOD experience desirable. West Group offers excellent growth opportunities, a competitive salary, and comprehensive benefits. West is an equal opportunity employer. Send resume in electronic form to: Peter.Jackson Or via conventional mail to: Peter Jackson West Group 610 Opperman Drive D1-66F Eagan, MN 55123 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3/ From: Subject: Linguists/Computational & Russian Company in Fairfax, VA is looking to hire a Computational Linguist and a Russian linguist. 30-80 hours per month, as needed. Salary depends on qualifications and experience. Must have US citizenship. Security clearance preferred. E-mail resume to _______________________________________________________________________________ 4/ From: Claude de Loupy Subject: Bertin Proposition de poste en linguistique computationnelle La societ� Bertin Technologies, situ�e a Plaisir (78), France (pr�s de Paris) recherche un informaticien specialis� dans le traitement automatique de la langue. Le profil recherch� comprend, mais n'est pas limit� � : * approches statistiques / probabilistes et symboliques du TALN * Recherche documentaire * Gestion de bases de donn�es textuelles * R�seaux Internet et Intranet Requis : * Doctorat en linguistique computationnelle ou dans un domaine li� * Experience de programmation, Internet et Intranet, d�veloppement de syst�mes d'information * Expertise dans le traitement d'au moins une langue en plus du francais * Citoyen francais Salaire : selon experience Envoyez votre CV par un des moyens suivant : * e-mail: znaty at * fax: 33 1 34 81 87 43 attn: Elie Znaty * mail: Elie Znaty Bertin Technologies 59, rue pierre Curie, BP3 78 373 Plaisir cedex Career Opportunity for a Computational Linguist: Bertin technologies, located in Plaisir (78), France, (near Paris) seeks a computational linguist. Relevant backgrounds include, but are not restricted to the following: * Statistical / probabilistic and symbolic NLP approaches * Information retrieval * Textual Data Base management * Internet and intranet networking Requirements: * Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics or related field * Work experience involving computer programming, Internet and Intranet information systems developement * Expertise in at least one language in addition to French * French citizenship Pay: commensurate with experience. Send your CV by one of the following methods: * e-mail: znaty at * fax: 33 1 34 81 87 43 attn: Elie Znaty * mail: Elie Znaty Bertin Technologies 59, rue pierre Curie, BP3 78 373 Plaisir cedex _______________________________________________________________________________ 5/ From: VINESSE Jerome CNET/DSM/LAN Subject: Poste au CNET L'unit� de R&D langue naturelle du CNET (Centre de recherche de France T�l�com) propose � Lannion (C�tes d'Armor, Bretagne, France) un poste d'ing�nieur de recherche en traitement automatique du langage naturel, � dur�e ind�termin�e. Niveau bac+5, bonnes connaissances en informatique et en linguistique. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6/ From: GAZEAU Didier 096289 Subjetc: CEA, stage post-doctoral SUJET : Les m�thodes de veilles strat�giques font appel � la constitution de grandes banques d'informations multi-sources et multilingues sur un th�me g�n�rique. L'int�r�t de telles banques d'informations r�side dans la multiplicit� des angles de vue sous lesquels elles sont interrogeables. Les informations qui s'y trouvent sont l� pour r�pondre � des interrogations mais surtout pour susciter la r�flexion et l'analyse strat�gique par les responsables. L'alimentation de ces banques d'informations constitu�es � partir d'informations tr�s h�t�rog�nes tant dans la forme que dans la provenance n�cessite des traitement linguistiques performant pour ne retenir que les informations en rapport avec le th�me suivi. Pour prendre un exemple concret une banque d'informations sur le nucl�aire pourra �tre constitu�e � partir d'informations provenant de sources extr�mement vari�es : pages des sites Internet des diff�rents acteurs mondiaux (institutionnels et industriels), revues de presse, documents en provenance de sites parlementaires, d'organisations non gouvernementales pour ou contre l'utilisation de cette forme d'�nergie, ... Un contr�le de la langue, un filtrage des informations par rapport � un ou des dictionnaires de sp�cialit� sont des moyens d'augmenter significativement le rapport signal sur bruit dans la base sans pour autant en diminuer la richesse. L'h�t�rog�n�it� de la banque d'informations en terme de contenu de l'information induit pour les utilisateurs le besoin d'une aide � la navigation � travers cette masse de donn�es. Une analyse morphosyntaxique fine du contenu de la banque d'informations est susceptible de fournir aux utilisateurs une cartographie des concepts qui s'y trouvent repr�sent�s. Pour reprendre notre exemple d'une banque d'informations d�di�e au nucl�aire, l'utilisateur doit pouvoir retrouver rapidement par ce proc�d� de " navigation conceptuelle " sur le contenu les sous-ensembles de d'informations relatives � des sous th�matiques particuli�res (ex : mati�res nucl�aires, transport, entreposage-stockage, budgets, participations, programmes, ...). Enfin l'�tude des formes du discours dans les documents eux-m�mes doit permettre de reconna�tre dans ces documents les �l�ments factuels et argumentatifs. Pour cet aspect particulier de la veille strat�gique les solutions " classiques " de recherche d'informations textuelle ou l'utilisation de syst�mes statistiques d'infom�trie sont inop�rantes. On peut imaginer que ce type d'approche permette dans l'avenir d'envisager d'aborder de fa�on scientifique le probl�me de la d�tection des signaux faibles en mati�re de veille. La DIST a b�n�fici� dans les domaines scientifiques et techniques d�crits ci-dessus de nombreuses ann�es d'exp�rience et de d�veloppements concrets d'applications transverses au CEA. Des recherches ont �t� men�es sur les deux premiers points d�velopp�s plus haut. Elles ont fait l'objet de plusieurs th�ses et d'adaptations. Il s'agit maintenant de passer � une phase d'assemblage des diff�rents types d'outils r�alis�s pour les exp�rimenter dans le cadre de besoins r�els sur des banques d'informations pr�sentant un caract�re transverse aux activit�s du CEA. Le stage post-doctoral propos� a donc pour objectif la mise en oeuvre d'un proc�d� de navigation conceptuelle � travers une grande banque d'informations sur le nucl�aire destin�e au CEA, et � proposer et tester des m�thodes d'analyse du discours en vue de la reconnaissance et de l'extraction de faits et de l'argumentation qui y est d�velopp�e. Le candidat post-doc devra int�grer les r�sultats de recherche d�j� obtenus et d�velopper les fonctionnalit�s qui restent � mettre en oeuvre. Il doit avoir des comp�tences dans les applications du web, la recherche d'informations, l'ing�nierie linguistique. Une bonne ma�trise de l'informatique est n�cessaire pour reprendre et faire �voluer rapidement les outils d�velopp�s au cours des th�ses pass�es. Renseignements aupr�s de C. FLUHR (t�l : 01 69 08 70 93, fax 01 69 08 76 95 fluhr at ou D. GAZEAU (gazeau at Didier GAZEAU COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE Direction de l'information scientifique et technique Service d'ing�nierie de l'information et applications Groupe environnement scientifique et technique tel : (33)-1-69 08 36 75 fax : (33)-1-69 08 26 69 m�l : gazeau at _______________________________________________________________________________ From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:48:39 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:48:39 +0100 Subject: Jobs: 6 (other) offers Message-ID: _______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Mark Turner Subject: Research Position in Natural Language Processing 2/ From: Subject: Computational and Russian Linguists 3/ From: "Berman, Jules (NCI)" Subject: Software Development/Medical Text 4/ From: Pfaraud at Subject: Speech and Language Technologies 5/ From: Ulrike Sperling Subject: Computational Ling: Internship in Seattle 6/ From: "Noord G.J.M. van" Subject: Job opportunities in Groningen, Netherlands _______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Mark Turner Subject: Research Position in Natural Language Processing Research Position in Natural Language Processing Highland Technologies, a leader in document imaging and management, is seeking a researcher in natural language processing. The Research and Development group at Highland does applied research in text extraction, retrieval, classification, mining, OCR, and related areas. Our work will be expanding to include relational data mining. Highland has access to unique corpora and welcomes your research ideas. Candidates should have a degree in NLP, linguistics (any specialty), computer science, mathematics, or statistics, and have experience with NLP or text processing in a university, government, or private industry. Proficiency in C, C++ and/or Java is required. Experience with Perl, sed, awk, and similar tools is helpful. Highland Technologies is located in Lanham, Maryland, in the greater Washington, D.C. area. We offer competitive salaries, including profit sharing, as well as a full benefits package. Please contact: Mark Turner, Manager of Research and Development Highland Technologies, Inc. 4303 Forbes Boulevard Lanham, MD 20706 USA e-mail: mturner at tel. +1.301.306.8290 ext. 290 fax. +1.301.306.8201 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2/ From: Subject: Computational and Russian Linguists Company in Fairfax, VA is looking to hire a Computational Linguist and a Russian linguist. 30-80 hours per month, as needed. Salary depends on qualifications and experience. Must have US citizenship. Security clearance preferred. E-mail resume to _______________________________________________________________________________ 3/ From: "Berman, Jules (NCI)" Subject: Software Development/Medical Text New NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program contract proposals have just been announced and are available at: Attached is a contract announcement that may be of interest to you or your company. If you have any questions regarding this contract proposal , they must be referred through NCI's SBIR Contracting Officer: Mr. Joseph Bowe Phone: (301) 435-3810 Fax: (301) 480-0309 E-mail: jb166i at 179 Encoding Surgical Pathology Data into Standard Nomenclature within XML The Resources Development Branch of the Cancer Diagnosis Program is seeking software development proposals to convert surgical pathology report data into XML documents containing tagged encrypted identifiers, tagged demographics, and tagged medical codes (UMLS or SNOMED, or SNOMED + LOINC). The long-term goal is to convert pathology data into a structure and format that will support queries from standard network protocols. Applicants will develop algorithms to parse pathology reports into fields,then sentences, then text phrases and will match the text phrases with a coded standard nomenclature. The parsing/matching algorithms may use term frequency tables, grammatical rules, context sensitivity, or other algorithmic approaches, but the proposal must explain and justify the proposed algorithms. The proposed algorithms should provide a way of dealing with misspellings, negations, run-on sentences, and improperly inconsistently delimited sentences. The applicant will propose and describe methodology to assess the accuracy of coding. Phase 1 (feasibility) will consist of the development and testing (for accuracy) of implementations that convert the text of actual pathology reports into medical codes. Phase 2 involves the preparation of software to produce XML files that encapsulate the tagged coded data as described in the following requirements. The applicant will design a DTD (Data Type Declaration) for the XML file to include the fields and subfields of data contained in pathology reports (e.g. surgical pathology case number, coded patient identifier(s), date of biopsy, demographics, clinical history, specimen type, specimen number, diagnosis, microscopic description, comment). The software application will be developed using a collection of textually real pathology reports consisting of a combined total of at least 5,000 surgical pathology reports acquired from at least two institutions with which the applicant has formed appropriate collaborations. The reports may be made false or anonymized by the collaborating institution so that the software developer receives the report files in a format from which patients cannot be identified (e.g. patient names can be encoded via a one-way hash, and each piece of demographic information can be translated to a false data element). The software implementation will convert electronic files of surgical pathology reports into XML documents wherein the original text has been converted to coded medical terms. The accuracy of the software implementation should be tested by comparison with a separate set of reports (at least 200) that have been manually encoded and manually converted to XML files. The implementation of the algorithms will be written in Perl or Java, with well-annotated source code, and must be designed to have a practical GUI and to permit software users to upload pathology reports over the Internet and to view the XML output on an XML-capable web browser. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4/ From: Pfaraud at Subject: Speech and Language Technologies - --------------------------------- THE L&H COMPANY - --------------------------------- At the center of a rapidly expanding worldwide market Lernout & Hauspie ( L&H TM) is a world leader in the field of advanced speech and language technologies, products, solutions and services. Its core technologies include automatic speech recognition, text-to-speech, digital speech compression, text-to-text language translation, and linguistic components. With more than 1,700 employees worldwide, primarily speech linguists, scientists, and engineers, the company's research and development operations comprise one of the most largest commercial speech and linguistics laboratories in the world. The company is commited to the idea that the human voice is the most natural interface for use with virtually any device or software program, and that globalization and growth of the internet requires real-time translation for multiple languages. Our goal is to provide easy-to-use technologies and products that enable people to interact by voice with the machine that surround them, regardless of the language they speak. J In 1998, Revenues increased by more than 100 % for the fourth straight year. J In early 1999, Microsoft increased its investment in L&H , adding $15 million and raising its ownership position to 7%. J Also in early 1999, Intel has invested $30 million in L&H. For more information, please visit Lernout & Hauspie on the World Wide Web at or . THE TECHNOLOGIES & SOLUTIONS DIVISION : This division provides solutions to OEMs and corporate customers, based on L&H speech and language technologies. These can be software development kits, user interface modules, or entire applications. The division is organized in department for the following market : Embedded solutions, PC/Multimedia, Automobile and Telecommunication. THE TELECOM DEPARTMENT : The telecom department is part of the TECHNOLOGIES & SOLUTIONS Division. The telecom department sells dialog applications (i.e. Interactive Speech Systems) through specific customer projects, that allow end-users to communicate with the computer using ordinary speech devices such as telephones. These applications are build using L&H advanced ASR and TTS engines, and could take place within call centers solutions. They greatly reduce costs, increase the availibility of the call centres, raise productivity and, last but not the least, offer a powerful service to the end user. Applications examples : banking services, flight reservation system, stock market, E Commerce, � - -------------------------------------------------------------- THE JOB: Linguiste Departement Telecom - -------------------------------------------------------------- VOTRE MISSION Integre au sein de notre equipe technique, vous participez a la realisation : - de Serveurs Vocaux Interactifs (SVI), dans le cadre de nos projets de centre d'appels, - en utilisant les technologies avancees de reconnaissance et de synthese vocale du leader mondial, - pour le compte de nos clients et partenaires, - et sous la responsabilite d'un chef de projet. Vous assistez le chef de projet dans la conception generale du systeme de dialogue interactif, et dans la definition detaillee de l'arborescence et de l'ergonomie du dialogue. Vous etes en charge du parametrage du moteur de reconnaissance de la voix. Ce moteur de reconnaissance necessite un formalisme specifique (recognition grammars) pour reconnaetre et comprendre les expressions des utilisateurs, a chaque etape du dialogue. Vous participez activement a la mise au point du systeme (Wizard of OZ), et aux differentes etapes de test. Vous menez des enquetes pour connaitre la satisfaction des utilisateurs du systeme, et vous en analysez les resultats. Poste base a Marne La Vallee (77) FRANCE VOTRE PROFIL Formation : - Universitaire avec specialisation en linguistique Experiences professionnelles : - Vous justifiez idealement d'une experience sur les technologies appliquees au langage. - Vous savez construire des " Recognition Grammars ", ou vous avez une experience en programmation informatique. - Les candidatures des debutants seront etudiees Vous etes rigoureux, vous appreciez le travail en equipe, et vous avez le sens de la relation client. Une competence fonctionnelle sur un metier vertical serait un plus tres apprecie. Langues : - Votre langue maternelle est le francais - Bon niveau d'anglais indispensable Merci d'adresser votre dossier de candidature (lettre, CV, photo) a : L&H A l'attention de Patrice Faraud 44, avenue Georges Pompidou 92300 Levallois-Perret FRANCE Tel : 01 41 49 98 70 Fax : 01 41 49 98 71 _______________________________________________________________________________ 5/ From: Ulrike Sperling Subject: Computational Ling: Internship in Seattle Internship in Computational Linguistics / Software Development Company Description: World-leading Software Globalization Company based in Seattle, represented by Center for International Career Development (CICD) Contact: Ulrike Sperling Start date: Immediately Type of Internship: Information Technology, software R & D in Computational Linguistics Description of Internship: Number of internship positions: 1 - 4 Length: 9-12 months Salary: Between US$1400-1800 per month One of the world's largest global players in service and software globalization needs for its Research Development department computational linguist interns with qualifications including the following: - Experience with parsing methods (ATN, top-down parsers...) - Phrase structured grammar - Pattern matching and keyword extraction - Tokenizing tools and their implementations in various systems - Lexicographic applications of dictionary structures - Language/phrase recognition - Programming skills in PERL and C++ - CGI scripting and HTML - Semantic encoding of nouns (selectional constraints) - International focus, experience(s) and language(s) - Machine Translation and Translation Memory Internship will focus on R&D methods with development of query patterns and natural language data processing for cutting edge information retrieval systems (search engines and other information retrieval systems). .. Bringing companies into the global marketplace is an integral part of the Company's services. Its international localization and testing capabilities are among the most extensive in the software industry. Testing and Certification Centers in all major markets around the world perform linguistic and usability testing, and conduct full certification using localized test suites on localized platforms. The Company's expertise extends to a wide array of products including office suites, graphics, networking, database management, programming languages, operating systems, printers, scanners, digital photography, and multimedia authoring tools. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6/ From: "Noord G.J.M. van" Subject: Job opportunities in Groningen, Netherlands Research opportunities Algorithms for Linguistic Processing Algorithms for Linguistic Processing is a five year PIONIER research project in the area of computational linguistics. The project focuses on problems of ambiguity and processing efficiency by investigating grammar approximation and grammar specialization techniques. The project is located at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, and starts at the end of 1999. It is funded by NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research). The project description is available on line at: Within the next few months, we will be looking to fill two 3-year post-doc positions and several 4-year Ph.D. positions: * 1 post-doc and 1 ph-d Lexically Sensitive Disambiguation techniques * 1 ph-d Empirical Aspects of Finite State Language Processing * 1 post-doc Formal Aspects of Finite State Language Processing * 1 ph-d Grammar Development for Dutch * 1 ph-d Linguistic Search Tool for Bare Text Corpora Further information is available from: Gertjan van Noord, vannoord at Alfa-Informatica, University of Groningen PO Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen, Netherlands From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:55:21 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:55:21 +0100 Subject: Appel: JADT 2000 Message-ID: From: JADT 2000 [English version below] =========================================================================== Veuillez notez que la date limite de soumission � J A D T 2 0 0 0 5e Journ�es Internationales d'Analyse Statistique des Donn�es Textuelles a �t� repouss�e au Vendredi 24 septembre 1999 Pour plus de renseignements, lire l'appel � soumissions ci-dessous. =========================================================================== JADT 2000 WEB SITE : =========================================================================== J A D T 2 0 0 0 5e Journ�es Internationales d'Analyse Statistique des Donn�es Textuelles 9-11 Mars 2000 �cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne Lausanne, Suisse --------------------------------------------------------------------- Apr�s Barcelone (1990), Montpellier (1993), Rome (1995), et Nice (1998), les 5e Journ�es Internationales d'Analyse Statistique des Donn�es Textuelles auront lieu � Lausanne (Suisse) du 9 au 11 mars 2000. Cette manifestation, qui gagne en importance � chaque �dition, est ouverte aux chercheurs du vaste domaine d'�tudes qui, centr� sur la statistique textuelle, s'�tend de la lexicographie � l'analyse du discours politique, de la recherche documentaire � la recherche en marketing, de la linguistique computationnelle � la sociolinguistique, du traitement informatique des donn�es � l'analyse de contenu. Apr�s le succ�s des pr�c�dentes occurrences, JADT 2000 fournira de nouveau un forum de discussion convivial comprenant � la fois des pr�sentations techniques, des conf�rences invit�es et des tables rondes. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDRIER Date limite de soumission : 24 Septembre 1999 Notification aux auteurs : 15 Octobre 1999 Version finale : 10 D�cembre 1999 Conf�rence : 9-11 Mars 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------- TH�MES Les th�mes de la conf�rence concernent l'application des outils et mod�les de la statistique aux domaines suivants : * Analyse exploratoire de donn�es textuelles * Analyse du discours * Traitement automatique du langage * Analyse statistique de r�ponses � des questions ouvertes * Analyse bibliom�trique et statistique textuelle * Stylom�trie * Dictionnaires de fr�quences * Lemmatisation * Corpus de textes et repr�sentations textuelles * Classification de textes * Recherche documentaire * Hypertexte * Logiciels pour l'analyse lexicale et textuelle --------------------------------------------------------------------- COMIT� DE PROGRAMME Monica B�cue Univ. Polytechnique de Catalogne Sergio Bolasco Univ. de Rome 'La Sapienza' �tienne Brunet Univ. de Nice/Sophia-Antipolis Yadolah Dodge Univ. de Neuch�tel Annibale Elia Univ. de Salerno Benoit Habert ENS Fontenay/Saint-Cloud R�mi Jolivet Univ. de Lausanne Dominique Labb� Univ. de Grenoble Ludovic Lebart CNRS, ENST Paris Alain Lelu Univ. Paris 8 Sylvie Mellet CNRS, Nice Charles Muller Univ. de Strasbourg Martin Rajman EPF Lausanne Max Reinert CNRS Toulouse Jacques Rouault CRISTAL Grenoble 3 Andr� Salem Univ. Paris 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- COMIT� D'ORGANISATION Martin Rajman EPF Lausanne Marie Decrauzat EPF Lausanne Jean-C�dric Chappelier EPF Lausanne Cette conf�rence est organis�e par le Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle de l'EPFL (Lausanne, Suisse) avec le soutient de EuroStat, Quantos et la Soci�t� Fran�aise de Statistique. --------------------------------------------------------------------- LANGUES AUTORIS�ES POUR LES PR�SENTATIONS Les pr�sentations pourront se faire dans l'une des langues suivantes : Fran�ais, Anglais, Allemand, Italien, Espagnol Toutes les communications devront cependant comporter un r�sum� (�crit et oral) en anglais. Comme lors des pr�c�dents colloques, aucune traduction simultan�e n'est pr�vue. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MODALIT�S DE SOUMISSION Les articles soumis � cette conf�rence devront d�crire un travail original et novateur ayant fait l'objet d'une �valuation. Toutes les contributions devront contenir un �tat de l'art et/ou des r�f�rences � des travaux ant�rieurs pertinents. Si le travail pr�sent� n'a pas fait l'objet d'une �valuation, les auteurs devront le justifier. Les auteurs sont convi�s � inclure dans leurs papiers des propositions, discussions, argumentations sur l'ad�quation de leur travail avec les th�mes de la conf�rence. Les participants souhaitant soumettre un papier ou un poster doivent envoyer au comit� (adresse ci-dessous) avant le 24 Septembre 1999, les �l�ments suivants : * Noms, affiliations et adresses compl�tes (+fax, email) des auteurs * Titre * Mots cl�s * Un r�sum� en anglais (300 mots maximum) * Version abr�g�e (3 pages minimum, 4 pages maximum) de la contribution pr�sentant les grandes lignes du travail, les probl�mes trait�s et les r�sultats obtenus * R�f�rences bibliographiques Les notifications d'acceptation seront envoy�es aux auteurs le 15 Octobre 1999. La version finale de la contribution (8 pages max.) devra �tre r�dig�e selon les r�gles de formatage qui seront pr�cis�es ult�rieurement et devra parvenir au comit� (adresse ci-dessous) au plus tard le 10 D�cembre 1999. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PR�SENTATIONS ORALES La dur�e de chacune des pr�sentations orales ne devra pas d�passer 20 minutes. Il sera possible d'utiliser une tablette de r�troprojection pour pr�senter les bases de donn�es et les logiciels "en direct". Une connexion Internet pourra �tre fournie aux orateurs qui le d�sirent. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTES La totalit� des contributions sera rassembl�e et �dit�e sous la forme d'actes qui seront distribu�s � tous les participants au d�but de la conf�rence. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HEBERGEMENT La gestion des h�bergements est prise en compte par l'office de tourisme de la ville de Lausanne, � contacter directement sous r�f�rence ORG/JADT 2000 � : Office du tourisme -- Case postale 49 -- CH-1000 Lausanne 6 (Suisse) T�l : + 41 21 613.73.21 Fax : + 41 21 616.86.47 Email : wandfluh at} Web : --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT / ADRESSE JADT 2000 Martin Rajman EPFL DI-LIA IN (Ecublens) CH-1015 Lausanne Suisse T�l : +41 21 693 27 35 Fax : +41 21 693 52 25 Email: jadt2000 at Web : =========================================================================== BULLETIN DE PR�-INSCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bulletin de pr�-inscription � envoyer � JADT 2000 Martin RAJMAN EPFL DI-LIA IN (Ecublens) CH-1015 Lausanne Suisse L'inscription d�finitive aura lieu � r�ception du payement (dont les modalit�s sont pr�cis�es ci-dessous) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOM : PRENOM : INSTITUTION : ADRESSE : TELEPHONE : FAX : EMAIL : ADRESSE DE FACTURATION (si diff�rente de la pr�c�dente) : PARTICIPATION / SOUMISSION : [ ] PRESENTATION ORALE [ ] POSTER [ ] PAS DE PRESENTATION DEMONSTRATION : [ ] OUI [ ] NON LANGUE POUR LA PRESENTATION : [ ] FRANCAIS [ ] ANGLAIS [ ] ALLEMAND [ ] ITALIEN [ ] ESPAGNOL INSCRIPTION : [ ] ETUDIANT [ ] REDUIT [ ] NORMAL Tarif Etudiant : 150 CHF (env. 93 Euros), Fournir une pi�ce justificative Tarif R�duit : 300 CHF (env. 186 Euros), Inscription AVANT LE 10 DECEMBRE Tarif Normal : 375 CHF (env. 233 Euros), Inscription APRES le 10 decembre MODE DE PAYEMENT ENVISAGE : [ ] VIREMENT BANCAIRE au compte num�ro 0243/270'685.01X de la banque UBS Lausanne - EPFL - Ecublens - CH-1015 Lausanne adresse swift UBSWCHGG10A [ ] CARTE VISA [ ] CARTE EUROCARD/MASTERCARD Num�ro : Expire le : Nom sur la carte : Date et Signature : Les frais d'inscription comprennent : l'inscription � la conf�rence, les pauses caf� et (sauf pour les �tudiants) les repas de midi et les actes. =========================================================================== ______________________________________________________________________________ =========================================================================== Please notice that submission deadline to J A D T 2 0 0 0 5th International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data has been extented to Friday septembre 24th 1999 For further details, please refer to the call for papers below. =========================================================================== JADT 2000 WEB SITE : =========================================================================== J A D T 2 0 0 0 5th International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data March 9-11, 2000 �cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland --------------------------------------------------------------------- Following Barcelona (1990), Montpellier (1993), Rome (1995), and Nice (1998), the 5th International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data will be held in Lausanne, on March 9-11, 2000. This biennial conference, which has constantly been gaining in importance since its first occurrence, is open to all scholars working in the vast field of textual data analysis; ranging from lexicography to the analysis of political discourse, from documentary research to marketing research, from computational linguistics to sociolinguistics, from the processing of data to content analysis. After the success of the previous meetings, the three-day conference in Switzerland will continue to provide a workshop-style forum through technical paper sessions, invited talks, and panel discussions. --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline: September 24th, 1999 Notification: October 15th, 1999 Camera ready papers: December 10th, 1999 Conference: March 9-11, 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------- THEMES OF INTEREST The themes of interest of the conference concern the application of statistical models and tools in the following domains: * Exploratory Textual Data Analysis * Discourse Analysis * Computational Linguistics * Statistical Analysis of Responses to Open Questions * Documentary and Bibliometric Statistical Analysis * Stylometry * Frequency Dictionaries * Lemmatization * Text Corpora and Text Encoding * Textual Classification * Information Retrieval * Hypertext * Software for Lexical and Textual Analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Monica B�cue Univ. Polytechnic of Catalunya Sergio Bolasco Univ. of Rome 'La Sapienza' �tienne Brunet Univ. of Nice/Sophia-Antipolis Yadolah Dodge Univ. of Neuch�tel Annibale Elia Univ. of Salerno Benoit Habert ENS Fontenay/Saint-Cloud R�mi Jolivet Univ. of Lausanne Dominique Labb� Univ. of Grenoble Ludovic Lebart CNRS, ENST Paris Alain Lelu Univ. Paris 8 Sylvie Mellet CNRS, Nice Charles Muller Univ. of Strasbourg Martin Rajman EPF Lausanne Max Reinert CNRS Toulouse Jacques Rouault CRISTAL Grenoble 3 Andr� Salem Univ. Paris 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Martin Rajman EPF Lausanne Marie Decrauzat EPF Lausanne Jean-C�dric Chappelier EPF Lausanne This confernce is organized by the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) with the support of EuroStat, Quantos and la Soci�t� Fran�aise de Statistique. --------------------------------------------------------------------- LANGUAGES FOR THE PRESENTATIONS Submissions, communications and presentations can be made in any one of these languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish All communications and presentations must contain an English abstract. As in the previous meetings, no translation will be provided. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION Submissions should be limited to original, evaluated work. All papers should include background survey and/or reference to previous work. The authors should provide explicit explanation when there is no evaluation in their work. We encourage the authors to include in their papers proposals and discussions of the relevance of their work to the theme of the conference. Participants wishing to submit a paper or present a poster should send to the program committee (address below) a short version for review by September 24th, 1999, giving the following information: * Name of author; * Affiliation; * Full postal address with fax and/or e-mail * Title of the proposed paper with keywords; * An abstract in English (maximum 300 words) * A short version (3 pages min./4 pages max.) of the paper emphasizing the purpose of the paper, the problem addressed and the results obtained; * Bibliographical references. Notification of acceptance will be send to the authors by October 15, 1999. Final camera-ready papers should conform to the format that will be provided to the authors and reach the committee (address below) no later than December 10, 1999. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESENTATIONS Paper presentations will be limited to 20 minutes each. An overhead projector will be available for the display of data-bases and/or software directly from the computer screen. Connection to Internet will be supplied for speakers on request. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEEDINGS All accepted papers will be collected and issued as proceedings to the participants at the start of the conference. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HOTELS For accomodation during the conference, please contact the Lausanne Tourist Office under reference ORG/JADT 2000 at: Office du tourisme -- Case postale 49 -- CH-1000 Lausanne 6 (Switzerland) Tel: + 41 21 613.73.21 Fax: + 41 21 616.86.47 Email: wandfluh at Web: --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT / ADDRESS JADT 2000 Martin Rajman EPFL DI-LIA IN (Ecublens) CH-1015 Lausanne Suisse T�l : +41 21 693 27 35 Fax : +41 21 693 52 25 Email: jadt2000 at Web : =========================================================================== PRE REGISTRATION FORM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This pre-registration form should be returned to JADT 2000 Martin RAJMAN EPFL DI-LIA IN (Ecublens) CH-1015 Lausanne Suisse Registration will be effective on receipt of payment (Details for payment are provided bellow). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SURNAME : FIRST NAME : AFFILIATION : ADDRESS : PHONE : FAX : EMAIL : IVOICE ADDRESS (if different from above): PARTICIPATION / SUBMISSION : [ ] PAPER [ ] POSTER [ ] NO PRESENTATION DEMONSTRATION : [ ] YES [ ] NO LANGUAGE FOR PRESENTATION : [ ] ENGLISH [ ] FRENCH [ ] GERMAN [ ] ITALIAN [ ] SPANISH REGISTRATION : [ ] STUDENT [ ] EARLY [ ] NORMAL Student : 150 CHF (approx. 93 Euros), copy of the student card Early : 300 CHF (approx. 186 Euros), BEFORE DECEMBER 10TH Normal : 375 CHF (approx. 233 Euros), after December 10th PAYMENT: [ ] BANK TRANSFER to account # 0243/270'685.01X at bank: UBS Lausanne - EPFL - Ecublens - CH-1015 Lausanne swift address UBSWCHGG10A [ ] VISA [ ] EUROCARD/MASTERCARD Number: Expiration date: Holder's name on the card: Date and Signature : Registration fees include registration to the conference, coffee-breaks and (except for students) lunch and proceedings. =========================================================================== From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:55:23 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:55:23 +0100 Subject: Appel: Information Retrieval (journal TAL) Message-ID: From: Christian Jacquemin X-url: [ENGLISH VERSION FOLLOWS] Revue t.a.l. : Second et dernier appel � contributions Traitement Automatique des Langues pour la Recherche d'Information T.A.L. est la revue de l'Association de Traitement Automatique des LAngues ATALA: ( ) DATES IMPORTANTES Intention de soumettre : maintenant Date limite de soumission : 1er novembre 1999 Notification d'acceptation : fin 1999 Version finale: 15 f�vrier 2000 Publication: �t� 2000 ADRESSE D'ENVOI DES CONTRIBUTIONS jacquemin at ou pour les versions papier : Christian Jacquemin, LIMSI-CNRS, BP 133, 91403 ORSAY, FRANCE LANGUE: fran�ais ou anglais. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal T.A.L.: 2nd and Last Call for Submissions Information Retrieval-oriented Natural Language Processing T.A.L. is the journal of the French association for Computational Linguistic ATALA: ( ) IMPORTANT DATES Intention to submit: Now Submission deadline: November 1st, 1999 Acceptance notification: End 1999 Final version: February 15th, 2000 Publication: Summer 2000 EDITORIAL ADDRESS jacquemin at or through hard copies at: Christian Jacquemin, LIMSI-CNRS, BP 133, 91403 ORSAY, FRANCE LANGUAGE: English or French From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:55:25 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:55:25 +0100 Subject: Conf: CSSP'99 Message-ID: From: cssp99 at (CSSP 99) (Sorry if you receive this information more than once) THE PARIS SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS CONFERENCE / COLLOQUE DE SYNTAXE ET SEMANTIQUE A PARIS Programme Thursday, October 7th 9h-9h10 : Opening 9h10-10h10 : Invited speaker Eva Hajicova (Charles U., Prague) : Discourse, focus and presupposition Thematic session 10h30-11h: Dimitra Kolliakou (Newcastle) & Theodora Alexopoulou (Edinburgh) : Towards a structural definition of linkhood in Greek 11h-11h30 : Hanneke van Hoof (T�bingen) : I-topicalization: contrastive topic or multiple focus? 11h30-12h : Ron Artstein (Rutgers) : Focus below the word level 12h-12h30 : Robert D. Van Valin (SUNY Buffalo) : Quantifier scope in Toba Batak ---------------- Thematic Session 14h-14h30 : Jacques Jayez (EHESS) & Corinne Rossari (U. Gen�ve) : The accommodation profile of discourse markers 14h30-15h : Arthur Merin (Stuttgart) : For every BUT there is an IF 15h30-16h : Laurence Danlos (Paris 7) : Sur la cor�f�rence �v�nementielle 16h-16h30 : Ana T. Alves (Austin) & Isabel Gomez Txurruka (Austin) : Discourse effects of same in anaphoric temporal adverbials 16h30-17h : Helen de Hoop (Utrecht) & Henri�tte de Swart (Utrecht) : Optimal interpretations of discourse 17h-17h30 : Massimo Poesio (Edinburgh) & Uwe Reyle (Stuttgart) : Partially resolved interpretations 17h30-19h30 : Party 19h30-20h30 : Invited speaker : Oswald Ducrot (EHESS) : La concession dans les �nonc�s interrogatifs. Approche argumentative --------------------- Friday, October 8th 9h-10h : Invited Speaker : Nicholas Asher (Austin) : Logics of conversation 10h30-11h : Josep Quer (U.A. Barcelone) : The quantificational force of free choice items 11h-11h30 : C�cile Meier (T�bingen) : A semantics for result clauses and constructions with too 11h30-12h : Meltem Kelepir (MIT) : Negation is free: evidence from Turkish 12h-12h30 : Malka Rappaport Hovav (Bar Ilan) & Beth Levin (Stanford) : Reevaluation the direct object restriction on English resultatives ------------------------------------------------- 14h-15h : Invited Speaker : Tanya Reinhart (Utrecht) : Interpretation of theta-roles 15h30-16h : Martine Coene (Antwerp), Yves d'Hulst (Leiden) & Liliane Tasmowski (Leuven) : Romance vocatives and the DP hypothesis 16h-16h30 : Kleanthes K. Grohmann (U. Maryland) : The syntax-discourse interface of multiple Wh-constructions 16h30-17h : Caroline Heycock (Edinburgh) & Roberto Zamparelli (Edinburgh) : The syntax and semantics of DP-internal coordination --------------------- Saturday, October 9th 9h-10h : Invited Speaker : Sandra Chung (UCSC) : Restriction versus saturation 10h30-11h : James Mc Closkey (UCSC) : On the expression of existence in Irish 11h-11h30 : Robert D. Levine (Ohio State), Thomas E. Hukari (U. Victoria), Michael Calcagno (T�bingen): Unbounded dependencies : a unified class 11h30-12h : Robert D. Levine (Ohio State): Tough complementation and clausal transparency 12h-12h30 : Alan Munn (Michigan) : Extraction domains and the semantics of variables Alternates Jean-Pierre Koenig (SUNY Buffalo), Gail Mauner (SUNY Buffalo) & Breton Bienvenue (SUNY Buffalo) : Arguments for adjuncts Petra Sleeman (Amsterdam) : Adjectival agreement within DP without feature movement Monika Kozlowska (Gen�ve) : Ensuite et la narration dans le discours George Tsoulas (York) & Artemis Alexiadou (T�bingen) : Scrambling and extraposition : a case for cyclic spell-out %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Registration Form / Fiche d'Inscription Name / Nom : Affiliation : e-mail address / courriel : Will attend the conference / Participera � la conf�rence Fees / Tarif (including party / r�ception comprise) : FF 250 - Students / Etudiants : FF 150, to be paid on registration in Paris / payables lors de la conf�rence Please send this completed form via e-mail or post to / Renvoyez-nous cette fiche compl�t�e par courrier �lectronique ou postal � : cssp99 at CSSP99 URA 1028 Tour Centrale 9�me Etage Universit� Paris 7 2 place Jussieu 75251 Paris cedex 05 Practical Information / Informations pratiques The Conference takes place in Paris 7th University / La conf�rence a lieu � l'Universit� Paris 7 Metro station : Jussieu For more information, see our Web page starting Tuesday, September 14th / Pour plus d'informations, reportez-vous � notree page Web � partir du mardi 14 septembre: ---------------------------------------------------------- CSSP 99 Universite Paris 7 Linguistique UFRL, Case 7003 2 Place Jussieu 75251 Paris-Cedex 05 France email: cssp99 at ---------------------------------------------------------- ----- End Included Message ----- From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:55:28 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:55:28 +0100 Subject: Appel: Proper nouns (journal TAL) Message-ID: From: Denis Maurel Call for Papers: English version, see below Appel a publication : ********************* Le traitement automatique des Noms propres Revue TAL numero 2000-3 Editeurs : Denis Maurel et Franz Guenthner Voir l'URL: Date limite de soumission : 1er novembre 1999 Denis Maurel LI/E3i, Universite de Tours Franz Guenthner CIS, Universite de Munich ____________________________________________________________________________ Call for papers *************** Journal TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues) Special issue on proper nouns in natural language processing Editors : Denis Maurel and Franz Guenthner The Association pour le traitement automatique des langues (Atala) (Association for language processing) organized a meeting on the treatment of all forms of proper nouns in language processing on Saturday 29th May 1999. Some papers from presentations given at the meeting will be published in the journal TAL issue 2000-3. In addition, we would like to invite papers from other researchers working on any aspect of the automated treatment of proper nouns. Contribution are invited on the topics below as well as on other related subjects: * The construction of electronic dictionaries of proper names * The morphological analysis of proper names * The recognition and tagging of proper names in texts * Computational aspect of the syntax, semantics or pragmatics of proper names * Linguistic analysis of proper nouns * Applications of the treatment of proper names to information retrieval, information extraction, text mining * etc. FORMAT ------ The paper should be formatted following the journal guidelines. These are spelled out at the end of a volume or at: Papers can be submitted in English and French. They not exceed 30 pages in double interline in Helvetica 12. We accept RTF or LaTeX + postscript. The latex style is avalaible at: Please send your text, by electronic mail, for the end of October to Denis Maurel (mailto:maurel at CALENDAR -------- Submission deadline : November 1st 1999 Notification to authors : Jannuary 1999 Final version due : May, 1st 2000 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE ------------------- Chief editors: A. Abeille (Universite Paris 7) Ph. Blache (LPL, CNRS) B. Habert (ENS Fontenay-Saint Cloud) Autres members of Editorial J. Anis (Universite Paris 10) Committee: D. Clement (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal) A. Condamines (CNRS, Toulouse le Mirail) Ch. Dalessandro (LIMSI, Paris) M. El-Beze (Universit� d'Avignon) C. Gardent (Universitaet des Saarlandes) Ch. Jacquemin (IRIN, Nantes) J-L. Lebrave (CNRS, ITEM) B. Victorri (ELSAP, Caen) E. Tzoukermann (Bell Labs) P. Zweigenbaum (AP-HP, Paris 6) Scientific Committee: M. Borillo (CNRS, P. Sabatier, Toulouse) R. Carre (ENST, Paris) J-P. Descles (Universit� Paris IV) C. Fuchs (CNRS, ENS Paris) M. Gross (LADL, Paris 7) F. Rastier (Paris 4) W. von Hahn (Univ Hambourg) Y. Wilks (Sheffield Univ) A. Zaenen (Xerox Grenoble) Sub-Editor: Jeanine Mary (UFRL Paris 7) Denis Maurel LI/E3i, Universite de Tours Franz Guenthner CIS, Universite de Munich From pz at Fri Sep 17 17:49:10 1999 From: pz at (Pierre Zweigenbaum) Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 18:49:10 +0100 Subject: Q: Prolog Message-ID: Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 13:57:17 +0200 From: Jean Veronis Message-Id: < at> X-url: Bonjour, Nous allons probablement enseigner Prolog cette année dans mon service, et je suis à la recherche d'un Prolog freeware pour Windows. Qui a des suggestions (et un avis qualitatif/pédagogique)? Merci! Jean Véronis, Professeur de Linguistique et Informatique Directeur du Centre Informatique pour les Lettres et Sciences Humaines Université de Provence 29 av. Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1, France tel: +33 (0) 4 42 95 31 35 fax: +33 (0) 4 42 95 34 95 email: veronis at From pb at Mon Sep 20 12:19:24 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:19:24 +0100 Subject: Appel: RIAO-2000 Message-ID: From: Pierre Zweigenbaum This message is posted to several lists. We apologize if you receive multiple copies. RIAO 2000 Content-Based Multimedia Information Access College de France Paris, France April 12-14, 2000 Preliminary Announcement _______________ Organized by: Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaire (C.I.D., France) & Center for the Advanced Study of Information Systems, Inc (C.A.S.I.S., USA) With the collaboration of AII, ASIS, ELRA, Elsnet, ESCA, Francil (preliminary list) _______________ Introduction The RIAO (Recherche d'Informations Assistee par Ordinateur = Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval) International Conference is held every 3 years. Sites for the conference have been Grenoble (1985), Boston (1988), Barcelona (1991), New York (1994) and Montreal (1997). Paris will host the next RIAO conference in Spring 2000. The conference is organized by the Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaire (C.I.D.) and the Center for the Advanced Study of Information Systems (C.A.S.I.S.). The theme of the conference is "Content-Based Multimedia Information Access". The conference scope will range from the traditional processing of text documents to the rapidly growing field of automatic indexing and retrieval of images and speech and, more generally, to all processing of audio-visual and multimedia information on various supports, including the net. The conference is of interest for several scientific communities, including Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Spoken Language Processing, Computer Vision, Human- Computer Interaction and Digital Libraries. RIAO 2000 will, thereby, serve as a forum for synergetic initiatives and forward-looking applications. The Scientific Committee will select the papers and the Application Committee will select the innovative applications and products to be presented at the conference. In order to support the multi-disciplinary goals of the conference, these international committees include representatives of different scientific communities. RIAO 2000 will present recent scientific research advances, demonstrations of prototypes resulting from this research as well as the most innovative products now appearing on the market. A worldwide Call for Papers is addressed to researchers engaged in academic or industrial research. The associated Call for Applications is addressed to companies and public organizations developing or marketing hardware or software related to the conference topics. RIAO 2000 Conference Topics: Under the theme "Content-Based Multimedia Information Access", the following topics are among those included for the Communications and for Innovative Application Demonstrations: Document processing: Hypertextual and Hypermedia documents Human-Computer Interaction for document handling Textual and voice-based annotation creation and retrieval Digital libraries AI techniques for document generation and consultation Multimodal and transmodal human-machine communication Information Retrieval: Information retrieval systems and methods Document search over the internet Text Mining Information and document routing/profiling/alerting Document classification Spoken Language Processing: Voice-based document segmentation and transcription Voice-based document indexing and retrieval Identification of language of speaker Speaker recognition Audio Mining Non-verbal sound processing (music, noise...) Natural Language Processing: Information extraction NLP techniques for document processing Terminology extraction and analysis Automatic thesaurus construction Multilingual and crosslingual document handling Machine translation of documents Automatic summarization Identification of language of text Image processing: Automatic indexing and retrieval of visual documents Computer graphics for document generation and consultation Segmentation and indexing of visual data Face, gaze and expression recognition Character recognition in visual documents Image Mining Video indexing and retrieval System architecture: Multi-agent architecture, search agents Intelligent agents, Androids and Avatars Usage and best practice: Socio-economics of information retrieval Quantitative, qualitative and comparative evaluation Coding standards and Quality of Services Security and privacy Cognitive aspects, Human Factors and Ergonomics Legal aspects of multimedia document handling Multimedia and multimodal resources Applications: Computer-aided information access for the handicapped Multimedia systems for medical applications Image Guided Surgery and Augmented Reality Medical documents archiving and retrieval Transmodal information access systems Telephone-based, nomad and in-vehicle systems Intelligent systems for call-center reporting Customized customer support (Aerospace product manuals...) Strategic and technology watch & Business Intelligence Real-Time information access for financial markets Information access for decision aid systems Multimodal Geographical Information Systems Television and Radio Broadcast Archiving and Browsing... Call for Papers The papers will be reviewed by the International Scientific Committee. RIAO 2000 International Scientific Committee : Co-Chairs : Joseph Mariani (LIMSI-CNRS, France) and Donna Harman (NIST, USA) Jean-Claude Bassano (University of Orleans, France) Alain Berthoz (LPPA, College de France, France) Patrick Bouthemy (IRISA/INRIA, France) George Carayannis (ILSP, Greece) Francine Chen (Xerox, USA) Bruce Croft (University of Massachusets, USA) Franciska de Jong (University of Twente,The Netherlands) Susan Dumais (Microsoft, USA) David Evans (CMU and Claritech, USA) Christian Fluhr (CEA, France) Hiroya Fujisaki (Science University of Tokyo, Japan) Pascale Fung (University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong) Sadaoki Furui (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Edouard Geoffrois (DGA/CTA, France) Jean-Paul Haton (LORIA, France) Alex Hauptman (CMU, USA) Ulrich Heid (University of Stuttgart, Germany) Roland Hjerppe (Mid Sweden University, Sweden) Christian Jacquemin (LIMSI-CNRS, France) Mun Kew Leong ( Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore) Judith Klavans (Columbia University, USA) Wessel Kraaij (TNO-TPD, The Netherlands) Francis Kubala (BBN, USA) Gianni Lazzari (IRST, Italy) Alain Leger (CNET- France Telecom, France) R. Manmatha (University of Massachusetts, USA) Richard Marcus (MIT, USA) Mark Maybury (MITRE, USA) Frank Nack (GMD IPSI, Germany) Klaus Netter (DFKI, Germany) Jian-Yun Nie (University of Montreal, Canada) Douglas Oard (University of Maryland, USA) Dragutin Petkovic (IBM, USA) Georges Quenot (CLIPS, France) K. J. Ray Liu (University of Maryland, USA) Ze'ev Rivlin (Natural Speech Communication, Israel) Arnold Smeulders (ISIS, UvA, The Netherlands) Karen Sparck Jones (University of Cambridge, UK) Evelyne Tzoukermann (Lucent technologies, USA) Ross Wilkinson (CSIRO, Australia) Phil Woodland (CUED, UK) Call for Applications Tools and products related to the conference topics are sought for demonstration at special conference sessions. Applications and products will be selected by the International Application Committee, on the basis of their innovation, utility, and present and future marketability. RIAO 2000 International Application Committee : Chair: Gregory Grefenstette (Xerox, France) and Pascal Faudemay (LIP6, France) Marie-Francoise Clergeau (College de France, France) Daniel Confland (Jouve, France) Max Copperman (Kanisa, USA) Giorgio Dimino (RAI, Italy) Michael Horowitz (Claritech, USA) Hitoshi Iida (Sony Speech & Language Laboratory, Japan) Hans-Joachim Novak (IBM, Germany) Norbert Paquel (Canope, France) Sylvie Regnier-Prost (Aerospatiale-Matra, France) Remi Ronfard (INA, France) Antonio Sanfilippo (EC, Luxembourg) Laurent Schmitt (INIST-CNRS, France) Vera Semenova (Sciper/Analit, Russia) Joop Van Gent (TNO-TPD, The Netherlands) The RIAO 2000 Conference is organized by: Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaires (C.I.D.) 36 bis rue Ballu 75009 Paris France Tel: (33 / 0) 1 42 85 04 75 Fax: (33 / 0) 1 48 78 49 61 or 1 45 26 84 45 and Center for the Advanced Study of Information Systems, Inc (C.A.S.I.S.) Co / C. Constantin 575 Madison Avenue 25th floor New York N.Y. 10022 USA Contacts: Email: riao2000 at Web: Organizing and Coordinating Committee: Agnes Beriot (CID, France) Peter Brodnitz (CASIS, USA) Jean-Louis Darc (France-Pologne, France) Jean-Jacques Guilbart (College de France, France) Nicolas Masson (LIMSI-CNRS, France) Jean Perriere (CID, France) Sharyn Rozart (CASIS, USA) Anne Tabutiaux (Recherche et Diffusion Scientifique, France) Tony Venables (ECAS, Belgium) Calendar: ? Preliminary announcement: July 1999 ? Call for Papers & Demonstrations: September 15, 1999 ? Submission deadline: November 1st, 1999 ? Notification of acceptance: December 15, 1999 ? Submission of complete papers: January 15, 2000 ? Final Program: January 25, 2000 ? Conference: April 12-14, 2000 If you're interested in participating in the conference, or if you intend to submit a paper, a prototype or an application demo, or if you wish to know more about the conference when the information will be available, please fill in the Attendance Intention Form below, and send it to "riao2000 at" ASAP. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Attendance Intention Form: Name : Position: Organization: Mail address: Telephone: Fax: EMAIL: Web site: I wish to participate in the RIAO 2000 Conference: I wish to submit a paper (topic): I wish to submit a prototype demo (topic): I wish to submit an innovative product or application demo (topic): I would like to have more information about RIAO 2000, when it will be available: Please, email this Attendance Intention Form to "riao2000 at" ASAP. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From pb at Mon Sep 20 12:19:26 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:19:26 +0100 Subject: Appel: ICCI2000 Message-ID: From: almulla at (Almulla M) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tenth International Conference on Computing and Information ICCI '2000, Kuwait, November 18-21, 2000 Home Page: North America Mirror Site: organized and sponsored by Dept of Mathematics & Computer Science, Kuwait University, Kuwait Keynote Speaker (*): Tim Berners-Lee, the Father of the World Wide Web ====================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS ICCI '2000 will provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present new results in research, development, and applications in computing and information. Since 1989, ICCI conferences have attracted participants from over 40 different countries. ICCI '2000 will consist of four streams ranging from theoretical computer science to applied software systems. It will provide a unique opportunity for cross-fertilization and interdisciplinary information exchange. Stream A: Theory. Data Theory and Logic. Information and Coding Theory. Algorithms. Theory of Computation. Chair: Monty Newborn, newborn at Stream B: Distribution and Parallelism. Distributed Computing and Communications. Concurrency and Parallelism. Chair: Albert Zomaya, zomaya at Stream C: Systems and Development. Database Systems. Software Engineering and CASE Methodologies. Expert Systems. Chair: Hans Loeper, Loeper at Stream D: Data and Knowledge Engineering. AI Methodologies. User Interfaces. Data Mining. Approximate Reasoning. Chair: Susan Craw, smc at Stream E: Networking and Internet. Information Exploration on the World Wide Web. Mobile Computing. Chair: Richard Lai, lai at Papers for any of the above streams are welcome. All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical correctness, quality, relevance, originality, significance, and clarity. Accepted papers are expected to be published in the conference proceedings by an international publisher. A selected number of ICCI 2000 accepted papers will be expanded and revised for possible inclusion in the "Journal of Computing and Information" and "Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal" by Springer-Verlag. Proposals for tutorials, workshops and panel sessions are also invited. All paper submissions (by e-mail or in hardcopy) and proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials should be sent to the Program Committee Chair at the following address. Xindong Wu (xwu at Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences Colorado School of Mines 1500 Illinois Street Golden, Colorado 80401, USA Phone: +1-303-273-3874 Fax: +1-303-273-3875 Please reply to this email with your name and email now to receive more information in due time. Important Dates ===================================================================== January 15, 2000 Proposals for panels, tutorials and workshops March 1, 2000 Paper submissions May 1, 2000 Acceptance notices July 1, 2000 Final camera-readies November 18-21, 2000 Conference ===================================================================== Organization General Chair: Waldemar W. Koczkodaj, Laurentian University, Canada. E-mail: icci at; URL: Organizing Committee Chair: Mohammed Almulla, Kuwait University, Kuwait. E-mail: almulla at; URL: Program Committee Chair: Xindong Wu, Colorado School of Mines, USA. E-mail: xwu at; URL: General inquiries should be sent to the Organizing Committee Chair at Mohammed Almulla Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Kuwait University P.O.Box 5969 Safat, 13060, Kuwait Telephone: (965) 481-1188 Ext. 5303 or 5624 Fax: (965) 481-7201 E-mail: almulla at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (*) pending confirmation From pb at Mon Sep 20 12:19:28 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:19:28 +0100 Subject: Book: 2 announcements Message-ID: ______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Jean Veronis Subject: Book: Techniques in Speech Acoustics 2/ From: Jean Veronis Subject: Book: Syntactic Wordclass Tagging ______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Jean Veronis Subject: Book: Techniques in Speech Acoustics **** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK **** KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS TEXT, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGY Volume 8 Series editors: Nancy Ide and Jean V�ronis Techniques in Speech Acoustics by Jonathan Harrington Steve Cassidy Speech Hearing and Language Research Centre Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia "Techniques in Speech Acoustics" provides an introduction to the acoustic analysis and characteristics of speech sounds. The first part of the book covers aspects of the source-filter decomposition of speech, spectrographic analysis, the acoustic theory of speech production and acoustic phonetic cues. The second part is based on computational techniques for analysing the acoustic speech signal including digital time and frequency analyses, formant synthesis, and the linear predictive coding of speech. There is also an introductory chapter on the classification of acoustic speech signals which is relevant to aspects of automatic speech and talker recognition. Included with the book is a CD-ROM containing extensive speech corpora, the EMU speech analysis tools, extensions to the X-LISP-STAT programming language that are adapted to speech analysis, and numerous exercises that are linked to the major themes of the book and which can be run on Windows-95 and UNIX platforms. The book and CD-ROM are intended for use as teaching materials on undergraduate and postgraduate speech acoustics and experimental phonetics courses; they are also aimed at researchers from phonetics, linguistics, computer science, psychology and engineering who wish to gain an understanding of the basis of speech acoustics and its application to fields such as speech synthesis and automatic speech recognition. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5731-0 July 1999, 336 pp. NLG 250.00 / USD 150.00 / GBP 88.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents Preface. Vowel and Consonant Transcriptions. Contents of the CD-Rom. 1. The Scope of Speech Acoustics. 2. The Physics of Speech. 3. The Acoustic Theory of Speech Production. 4. Segmental and Prosodic Cues. 5. Time-Domain Analysis. 6. Frequency-Domain Analysis. 7. Digital Formant Synthesis. 8. Linear Prediction of Speech. 9. Classification of Speech Data. References. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PREVIOUS VOLUMES Volume 1: Recent Advances in Parsing Technology Harry Bunt, Masaru Tomita Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4152-X, 1996 Volume 2: Corpus-Based Methods in Language and Speech Processing Steve Young, Gerrit Bloothooft Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4463-4, 1997 Volume 3: An introduction to text-to-speech synthesis Thierry Dutoit Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4498-7, 1997 Volume 4: Exploring textual data Ludovic Lebart, Andr� Salem and Lisette Berry Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4840-0, December 1997 Volume 5: Time Map Phonology: Finite State Models and Event Logics in Speech Recognition Julie Carson-Berndsen Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4883-4, 1997 Volume 6: Predicative Forms in Natural Language and in Lexical Knowledge Bases Volume 7: Natural Language Information Retrieval Tomek Strzalkowski Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5685-3, April 1999 Check the series Web page for order information: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2/ From: Jean Veronis Subject: Book: Syntactic Wordclass Tagging **** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK **** KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS TEXT, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGY Volume 9 Series editors: Nancy Ide and Jean V�ronis Syntactic Wordclass Tagging edited by Hans van Halteren Dept. of Language and Speech University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands This book provides an in-depth discussion of the field of syntactic wordclass tagging, i.e. the annotation of the words in a text with tags indicating their syntactic properties. Represented are the viewpoints of the two main groups who take an interest in tagging: the users of tagged text and the developers of tagging software. The book starts out by examining the field foremost from the user's point of view. After a brief historical overview, the nature and uses of tagging are discussed and current practice is described. Here the user will find what tagging is and the software developer what it is the user wants. The book then switches to the other point of view and continues with a detailed explanation of the most common computational techniques for automatically tagging large amounts of text. Here the software developer finds information needed for the implementation of a tagger while the user gains insight into the possibilities and impossibilities of automatic tagging and how computer-provided tags should be interpreted. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5896-1 August 1999, 300 pp. NLG 280.00 / USD 149.00 / GBP 93.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents and Contributors Preface. Contributing Authors. Part I: The User's View. 1. Orientation; A. Voutilainen. 2. A Short History of Tagging; A. Voutilainen. 3. The Use of Tagging; G. Leech, N. Smith. 4. Tagsets; J. Cloeren. 5. Standards for Tagsets; G. Leech, A. Wilson. 6. Performance of Taggers; H. van Halteren. 7. Selection and Operation of Taggers; H. van Halteren. Part II: The Implementer's View. 8. Automatic Taggers: An Introduction; H. van Halteren, A. Voutilainen. 9. Tokenization; G. Grefenstette. 10. Lexicons for Tagging; A. Schiller, L. Karttunen. 11. Standardization in the Lexicon; M. Monachini, N. Calzolari. 12. Morphological Analysis; K. Oflazer. 13. Tagging Unknown Words; E. Brill. 14. Hand-Crafted Rules; A. Voutilainen. 15. Corpus-Based Rules; E. Brill. 16. Hidden Markov Models; M. El-Beze, B. Merialdo. 17. Machine Learning Approaches; W. Daelemans. Appendix A: Example tagsets. References. Index --------------------------------------------------------------------- PREVIOUS VOLUMES Volume 1: Recent Advances in Parsing Technology Harry Bunt, Masaru Tomita Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4152-X, 1996 Volume 2: Corpus-Based Methods in Language and Speech Processing Steve Young, Gerrit Bloothooft Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4463-4, 1997 Volume 3: An introduction to text-to-speech synthesis Thierry Dutoit Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4498-7, 1997 Volume 4: Exploring textual data Ludovic Lebart, Andr� Salem and Lisette Berry Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4840-0, December 1997 Volume 5: Time Map Phonology: Finite State Models and Event Logics in Speech Recognition Julie Carson-Berndsen Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4883-4, 1997 Volume 6: Predicative Forms in Natural Language and in Lexical Knowledge Bases Volume 7: Natural Language Information Retrieval Tomek Strzalkowski Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5685-3, April 1999 Volume 8: Techniques in Speech Acoustics Jonathan Harrington, Steve Cassidy Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5731-0, July 1999 Check the series Web page for order information: --------------------------------------------------------------------- From pb at Mon Sep 20 12:19:34 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:19:34 +0100 Subject: Conf: CIL Message-ID: From: "Jacqueline Lecarme" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAMME DU COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE LINGUISTIQUE DE L'INSTITUT DES SCIENCES COGNITIVES DE LYON 12-15 OCTOBRE 1999 L'ECONOMIE DANS LES STRUCTURES, LES COMPUTATIONS ET L'UTILISATION DU LANGAGE SESSIONS SEMANTIQUE Mardi 12 Octobre 1999 Matin: Chierchia, Genaro (University of Milan): Les implicatures scalaires, un ph�nom�ne de polarit� Dayal, Veneeta (Rutgers University): Le d�terminant d�fini et ses contreparties silencieuses Sauerland, Uli (Kanda Gaigo University, Japon): Sup�riorit� et Mont�e de Quantifieur: un argument bas� sur le liage invers� Apr�s midi : Asher, Nicolas (University of Austin): Principes d��conomie dans l�interpr�tation du discours Shlenker, Philippe (MIT): Uniformit� s�mantique Reinhart, Tanya (University of Tel Aviv): Le co�t pour le traitement du langage d'un calcul bas� sur un ensemble de r�f�rence. Alternate: Monz, Christof (University of Amsterdam): Une d�sambiguation paresseuse bas�e sur la d�duction. MORPHOLOGIE/PHONOLOGIE Mercredi 13 Octobre 1999 Matin: Halle, Morris (MIT): Sur les consid�rations d'�conomie en phonologie. Bonet, Eulalia (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona): De la phonologie des clitiques catalans: approche d�rivationnelle ou non-d�rivationnelle. Marantz, Alec (MIT): Les composants de la d�rivation. Apr�s-midi Vergneau, Jean Roger (ISC/USC): TBA Peter F. Dominey (ISC): Un mod�le r�ductif de l�assignation des r�les th�matiques en syntaxe. Alternate: Jean-Luc Schwartz, Christian Abry, Louis-Jean Boe, Nathalie Vall�e, Marie-Agn�s Cathiard (ICP): Economie et Phonologie dans la th�orie de la dispersion- focalisation perceptuelle et la th�orie de la perception pour le contr�le de l�action. PRAGMATIQUE Jeudi 14 Octobre 1999 Matin : Sperber, Dan (CREA, CNRS Paris): Economie et pragmatique. Maillat, Didier (Lincoln College Oxford): Pour une pragmatique minimaliste des pr�positions directionnelles. Moeschler, Jacques (Universit� de Gen�ve): Economie et optimalit� pragmatique: le cas des inf�rences directionnelles. Apr�s midi : Noveck, A.Ira (ISC): Comment rendre compte des implicatures conversationnelles. Blakemore, Diane (University of Salford): De l�interpr�tation des �nonc�s conjoints. Matsui, Tomoko (Christian University, Japan): Deux visions sur l��conomie dans l�assignation de la r�f�rence: Centrage et Pertinence. Alternate: Saussure, Louis de (Universit� de Gen�ve): Une approche proc�durale des temps verbaux : L�exemple des temps du pass� en fran�ais. SYNTAXE Vendredi 15 Octobre 1999 Matin : Rizzi, Luiggi (Universit� de Sienne): De quelques questions dans la th�orie de la localit�. Newmeyer, Frederic (University of Washington): Economie Grammaticale versus Economie de traitement: Comment capturer les g�n�ralisations typologiques Williams, Edwin (Princeton University): L'�conomie comme conservation de la forme Apr�s midi Kitagawa, Yoshihisa (Indiana University): Economie et S�lection Lexicale Rezac, Milan (University of Toronto): L�Economie des relations cible/but: le calcul de l�Equidistance Collins, Christopher (Cornell University): Eliminer les �tiquettes Alternate: Moro, Andrea (University San Raffaele, Milano): Antisym�trie faible: une application �conome de l�Axiome de Correspondance Lin�aire Informations: Contacts: deprez at (Viviane Deprez) reboul at (Anne Reboul) Courrier: Viviane Deprez Institut des Sciences Cognitives 67 Blvd Pinel 69675 Bron Cedex From pb at Mon Sep 20 12:19:56 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:19:56 +0100 Subject: Conf: GAT'99 Message-ID: From: Georges Antoniadis ========================================================== DERNIER APPEL A PARTICIPATION ==================================================== GAT'99 Generation Automatique de Textes Deuxieme Colloque Francophone ===================================================== 30 septembre et 1 octobre 1999 Universite Stendhal - Grenoble 3 Institut de la Communication et des Medias 38130 Echirolles FRANCE OBJECTIFS : Bien que la generation automatique de textes soit un domaine relativement ancien et actuellement en plein essor, les manifestations scientifiques specifiques sont plutot rares. Parmi les quelques conferences consacrees au sujet, force est de constater que les manifestations francophones sont actuellement quasi inexistantes. Un des objectifs de cette deuxieme edition du colloque en generation automatique de textes est de combler cette lacune. GAT'99 se veut une manifestation reunissant les specialistes du domaine et des personnes interessees par le sujet en vue d'echanger leurs experiences, de presenter leurs travaux theoriques et applicatifs, de confronter les solutions apportees, de nouer des contacts,... GAT'99 se propose d'etre un lieu de reflexion sur le domaine, de rencontres et d'echanges sur le sujet. Tous les aspects de la generation automatique sont concernes par ce colloque : approches theoriques et aspects applicatifs, theories et outils pour la generation, aspects linguistiques, informatiques, prise en compte de l'utilisateur, generation monolingue ou multilingue, ... Tous les domaines d'application sont concernes : communication homme- machine, traduction automatique, creation de resumes, aide a la redaction, ... LOCALISATION : Le colloque se deroulera a l'Institut de la Communication et des Medias (ICM) a Echirolles localite situee a la peripherie de Grenoble. ORGANISATION DU COLLOQUE : Equipe CRISTAL-GRESEC Universite Stendhal - Grenoble 3 Colloque organise avec le concours de la ville de Grenoble COMITE DE PROGRAMME : Georges ANTONIADIS (CRISTAL-GRESEC ; Grenoble 3) Laurence BALICCO (CRISTAL-GRESEC ; Grenoble 3) Jean CAELEN (CLIPS-IMAG ; Grenoble 1) Marc DYMETMAN (Centre de Recherche Rank Xerox ; Meylan) Guy LAPALME (INCOGNITO ; Universite de Montreal - Canada) Gerard LIGOZAT (LIMSI ; Paris 11) Jean-Francois NOGIER (Thomson CSF ; Bagneux) Jacques ROUAULT (CRISTAL-GRESEC ; Grenoble 3) Paul SABATIER (LIM ; CNRS) Eric WEHRLI (LATL ; Universite de Geneve - Suisse) Michael ZOCK (LIMSI ; Paris 11) PROGRAMME PREVISIONNEL DU COLLOQUE Jeudi 30 Septembre 1999 10h00 : Accueil des partcipants - Cafe 10h30 : Ouverture du colloque, bienvenue 11h00 : Conference invitee: Evelyne Viegas, New Mexico State University : Le choix lexical en generation multilingue : du bon usage de la semantique computationnelle. 12h00-14h00 : Repas 14h-17h30 Session presidee par Jean Caelen 14h00 : K. Chevreau, J. Coch : Generation multilingue de bulletins meteorologiques : le logiciel multimeteo. 14h30 : M. Ellouze, A. Ben Hamadou : Reutilisation du langage dans une generation de resumes de documents scientifiques basee sur des schemas. 15h00 : L. Balicco, S. Pouchot : Extraction de donnees d'un corpus en langue naturelle en vue de l'amelioration d'un systeme de generation automatique de textes. 15h30-16h00 : Pause cafe 16h00 : S. Pogodalla : Generation a l'aide de reseaux de preuves semantiques. 16h30 : P.-A. Buvet : Determination et generation automatique. 17h00 : M. Frei : Polysemie causale et dilation semantique en GAT. Soiree repas avec animation musicale: a partir de 20h "Chez le Pere Gras" Vendredi 1er Octobre 1999 9h-12h30 Session presidee par Jacques Rouault 09h00 : Conference invitee: Frederic Meunier, Thomson - France, Contraintes et choix industriels pour l'elaboration des systemes de generation automatique de textes. 10h00 : E. Ben Meftah : Generateur multilingue de resumes de documents. 10h30-11h00 : Pause cafe 11h00 : J. Lavid, J. Arus : Signification experientielle en anglais et espagnol : une specification pour la generation automatique et multilingue de textes. 11h30 : T. Etchegoyen, J. Mengon, A. Vandeventer, T. Wehrle : Une approche efficace a la generation multilingue. Le systeme GBGen. 12h00 : F. Meunier, R. Reyes : Plate-forme de developpement de generateurs multilingues. 12h30-14h00 : Repas 14h-17h Session presidee par Paul Sabatier 14h00 : C. Luc, M. Mojahid, J. Virbel : Connaissances structurelles et modeles necessaires a la generation de textes formates. 14h30 : F. Sannier, V. Auberge : Vers la phonetisation des formes flechies du francais. 15h00-15h30 : Pause Cafe 15h30 : Table ronde : Y a-t-il une dualite generation /reconnaissance? Participants : M. Dymetman, F. Meunier, P. Sabatier, E. Viegas, E. Wehrli Le debat permettra entre autres d'evoquer : les theories et les outils communs, les differences de methodologie, etc. ACCUEIL ET INSCRIPTION ----------------------- Le nombre de places etant limite, il est important de s'inscrire au plus tot (et en tout cas avant le 24 septembre 1999). Les reservations d'hotel doivent etre faites directement par les participants (une liste d'hotels se trouve sur le serveur Web de GAT'99 : , ou peut etre envoyee sur simple demande). Le bulletin d'inscription (en fin de message) et le reglement des droits d'inscription doivent etre envoyes a: Monique BOIS ICM - GAT'99 Universite Stendhal-Grenoble 3, BP 25 F-38040 Grenoble Cedex 9, FRANCE Tel : (+33) 04 76 82 43 77 Fax : (+33) 04 76 82 43 22 Mel : bois at Localisation ----------------- Institut de Communication et des Medias Avenue de 8 mai 45 38130 Echirolles - France Acces - Depuis l'aeroport de Lyon-Satolas : . Navette (1h10mn) vers Grenoble (terminus gare SNCF) puis Tram ligne A (Echirolles), arret "La Rampe" (juste devant l'ICM) - Depuis la gare, c'est a 45 minutes par le Tram ligne A (Echirolles), arret "La Rampe" (juste devant l'ICM) - En voiture : suivre la direction "Rocade sud", sortir a la sortie no7 (Echirolles centre) et prendre la diirection Echirolles-centre. Au premier feu apres le pont tourner a gauche, puis au premier feu a droite. Vous etes sur le parking de l'ICM. BULLETIN D'INSCRIPTION RENSEIGNEMENTS ---------------------------- NOM : ................................................................... PRENOM : ........................................................... ORGANISME : ..................................................... ADRESSE : .......................................................... ............................................................................ TELEPHONE : ..................................................... FAX : ...................................................................... E-MAIL : ................................................................ Droits d'inscription -------------------------- Tarif normal : 600 F Tarif etudiant : 400 F (joindre un justificatif) Les droits d'inscription comprennent les actes de la conference ainsi que les pauses cafes et les repas de midi. Une soiree avec animation musicale est prevue jeudi soir au restaurant "Chez le Pere Gras" sur la colline de la Bastille avec vue panoramique sur Grenoble. Montee possible en telepherique (bulles). La participation a cette soiree s'eleve a 160 FF, ce prix incluant : l'apperif, le diner, les boissons et le cafe. Vous pouvez regler les frais d'inscription et la participation a la soiree: - par cheque a l'ordre de l'Agent Comptable de Stendhal-Grenoble 3 - par bon de commande Toute inscription par courrier electronique devra etre confirmee par un courrier accompagne du reglement. Vous trouverez toutes les informations concernant GAT'99 sous: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Georges ANTONIADIS D�partement Informatique P�dagogique / Equipe CRISTAL-GRESEC Universit� STENDHAL Tel: +33. (0)4 76 82 77 61 +33. (0)4 76 82 43 97 BP 25 Fax: +33. (0)4 76 82 41 26 38040 Grenoble Cedex 9, France Georges.Antoniadis at From pz at Tue Sep 21 17:36:14 1999 From: pz at (Pierre Zweigenbaum) Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 18:36:14 +0100 Subject: R: Prolog Message-ID: [avalanche de réponses !! -- pz] ________________________________________________________________ 1/Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:08:37 -0400 From: Laurence Capus 2/Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:39:54 -0400 (EDT) From: Grégory Perrat 3/Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 00:02:57 +0200 From: Nicolas 4/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 07:48:23 +0200 (MET DST) From: Henri.Zingle at (Zinglé Henri) 5/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 08:51:15 +0200 (MET DST) From: Marc Guyomard 6/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 09:34:48 +0200 From: Piet Mertens 7/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 11:39:05 +0100 From: Laurent.Trilling at (Laurent Trilling) 8/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 14:37:29 +0000 (GMT) From: Serge Rosmorduc ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 1/Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:08:37 -0400 From: Laurence Capus Message-Id: < at> X-url: J'enseigne Prolog dans un cours d'intelligence artificielle et nous disposons de WinProlog 4 de la société LPA. Bien sur, il n'est pas gratuit mais de leur site internet on peut telecharger une version d'utilisation gratuite de 28 jours. Mes étudiants ont trouvé des Prolog freeware pour Windows aux adresses suivantes mais je n'ai pas eu encore le temps de les tester vraiment. - Pie Prolog - Strawberry Prolog 1.02 pour Windows 95/NT - SWI Prolog Laurence Capus Departement d'informatique Universite Laval Ste-Foy (QC) - CANADA capus at ________________________________________________________________ 2/Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:39:54 -0400 (EDT) From: Grégory Perrat Message-Id: <382759269.937600794099.JavaMail.root at web02.pub01> X-url: SWI-Prolog est le Prolog gratuit le plus connu pour Windows (et d'autres plateformes), assez proche de Quintus-Prolog. Il est surtout destiné à l'enseignement, mais n'est pas forcément de qualité inférieure aux Prolog commerciaux. C'est un Prolog de type Edimbourg, qui est utilisé dans la plupart des universités anglaises qui enseignent le Prolog. Voir : __________________________________________________ FREE Email for ALL! Sign up at ________________________________________________________________ 3/Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 00:02:57 +0200 From: Nicolas Message-ID: <37E2BA91.E6DBCEF7 at> Bonjour, très bonne décision l'enseignement de Prolog! Je le préfère de loin à LISP. C'est plus intuitif. Et c'est d'une grande souplesse et d'un grand intérêt pédégogique. Par contre, je vous conseille d'aller lentement au début car rare sont les personnes à comprendre d'emblée la programmation récursive, et surtout à penser récursivement. J'utilise le Prolog SWI, freeware fait par une faculté à Amsterdam. Il fatt utiliser un éditeur externe pour saisir les lignes de code. Mais il est d'un très bon niveau car tjrs doté des dernières inovations, étant la version test proposée aux universitaires pour éprouver ses capacités! Vous le trouverez facilement en tapant SWI dans Yahoo ou Je n'ai pas les URL en tête. Si vous ne le trouvez pas, je vous l'enverrai par mail en fichier joint, il n'est pas très gros. Il fonctionne très bien sous windows. Il existe aussi en version DOS et Linux. Il existe le Prolog Strawberry qui est plus axé sur windows et avec lequel il est aisé de créer des environnements fenétrés pour ses applications. Mais il faut être quand même bien habitué à l aprogrammation Prolog. Donc ne pas le proposer de suite. Aussi Freeware. Enfin, si vous pouviez payer la licence de LPA Prolog qui dispose d'une superbe interface graphique avec éditeur et console. Ce n'est pas trop cher pour une fac. La licence tourne autour de qq centaines de francs et encore... Si vous ne trouvez pas ces logiciels, faites le moi savoir, je m'arrangerai alors pour retrouver les URLs! De toute façon, si je remet la main dessus je vous les enverrai. Bonne continuation dans l'enseignement de ce fabuleux langage! Un peu étrange au début, je sais qu'il en a découragé plus d'un. Il faut une approche lente dans les premiers temps. Et peut-être donner quelques notions de récursivité mathématique pour les raisonnements (en ce qui concerne les clauses, les faits, les règles...) En tout cas, c après entrainement, un langage qui permet de définir assez aisément des règles de grammaires. Et la facilité de programmation d'automates permet de ne pas être arrêté par de la programmtion trop lourde. J'espère vous avoir été utile et clair! N'hésitez pas à me recontacter pour tout pb! Cordialement Nicolas ________________________________________________________________ 4/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 07:48:23 +0200 (MET DST) From: Henri.Zingle at (Zinglé Henri) Message-Id: <199909200548.HAA01412 at> X-url: Il y a une version Education de VISUAL PROLOG (PDC) tres bon marché. Renseignements sur H. Zingle Pr. H. Zinglé LILLA-Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis 98, bd Edouard Herriot - BP 209 F-06204 Nice Cedex3 Tél./Fax +33 93375439 ________________________________________________________________ 5/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 08:51:15 +0200 (MET DST) From: Marc Guyomard Message-Id: X-url: Bonjour, J'ai entendu beaucoup de bien de SWI-Prolog (certains l'ulisent dans l'equipe), de l'université d'Amsterdam : C'est un prolog compilé (Wam), dote d'une interface avec C. Cordialement. ____________________________________________________________________________ Marc Guyomard Enssat/IRISA (Cordial) Université de Rennes I Technopole Anticipa 6, rue de Kerampont 22305 Lannion Cedex France >From overseas : Tel : (33) 2-96-46-50-30 (Enssat) (33) 2-96-46-66-29 (Direct) Fax :(33) 2-96-37-01-99 De France : Tel : 02-96-46-50-30 (Enssat) 02-96-46-66-29 (Direct) Fax :02-96-37-01-99 Web : e-mail : guyomard at ________________________________________________________________ 6/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 09:34:48 +0200 From: Piet Mertens Message-Id: < at> X-url: Le logiciel recherché est disponible sur Je l'utilise depuis quelques années, pour les gros projets comme pour l'enseignement. C'est robuste, fiable, rapide, portable (Unix, Windows, d'autres...). Il existe une liste de discussion où celui qui a conçu le système répond aux questions. Piet Mertens ________________________________________________________________ 7/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 11:39:05 +0100 From: Laurent.Trilling at (Laurent Trilling) Message-Id: Bien recu. Nous utilisons ici Prolog IV (de prologIA), disponible aussi sous Windows. Pour deux raisons: - une tres bonne definition (essentiel pour l'enseignement) - les derniers concepts en matiere de contraintes sont integres (contraintes sur intervalles). Devoir payer un cout (extremement modeste) m'apparait un avantage. A partir du moment ou on achete (meme peu cher), le vendeur a des devoirs... Bien a vous. Laurent Trilling. ----------------------------- Laurent Trilling Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble) lab. LSR-IMAG BP 72 38402 SAINT MARTIN D'HERES CEDEX France e-mail: Laurent.Trilling at bureau: ENSIMAG, bat. D, D104 tel : 04 76 82 72 13 (prof.), O4 76 51 23 76 (dom.) FAX :04 76 82 72 87 (prof.) ----------------------------- ________________________________________________________________ 8/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 14:37:29 +0000 (GMT) From: Serge Rosmorduc Message-ID: <14310.17970.961743.842955 at> Bonjour, Le swi prolog est très complet, et en plus disponible à la fois sous windows et sous unix. Cordialement, -- Serge Rosmorduc, (rosmord at tel 01 48 70 37 09 fax 01 48 70 86 49 ________________________________________________________________ From pz at Thu Sep 23 16:39:06 1999 From: pz at (Pierre Zweigenbaum) Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 17:39:06 +0100 Subject: Q: Debugging computational grammars Message-ID: Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:23:59 +0200 (MET DST) From: Alberto Lavelli Message-Id: <199909230824.KAA16161 at> Dear colleagues, I'm looking for references to the problem of developing and debugging computational grammars for natural languages. I'm particularly interested in tools and approaches used in debugging grammars (particularly in their use when dealing with relatively large hand-written grammars). In the computational systems I'm aware of, usually there is only a limited (and standard) set of debugging tools: tracers, steppers, chart browsers. Furthermore, does anybody know any extensive study on the most suitable strategies/tools to cope with the writing/testing/debugging cycle (always with a particular emphasis on debugging)? I know that there have been hints to this problem in related areas (e.g., the EU projects TSNLP and DiET, some papers at the ACL-EACL97 workshop on Computational Environments for Grammar Development and Linguistic Engineering) but it seems to me that this topic has so far received little attention. But perhaps I'm missing some relevant contributions and so I'm asking for your help. Apart from references to relevant stuff, I'm also interested in your general opinion on the issue. Is this (alleged) lack of interest an indication of the fact that such issue is in your opinion not particularly relevant? I'll post a summary if I receive enough responses best alberto ps: I have sent this message to several mailing lists. I apologize if you receive it more than once. From pb at Tue Sep 28 12:38:31 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 13:38:31 +0100 Subject: Appel: ACIDCA (Corpora&NNLP) Message-ID: >From L.Belguith at Thu Sep 23 17:45:54 1999 [Apologies if you receive this message more than once] ************************************************************************* "Corpora and NLP" ACIDCA'2000 session Monastir (Tunisia), 22-24 March 2000 Under the auspices of ELRA Organised by: University of Sfax (ENIS & FSEGS) Association for Innovation and Technology (AIT - Tunisia) Sponsored by: IEEE SMC co-sponsored by: TSS Supported by: Tunisian State Secretariat of Scientific Research and Technology (SERST) ************************************************************************** General ------- The last few years have seen the explosively growing use of corpora in a number of NLP areas. Corpus data are used increasingly as a basis for the design, development and optimisation of various NLP applications but also for their evaluation. "Corpora and NLP" is a 3-day thematic session and will be held as part of the International Conference on Artificial and Computational Intelligence for Control, Automation and Decision in Engineering and Industrial Systems (ACIDCA'2000) (for more details on ACIDCA'2000, visit . The session "Corpora and NLP" will be organised as a workshop with its own Proceedings and Programme Committee. The session will address all aspects of the use of written and spoken corpora (including the construction of corpora to be used) in NLP. Main Topics ----------- We expect submissions covering (but not limited to) the following topics: * Lexicography * Lexical knowledge acquisition * Part of Speech Tagging * Unknown word guessing * Term recognition * Morphological Analysis * Robust Parsing * Word Sense Disambiguation * Anaphora Resolution * Discourse segmentation * Machine Translation * Agreement Error Correction * Spelling and Grammar Correction * Information Extraction * Automatic Abstracting * Text Categorisation * Speech processing * Multilingual corpora and multilingual applications * Corpus annotation * Evaluation Papers describing industrial applications based on corpus processing techniques are welcome. Honorary Chairs --------------- Mohamed Ben Ahmed - Tunisian State Secretary of Scientific and Technological Research Ghlem Dabbeche - Association for Innovation and Technology (AIT)-Tunisia Lotfi A. Zadeh - University of California, Berkeley General Chairs -------------- Adel Alimi, National School of engineering of Sfax (ENIS) Lamia Belguith Hadrich, LARIS Laboratory - Faculty of Economic Science and Management of Sfax (FSEGS) Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, LARIS Laboratory - Faculty of Economic Science and Management of Sfax (FSEGS) Programme Committee ------------------- Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton) - Chair Roberto Basili (Universita di Tor Vergata, Rom) Philippe Blache (Universite de Provence, Aix-en-Provence) Christian Boitet (GETA, Grenoble) Rebecca Bruce (University of North Carolina at Asheville) Jean-Pierre Chanod (Xerox, Grenoble) Khalid Choukri (ELRA, Paris) Fathi Debili (IRMC, Tunis) Jean-Pierre Descles (CAMS/Universite de Sorbonne, Paris) Joseph Dichy (Lumiere University, Lyon) Everhard Ditters (University of Nijemegen) Fumiyo Fukumoto (University of Yamanashi) Eric Gaussier (Xerox, Grenoble) Udo Hahn (University of Freiburg) Nancy Ide (Vassar College, New York) Genevieve Lallich-Boidin (Stendhal University, Grenoble) Bente Maegaard (Centre for Language Technology, Copenhagen) Chafia Mankai (ISG, University of Tunis) Tony McEnery (Lancaster University) Jean-Guy Meunier (LANCI UQUAM, Montreal) Andrei Mikheev (Harlequin Co., Edinburgh & University of Edinburgh) Jean Luc Minel (CAMS/CNRS, Paris) Stelios Piperidis (ILPS, Athens) Horacio Rodriguez (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona) Manolo Palomar (University of Alicante, Spain) Maria Teresa Pazienza (University of Roma, Tor Vergata) Mike Rosner (University of Malta) Monique Rolbert (Universite de Marseille) Pieter Seuren (University of Nijemegen) Harold Somers (UMIST, Manchester) Keh-Yih Su (National Tsing Hua University, Taipei) Isabelle Trancoso (INESC, Lisbon) Agnes Tutin (Stendhal University, Grenoble) Evelyne Tzoukermann (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill) Atro Voutilainen (Conexor, Helsinki) Local Organising Committee -------------------------- Walid Gargouri (FSEGS, Sfax), Ahmed Masmoudi (ENIS, Sfax) - Chairs H. Abdelkafi (FLSHS, Sfax), Chafik Aloulou (FSEGS, Sfax), Najoua Ben Amara (ENIM, Monastir), Maher Ben Jemaa (ENIS, Sfax), Habib Bouchhima (SEREPT, Sfax), Mohamed Chtourou (ISETG, Gabes), Faez Gargouri (FSEGS, Sfax), Ahmed Hadj Kacem (FSEGS, Sfax), Maher Jaoua (FSEGS, Sfax), Mohamed Jmaiel (ENIS, Sfax), Anas Kamoun (ENIS, Sfax), Omar Mazhoud (FSEGS, Sfax), Houssem Miled (IPEIS, Sousse), Feriel Mouria-Beji (ENSI, Tunis), Hafedh Trabelsi (ISET, Gafsa), Mongi Triki (FSEGS, Sfax) Mongi Triki (FSEGS, Sfax) International Organising Committee ---------------------------------- Fathi Ghorbel (Rice University, USA), Fakhreddine Karray (University of Waterloo, Canada) - Chairs Faouzi Bouslama (Hiroshima City University, Japan), Adel Cherif (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan), Faouzi Derbel (University of Muenchen, Germany), Olfa Kanoun (University of Muenchen, Germany), Slim Kanoun (University of Rouen, France), Mansour Karkoub (Kuwait University), Mohamed Ali Khabou (University of Missouri Columbia, USA) Samir Lejmi (Synopsis Inc., USA) Christian Olivier (University of Poitiers, France) Tarek Werfelli (Cristal/Stendhal University, Grenoble) Ismail Timimi (Cristal/Stendhal University, Grenoble) Sofiane Sahraoui (University of Bahrain) Submission Guidelines --------------------- Authors are requested to submit full-length papers which should be written in English and must not exceed 10 pages including figures, tables and references. The first page of the papers should feature title, author's name(s), surface and email address(es), followed by keywords and an abstract. Four hard copies of each submission are to be sent to the following address : ACIDCA'2000 (Corpora & NLP Session) Centre Postal Maghreb Arabe, BP 120, 3049 Sfax Tunisia In addition, a 200-word (or so) abstract of the paper and a list of keywords should be emailed as plain text to R.Mitkov at and copied to l.belguith at The papers will be reviewed by at least 2 members of the Programme Committee. Authors of accepted papers will be sent guidelines how to produce the camera-ready versions of their papers for inclusion in the Proceedings. Schedule -------- Paper Submission Due: 20 October 1999 **extended deadline** Notification of Acceptance : 10 December 1999 Camera-ready Paper Due : 10 January 1999 "Corpora and NLP" Session : 22-24 March 2000 Further information ------------------- Registration to the "Corpora and NLP" session entitles the participants to attend all other ACIDCA'2000 invited talks and sessions as well as the exhibition. Registration details will be included in the Second Call for Papers. There will be tutorials on 21 March. More information on the tutorials will be available from ACIDCA'2000 web site as soon as they are finalised. ACIDCA'2000 will offer best paper awards in three categories: Best Paper, Best Poster Paper and Best Student Paper. The social programme will be announced in the second call for papers. For any Information ------------------- Please contact : Lamia Belguith e-mail: l.belguith at Fax: (216) 4 296 229 From pb at Tue Sep 28 12:39:06 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 13:39:06 +0100 Subject: Appel: ISKO6 Message-ID: From: Widad MUSTAFA =================================================== ************** APOLOGIES FOR MULTIPLE POSTING ****** ==================================================== Dear Colleagues, Just a reminder to those who are planning to present papers at the ISKO6 Conference, July 10-13, 2000, that the deadline for the submission of abstracts is fast approaching - September 30, 1999. Below there is a copy of the original call for papers In the interests of ensuring that abstracts do not get lost in cyberspace, you will be notified when your abstract has been received. Please forward this message to person or listserv that you think would be interested. Looking forward to hearing from you. Nancy Williamson, Conference Chair International Society for Knowledge Organization Sixth International ISKO Conference Call for Papers The International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) will conduct its 6th International Conference (ISKO 6) in Toronto, Canada, July 10-13, 2000. The theme of the conference is: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization Papers addressing Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization from any of the following interrelated perspectives are invited: Cognitive and Linguistic Foundations Theories of Knowledge and Knowledge Organization Information Policies and Management of Knowledge Structures Information Systems: Concepts, Design and Implementation Culture, Language and Communication in Knowledge Organization Knowledge Organization of Universal and Special Systems Global Users and Uses of Knowledge and Knowledge Organization New Information Technologies for Knowledge Organization Theoreticians, researchers and practitioners involved in knowledge organization are invited to submit abstracts of between 500 and 1000 words by September 30, 1999 to Professor Clare Beghtol, Programme Chair (see contact information below; electronic submissions welcome; please include ISKO in the subject line). In preparing your abstract please relate your topic to the theme of the conference and indicate the category above to which you believe your paper belongs. An international programme committee will review the papers, and authors will be notified of decisions by December 1, 1999. The deadline for submission of papers for the printed conference proceedings will be March 1, 2000. Venue of the conference: Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Conference Chair: Nancy Williamson Programme Chair: Clare Beghtol Mailing address: Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, 140 St. George Street, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G6 FAX: +1 416 971 1399 e-mail: isko at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Received: from ( by (MX V5.1-X AnDp) with ESMTP; Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:49:25 +0200 Received: from ([] EHLO ident: NO-IDENT-SERVICE [port 1090]) by with ESMTP id <464387-156>; Fri, 17 Sep 1999 09:51:14 -0400 Received: from FIS/SpoolDir by (Mercury 1.40); 17 Sep 99 09:47:49 -0500 Received: from SpoolDir by FIS (Mercury 1.40); 17 Sep 99 09:47:43 -0500 Widad MUSTAFA el HADI UFR IDIST Universit� Charles De Gaulle Lille 3 BP 149 59653 Villeneuve D'Ascq France T�l: 33 (0) 3 20 41 64 08 Fax: 33 (0) 3 20 41 63 79 e-mail: mustafa at From pb at Tue Sep 28 12:38:55 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 13:38:55 +0100 Subject: Appel: CPC-2000 Message-ID: From: "Tony Berber Sardinha" CALL Symposium Computational Processing of Portuguese 2000 Dates: 14 / 15 April 2000 Venue: Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Deadline for proposals: 10 October 1999 Confirmation of acceptance: 25 October 1999 Whole symposium: 4 hours (aprox. 40 minutes per speaker) Total number of speakers: 6 Please send a 300-word abstract in Portuguese or English to tony4 at thanks ------------------------------- Dr Tony Berber Sardinha Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil tony4 at ------------------------------- From pb at Tue Sep 28 12:39:13 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 13:39:13 +0100 Subject: Livre: 1 announcement Message-ID: From: salkoff at (Morris Salkoff) Book Announcement New book: A French-English grammar: a contrastive grammar on translational principles. Morris Salkoff, 1999 J. Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia In this contrastive French-English grammar, the comparisons between French structures and their English equivalents are formulated as rules which associate a French schema (of a particular grammatical structure) with its translation into an equivalent English schema. The grammar contains all the rules giving the English equivalents under translation of the principal grammatical structures of French: the verb phrase, the noun phrase and the adjuncts (modifiers). In addition to its intrinsic linguistic interest, this comparative grammar has two important applications. The translation equivalences it contains can provide a firm foundation for the teaching of the techniques of translation. Furthermore, such a comparative grammar is a necessary preliminary to any program of machine translation, which needs a set of formal rules, like those given here for the French-to-English case, for translating into a target language the syntactic structures encountered in the source language. The importance of this comparative grammar is seen from the new results obtained here, which can have an immediate application to research in MT. These are the translational sub-classes and the passe-partout (all-purpose) translations. The first are sub-classes of French words and their English translations, which are related only as translation equivalents, but are not otherwise distinguished in their respective grammars. The need for such sub-classes emerges only when certain difficulties are encountered in finding suitable English equivalents for French schemata. The second, the passe-partout translations, are approximate translations which are useful in two cases. In the first case, there are several related schemata whose translations could be separated only on the basis of semantic considerations that would be difficult to formalize. The passe-partout translation provides a 'cover' translation that is approximately correct for all the schemata, and does not require establishing hard-to-define semantic sub-classes. In the second case, some one-to-many translations of a French word can be approximated by a single passe-partout translation which covers approximately the same range of meaning in English as the original one-to-many translations do. Such results could not have been found from the sole consideration of grammatical phenomena in French or English grammar independently of each other. As the reader will observe from the data collected in this book, a comparative study is necessary both for pedagogical purposes, and for research in machine translation. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1.0 Generalities 1.1 Previous Work 1.2 The Present Method 1.3 Comparative grammar for pedagogy and for MT Chapter 2 Major sentence structures; the verb; the object 2.1 Principal Clauses 2.2 The Verb 2.3 Modals 2.4 Support verbs 2.5 Objects 2.6 Negation 2.7 Amalgamation Chapter 3 The Noun Phrase NP 3.1 gN N dN 3.2 Qd de NP 3.3 Pronouns 3.4 Noun Replacement strings Chapter 4 Adjuncts Chapter 5 Conclusions; Applications I. Conclusions 5.1 New translations 5.2 Solutions 5.3 Translational Sub-classes 5.4 Reversible Grammars 5.5 An Extension of passe-partout translations 5.6 Extension to other language pairs II. Applications 5.7 To pedagogy 5.8 To MT References J. Benjamins, Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa, 22 1999. xvi, 342 pp. HB: 150 Dutch guilder pb: 70 Dutch guilder From pb at Wed Sep 29 16:11:54 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 17:11:54 +0100 Subject: Appel: ATALA Workshop Message-ID: From: pb at (Philippe Blache) [Version francaise ci-apres] ATALA Workshop Representation and Treatment of Syntactic Ambiguity in Natural Language Processing ------------ Paris, Piti�-Salp�tri�re January 29, 2000 htpp:// ------------ CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS There are several approaches making it possible to treat syntactic ambiguity: one can for example decide to apply disambiguation as soon as possible, in particular using statistical methods. One can on the contrary choose to delay to the maximum the disambiguation and to maintain the ambiguity, possibly until the end of the processing. These two approaches are not necessarily contradictory. However, the problem remains very difficult to solve and many of the methods proposed amount to little more than the traditional enumeration. Factorizing the information (for example in using parse forests) can from this point of view play a very significant role and even lead to effective solutions. The goal of this workshop is to propose an overview of the current techniques for the representation and the treatment of syntactic ambiguity in natural language processing. INVITED SPEAKERS ---------------- . Bernard Lang INRIA . David Weir Cognitive and Computing Science University of Sussex COMMUNICATIONS -------------- The proposals for a communication will be selected on the basis of a 1 page abstract. Abstracts will be sent by e-mail (preferably) or surface mail at: pb at Philippe Blache LPL - Universit� de Provence 29, Avenue Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence France DATES ----- Deadline : December 1st, 1999 Notifications: December 20th, 1999 CHAIR ----- Philippe Blache Eric de la Clergerie CNRS/Universit� de Provence INRIA _______________________________________________________________________________ Journ�e de l'ATALA : Repr�sentation et traitement de l'ambiguit� pour l'analyse syntaxique ------------ Paris, Piti�-Salp�tri�re 29 Janvier 2000 htpp:// ------------ APPEL A COMMUNICATIONS Il existe plusieurs approches permettant de traiter l'ambiguit� : on peut par exemple d�cider d'appliquer une d�sambiguisation au plus t�t, notamment � l'aide de m�thodes statistiques ou heuristiques. On peut au contraire choisir de retarder au maximum la d�sambiguisation et de maintenir l'ambiguit�, �ventuellement jusqu'� la fin du traitement. Ces deux approches ne sont d'ailleurs pas forc�ment contradictoires. Cependant, le probl�me reste tr�s difficile � r�soudre et bien des m�thodes propos�es reviennent finalement a une �numeration classique. Dans cette perspective, le partage des informations � l'aide, par exemple, de for�ts d'arbres peut jouer un r�le tr�s important et conduire � des solutions efficaces. Le but de cette journ�e est de faire le point sur les techniques actuelles de repr�sentation et de traitement de l'ambiguit� pour l'analyse syntaxique ou pour des phases ult�rieures, et ce pour diff�rents formalismes grammaticaux (ou ind�pendamment d'eux). CONFERENCIERS INVITES --------------------- . Bernard Lang INRIA . David Weir Cognitive and Computing Science University of Sussex COMMUNICATIONS -------------- Les propositions de communication seront selectionn�es sur la base d'un r�sum� de 1 page � transmettre par e-mail (de pr�f�rence) ou courrier � l'adresse suivante : pb at Philippe Blache LPL - Universit� de Provence 29, Avenue Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence France CALENDRIER ---------- Date limite de r�ception des r�sum�s : 1er D�cembre 1999 Notifications aux auteurs : 20 D�cembre 1999 ORGANISATEURS ------------- Philippe Blache Eric de la Clergerie LPL - CNRS INRIA From pb at Wed Sep 29 16:11:59 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 17:11:59 +0100 Subject: Appel: NLPRS Workshop Message-ID: From: nlprs 99 NLPRS'99 Workshop MAL'99 Multi-lingual Information Processing and Asian Language processing Beijing, China, November 5, 1999 -- Call for Papers -- Summary submission due : October 12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The recent information society has been evolved into the state of multi-lingual communication and broadcasting. However, the theoretical and empirical research and development has not been fully flourished toward the customer-oriented product. The knowledge about multi-lingual communication has not yet been fully discovered and furthermore, the knowledge about Asian language processing is too weak to understand the neighboring countries' languages even inside of the Asian countries. Here, the each country's language processing has to be introduced to other language users for their language resources, experiences and theoretical achievements. Although the characteristics among Asian languages are more similar than those of European languages, the chance of this discussion has been very few. This workshop will solicit papers from the academic sectors as well as from the commercial sectors, in order to know what are achievements of researchers and what are problems of information industry. Standardization efforts of markup languages are one of important issues for the advanced intelligent language processing. Moreover, the test suites for each language and information processing areas are invited to be presented. All submissions are welcomed in all area of NLP topics and the partial lists of topics are as follows but not limited to: - characteristics of each language processing - standards of tag set for language resources and application - test suite of language processing, e.g., IR, MT, summarization - industrial application of Asian language processing and multi-lingual information handling - multi-lingual indexing and keyword extraction - data and information structure of Asian languages - multi-lingualism in broadcasting and public affairs - computer-based language teaching - localization of language products - machine translation - cross-lingual information retrieval The workshop review and acceptance will be based on a two-page extended summary (2000 words or less). The summary must be accompanied by its title and author information including full names, affiliations of all authors and the postal mailing address and email of the corresponding author. "Software demonstration" is also very much encouraged. Submit by email to 'mal99 at' == IMPORTANT DATES == - Summary submission due: October 12 - Notification of acceptance: October 16 - Camera ready papers or presentation materials due: October 22 - Inquires concerning the workshop can be sent to one of the organizers by * email to mal99 at * fax to +82-42-867-3565 (forward to: NLPRS99 MAL Workshop) * Dr. Young-Soog Chae KORTERM, Department of Computer Science Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 373-1 Kusong-dong Yusong-gu Taejon 305-701 Korea From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:48:11 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:48:11 +0100 Subject: Jobs: 6 Offers Message-ID: _______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Amnon Meyers Subject: Programmers/NLP and Text Analysis 2/ From: (Dan Melamed) Subject: job in research at West Group 3/ From: Subject: Linguists/Computational & Russian 4/ From: Claude de Loupy Subject: Bertin 5/ From: VINESSE Jerome CNET/DSM/LAN Subject: Poste au CNET 6/ From: GAZEAU Didier 096289 Subjetc: CEA, stage post-doctoral _______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Amnon Meyers Subject: Programmers/NLP and Text Analysis Southern California Programmers A pioneering NLP-based company seeks candidates for software developer positions. Preference to those living in or willing to move to Southern California (e.g., Orange County). We offer perks such as stock options and support for working from home. As an early stage startup, we seek creative and versatile software developers. TAI builds GUI tool sets that enable users to create and maintain text analysis applications. Check out our website at Requirements: 5 years of programming experience required. Strong preference for MS Visual C++ experience, including GUI, with Windows NT 4.0 operating system. Experience with web (Java, Perl, CGI), database desired. Main platforms are PC and UNIX/Linux. Experience with natural language processing or document management middleware is a plus. B.S. Computer Science, EE, or equivalent is required. Strong written and oral English skills are required. Inquiries and resumes by email to amnonm at . Amnon Meyers Chief Technology Officer Text Analysis International, Inc. _______________________________________________________________________________ 2/ From: (Dan Melamed) Subject: job in research at West Group West Group, a leading international publisher and provider of value-added information to the legal and business communities, seeks qualified applicants to expand its research staff. The Computer Science Research Department at West Group currently consists of 15 individuals and is co-located in Rochester, New York and in Eagan, Minnesota (a suburb of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul). The department's primary research interests include information retrieval (including cross-language retrieval), information extraction, text categorization, machine learning, natural language processing, and performance evaluation. Principal duties would include analysis, design, coding and testing of concepts and prototypes for retrieval, extraction, and categorization systems in the context of very large data environments such as Westlaw. The department and its staff are positioned to pursue cutting-edge research in order to impact the company's new technology-driven applications, and thus to achieve recognition both inside and outside the firm. Applicants should have a graduate degree in Computer Science or related field, with a focus in IR, IE, NLP, or ML. Excellent UNIX, C/C++, Java, OOA/OOD experience desirable. West Group offers excellent growth opportunities, a competitive salary, and comprehensive benefits. West is an equal opportunity employer. Send resume in electronic form to: Peter.Jackson Or via conventional mail to: Peter Jackson West Group 610 Opperman Drive D1-66F Eagan, MN 55123 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3/ From: Subject: Linguists/Computational & Russian Company in Fairfax, VA is looking to hire a Computational Linguist and a Russian linguist. 30-80 hours per month, as needed. Salary depends on qualifications and experience. Must have US citizenship. Security clearance preferred. E-mail resume to _______________________________________________________________________________ 4/ From: Claude de Loupy Subject: Bertin Proposition de poste en linguistique computationnelle La societ? Bertin Technologies, situ?e a Plaisir (78), France (pr?s de Paris) recherche un informaticien specialis? dans le traitement automatique de la langue. Le profil recherch? comprend, mais n'est pas limit? ? : * approches statistiques / probabilistes et symboliques du TALN * Recherche documentaire * Gestion de bases de donn?es textuelles * R?seaux Internet et Intranet Requis : * Doctorat en linguistique computationnelle ou dans un domaine li? * Experience de programmation, Internet et Intranet, d?veloppement de syst?mes d'information * Expertise dans le traitement d'au moins une langue en plus du francais * Citoyen francais Salaire : selon experience Envoyez votre CV par un des moyens suivant : * e-mail: znaty at * fax: 33 1 34 81 87 43 attn: Elie Znaty * mail: Elie Znaty Bertin Technologies 59, rue pierre Curie, BP3 78 373 Plaisir cedex Career Opportunity for a Computational Linguist: Bertin technologies, located in Plaisir (78), France, (near Paris) seeks a computational linguist. Relevant backgrounds include, but are not restricted to the following: * Statistical / probabilistic and symbolic NLP approaches * Information retrieval * Textual Data Base management * Internet and intranet networking Requirements: * Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics or related field * Work experience involving computer programming, Internet and Intranet information systems developement * Expertise in at least one language in addition to French * French citizenship Pay: commensurate with experience. Send your CV by one of the following methods: * e-mail: znaty at * fax: 33 1 34 81 87 43 attn: Elie Znaty * mail: Elie Znaty Bertin Technologies 59, rue pierre Curie, BP3 78 373 Plaisir cedex _______________________________________________________________________________ 5/ From: VINESSE Jerome CNET/DSM/LAN Subject: Poste au CNET L'unit? de R&D langue naturelle du CNET (Centre de recherche de France T?l?com) propose ? Lannion (C?tes d'Armor, Bretagne, France) un poste d'ing?nieur de recherche en traitement automatique du langage naturel, ? dur?e ind?termin?e. Niveau bac+5, bonnes connaissances en informatique et en linguistique. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6/ From: GAZEAU Didier 096289 Subjetc: CEA, stage post-doctoral SUJET : Les m?thodes de veilles strat?giques font appel ? la constitution de grandes banques d'informations multi-sources et multilingues sur un th?me g?n?rique. L'int?r?t de telles banques d'informations r?side dans la multiplicit? des angles de vue sous lesquels elles sont interrogeables. Les informations qui s'y trouvent sont l? pour r?pondre ? des interrogations mais surtout pour susciter la r?flexion et l'analyse strat?gique par les responsables. L'alimentation de ces banques d'informations constitu?es ? partir d'informations tr?s h?t?rog?nes tant dans la forme que dans la provenance n?cessite des traitement linguistiques performant pour ne retenir que les informations en rapport avec le th?me suivi. Pour prendre un exemple concret une banque d'informations sur le nucl?aire pourra ?tre constitu?e ? partir d'informations provenant de sources extr?mement vari?es : pages des sites Internet des diff?rents acteurs mondiaux (institutionnels et industriels), revues de presse, documents en provenance de sites parlementaires, d'organisations non gouvernementales pour ou contre l'utilisation de cette forme d'?nergie, ... Un contr?le de la langue, un filtrage des informations par rapport ? un ou des dictionnaires de sp?cialit? sont des moyens d'augmenter significativement le rapport signal sur bruit dans la base sans pour autant en diminuer la richesse. L'h?t?rog?n?it? de la banque d'informations en terme de contenu de l'information induit pour les utilisateurs le besoin d'une aide ? la navigation ? travers cette masse de donn?es. Une analyse morphosyntaxique fine du contenu de la banque d'informations est susceptible de fournir aux utilisateurs une cartographie des concepts qui s'y trouvent repr?sent?s. Pour reprendre notre exemple d'une banque d'informations d?di?e au nucl?aire, l'utilisateur doit pouvoir retrouver rapidement par ce proc?d? de " navigation conceptuelle " sur le contenu les sous-ensembles de d'informations relatives ? des sous th?matiques particuli?res (ex : mati?res nucl?aires, transport, entreposage-stockage, budgets, participations, programmes, ...). Enfin l'?tude des formes du discours dans les documents eux-m?mes doit permettre de reconna?tre dans ces documents les ?l?ments factuels et argumentatifs. Pour cet aspect particulier de la veille strat?gique les solutions " classiques " de recherche d'informations textuelle ou l'utilisation de syst?mes statistiques d'infom?trie sont inop?rantes. On peut imaginer que ce type d'approche permette dans l'avenir d'envisager d'aborder de fa?on scientifique le probl?me de la d?tection des signaux faibles en mati?re de veille. La DIST a b?n?fici? dans les domaines scientifiques et techniques d?crits ci-dessus de nombreuses ann?es d'exp?rience et de d?veloppements concrets d'applications transverses au CEA. Des recherches ont ?t? men?es sur les deux premiers points d?velopp?s plus haut. Elles ont fait l'objet de plusieurs th?ses et d'adaptations. Il s'agit maintenant de passer ? une phase d'assemblage des diff?rents types d'outils r?alis?s pour les exp?rimenter dans le cadre de besoins r?els sur des banques d'informations pr?sentant un caract?re transverse aux activit?s du CEA. Le stage post-doctoral propos? a donc pour objectif la mise en oeuvre d'un proc?d? de navigation conceptuelle ? travers une grande banque d'informations sur le nucl?aire destin?e au CEA, et ? proposer et tester des m?thodes d'analyse du discours en vue de la reconnaissance et de l'extraction de faits et de l'argumentation qui y est d?velopp?e. Le candidat post-doc devra int?grer les r?sultats de recherche d?j? obtenus et d?velopper les fonctionnalit?s qui restent ? mettre en oeuvre. Il doit avoir des comp?tences dans les applications du web, la recherche d'informations, l'ing?nierie linguistique. Une bonne ma?trise de l'informatique est n?cessaire pour reprendre et faire ?voluer rapidement les outils d?velopp?s au cours des th?ses pass?es. Renseignements aupr?s de C. FLUHR (t?l : 01 69 08 70 93, fax 01 69 08 76 95 fluhr at ou D. GAZEAU (gazeau at Didier GAZEAU COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE Direction de l'information scientifique et technique Service d'ing?nierie de l'information et applications Groupe environnement scientifique et technique tel : (33)-1-69 08 36 75 fax : (33)-1-69 08 26 69 m?l : gazeau at _______________________________________________________________________________ From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:48:39 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:48:39 +0100 Subject: Jobs: 6 (other) offers Message-ID: _______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Mark Turner Subject: Research Position in Natural Language Processing 2/ From: Subject: Computational and Russian Linguists 3/ From: "Berman, Jules (NCI)" Subject: Software Development/Medical Text 4/ From: Pfaraud at Subject: Speech and Language Technologies 5/ From: Ulrike Sperling Subject: Computational Ling: Internship in Seattle 6/ From: "Noord G.J.M. van" Subject: Job opportunities in Groningen, Netherlands _______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Mark Turner Subject: Research Position in Natural Language Processing Research Position in Natural Language Processing Highland Technologies, a leader in document imaging and management, is seeking a researcher in natural language processing. The Research and Development group at Highland does applied research in text extraction, retrieval, classification, mining, OCR, and related areas. Our work will be expanding to include relational data mining. Highland has access to unique corpora and welcomes your research ideas. Candidates should have a degree in NLP, linguistics (any specialty), computer science, mathematics, or statistics, and have experience with NLP or text processing in a university, government, or private industry. Proficiency in C, C++ and/or Java is required. Experience with Perl, sed, awk, and similar tools is helpful. Highland Technologies is located in Lanham, Maryland, in the greater Washington, D.C. area. We offer competitive salaries, including profit sharing, as well as a full benefits package. Please contact: Mark Turner, Manager of Research and Development Highland Technologies, Inc. 4303 Forbes Boulevard Lanham, MD 20706 USA e-mail: mturner at tel. +1.301.306.8290 ext. 290 fax. +1.301.306.8201 _______________________________________________________________________________ 2/ From: Subject: Computational and Russian Linguists Company in Fairfax, VA is looking to hire a Computational Linguist and a Russian linguist. 30-80 hours per month, as needed. Salary depends on qualifications and experience. Must have US citizenship. Security clearance preferred. E-mail resume to _______________________________________________________________________________ 3/ From: "Berman, Jules (NCI)" Subject: Software Development/Medical Text New NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program contract proposals have just been announced and are available at: Attached is a contract announcement that may be of interest to you or your company. If you have any questions regarding this contract proposal , they must be referred through NCI's SBIR Contracting Officer: Mr. Joseph Bowe Phone: (301) 435-3810 Fax: (301) 480-0309 E-mail: jb166i at 179 Encoding Surgical Pathology Data into Standard Nomenclature within XML The Resources Development Branch of the Cancer Diagnosis Program is seeking software development proposals to convert surgical pathology report data into XML documents containing tagged encrypted identifiers, tagged demographics, and tagged medical codes (UMLS or SNOMED, or SNOMED + LOINC). The long-term goal is to convert pathology data into a structure and format that will support queries from standard network protocols. Applicants will develop algorithms to parse pathology reports into fields,then sentences, then text phrases and will match the text phrases with a coded standard nomenclature. The parsing/matching algorithms may use term frequency tables, grammatical rules, context sensitivity, or other algorithmic approaches, but the proposal must explain and justify the proposed algorithms. The proposed algorithms should provide a way of dealing with misspellings, negations, run-on sentences, and improperly inconsistently delimited sentences. The applicant will propose and describe methodology to assess the accuracy of coding. Phase 1 (feasibility) will consist of the development and testing (for accuracy) of implementations that convert the text of actual pathology reports into medical codes. Phase 2 involves the preparation of software to produce XML files that encapsulate the tagged coded data as described in the following requirements. The applicant will design a DTD (Data Type Declaration) for the XML file to include the fields and subfields of data contained in pathology reports (e.g. surgical pathology case number, coded patient identifier(s), date of biopsy, demographics, clinical history, specimen type, specimen number, diagnosis, microscopic description, comment). The software application will be developed using a collection of textually real pathology reports consisting of a combined total of at least 5,000 surgical pathology reports acquired from at least two institutions with which the applicant has formed appropriate collaborations. The reports may be made false or anonymized by the collaborating institution so that the software developer receives the report files in a format from which patients cannot be identified (e.g. patient names can be encoded via a one-way hash, and each piece of demographic information can be translated to a false data element). The software implementation will convert electronic files of surgical pathology reports into XML documents wherein the original text has been converted to coded medical terms. The accuracy of the software implementation should be tested by comparison with a separate set of reports (at least 200) that have been manually encoded and manually converted to XML files. The implementation of the algorithms will be written in Perl or Java, with well-annotated source code, and must be designed to have a practical GUI and to permit software users to upload pathology reports over the Internet and to view the XML output on an XML-capable web browser. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4/ From: Pfaraud at Subject: Speech and Language Technologies - --------------------------------- THE L&H COMPANY - --------------------------------- At the center of a rapidly expanding worldwide market Lernout & Hauspie ( L&H TM) is a world leader in the field of advanced speech and language technologies, products, solutions and services. Its core technologies include automatic speech recognition, text-to-speech, digital speech compression, text-to-text language translation, and linguistic components. With more than 1,700 employees worldwide, primarily speech linguists, scientists, and engineers, the company's research and development operations comprise one of the most largest commercial speech and linguistics laboratories in the world. The company is commited to the idea that the human voice is the most natural interface for use with virtually any device or software program, and that globalization and growth of the internet requires real-time translation for multiple languages. Our goal is to provide easy-to-use technologies and products that enable people to interact by voice with the machine that surround them, regardless of the language they speak. J In 1998, Revenues increased by more than 100 % for the fourth straight year. J In early 1999, Microsoft increased its investment in L&H , adding $15 million and raising its ownership position to 7%. J Also in early 1999, Intel has invested $30 million in L&H. For more information, please visit Lernout & Hauspie on the World Wide Web at or . THE TECHNOLOGIES & SOLUTIONS DIVISION : This division provides solutions to OEMs and corporate customers, based on L&H speech and language technologies. These can be software development kits, user interface modules, or entire applications. The division is organized in department for the following market : Embedded solutions, PC/Multimedia, Automobile and Telecommunication. THE TELECOM DEPARTMENT : The telecom department is part of the TECHNOLOGIES & SOLUTIONS Division. The telecom department sells dialog applications (i.e. Interactive Speech Systems) through specific customer projects, that allow end-users to communicate with the computer using ordinary speech devices such as telephones. These applications are build using L&H advanced ASR and TTS engines, and could take place within call centers solutions. They greatly reduce costs, increase the availibility of the call centres, raise productivity and, last but not the least, offer a powerful service to the end user. Applications examples : banking services, flight reservation system, stock market, E Commerce, ?? - -------------------------------------------------------------- THE JOB: Linguiste Departement Telecom - -------------------------------------------------------------- VOTRE MISSION Integre au sein de notre equipe technique, vous participez a la realisation : - de Serveurs Vocaux Interactifs (SVI), dans le cadre de nos projets de centre d'appels, - en utilisant les technologies avancees de reconnaissance et de synthese vocale du leader mondial, - pour le compte de nos clients et partenaires, - et sous la responsabilite d'un chef de projet. Vous assistez le chef de projet dans la conception generale du systeme de dialogue interactif, et dans la definition detaillee de l'arborescence et de l'ergonomie du dialogue. Vous etes en charge du parametrage du moteur de reconnaissance de la voix. Ce moteur de reconnaissance necessite un formalisme specifique (recognition grammars) pour reconnaetre et comprendre les expressions des utilisateurs, a chaque etape du dialogue. Vous participez activement a la mise au point du systeme (Wizard of OZ), et aux differentes etapes de test. Vous menez des enquetes pour connaitre la satisfaction des utilisateurs du systeme, et vous en analysez les resultats. Poste base a Marne La Vallee (77) FRANCE VOTRE PROFIL Formation : - Universitaire avec specialisation en linguistique Experiences professionnelles : - Vous justifiez idealement d'une experience sur les technologies appliquees au langage. - Vous savez construire des " Recognition Grammars ", ou vous avez une experience en programmation informatique. - Les candidatures des debutants seront etudiees Vous etes rigoureux, vous appreciez le travail en equipe, et vous avez le sens de la relation client. Une competence fonctionnelle sur un metier vertical serait un plus tres apprecie. Langues : - Votre langue maternelle est le francais - Bon niveau d'anglais indispensable Merci d'adresser votre dossier de candidature (lettre, CV, photo) a : L&H A l'attention de Patrice Faraud 44, avenue Georges Pompidou 92300 Levallois-Perret FRANCE Tel : 01 41 49 98 70 Fax : 01 41 49 98 71 _______________________________________________________________________________ 5/ From: Ulrike Sperling Subject: Computational Ling: Internship in Seattle Internship in Computational Linguistics / Software Development Company Description: World-leading Software Globalization Company based in Seattle, represented by Center for International Career Development (CICD) Contact: Ulrike Sperling Start date: Immediately Type of Internship: Information Technology, software R & D in Computational Linguistics Description of Internship: Number of internship positions: 1 - 4 Length: 9-12 months Salary: Between US$1400-1800 per month One of the world's largest global players in service and software globalization needs for its Research Development department computational linguist interns with qualifications including the following: - Experience with parsing methods (ATN, top-down parsers...) - Phrase structured grammar - Pattern matching and keyword extraction - Tokenizing tools and their implementations in various systems - Lexicographic applications of dictionary structures - Language/phrase recognition - Programming skills in PERL and C++ - CGI scripting and HTML - Semantic encoding of nouns (selectional constraints) - International focus, experience(s) and language(s) - Machine Translation and Translation Memory Internship will focus on R&D methods with development of query patterns and natural language data processing for cutting edge information retrieval systems (search engines and other information retrieval systems). .. Bringing companies into the global marketplace is an integral part of the Company's services. Its international localization and testing capabilities are among the most extensive in the software industry. Testing and Certification Centers in all major markets around the world perform linguistic and usability testing, and conduct full certification using localized test suites on localized platforms. The Company's expertise extends to a wide array of products including office suites, graphics, networking, database management, programming languages, operating systems, printers, scanners, digital photography, and multimedia authoring tools. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6/ From: "Noord G.J.M. van" Subject: Job opportunities in Groningen, Netherlands Research opportunities Algorithms for Linguistic Processing Algorithms for Linguistic Processing is a five year PIONIER research project in the area of computational linguistics. The project focuses on problems of ambiguity and processing efficiency by investigating grammar approximation and grammar specialization techniques. The project is located at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, and starts at the end of 1999. It is funded by NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research). The project description is available on line at: Within the next few months, we will be looking to fill two 3-year post-doc positions and several 4-year Ph.D. positions: * 1 post-doc and 1 ph-d Lexically Sensitive Disambiguation techniques * 1 ph-d Empirical Aspects of Finite State Language Processing * 1 post-doc Formal Aspects of Finite State Language Processing * 1 ph-d Grammar Development for Dutch * 1 ph-d Linguistic Search Tool for Bare Text Corpora Further information is available from: Gertjan van Noord, vannoord at Alfa-Informatica, University of Groningen PO Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen, Netherlands From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:55:21 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:55:21 +0100 Subject: Appel: JADT 2000 Message-ID: From: JADT 2000 [English version below] =========================================================================== Veuillez notez que la date limite de soumission ? J A D T 2 0 0 0 5e Journ?es Internationales d'Analyse Statistique des Donn?es Textuelles a ?t? repouss?e au Vendredi 24 septembre 1999 Pour plus de renseignements, lire l'appel ? soumissions ci-dessous. =========================================================================== JADT 2000 WEB SITE : =========================================================================== J A D T 2 0 0 0 5e Journ?es Internationales d'Analyse Statistique des Donn?es Textuelles 9-11 Mars 2000 ?cole Polytechnique F?d?rale de Lausanne Lausanne, Suisse --------------------------------------------------------------------- Apr?s Barcelone (1990), Montpellier (1993), Rome (1995), et Nice (1998), les 5e Journ?es Internationales d'Analyse Statistique des Donn?es Textuelles auront lieu ? Lausanne (Suisse) du 9 au 11 mars 2000. Cette manifestation, qui gagne en importance ? chaque ?dition, est ouverte aux chercheurs du vaste domaine d'?tudes qui, centr? sur la statistique textuelle, s'?tend de la lexicographie ? l'analyse du discours politique, de la recherche documentaire ? la recherche en marketing, de la linguistique computationnelle ? la sociolinguistique, du traitement informatique des donn?es ? l'analyse de contenu. Apr?s le succ?s des pr?c?dentes occurrences, JADT 2000 fournira de nouveau un forum de discussion convivial comprenant ? la fois des pr?sentations techniques, des conf?rences invit?es et des tables rondes. --------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDRIER Date limite de soumission : 24 Septembre 1999 Notification aux auteurs : 15 Octobre 1999 Version finale : 10 D?cembre 1999 Conf?rence : 9-11 Mars 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------- TH?MES Les th?mes de la conf?rence concernent l'application des outils et mod?les de la statistique aux domaines suivants : * Analyse exploratoire de donn?es textuelles * Analyse du discours * Traitement automatique du langage * Analyse statistique de r?ponses ? des questions ouvertes * Analyse bibliom?trique et statistique textuelle * Stylom?trie * Dictionnaires de fr?quences * Lemmatisation * Corpus de textes et repr?sentations textuelles * Classification de textes * Recherche documentaire * Hypertexte * Logiciels pour l'analyse lexicale et textuelle --------------------------------------------------------------------- COMIT? DE PROGRAMME Monica B?cue Univ. Polytechnique de Catalogne Sergio Bolasco Univ. de Rome 'La Sapienza' ?tienne Brunet Univ. de Nice/Sophia-Antipolis Yadolah Dodge Univ. de Neuch?tel Annibale Elia Univ. de Salerno Benoit Habert ENS Fontenay/Saint-Cloud R?mi Jolivet Univ. de Lausanne Dominique Labb? Univ. de Grenoble Ludovic Lebart CNRS, ENST Paris Alain Lelu Univ. Paris 8 Sylvie Mellet CNRS, Nice Charles Muller Univ. de Strasbourg Martin Rajman EPF Lausanne Max Reinert CNRS Toulouse Jacques Rouault CRISTAL Grenoble 3 Andr? Salem Univ. Paris 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- COMIT? D'ORGANISATION Martin Rajman EPF Lausanne Marie Decrauzat EPF Lausanne Jean-C?dric Chappelier EPF Lausanne Cette conf?rence est organis?e par le Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle de l'EPFL (Lausanne, Suisse) avec le soutient de EuroStat, Quantos et la Soci?t? Fran?aise de Statistique. --------------------------------------------------------------------- LANGUES AUTORIS?ES POUR LES PR?SENTATIONS Les pr?sentations pourront se faire dans l'une des langues suivantes : Fran?ais, Anglais, Allemand, Italien, Espagnol Toutes les communications devront cependant comporter un r?sum? (?crit et oral) en anglais. Comme lors des pr?c?dents colloques, aucune traduction simultan?e n'est pr?vue. --------------------------------------------------------------------- MODALIT?S DE SOUMISSION Les articles soumis ? cette conf?rence devront d?crire un travail original et novateur ayant fait l'objet d'une ?valuation. Toutes les contributions devront contenir un ?tat de l'art et/ou des r?f?rences ? des travaux ant?rieurs pertinents. Si le travail pr?sent? n'a pas fait l'objet d'une ?valuation, les auteurs devront le justifier. Les auteurs sont convi?s ? inclure dans leurs papiers des propositions, discussions, argumentations sur l'ad?quation de leur travail avec les th?mes de la conf?rence. Les participants souhaitant soumettre un papier ou un poster doivent envoyer au comit? (adresse ci-dessous) avant le 24 Septembre 1999, les ?l?ments suivants : * Noms, affiliations et adresses compl?tes (+fax, email) des auteurs * Titre * Mots cl?s * Un r?sum? en anglais (300 mots maximum) * Version abr?g?e (3 pages minimum, 4 pages maximum) de la contribution pr?sentant les grandes lignes du travail, les probl?mes trait?s et les r?sultats obtenus * R?f?rences bibliographiques Les notifications d'acceptation seront envoy?es aux auteurs le 15 Octobre 1999. La version finale de la contribution (8 pages max.) devra ?tre r?dig?e selon les r?gles de formatage qui seront pr?cis?es ult?rieurement et devra parvenir au comit? (adresse ci-dessous) au plus tard le 10 D?cembre 1999. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PR?SENTATIONS ORALES La dur?e de chacune des pr?sentations orales ne devra pas d?passer 20 minutes. Il sera possible d'utiliser une tablette de r?troprojection pour pr?senter les bases de donn?es et les logiciels "en direct". Une connexion Internet pourra ?tre fournie aux orateurs qui le d?sirent. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTES La totalit? des contributions sera rassembl?e et ?dit?e sous la forme d'actes qui seront distribu?s ? tous les participants au d?but de la conf?rence. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HEBERGEMENT La gestion des h?bergements est prise en compte par l'office de tourisme de la ville de Lausanne, ? contacter directement sous r?f?rence ORG/JADT 2000 ? : Office du tourisme -- Case postale 49 -- CH-1000 Lausanne 6 (Suisse) T?l : + 41 21 613.73.21 Fax : + 41 21 616.86.47 Email : wandfluh at} Web : --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT / ADRESSE JADT 2000 Martin Rajman EPFL DI-LIA IN (Ecublens) CH-1015 Lausanne Suisse T?l : +41 21 693 27 35 Fax : +41 21 693 52 25 Email: jadt2000 at Web : =========================================================================== BULLETIN DE PR?-INSCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bulletin de pr?-inscription ? envoyer ? JADT 2000 Martin RAJMAN EPFL DI-LIA IN (Ecublens) CH-1015 Lausanne Suisse L'inscription d?finitive aura lieu ? r?ception du payement (dont les modalit?s sont pr?cis?es ci-dessous) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOM : PRENOM : INSTITUTION : ADRESSE : TELEPHONE : FAX : EMAIL : ADRESSE DE FACTURATION (si diff?rente de la pr?c?dente) : PARTICIPATION / SOUMISSION : [ ] PRESENTATION ORALE [ ] POSTER [ ] PAS DE PRESENTATION DEMONSTRATION : [ ] OUI [ ] NON LANGUE POUR LA PRESENTATION : [ ] FRANCAIS [ ] ANGLAIS [ ] ALLEMAND [ ] ITALIEN [ ] ESPAGNOL INSCRIPTION : [ ] ETUDIANT [ ] REDUIT [ ] NORMAL Tarif Etudiant : 150 CHF (env. 93 Euros), Fournir une pi?ce justificative Tarif R?duit : 300 CHF (env. 186 Euros), Inscription AVANT LE 10 DECEMBRE Tarif Normal : 375 CHF (env. 233 Euros), Inscription APRES le 10 decembre MODE DE PAYEMENT ENVISAGE : [ ] VIREMENT BANCAIRE au compte num?ro 0243/270'685.01X de la banque UBS Lausanne - EPFL - Ecublens - CH-1015 Lausanne adresse swift UBSWCHGG10A [ ] CARTE VISA [ ] CARTE EUROCARD/MASTERCARD Num?ro : Expire le : Nom sur la carte : Date et Signature : Les frais d'inscription comprennent : l'inscription ? la conf?rence, les pauses caf? et (sauf pour les ?tudiants) les repas de midi et les actes. =========================================================================== ______________________________________________________________________________ =========================================================================== Please notice that submission deadline to J A D T 2 0 0 0 5th International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data has been extented to Friday septembre 24th 1999 For further details, please refer to the call for papers below. =========================================================================== JADT 2000 WEB SITE : =========================================================================== J A D T 2 0 0 0 5th International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data March 9-11, 2000 ?cole Polytechnique F?d?rale de Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland --------------------------------------------------------------------- Following Barcelona (1990), Montpellier (1993), Rome (1995), and Nice (1998), the 5th International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data will be held in Lausanne, on March 9-11, 2000. This biennial conference, which has constantly been gaining in importance since its first occurrence, is open to all scholars working in the vast field of textual data analysis; ranging from lexicography to the analysis of political discourse, from documentary research to marketing research, from computational linguistics to sociolinguistics, from the processing of data to content analysis. After the success of the previous meetings, the three-day conference in Switzerland will continue to provide a workshop-style forum through technical paper sessions, invited talks, and panel discussions. --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline: September 24th, 1999 Notification: October 15th, 1999 Camera ready papers: December 10th, 1999 Conference: March 9-11, 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------- THEMES OF INTEREST The themes of interest of the conference concern the application of statistical models and tools in the following domains: * Exploratory Textual Data Analysis * Discourse Analysis * Computational Linguistics * Statistical Analysis of Responses to Open Questions * Documentary and Bibliometric Statistical Analysis * Stylometry * Frequency Dictionaries * Lemmatization * Text Corpora and Text Encoding * Textual Classification * Information Retrieval * Hypertext * Software for Lexical and Textual Analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Monica B?cue Univ. Polytechnic of Catalunya Sergio Bolasco Univ. of Rome 'La Sapienza' ?tienne Brunet Univ. of Nice/Sophia-Antipolis Yadolah Dodge Univ. of Neuch?tel Annibale Elia Univ. of Salerno Benoit Habert ENS Fontenay/Saint-Cloud R?mi Jolivet Univ. of Lausanne Dominique Labb? Univ. of Grenoble Ludovic Lebart CNRS, ENST Paris Alain Lelu Univ. Paris 8 Sylvie Mellet CNRS, Nice Charles Muller Univ. of Strasbourg Martin Rajman EPF Lausanne Max Reinert CNRS Toulouse Jacques Rouault CRISTAL Grenoble 3 Andr? Salem Univ. Paris 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Martin Rajman EPF Lausanne Marie Decrauzat EPF Lausanne Jean-C?dric Chappelier EPF Lausanne This confernce is organized by the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) with the support of EuroStat, Quantos and la Soci?t? Fran?aise de Statistique. --------------------------------------------------------------------- LANGUAGES FOR THE PRESENTATIONS Submissions, communications and presentations can be made in any one of these languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish All communications and presentations must contain an English abstract. As in the previous meetings, no translation will be provided. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION Submissions should be limited to original, evaluated work. All papers should include background survey and/or reference to previous work. The authors should provide explicit explanation when there is no evaluation in their work. We encourage the authors to include in their papers proposals and discussions of the relevance of their work to the theme of the conference. Participants wishing to submit a paper or present a poster should send to the program committee (address below) a short version for review by September 24th, 1999, giving the following information: * Name of author; * Affiliation; * Full postal address with fax and/or e-mail * Title of the proposed paper with keywords; * An abstract in English (maximum 300 words) * A short version (3 pages min./4 pages max.) of the paper emphasizing the purpose of the paper, the problem addressed and the results obtained; * Bibliographical references. Notification of acceptance will be send to the authors by October 15, 1999. Final camera-ready papers should conform to the format that will be provided to the authors and reach the committee (address below) no later than December 10, 1999. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESENTATIONS Paper presentations will be limited to 20 minutes each. An overhead projector will be available for the display of data-bases and/or software directly from the computer screen. Connection to Internet will be supplied for speakers on request. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEEDINGS All accepted papers will be collected and issued as proceedings to the participants at the start of the conference. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HOTELS For accomodation during the conference, please contact the Lausanne Tourist Office under reference ORG/JADT 2000 at: Office du tourisme -- Case postale 49 -- CH-1000 Lausanne 6 (Switzerland) Tel: + 41 21 613.73.21 Fax: + 41 21 616.86.47 Email: wandfluh at Web: --------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT / ADDRESS JADT 2000 Martin Rajman EPFL DI-LIA IN (Ecublens) CH-1015 Lausanne Suisse T?l : +41 21 693 27 35 Fax : +41 21 693 52 25 Email: jadt2000 at Web : =========================================================================== PRE REGISTRATION FORM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This pre-registration form should be returned to JADT 2000 Martin RAJMAN EPFL DI-LIA IN (Ecublens) CH-1015 Lausanne Suisse Registration will be effective on receipt of payment (Details for payment are provided bellow). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SURNAME : FIRST NAME : AFFILIATION : ADDRESS : PHONE : FAX : EMAIL : IVOICE ADDRESS (if different from above): PARTICIPATION / SUBMISSION : [ ] PAPER [ ] POSTER [ ] NO PRESENTATION DEMONSTRATION : [ ] YES [ ] NO LANGUAGE FOR PRESENTATION : [ ] ENGLISH [ ] FRENCH [ ] GERMAN [ ] ITALIAN [ ] SPANISH REGISTRATION : [ ] STUDENT [ ] EARLY [ ] NORMAL Student : 150 CHF (approx. 93 Euros), copy of the student card Early : 300 CHF (approx. 186 Euros), BEFORE DECEMBER 10TH Normal : 375 CHF (approx. 233 Euros), after December 10th PAYMENT: [ ] BANK TRANSFER to account # 0243/270'685.01X at bank: UBS Lausanne - EPFL - Ecublens - CH-1015 Lausanne swift address UBSWCHGG10A [ ] VISA [ ] EUROCARD/MASTERCARD Number: Expiration date: Holder's name on the card: Date and Signature : Registration fees include registration to the conference, coffee-breaks and (except for students) lunch and proceedings. =========================================================================== From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:55:23 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:55:23 +0100 Subject: Appel: Information Retrieval (journal TAL) Message-ID: From: Christian Jacquemin X-url: [ENGLISH VERSION FOLLOWS] Revue t.a.l. : Second et dernier appel ? contributions Traitement Automatique des Langues pour la Recherche d'Information T.A.L. est la revue de l'Association de Traitement Automatique des LAngues ATALA: ( ) DATES IMPORTANTES Intention de soumettre : maintenant Date limite de soumission : 1er novembre 1999 Notification d'acceptation : fin 1999 Version finale: 15 f?vrier 2000 Publication: ?t? 2000 ADRESSE D'ENVOI DES CONTRIBUTIONS jacquemin at ou pour les versions papier : Christian Jacquemin, LIMSI-CNRS, BP 133, 91403 ORSAY, FRANCE LANGUE: fran?ais ou anglais. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal T.A.L.: 2nd and Last Call for Submissions Information Retrieval-oriented Natural Language Processing T.A.L. is the journal of the French association for Computational Linguistic ATALA: ( ) IMPORTANT DATES Intention to submit: Now Submission deadline: November 1st, 1999 Acceptance notification: End 1999 Final version: February 15th, 2000 Publication: Summer 2000 EDITORIAL ADDRESS jacquemin at or through hard copies at: Christian Jacquemin, LIMSI-CNRS, BP 133, 91403 ORSAY, FRANCE LANGUAGE: English or French From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:55:25 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:55:25 +0100 Subject: Conf: CSSP'99 Message-ID: From: cssp99 at (CSSP 99) (Sorry if you receive this information more than once) THE PARIS SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS CONFERENCE / COLLOQUE DE SYNTAXE ET SEMANTIQUE A PARIS Programme Thursday, October 7th 9h-9h10 : Opening 9h10-10h10 : Invited speaker Eva Hajicova (Charles U., Prague) : Discourse, focus and presupposition Thematic session 10h30-11h: Dimitra Kolliakou (Newcastle) & Theodora Alexopoulou (Edinburgh) : Towards a structural definition of linkhood in Greek 11h-11h30 : Hanneke van Hoof (T?bingen) : I-topicalization: contrastive topic or multiple focus? 11h30-12h : Ron Artstein (Rutgers) : Focus below the word level 12h-12h30 : Robert D. Van Valin (SUNY Buffalo) : Quantifier scope in Toba Batak ---------------- Thematic Session 14h-14h30 : Jacques Jayez (EHESS) & Corinne Rossari (U. Gen?ve) : The accommodation profile of discourse markers 14h30-15h : Arthur Merin (Stuttgart) : For every BUT there is an IF 15h30-16h : Laurence Danlos (Paris 7) : Sur la cor?f?rence ?v?nementielle 16h-16h30 : Ana T. Alves (Austin) & Isabel Gomez Txurruka (Austin) : Discourse effects of same in anaphoric temporal adverbials 16h30-17h : Helen de Hoop (Utrecht) & Henri?tte de Swart (Utrecht) : Optimal interpretations of discourse 17h-17h30 : Massimo Poesio (Edinburgh) & Uwe Reyle (Stuttgart) : Partially resolved interpretations 17h30-19h30 : Party 19h30-20h30 : Invited speaker : Oswald Ducrot (EHESS) : La concession dans les ?nonc?s interrogatifs. Approche argumentative --------------------- Friday, October 8th 9h-10h : Invited Speaker : Nicholas Asher (Austin) : Logics of conversation 10h30-11h : Josep Quer (U.A. Barcelone) : The quantificational force of free choice items 11h-11h30 : C?cile Meier (T?bingen) : A semantics for result clauses and constructions with too 11h30-12h : Meltem Kelepir (MIT) : Negation is free: evidence from Turkish 12h-12h30 : Malka Rappaport Hovav (Bar Ilan) & Beth Levin (Stanford) : Reevaluation the direct object restriction on English resultatives ------------------------------------------------- 14h-15h : Invited Speaker : Tanya Reinhart (Utrecht) : Interpretation of theta-roles 15h30-16h : Martine Coene (Antwerp), Yves d'Hulst (Leiden) & Liliane Tasmowski (Leuven) : Romance vocatives and the DP hypothesis 16h-16h30 : Kleanthes K. Grohmann (U. Maryland) : The syntax-discourse interface of multiple Wh-constructions 16h30-17h : Caroline Heycock (Edinburgh) & Roberto Zamparelli (Edinburgh) : The syntax and semantics of DP-internal coordination --------------------- Saturday, October 9th 9h-10h : Invited Speaker : Sandra Chung (UCSC) : Restriction versus saturation 10h30-11h : James Mc Closkey (UCSC) : On the expression of existence in Irish 11h-11h30 : Robert D. Levine (Ohio State), Thomas E. Hukari (U. Victoria), Michael Calcagno (T?bingen): Unbounded dependencies : a unified class 11h30-12h : Robert D. Levine (Ohio State): Tough complementation and clausal transparency 12h-12h30 : Alan Munn (Michigan) : Extraction domains and the semantics of variables Alternates Jean-Pierre Koenig (SUNY Buffalo), Gail Mauner (SUNY Buffalo) & Breton Bienvenue (SUNY Buffalo) : Arguments for adjuncts Petra Sleeman (Amsterdam) : Adjectival agreement within DP without feature movement Monika Kozlowska (Gen?ve) : Ensuite et la narration dans le discours George Tsoulas (York) & Artemis Alexiadou (T?bingen) : Scrambling and extraposition : a case for cyclic spell-out %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Registration Form / Fiche d'Inscription Name / Nom : Affiliation : e-mail address / courriel : Will attend the conference / Participera ? la conf?rence Fees / Tarif (including party / r?ception comprise) : FF 250 - Students / Etudiants : FF 150, to be paid on registration in Paris / payables lors de la conf?rence Please send this completed form via e-mail or post to / Renvoyez-nous cette fiche compl?t?e par courrier ?lectronique ou postal ? : cssp99 at CSSP99 URA 1028 Tour Centrale 9?me Etage Universit? Paris 7 2 place Jussieu 75251 Paris cedex 05 Practical Information / Informations pratiques The Conference takes place in Paris 7th University / La conf?rence a lieu ? l'Universit? Paris 7 Metro station : Jussieu For more information, see our Web page starting Tuesday, September 14th / Pour plus d'informations, reportez-vous ? notree page Web ? partir du mardi 14 septembre: ---------------------------------------------------------- CSSP 99 Universite Paris 7 Linguistique UFRL, Case 7003 2 Place Jussieu 75251 Paris-Cedex 05 France email: cssp99 at ---------------------------------------------------------- ----- End Included Message ----- From pb at Wed Sep 15 10:55:28 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:55:28 +0100 Subject: Appel: Proper nouns (journal TAL) Message-ID: From: Denis Maurel Call for Papers: English version, see below Appel a publication : ********************* Le traitement automatique des Noms propres Revue TAL numero 2000-3 Editeurs : Denis Maurel et Franz Guenthner Voir l'URL: Date limite de soumission : 1er novembre 1999 Denis Maurel LI/E3i, Universite de Tours Franz Guenthner CIS, Universite de Munich ____________________________________________________________________________ Call for papers *************** Journal TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues) Special issue on proper nouns in natural language processing Editors : Denis Maurel and Franz Guenthner The Association pour le traitement automatique des langues (Atala) (Association for language processing) organized a meeting on the treatment of all forms of proper nouns in language processing on Saturday 29th May 1999. Some papers from presentations given at the meeting will be published in the journal TAL issue 2000-3. In addition, we would like to invite papers from other researchers working on any aspect of the automated treatment of proper nouns. Contribution are invited on the topics below as well as on other related subjects: * The construction of electronic dictionaries of proper names * The morphological analysis of proper names * The recognition and tagging of proper names in texts * Computational aspect of the syntax, semantics or pragmatics of proper names * Linguistic analysis of proper nouns * Applications of the treatment of proper names to information retrieval, information extraction, text mining * etc. FORMAT ------ The paper should be formatted following the journal guidelines. These are spelled out at the end of a volume or at: Papers can be submitted in English and French. They not exceed 30 pages in double interline in Helvetica 12. We accept RTF or LaTeX + postscript. The latex style is avalaible at: Please send your text, by electronic mail, for the end of October to Denis Maurel (mailto:maurel at CALENDAR -------- Submission deadline : November 1st 1999 Notification to authors : Jannuary 1999 Final version due : May, 1st 2000 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE ------------------- Chief editors: A. Abeille (Universite Paris 7) Ph. Blache (LPL, CNRS) B. Habert (ENS Fontenay-Saint Cloud) Autres members of Editorial J. Anis (Universite Paris 10) Committee: D. Clement (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal) A. Condamines (CNRS, Toulouse le Mirail) Ch. Dalessandro (LIMSI, Paris) M. El-Beze (Universit? d'Avignon) C. Gardent (Universitaet des Saarlandes) Ch. Jacquemin (IRIN, Nantes) J-L. Lebrave (CNRS, ITEM) B. Victorri (ELSAP, Caen) E. Tzoukermann (Bell Labs) P. Zweigenbaum (AP-HP, Paris 6) Scientific Committee: M. Borillo (CNRS, P. Sabatier, Toulouse) R. Carre (ENST, Paris) J-P. Descles (Universit? Paris IV) C. Fuchs (CNRS, ENS Paris) M. Gross (LADL, Paris 7) F. Rastier (Paris 4) W. von Hahn (Univ Hambourg) Y. Wilks (Sheffield Univ) A. Zaenen (Xerox Grenoble) Sub-Editor: Jeanine Mary (UFRL Paris 7) Denis Maurel LI/E3i, Universite de Tours Franz Guenthner CIS, Universite de Munich From pz at Fri Sep 17 17:49:10 1999 From: pz at (Pierre Zweigenbaum) Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 18:49:10 +0100 Subject: Q: Prolog Message-ID: Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 13:57:17 +0200 From: Jean Veronis Message-Id: < at> X-url: Bonjour, Nous allons probablement enseigner Prolog cette ann?e dans mon service, et je suis ? la recherche d'un Prolog freeware pour Windows. Qui a des suggestions (et un avis qualitatif/p?dagogique)? Merci! Jean V?ronis, Professeur de Linguistique et Informatique Directeur du Centre Informatique pour les Lettres et Sciences Humaines Universit? de Provence 29 av. Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1, France tel: +33 (0) 4 42 95 31 35 fax: +33 (0) 4 42 95 34 95 email: veronis at From pb at Mon Sep 20 12:19:24 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:19:24 +0100 Subject: Appel: RIAO-2000 Message-ID: From: Pierre Zweigenbaum This message is posted to several lists. We apologize if you receive multiple copies. RIAO 2000 Content-Based Multimedia Information Access College de France Paris, France April 12-14, 2000 Preliminary Announcement _______________ Organized by: Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaire (C.I.D., France) & Center for the Advanced Study of Information Systems, Inc (C.A.S.I.S., USA) With the collaboration of AII, ASIS, ELRA, Elsnet, ESCA, Francil (preliminary list) _______________ Introduction The RIAO (Recherche d'Informations Assistee par Ordinateur = Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval) International Conference is held every 3 years. Sites for the conference have been Grenoble (1985), Boston (1988), Barcelona (1991), New York (1994) and Montreal (1997). Paris will host the next RIAO conference in Spring 2000. The conference is organized by the Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaire (C.I.D.) and the Center for the Advanced Study of Information Systems (C.A.S.I.S.). The theme of the conference is "Content-Based Multimedia Information Access". The conference scope will range from the traditional processing of text documents to the rapidly growing field of automatic indexing and retrieval of images and speech and, more generally, to all processing of audio-visual and multimedia information on various supports, including the net. The conference is of interest for several scientific communities, including Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Spoken Language Processing, Computer Vision, Human- Computer Interaction and Digital Libraries. RIAO 2000 will, thereby, serve as a forum for synergetic initiatives and forward-looking applications. The Scientific Committee will select the papers and the Application Committee will select the innovative applications and products to be presented at the conference. In order to support the multi-disciplinary goals of the conference, these international committees include representatives of different scientific communities. RIAO 2000 will present recent scientific research advances, demonstrations of prototypes resulting from this research as well as the most innovative products now appearing on the market. A worldwide Call for Papers is addressed to researchers engaged in academic or industrial research. The associated Call for Applications is addressed to companies and public organizations developing or marketing hardware or software related to the conference topics. RIAO 2000 Conference Topics: Under the theme "Content-Based Multimedia Information Access", the following topics are among those included for the Communications and for Innovative Application Demonstrations: Document processing: Hypertextual and Hypermedia documents Human-Computer Interaction for document handling Textual and voice-based annotation creation and retrieval Digital libraries AI techniques for document generation and consultation Multimodal and transmodal human-machine communication Information Retrieval: Information retrieval systems and methods Document search over the internet Text Mining Information and document routing/profiling/alerting Document classification Spoken Language Processing: Voice-based document segmentation and transcription Voice-based document indexing and retrieval Identification of language of speaker Speaker recognition Audio Mining Non-verbal sound processing (music, noise...) Natural Language Processing: Information extraction NLP techniques for document processing Terminology extraction and analysis Automatic thesaurus construction Multilingual and crosslingual document handling Machine translation of documents Automatic summarization Identification of language of text Image processing: Automatic indexing and retrieval of visual documents Computer graphics for document generation and consultation Segmentation and indexing of visual data Face, gaze and expression recognition Character recognition in visual documents Image Mining Video indexing and retrieval System architecture: Multi-agent architecture, search agents Intelligent agents, Androids and Avatars Usage and best practice: Socio-economics of information retrieval Quantitative, qualitative and comparative evaluation Coding standards and Quality of Services Security and privacy Cognitive aspects, Human Factors and Ergonomics Legal aspects of multimedia document handling Multimedia and multimodal resources Applications: Computer-aided information access for the handicapped Multimedia systems for medical applications Image Guided Surgery and Augmented Reality Medical documents archiving and retrieval Transmodal information access systems Telephone-based, nomad and in-vehicle systems Intelligent systems for call-center reporting Customized customer support (Aerospace product manuals...) Strategic and technology watch & Business Intelligence Real-Time information access for financial markets Information access for decision aid systems Multimodal Geographical Information Systems Television and Radio Broadcast Archiving and Browsing... Call for Papers The papers will be reviewed by the International Scientific Committee. RIAO 2000 International Scientific Committee : Co-Chairs : Joseph Mariani (LIMSI-CNRS, France) and Donna Harman (NIST, USA) Jean-Claude Bassano (University of Orleans, France) Alain Berthoz (LPPA, College de France, France) Patrick Bouthemy (IRISA/INRIA, France) George Carayannis (ILSP, Greece) Francine Chen (Xerox, USA) Bruce Croft (University of Massachusets, USA) Franciska de Jong (University of Twente,The Netherlands) Susan Dumais (Microsoft, USA) David Evans (CMU and Claritech, USA) Christian Fluhr (CEA, France) Hiroya Fujisaki (Science University of Tokyo, Japan) Pascale Fung (University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong) Sadaoki Furui (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Edouard Geoffrois (DGA/CTA, France) Jean-Paul Haton (LORIA, France) Alex Hauptman (CMU, USA) Ulrich Heid (University of Stuttgart, Germany) Roland Hjerppe (Mid Sweden University, Sweden) Christian Jacquemin (LIMSI-CNRS, France) Mun Kew Leong ( Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore) Judith Klavans (Columbia University, USA) Wessel Kraaij (TNO-TPD, The Netherlands) Francis Kubala (BBN, USA) Gianni Lazzari (IRST, Italy) Alain Leger (CNET- France Telecom, France) R. Manmatha (University of Massachusetts, USA) Richard Marcus (MIT, USA) Mark Maybury (MITRE, USA) Frank Nack (GMD IPSI, Germany) Klaus Netter (DFKI, Germany) Jian-Yun Nie (University of Montreal, Canada) Douglas Oard (University of Maryland, USA) Dragutin Petkovic (IBM, USA) Georges Quenot (CLIPS, France) K. J. Ray Liu (University of Maryland, USA) Ze'ev Rivlin (Natural Speech Communication, Israel) Arnold Smeulders (ISIS, UvA, The Netherlands) Karen Sparck Jones (University of Cambridge, UK) Evelyne Tzoukermann (Lucent technologies, USA) Ross Wilkinson (CSIRO, Australia) Phil Woodland (CUED, UK) Call for Applications Tools and products related to the conference topics are sought for demonstration at special conference sessions. Applications and products will be selected by the International Application Committee, on the basis of their innovation, utility, and present and future marketability. RIAO 2000 International Application Committee : Chair: Gregory Grefenstette (Xerox, France) and Pascal Faudemay (LIP6, France) Marie-Francoise Clergeau (College de France, France) Daniel Confland (Jouve, France) Max Copperman (Kanisa, USA) Giorgio Dimino (RAI, Italy) Michael Horowitz (Claritech, USA) Hitoshi Iida (Sony Speech & Language Laboratory, Japan) Hans-Joachim Novak (IBM, Germany) Norbert Paquel (Canope, France) Sylvie Regnier-Prost (Aerospatiale-Matra, France) Remi Ronfard (INA, France) Antonio Sanfilippo (EC, Luxembourg) Laurent Schmitt (INIST-CNRS, France) Vera Semenova (Sciper/Analit, Russia) Joop Van Gent (TNO-TPD, The Netherlands) The RIAO 2000 Conference is organized by: Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaires (C.I.D.) 36 bis rue Ballu 75009 Paris France Tel: (33 / 0) 1 42 85 04 75 Fax: (33 / 0) 1 48 78 49 61 or 1 45 26 84 45 and Center for the Advanced Study of Information Systems, Inc (C.A.S.I.S.) Co / C. Constantin 575 Madison Avenue 25th floor New York N.Y. 10022 USA Contacts: Email: riao2000 at Web: Organizing and Coordinating Committee: Agnes Beriot (CID, France) Peter Brodnitz (CASIS, USA) Jean-Louis Darc (France-Pologne, France) Jean-Jacques Guilbart (College de France, France) Nicolas Masson (LIMSI-CNRS, France) Jean Perriere (CID, France) Sharyn Rozart (CASIS, USA) Anne Tabutiaux (Recherche et Diffusion Scientifique, France) Tony Venables (ECAS, Belgium) Calendar: ? Preliminary announcement: July 1999 ? Call for Papers & Demonstrations: September 15, 1999 ? Submission deadline: November 1st, 1999 ? Notification of acceptance: December 15, 1999 ? Submission of complete papers: January 15, 2000 ? Final Program: January 25, 2000 ? Conference: April 12-14, 2000 If you're interested in participating in the conference, or if you intend to submit a paper, a prototype or an application demo, or if you wish to know more about the conference when the information will be available, please fill in the Attendance Intention Form below, and send it to "riao2000 at" ASAP. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Attendance Intention Form: Name : Position: Organization: Mail address: Telephone: Fax: EMAIL: Web site: I wish to participate in the RIAO 2000 Conference: I wish to submit a paper (topic): I wish to submit a prototype demo (topic): I wish to submit an innovative product or application demo (topic): I would like to have more information about RIAO 2000, when it will be available: Please, email this Attendance Intention Form to "riao2000 at" ASAP. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From pb at Mon Sep 20 12:19:26 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:19:26 +0100 Subject: Appel: ICCI2000 Message-ID: From: almulla at (Almulla M) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tenth International Conference on Computing and Information ICCI '2000, Kuwait, November 18-21, 2000 Home Page: North America Mirror Site: organized and sponsored by Dept of Mathematics & Computer Science, Kuwait University, Kuwait Keynote Speaker (*): Tim Berners-Lee, the Father of the World Wide Web ====================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS ICCI '2000 will provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present new results in research, development, and applications in computing and information. Since 1989, ICCI conferences have attracted participants from over 40 different countries. ICCI '2000 will consist of four streams ranging from theoretical computer science to applied software systems. It will provide a unique opportunity for cross-fertilization and interdisciplinary information exchange. Stream A: Theory. Data Theory and Logic. Information and Coding Theory. Algorithms. Theory of Computation. Chair: Monty Newborn, newborn at Stream B: Distribution and Parallelism. Distributed Computing and Communications. Concurrency and Parallelism. Chair: Albert Zomaya, zomaya at Stream C: Systems and Development. Database Systems. Software Engineering and CASE Methodologies. Expert Systems. Chair: Hans Loeper, Loeper at Stream D: Data and Knowledge Engineering. AI Methodologies. User Interfaces. Data Mining. Approximate Reasoning. Chair: Susan Craw, smc at Stream E: Networking and Internet. Information Exploration on the World Wide Web. Mobile Computing. Chair: Richard Lai, lai at Papers for any of the above streams are welcome. All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical correctness, quality, relevance, originality, significance, and clarity. Accepted papers are expected to be published in the conference proceedings by an international publisher. A selected number of ICCI 2000 accepted papers will be expanded and revised for possible inclusion in the "Journal of Computing and Information" and "Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal" by Springer-Verlag. Proposals for tutorials, workshops and panel sessions are also invited. All paper submissions (by e-mail or in hardcopy) and proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials should be sent to the Program Committee Chair at the following address. Xindong Wu (xwu at Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences Colorado School of Mines 1500 Illinois Street Golden, Colorado 80401, USA Phone: +1-303-273-3874 Fax: +1-303-273-3875 Please reply to this email with your name and email now to receive more information in due time. Important Dates ===================================================================== January 15, 2000 Proposals for panels, tutorials and workshops March 1, 2000 Paper submissions May 1, 2000 Acceptance notices July 1, 2000 Final camera-readies November 18-21, 2000 Conference ===================================================================== Organization General Chair: Waldemar W. Koczkodaj, Laurentian University, Canada. E-mail: icci at; URL: Organizing Committee Chair: Mohammed Almulla, Kuwait University, Kuwait. E-mail: almulla at; URL: Program Committee Chair: Xindong Wu, Colorado School of Mines, USA. E-mail: xwu at; URL: General inquiries should be sent to the Organizing Committee Chair at Mohammed Almulla Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Kuwait University P.O.Box 5969 Safat, 13060, Kuwait Telephone: (965) 481-1188 Ext. 5303 or 5624 Fax: (965) 481-7201 E-mail: almulla at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (*) pending confirmation From pb at Mon Sep 20 12:19:28 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:19:28 +0100 Subject: Book: 2 announcements Message-ID: ______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Jean Veronis Subject: Book: Techniques in Speech Acoustics 2/ From: Jean Veronis Subject: Book: Syntactic Wordclass Tagging ______________________________________________________________________________ 1/ From: Jean Veronis Subject: Book: Techniques in Speech Acoustics **** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK **** KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS TEXT, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGY Volume 8 Series editors: Nancy Ide and Jean V?ronis Techniques in Speech Acoustics by Jonathan Harrington Steve Cassidy Speech Hearing and Language Research Centre Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia "Techniques in Speech Acoustics" provides an introduction to the acoustic analysis and characteristics of speech sounds. The first part of the book covers aspects of the source-filter decomposition of speech, spectrographic analysis, the acoustic theory of speech production and acoustic phonetic cues. The second part is based on computational techniques for analysing the acoustic speech signal including digital time and frequency analyses, formant synthesis, and the linear predictive coding of speech. There is also an introductory chapter on the classification of acoustic speech signals which is relevant to aspects of automatic speech and talker recognition. Included with the book is a CD-ROM containing extensive speech corpora, the EMU speech analysis tools, extensions to the X-LISP-STAT programming language that are adapted to speech analysis, and numerous exercises that are linked to the major themes of the book and which can be run on Windows-95 and UNIX platforms. The book and CD-ROM are intended for use as teaching materials on undergraduate and postgraduate speech acoustics and experimental phonetics courses; they are also aimed at researchers from phonetics, linguistics, computer science, psychology and engineering who wish to gain an understanding of the basis of speech acoustics and its application to fields such as speech synthesis and automatic speech recognition. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5731-0 July 1999, 336 pp. NLG 250.00 / USD 150.00 / GBP 88.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents Preface. Vowel and Consonant Transcriptions. Contents of the CD-Rom. 1. The Scope of Speech Acoustics. 2. The Physics of Speech. 3. The Acoustic Theory of Speech Production. 4. Segmental and Prosodic Cues. 5. Time-Domain Analysis. 6. Frequency-Domain Analysis. 7. Digital Formant Synthesis. 8. Linear Prediction of Speech. 9. Classification of Speech Data. References. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PREVIOUS VOLUMES Volume 1: Recent Advances in Parsing Technology Harry Bunt, Masaru Tomita Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4152-X, 1996 Volume 2: Corpus-Based Methods in Language and Speech Processing Steve Young, Gerrit Bloothooft Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4463-4, 1997 Volume 3: An introduction to text-to-speech synthesis Thierry Dutoit Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4498-7, 1997 Volume 4: Exploring textual data Ludovic Lebart, Andr? Salem and Lisette Berry Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4840-0, December 1997 Volume 5: Time Map Phonology: Finite State Models and Event Logics in Speech Recognition Julie Carson-Berndsen Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4883-4, 1997 Volume 6: Predicative Forms in Natural Language and in Lexical Knowledge Bases Volume 7: Natural Language Information Retrieval Tomek Strzalkowski Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5685-3, April 1999 Check the series Web page for order information: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2/ From: Jean Veronis Subject: Book: Syntactic Wordclass Tagging **** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK *** NEW BOOK **** KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS TEXT, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGY Volume 9 Series editors: Nancy Ide and Jean V?ronis Syntactic Wordclass Tagging edited by Hans van Halteren Dept. of Language and Speech University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands This book provides an in-depth discussion of the field of syntactic wordclass tagging, i.e. the annotation of the words in a text with tags indicating their syntactic properties. Represented are the viewpoints of the two main groups who take an interest in tagging: the users of tagged text and the developers of tagging software. The book starts out by examining the field foremost from the user's point of view. After a brief historical overview, the nature and uses of tagging are discussed and current practice is described. Here the user will find what tagging is and the software developer what it is the user wants. The book then switches to the other point of view and continues with a detailed explanation of the most common computational techniques for automatically tagging large amounts of text. Here the software developer finds information needed for the implementation of a tagger while the user gains insight into the possibilities and impossibilities of automatic tagging and how computer-provided tags should be interpreted. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5896-1 August 1999, 300 pp. NLG 280.00 / USD 149.00 / GBP 93.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents and Contributors Preface. Contributing Authors. Part I: The User's View. 1. Orientation; A. Voutilainen. 2. A Short History of Tagging; A. Voutilainen. 3. The Use of Tagging; G. Leech, N. Smith. 4. Tagsets; J. Cloeren. 5. Standards for Tagsets; G. Leech, A. Wilson. 6. Performance of Taggers; H. van Halteren. 7. Selection and Operation of Taggers; H. van Halteren. Part II: The Implementer's View. 8. Automatic Taggers: An Introduction; H. van Halteren, A. Voutilainen. 9. Tokenization; G. Grefenstette. 10. Lexicons for Tagging; A. Schiller, L. Karttunen. 11. Standardization in the Lexicon; M. Monachini, N. Calzolari. 12. Morphological Analysis; K. Oflazer. 13. Tagging Unknown Words; E. Brill. 14. Hand-Crafted Rules; A. Voutilainen. 15. Corpus-Based Rules; E. Brill. 16. Hidden Markov Models; M. El-Beze, B. Merialdo. 17. Machine Learning Approaches; W. Daelemans. Appendix A: Example tagsets. References. Index --------------------------------------------------------------------- PREVIOUS VOLUMES Volume 1: Recent Advances in Parsing Technology Harry Bunt, Masaru Tomita Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4152-X, 1996 Volume 2: Corpus-Based Methods in Language and Speech Processing Steve Young, Gerrit Bloothooft Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4463-4, 1997 Volume 3: An introduction to text-to-speech synthesis Thierry Dutoit Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4498-7, 1997 Volume 4: Exploring textual data Ludovic Lebart, Andr? Salem and Lisette Berry Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4840-0, December 1997 Volume 5: Time Map Phonology: Finite State Models and Event Logics in Speech Recognition Julie Carson-Berndsen Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-4883-4, 1997 Volume 6: Predicative Forms in Natural Language and in Lexical Knowledge Bases Volume 7: Natural Language Information Retrieval Tomek Strzalkowski Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5685-3, April 1999 Volume 8: Techniques in Speech Acoustics Jonathan Harrington, Steve Cassidy Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-5731-0, July 1999 Check the series Web page for order information: --------------------------------------------------------------------- From pb at Mon Sep 20 12:19:34 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:19:34 +0100 Subject: Conf: CIL Message-ID: From: "Jacqueline Lecarme" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAMME DU COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE LINGUISTIQUE DE L'INSTITUT DES SCIENCES COGNITIVES DE LYON 12-15 OCTOBRE 1999 L'ECONOMIE DANS LES STRUCTURES, LES COMPUTATIONS ET L'UTILISATION DU LANGAGE SESSIONS SEMANTIQUE Mardi 12 Octobre 1999 Matin: Chierchia, Genaro (University of Milan): Les implicatures scalaires, un ph?nom?ne de polarit? Dayal, Veneeta (Rutgers University): Le d?terminant d?fini et ses contreparties silencieuses Sauerland, Uli (Kanda Gaigo University, Japon): Sup?riorit? et Mont?e de Quantifieur: un argument bas? sur le liage invers? Apr?s midi : Asher, Nicolas (University of Austin): Principes d??conomie dans l?interpr?tation du discours Shlenker, Philippe (MIT): Uniformit? s?mantique Reinhart, Tanya (University of Tel Aviv): Le co?t pour le traitement du langage d'un calcul bas? sur un ensemble de r?f?rence. Alternate: Monz, Christof (University of Amsterdam): Une d?sambiguation paresseuse bas?e sur la d?duction. MORPHOLOGIE/PHONOLOGIE Mercredi 13 Octobre 1999 Matin: Halle, Morris (MIT): Sur les consid?rations d'?conomie en phonologie. Bonet, Eulalia (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona): De la phonologie des clitiques catalans: approche d?rivationnelle ou non-d?rivationnelle. Marantz, Alec (MIT): Les composants de la d?rivation. Apr?s-midi Vergneau, Jean Roger (ISC/USC): TBA Peter F. Dominey (ISC): Un mod?le r?ductif de l?assignation des r?les th?matiques en syntaxe. Alternate: Jean-Luc Schwartz, Christian Abry, Louis-Jean Boe, Nathalie Vall?e, Marie-Agn?s Cathiard (ICP): Economie et Phonologie dans la th?orie de la dispersion- focalisation perceptuelle et la th?orie de la perception pour le contr?le de l?action. PRAGMATIQUE Jeudi 14 Octobre 1999 Matin : Sperber, Dan (CREA, CNRS Paris): Economie et pragmatique. Maillat, Didier (Lincoln College Oxford): Pour une pragmatique minimaliste des pr?positions directionnelles. Moeschler, Jacques (Universit? de Gen?ve): Economie et optimalit? pragmatique: le cas des inf?rences directionnelles. Apr?s midi : Noveck, A.Ira (ISC): Comment rendre compte des implicatures conversationnelles. Blakemore, Diane (University of Salford): De l?interpr?tation des ?nonc?s conjoints. Matsui, Tomoko (Christian University, Japan): Deux visions sur l??conomie dans l?assignation de la r?f?rence: Centrage et Pertinence. Alternate: Saussure, Louis de (Universit? de Gen?ve): Une approche proc?durale des temps verbaux : L?exemple des temps du pass? en fran?ais. SYNTAXE Vendredi 15 Octobre 1999 Matin : Rizzi, Luiggi (Universit? de Sienne): De quelques questions dans la th?orie de la localit?. Newmeyer, Frederic (University of Washington): Economie Grammaticale versus Economie de traitement: Comment capturer les g?n?ralisations typologiques Williams, Edwin (Princeton University): L'?conomie comme conservation de la forme Apr?s midi Kitagawa, Yoshihisa (Indiana University): Economie et S?lection Lexicale Rezac, Milan (University of Toronto): L?Economie des relations cible/but: le calcul de l?Equidistance Collins, Christopher (Cornell University): Eliminer les ?tiquettes Alternate: Moro, Andrea (University San Raffaele, Milano): Antisym?trie faible: une application ?conome de l?Axiome de Correspondance Lin?aire Informations: Contacts: deprez at (Viviane Deprez) reboul at (Anne Reboul) Courrier: Viviane Deprez Institut des Sciences Cognitives 67 Blvd Pinel 69675 Bron Cedex From pb at Mon Sep 20 12:19:56 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:19:56 +0100 Subject: Conf: GAT'99 Message-ID: From: Georges Antoniadis ========================================================== DERNIER APPEL A PARTICIPATION ==================================================== GAT'99 Generation Automatique de Textes Deuxieme Colloque Francophone ===================================================== 30 septembre et 1 octobre 1999 Universite Stendhal - Grenoble 3 Institut de la Communication et des Medias 38130 Echirolles FRANCE OBJECTIFS : Bien que la generation automatique de textes soit un domaine relativement ancien et actuellement en plein essor, les manifestations scientifiques specifiques sont plutot rares. Parmi les quelques conferences consacrees au sujet, force est de constater que les manifestations francophones sont actuellement quasi inexistantes. Un des objectifs de cette deuxieme edition du colloque en generation automatique de textes est de combler cette lacune. GAT'99 se veut une manifestation reunissant les specialistes du domaine et des personnes interessees par le sujet en vue d'echanger leurs experiences, de presenter leurs travaux theoriques et applicatifs, de confronter les solutions apportees, de nouer des contacts,... GAT'99 se propose d'etre un lieu de reflexion sur le domaine, de rencontres et d'echanges sur le sujet. Tous les aspects de la generation automatique sont concernes par ce colloque : approches theoriques et aspects applicatifs, theories et outils pour la generation, aspects linguistiques, informatiques, prise en compte de l'utilisateur, generation monolingue ou multilingue, ... Tous les domaines d'application sont concernes : communication homme- machine, traduction automatique, creation de resumes, aide a la redaction, ... LOCALISATION : Le colloque se deroulera a l'Institut de la Communication et des Medias (ICM) a Echirolles localite situee a la peripherie de Grenoble. ORGANISATION DU COLLOQUE : Equipe CRISTAL-GRESEC Universite Stendhal - Grenoble 3 Colloque organise avec le concours de la ville de Grenoble COMITE DE PROGRAMME : Georges ANTONIADIS (CRISTAL-GRESEC ; Grenoble 3) Laurence BALICCO (CRISTAL-GRESEC ; Grenoble 3) Jean CAELEN (CLIPS-IMAG ; Grenoble 1) Marc DYMETMAN (Centre de Recherche Rank Xerox ; Meylan) Guy LAPALME (INCOGNITO ; Universite de Montreal - Canada) Gerard LIGOZAT (LIMSI ; Paris 11) Jean-Francois NOGIER (Thomson CSF ; Bagneux) Jacques ROUAULT (CRISTAL-GRESEC ; Grenoble 3) Paul SABATIER (LIM ; CNRS) Eric WEHRLI (LATL ; Universite de Geneve - Suisse) Michael ZOCK (LIMSI ; Paris 11) PROGRAMME PREVISIONNEL DU COLLOQUE Jeudi 30 Septembre 1999 10h00 : Accueil des partcipants - Cafe 10h30 : Ouverture du colloque, bienvenue 11h00 : Conference invitee: Evelyne Viegas, New Mexico State University : Le choix lexical en generation multilingue : du bon usage de la semantique computationnelle. 12h00-14h00 : Repas 14h-17h30 Session presidee par Jean Caelen 14h00 : K. Chevreau, J. Coch : Generation multilingue de bulletins meteorologiques : le logiciel multimeteo. 14h30 : M. Ellouze, A. Ben Hamadou : Reutilisation du langage dans une generation de resumes de documents scientifiques basee sur des schemas. 15h00 : L. Balicco, S. Pouchot : Extraction de donnees d'un corpus en langue naturelle en vue de l'amelioration d'un systeme de generation automatique de textes. 15h30-16h00 : Pause cafe 16h00 : S. Pogodalla : Generation a l'aide de reseaux de preuves semantiques. 16h30 : P.-A. Buvet : Determination et generation automatique. 17h00 : M. Frei : Polysemie causale et dilation semantique en GAT. Soiree repas avec animation musicale: a partir de 20h "Chez le Pere Gras" Vendredi 1er Octobre 1999 9h-12h30 Session presidee par Jacques Rouault 09h00 : Conference invitee: Frederic Meunier, Thomson - France, Contraintes et choix industriels pour l'elaboration des systemes de generation automatique de textes. 10h00 : E. Ben Meftah : Generateur multilingue de resumes de documents. 10h30-11h00 : Pause cafe 11h00 : J. Lavid, J. Arus : Signification experientielle en anglais et espagnol : une specification pour la generation automatique et multilingue de textes. 11h30 : T. Etchegoyen, J. Mengon, A. Vandeventer, T. Wehrle : Une approche efficace a la generation multilingue. Le systeme GBGen. 12h00 : F. Meunier, R. Reyes : Plate-forme de developpement de generateurs multilingues. 12h30-14h00 : Repas 14h-17h Session presidee par Paul Sabatier 14h00 : C. Luc, M. Mojahid, J. Virbel : Connaissances structurelles et modeles necessaires a la generation de textes formates. 14h30 : F. Sannier, V. Auberge : Vers la phonetisation des formes flechies du francais. 15h00-15h30 : Pause Cafe 15h30 : Table ronde : Y a-t-il une dualite generation /reconnaissance? Participants : M. Dymetman, F. Meunier, P. Sabatier, E. Viegas, E. Wehrli Le debat permettra entre autres d'evoquer : les theories et les outils communs, les differences de methodologie, etc. ACCUEIL ET INSCRIPTION ----------------------- Le nombre de places etant limite, il est important de s'inscrire au plus tot (et en tout cas avant le 24 septembre 1999). Les reservations d'hotel doivent etre faites directement par les participants (une liste d'hotels se trouve sur le serveur Web de GAT'99 : , ou peut etre envoyee sur simple demande). Le bulletin d'inscription (en fin de message) et le reglement des droits d'inscription doivent etre envoyes a: Monique BOIS ICM - GAT'99 Universite Stendhal-Grenoble 3, BP 25 F-38040 Grenoble Cedex 9, FRANCE Tel : (+33) 04 76 82 43 77 Fax : (+33) 04 76 82 43 22 Mel : bois at Localisation ----------------- Institut de Communication et des Medias Avenue de 8 mai 45 38130 Echirolles - France Acces - Depuis l'aeroport de Lyon-Satolas : . Navette (1h10mn) vers Grenoble (terminus gare SNCF) puis Tram ligne A (Echirolles), arret "La Rampe" (juste devant l'ICM) - Depuis la gare, c'est a 45 minutes par le Tram ligne A (Echirolles), arret "La Rampe" (juste devant l'ICM) - En voiture : suivre la direction "Rocade sud", sortir a la sortie no7 (Echirolles centre) et prendre la diirection Echirolles-centre. Au premier feu apres le pont tourner a gauche, puis au premier feu a droite. Vous etes sur le parking de l'ICM. BULLETIN D'INSCRIPTION RENSEIGNEMENTS ---------------------------- NOM : ................................................................... PRENOM : ........................................................... ORGANISME : ..................................................... ADRESSE : .......................................................... ............................................................................ TELEPHONE : ..................................................... FAX : ...................................................................... E-MAIL : ................................................................ Droits d'inscription -------------------------- Tarif normal : 600 F Tarif etudiant : 400 F (joindre un justificatif) Les droits d'inscription comprennent les actes de la conference ainsi que les pauses cafes et les repas de midi. Une soiree avec animation musicale est prevue jeudi soir au restaurant "Chez le Pere Gras" sur la colline de la Bastille avec vue panoramique sur Grenoble. Montee possible en telepherique (bulles). La participation a cette soiree s'eleve a 160 FF, ce prix incluant : l'apperif, le diner, les boissons et le cafe. Vous pouvez regler les frais d'inscription et la participation a la soiree: - par cheque a l'ordre de l'Agent Comptable de Stendhal-Grenoble 3 - par bon de commande Toute inscription par courrier electronique devra etre confirmee par un courrier accompagne du reglement. Vous trouverez toutes les informations concernant GAT'99 sous: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Georges ANTONIADIS D?partement Informatique P?dagogique / Equipe CRISTAL-GRESEC Universit? STENDHAL Tel: +33. (0)4 76 82 77 61 +33. (0)4 76 82 43 97 BP 25 Fax: +33. (0)4 76 82 41 26 38040 Grenoble Cedex 9, France Georges.Antoniadis at From pz at Tue Sep 21 17:36:14 1999 From: pz at (Pierre Zweigenbaum) Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 18:36:14 +0100 Subject: R: Prolog Message-ID: [avalanche de r?ponses !! -- pz] ________________________________________________________________ 1/Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:08:37 -0400 From: Laurence Capus 2/Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:39:54 -0400 (EDT) From: Gr?gory Perrat 3/Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 00:02:57 +0200 From: Nicolas 4/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 07:48:23 +0200 (MET DST) From: Henri.Zingle at (Zingl? Henri) 5/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 08:51:15 +0200 (MET DST) From: Marc Guyomard 6/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 09:34:48 +0200 From: Piet Mertens 7/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 11:39:05 +0100 From: Laurent.Trilling at (Laurent Trilling) 8/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 14:37:29 +0000 (GMT) From: Serge Rosmorduc ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 1/Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:08:37 -0400 From: Laurence Capus Message-Id: < at> X-url: J'enseigne Prolog dans un cours d'intelligence artificielle et nous disposons de WinProlog 4 de la soci?t? LPA. Bien sur, il n'est pas gratuit mais de leur site internet on peut telecharger une version d'utilisation gratuite de 28 jours. Mes ?tudiants ont trouv? des Prolog freeware pour Windows aux adresses suivantes mais je n'ai pas eu encore le temps de les tester vraiment. - Pie Prolog - Strawberry Prolog 1.02 pour Windows 95/NT - SWI Prolog Laurence Capus Departement d'informatique Universite Laval Ste-Foy (QC) - CANADA capus at ________________________________________________________________ 2/Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:39:54 -0400 (EDT) From: Gr?gory Perrat Message-Id: <382759269.937600794099.JavaMail.root at web02.pub01> X-url: SWI-Prolog est le Prolog gratuit le plus connu pour Windows (et d'autres plateformes), assez proche de Quintus-Prolog. Il est surtout destin? ? l'enseignement, mais n'est pas forc?ment de qualit? inf?rieure aux Prolog commerciaux. C'est un Prolog de type Edimbourg, qui est utilis? dans la plupart des universit?s anglaises qui enseignent le Prolog. Voir : __________________________________________________ FREE Email for ALL! Sign up at ________________________________________________________________ 3/Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 00:02:57 +0200 From: Nicolas Message-ID: <37E2BA91.E6DBCEF7 at> Bonjour, tr?s bonne d?cision l'enseignement de Prolog! Je le pr?f?re de loin ? LISP. C'est plus intuitif. Et c'est d'une grande souplesse et d'un grand int?r?t p?d?gogique. Par contre, je vous conseille d'aller lentement au d?but car rare sont les personnes ? comprendre d'embl?e la programmation r?cursive, et surtout ? penser r?cursivement. J'utilise le Prolog SWI, freeware fait par une facult? ? Amsterdam. Il fatt utiliser un ?diteur externe pour saisir les lignes de code. Mais il est d'un tr?s bon niveau car tjrs dot? des derni?res inovations, ?tant la version test propos?e aux universitaires pour ?prouver ses capacit?s! Vous le trouverez facilement en tapant SWI dans Yahoo ou Je n'ai pas les URL en t?te. Si vous ne le trouvez pas, je vous l'enverrai par mail en fichier joint, il n'est pas tr?s gros. Il fonctionne tr?s bien sous windows. Il existe aussi en version DOS et Linux. Il existe le Prolog Strawberry qui est plus ax? sur windows et avec lequel il est ais? de cr?er des environnements fen?tr?s pour ses applications. Mais il faut ?tre quand m?me bien habitu? ? l aprogrammation Prolog. Donc ne pas le proposer de suite. Aussi Freeware. Enfin, si vous pouviez payer la licence de LPA Prolog qui dispose d'une superbe interface graphique avec ?diteur et console. Ce n'est pas trop cher pour une fac. La licence tourne autour de qq centaines de francs et encore... Si vous ne trouvez pas ces logiciels, faites le moi savoir, je m'arrangerai alors pour retrouver les URLs! De toute fa?on, si je remet la main dessus je vous les enverrai. Bonne continuation dans l'enseignement de ce fabuleux langage! Un peu ?trange au d?but, je sais qu'il en a d?courag? plus d'un. Il faut une approche lente dans les premiers temps. Et peut-?tre donner quelques notions de r?cursivit? math?matique pour les raisonnements (en ce qui concerne les clauses, les faits, les r?gles...) En tout cas, c apr?s entrainement, un langage qui permet de d?finir assez ais?ment des r?gles de grammaires. Et la facilit? de programmation d'automates permet de ne pas ?tre arr?t? par de la programmtion trop lourde. J'esp?re vous avoir ?t? utile et clair! N'h?sitez pas ? me recontacter pour tout pb! Cordialement Nicolas ________________________________________________________________ 4/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 07:48:23 +0200 (MET DST) From: Henri.Zingle at (Zingl? Henri) Message-Id: <199909200548.HAA01412 at> X-url: Il y a une version Education de VISUAL PROLOG (PDC) tres bon march?. Renseignements sur H. Zingle Pr. H. Zingl? LILLA-Universit? de Nice-Sophia Antipolis 98, bd Edouard Herriot - BP 209 F-06204 Nice Cedex3 T?l./Fax +33 93375439 ________________________________________________________________ 5/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 08:51:15 +0200 (MET DST) From: Marc Guyomard Message-Id: X-url: Bonjour, J'ai entendu beaucoup de bien de SWI-Prolog (certains l'ulisent dans l'equipe), de l'universit? d'Amsterdam : C'est un prolog compil? (Wam), dote d'une interface avec C. Cordialement. ____________________________________________________________________________ Marc Guyomard Enssat/IRISA (Cordial) Universit? de Rennes I Technopole Anticipa 6, rue de Kerampont 22305 Lannion Cedex France >From overseas : Tel : (33) 2-96-46-50-30 (Enssat) (33) 2-96-46-66-29 (Direct) Fax :(33) 2-96-37-01-99 De France : Tel : 02-96-46-50-30 (Enssat) 02-96-46-66-29 (Direct) Fax :02-96-37-01-99 Web : e-mail : guyomard at ________________________________________________________________ 6/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 09:34:48 +0200 From: Piet Mertens Message-Id: < at> X-url: Le logiciel recherch? est disponible sur Je l'utilise depuis quelques ann?es, pour les gros projets comme pour l'enseignement. C'est robuste, fiable, rapide, portable (Unix, Windows, d'autres...). Il existe une liste de discussion o? celui qui a con?u le syst?me r?pond aux questions. Piet Mertens ________________________________________________________________ 7/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 11:39:05 +0100 From: Laurent.Trilling at (Laurent Trilling) Message-Id: Bien recu. Nous utilisons ici Prolog IV (de prologIA), disponible aussi sous Windows. Pour deux raisons: - une tres bonne definition (essentiel pour l'enseignement) - les derniers concepts en matiere de contraintes sont integres (contraintes sur intervalles). Devoir payer un cout (extremement modeste) m'apparait un avantage. A partir du moment ou on achete (meme peu cher), le vendeur a des devoirs... Bien a vous. Laurent Trilling. ----------------------------- Laurent Trilling Universit? Joseph Fourier (Grenoble) lab. LSR-IMAG BP 72 38402 SAINT MARTIN D'HERES CEDEX France e-mail: Laurent.Trilling at bureau: ENSIMAG, bat. D, D104 tel : 04 76 82 72 13 (prof.), O4 76 51 23 76 (dom.) FAX :04 76 82 72 87 (prof.) ----------------------------- ________________________________________________________________ 8/Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 14:37:29 +0000 (GMT) From: Serge Rosmorduc Message-ID: <14310.17970.961743.842955 at> Bonjour, Le swi prolog est tr?s complet, et en plus disponible ? la fois sous windows et sous unix. Cordialement, -- Serge Rosmorduc, (rosmord at tel 01 48 70 37 09 fax 01 48 70 86 49 ________________________________________________________________ From pz at Thu Sep 23 16:39:06 1999 From: pz at (Pierre Zweigenbaum) Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 17:39:06 +0100 Subject: Q: Debugging computational grammars Message-ID: Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 10:23:59 +0200 (MET DST) From: Alberto Lavelli Message-Id: <199909230824.KAA16161 at> Dear colleagues, I'm looking for references to the problem of developing and debugging computational grammars for natural languages. I'm particularly interested in tools and approaches used in debugging grammars (particularly in their use when dealing with relatively large hand-written grammars). In the computational systems I'm aware of, usually there is only a limited (and standard) set of debugging tools: tracers, steppers, chart browsers. Furthermore, does anybody know any extensive study on the most suitable strategies/tools to cope with the writing/testing/debugging cycle (always with a particular emphasis on debugging)? I know that there have been hints to this problem in related areas (e.g., the EU projects TSNLP and DiET, some papers at the ACL-EACL97 workshop on Computational Environments for Grammar Development and Linguistic Engineering) but it seems to me that this topic has so far received little attention. But perhaps I'm missing some relevant contributions and so I'm asking for your help. Apart from references to relevant stuff, I'm also interested in your general opinion on the issue. Is this (alleged) lack of interest an indication of the fact that such issue is in your opinion not particularly relevant? I'll post a summary if I receive enough responses best alberto ps: I have sent this message to several mailing lists. I apologize if you receive it more than once. From pb at Tue Sep 28 12:38:31 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 13:38:31 +0100 Subject: Appel: ACIDCA (Corpora&NNLP) Message-ID: >From L.Belguith at Thu Sep 23 17:45:54 1999 [Apologies if you receive this message more than once] ************************************************************************* "Corpora and NLP" ACIDCA'2000 session Monastir (Tunisia), 22-24 March 2000 Under the auspices of ELRA Organised by: University of Sfax (ENIS & FSEGS) Association for Innovation and Technology (AIT - Tunisia) Sponsored by: IEEE SMC co-sponsored by: TSS Supported by: Tunisian State Secretariat of Scientific Research and Technology (SERST) ************************************************************************** General ------- The last few years have seen the explosively growing use of corpora in a number of NLP areas. Corpus data are used increasingly as a basis for the design, development and optimisation of various NLP applications but also for their evaluation. "Corpora and NLP" is a 3-day thematic session and will be held as part of the International Conference on Artificial and Computational Intelligence for Control, Automation and Decision in Engineering and Industrial Systems (ACIDCA'2000) (for more details on ACIDCA'2000, visit . The session "Corpora and NLP" will be organised as a workshop with its own Proceedings and Programme Committee. The session will address all aspects of the use of written and spoken corpora (including the construction of corpora to be used) in NLP. Main Topics ----------- We expect submissions covering (but not limited to) the following topics: * Lexicography * Lexical knowledge acquisition * Part of Speech Tagging * Unknown word guessing * Term recognition * Morphological Analysis * Robust Parsing * Word Sense Disambiguation * Anaphora Resolution * Discourse segmentation * Machine Translation * Agreement Error Correction * Spelling and Grammar Correction * Information Extraction * Automatic Abstracting * Text Categorisation * Speech processing * Multilingual corpora and multilingual applications * Corpus annotation * Evaluation Papers describing industrial applications based on corpus processing techniques are welcome. Honorary Chairs --------------- Mohamed Ben Ahmed - Tunisian State Secretary of Scientific and Technological Research Ghlem Dabbeche - Association for Innovation and Technology (AIT)-Tunisia Lotfi A. Zadeh - University of California, Berkeley General Chairs -------------- Adel Alimi, National School of engineering of Sfax (ENIS) Lamia Belguith Hadrich, LARIS Laboratory - Faculty of Economic Science and Management of Sfax (FSEGS) Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, LARIS Laboratory - Faculty of Economic Science and Management of Sfax (FSEGS) Programme Committee ------------------- Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton) - Chair Roberto Basili (Universita di Tor Vergata, Rom) Philippe Blache (Universite de Provence, Aix-en-Provence) Christian Boitet (GETA, Grenoble) Rebecca Bruce (University of North Carolina at Asheville) Jean-Pierre Chanod (Xerox, Grenoble) Khalid Choukri (ELRA, Paris) Fathi Debili (IRMC, Tunis) Jean-Pierre Descles (CAMS/Universite de Sorbonne, Paris) Joseph Dichy (Lumiere University, Lyon) Everhard Ditters (University of Nijemegen) Fumiyo Fukumoto (University of Yamanashi) Eric Gaussier (Xerox, Grenoble) Udo Hahn (University of Freiburg) Nancy Ide (Vassar College, New York) Genevieve Lallich-Boidin (Stendhal University, Grenoble) Bente Maegaard (Centre for Language Technology, Copenhagen) Chafia Mankai (ISG, University of Tunis) Tony McEnery (Lancaster University) Jean-Guy Meunier (LANCI UQUAM, Montreal) Andrei Mikheev (Harlequin Co., Edinburgh & University of Edinburgh) Jean Luc Minel (CAMS/CNRS, Paris) Stelios Piperidis (ILPS, Athens) Horacio Rodriguez (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona) Manolo Palomar (University of Alicante, Spain) Maria Teresa Pazienza (University of Roma, Tor Vergata) Mike Rosner (University of Malta) Monique Rolbert (Universite de Marseille) Pieter Seuren (University of Nijemegen) Harold Somers (UMIST, Manchester) Keh-Yih Su (National Tsing Hua University, Taipei) Isabelle Trancoso (INESC, Lisbon) Agnes Tutin (Stendhal University, Grenoble) Evelyne Tzoukermann (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill) Atro Voutilainen (Conexor, Helsinki) Local Organising Committee -------------------------- Walid Gargouri (FSEGS, Sfax), Ahmed Masmoudi (ENIS, Sfax) - Chairs H. Abdelkafi (FLSHS, Sfax), Chafik Aloulou (FSEGS, Sfax), Najoua Ben Amara (ENIM, Monastir), Maher Ben Jemaa (ENIS, Sfax), Habib Bouchhima (SEREPT, Sfax), Mohamed Chtourou (ISETG, Gabes), Faez Gargouri (FSEGS, Sfax), Ahmed Hadj Kacem (FSEGS, Sfax), Maher Jaoua (FSEGS, Sfax), Mohamed Jmaiel (ENIS, Sfax), Anas Kamoun (ENIS, Sfax), Omar Mazhoud (FSEGS, Sfax), Houssem Miled (IPEIS, Sousse), Feriel Mouria-Beji (ENSI, Tunis), Hafedh Trabelsi (ISET, Gafsa), Mongi Triki (FSEGS, Sfax) Mongi Triki (FSEGS, Sfax) International Organising Committee ---------------------------------- Fathi Ghorbel (Rice University, USA), Fakhreddine Karray (University of Waterloo, Canada) - Chairs Faouzi Bouslama (Hiroshima City University, Japan), Adel Cherif (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan), Faouzi Derbel (University of Muenchen, Germany), Olfa Kanoun (University of Muenchen, Germany), Slim Kanoun (University of Rouen, France), Mansour Karkoub (Kuwait University), Mohamed Ali Khabou (University of Missouri Columbia, USA) Samir Lejmi (Synopsis Inc., USA) Christian Olivier (University of Poitiers, France) Tarek Werfelli (Cristal/Stendhal University, Grenoble) Ismail Timimi (Cristal/Stendhal University, Grenoble) Sofiane Sahraoui (University of Bahrain) Submission Guidelines --------------------- Authors are requested to submit full-length papers which should be written in English and must not exceed 10 pages including figures, tables and references. The first page of the papers should feature title, author's name(s), surface and email address(es), followed by keywords and an abstract. Four hard copies of each submission are to be sent to the following address : ACIDCA'2000 (Corpora & NLP Session) Centre Postal Maghreb Arabe, BP 120, 3049 Sfax Tunisia In addition, a 200-word (or so) abstract of the paper and a list of keywords should be emailed as plain text to R.Mitkov at and copied to l.belguith at The papers will be reviewed by at least 2 members of the Programme Committee. Authors of accepted papers will be sent guidelines how to produce the camera-ready versions of their papers for inclusion in the Proceedings. Schedule -------- Paper Submission Due: 20 October 1999 **extended deadline** Notification of Acceptance : 10 December 1999 Camera-ready Paper Due : 10 January 1999 "Corpora and NLP" Session : 22-24 March 2000 Further information ------------------- Registration to the "Corpora and NLP" session entitles the participants to attend all other ACIDCA'2000 invited talks and sessions as well as the exhibition. Registration details will be included in the Second Call for Papers. There will be tutorials on 21 March. More information on the tutorials will be available from ACIDCA'2000 web site as soon as they are finalised. ACIDCA'2000 will offer best paper awards in three categories: Best Paper, Best Poster Paper and Best Student Paper. The social programme will be announced in the second call for papers. For any Information ------------------- Please contact : Lamia Belguith e-mail: l.belguith at Fax: (216) 4 296 229 From pb at Tue Sep 28 12:39:06 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 13:39:06 +0100 Subject: Appel: ISKO6 Message-ID: From: Widad MUSTAFA =================================================== ************** APOLOGIES FOR MULTIPLE POSTING ****** ==================================================== Dear Colleagues, Just a reminder to those who are planning to present papers at the ISKO6 Conference, July 10-13, 2000, that the deadline for the submission of abstracts is fast approaching - September 30, 1999. Below there is a copy of the original call for papers In the interests of ensuring that abstracts do not get lost in cyberspace, you will be notified when your abstract has been received. Please forward this message to person or listserv that you think would be interested. Looking forward to hearing from you. Nancy Williamson, Conference Chair International Society for Knowledge Organization Sixth International ISKO Conference Call for Papers The International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) will conduct its 6th International Conference (ISKO 6) in Toronto, Canada, July 10-13, 2000. The theme of the conference is: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization Papers addressing Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization from any of the following interrelated perspectives are invited: Cognitive and Linguistic Foundations Theories of Knowledge and Knowledge Organization Information Policies and Management of Knowledge Structures Information Systems: Concepts, Design and Implementation Culture, Language and Communication in Knowledge Organization Knowledge Organization of Universal and Special Systems Global Users and Uses of Knowledge and Knowledge Organization New Information Technologies for Knowledge Organization Theoreticians, researchers and practitioners involved in knowledge organization are invited to submit abstracts of between 500 and 1000 words by September 30, 1999 to Professor Clare Beghtol, Programme Chair (see contact information below; electronic submissions welcome; please include ISKO in the subject line). In preparing your abstract please relate your topic to the theme of the conference and indicate the category above to which you believe your paper belongs. An international programme committee will review the papers, and authors will be notified of decisions by December 1, 1999. The deadline for submission of papers for the printed conference proceedings will be March 1, 2000. Venue of the conference: Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Conference Chair: Nancy Williamson Programme Chair: Clare Beghtol Mailing address: Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto, 140 St. George Street, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G6 FAX: +1 416 971 1399 e-mail: isko at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Received: from ( by (MX V5.1-X AnDp) with ESMTP; Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:49:25 +0200 Received: from ([] EHLO ident: NO-IDENT-SERVICE [port 1090]) by with ESMTP id <464387-156>; Fri, 17 Sep 1999 09:51:14 -0400 Received: from FIS/SpoolDir by (Mercury 1.40); 17 Sep 99 09:47:49 -0500 Received: from SpoolDir by FIS (Mercury 1.40); 17 Sep 99 09:47:43 -0500 Widad MUSTAFA el HADI UFR IDIST Universit? Charles De Gaulle Lille 3 BP 149 59653 Villeneuve D'Ascq France T?l: 33 (0) 3 20 41 64 08 Fax: 33 (0) 3 20 41 63 79 e-mail: mustafa at From pb at Tue Sep 28 12:38:55 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 13:38:55 +0100 Subject: Appel: CPC-2000 Message-ID: From: "Tony Berber Sardinha" CALL Symposium Computational Processing of Portuguese 2000 Dates: 14 / 15 April 2000 Venue: Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Deadline for proposals: 10 October 1999 Confirmation of acceptance: 25 October 1999 Whole symposium: 4 hours (aprox. 40 minutes per speaker) Total number of speakers: 6 Please send a 300-word abstract in Portuguese or English to tony4 at thanks ------------------------------- Dr Tony Berber Sardinha Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil tony4 at ------------------------------- From pb at Tue Sep 28 12:39:13 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 13:39:13 +0100 Subject: Livre: 1 announcement Message-ID: From: salkoff at (Morris Salkoff) Book Announcement New book: A French-English grammar: a contrastive grammar on translational principles. Morris Salkoff, 1999 J. Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia In this contrastive French-English grammar, the comparisons between French structures and their English equivalents are formulated as rules which associate a French schema (of a particular grammatical structure) with its translation into an equivalent English schema. The grammar contains all the rules giving the English equivalents under translation of the principal grammatical structures of French: the verb phrase, the noun phrase and the adjuncts (modifiers). In addition to its intrinsic linguistic interest, this comparative grammar has two important applications. The translation equivalences it contains can provide a firm foundation for the teaching of the techniques of translation. Furthermore, such a comparative grammar is a necessary preliminary to any program of machine translation, which needs a set of formal rules, like those given here for the French-to-English case, for translating into a target language the syntactic structures encountered in the source language. The importance of this comparative grammar is seen from the new results obtained here, which can have an immediate application to research in MT. These are the translational sub-classes and the passe-partout (all-purpose) translations. The first are sub-classes of French words and their English translations, which are related only as translation equivalents, but are not otherwise distinguished in their respective grammars. The need for such sub-classes emerges only when certain difficulties are encountered in finding suitable English equivalents for French schemata. The second, the passe-partout translations, are approximate translations which are useful in two cases. In the first case, there are several related schemata whose translations could be separated only on the basis of semantic considerations that would be difficult to formalize. The passe-partout translation provides a 'cover' translation that is approximately correct for all the schemata, and does not require establishing hard-to-define semantic sub-classes. In the second case, some one-to-many translations of a French word can be approximated by a single passe-partout translation which covers approximately the same range of meaning in English as the original one-to-many translations do. Such results could not have been found from the sole consideration of grammatical phenomena in French or English grammar independently of each other. As the reader will observe from the data collected in this book, a comparative study is necessary both for pedagogical purposes, and for research in machine translation. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1.0 Generalities 1.1 Previous Work 1.2 The Present Method 1.3 Comparative grammar for pedagogy and for MT Chapter 2 Major sentence structures; the verb; the object 2.1 Principal Clauses 2.2 The Verb 2.3 Modals 2.4 Support verbs 2.5 Objects 2.6 Negation 2.7 Amalgamation Chapter 3 The Noun Phrase NP 3.1 gN N dN 3.2 Qd de NP 3.3 Pronouns 3.4 Noun Replacement strings Chapter 4 Adjuncts Chapter 5 Conclusions; Applications I. Conclusions 5.1 New translations 5.2 Solutions 5.3 Translational Sub-classes 5.4 Reversible Grammars 5.5 An Extension of passe-partout translations 5.6 Extension to other language pairs II. Applications 5.7 To pedagogy 5.8 To MT References J. Benjamins, Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa, 22 1999. xvi, 342 pp. HB: 150 Dutch guilder pb: 70 Dutch guilder From pb at Wed Sep 29 16:11:54 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 17:11:54 +0100 Subject: Appel: ATALA Workshop Message-ID: From: pb at (Philippe Blache) [Version francaise ci-apres] ATALA Workshop Representation and Treatment of Syntactic Ambiguity in Natural Language Processing ------------ Paris, Piti?-Salp?tri?re January 29, 2000 htpp:// ------------ CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS There are several approaches making it possible to treat syntactic ambiguity: one can for example decide to apply disambiguation as soon as possible, in particular using statistical methods. One can on the contrary choose to delay to the maximum the disambiguation and to maintain the ambiguity, possibly until the end of the processing. These two approaches are not necessarily contradictory. However, the problem remains very difficult to solve and many of the methods proposed amount to little more than the traditional enumeration. Factorizing the information (for example in using parse forests) can from this point of view play a very significant role and even lead to effective solutions. The goal of this workshop is to propose an overview of the current techniques for the representation and the treatment of syntactic ambiguity in natural language processing. INVITED SPEAKERS ---------------- . Bernard Lang INRIA . David Weir Cognitive and Computing Science University of Sussex COMMUNICATIONS -------------- The proposals for a communication will be selected on the basis of a 1 page abstract. Abstracts will be sent by e-mail (preferably) or surface mail at: pb at Philippe Blache LPL - Universit? de Provence 29, Avenue Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence France DATES ----- Deadline : December 1st, 1999 Notifications: December 20th, 1999 CHAIR ----- Philippe Blache Eric de la Clergerie CNRS/Universit? de Provence INRIA _______________________________________________________________________________ Journ?e de l'ATALA : Repr?sentation et traitement de l'ambiguit? pour l'analyse syntaxique ------------ Paris, Piti?-Salp?tri?re 29 Janvier 2000 htpp:// ------------ APPEL A COMMUNICATIONS Il existe plusieurs approches permettant de traiter l'ambiguit? : on peut par exemple d?cider d'appliquer une d?sambiguisation au plus t?t, notamment ? l'aide de m?thodes statistiques ou heuristiques. On peut au contraire choisir de retarder au maximum la d?sambiguisation et de maintenir l'ambiguit?, ?ventuellement jusqu'? la fin du traitement. Ces deux approches ne sont d'ailleurs pas forc?ment contradictoires. Cependant, le probl?me reste tr?s difficile ? r?soudre et bien des m?thodes propos?es reviennent finalement a une ?numeration classique. Dans cette perspective, le partage des informations ? l'aide, par exemple, de for?ts d'arbres peut jouer un r?le tr?s important et conduire ? des solutions efficaces. Le but de cette journ?e est de faire le point sur les techniques actuelles de repr?sentation et de traitement de l'ambiguit? pour l'analyse syntaxique ou pour des phases ult?rieures, et ce pour diff?rents formalismes grammaticaux (ou ind?pendamment d'eux). CONFERENCIERS INVITES --------------------- . Bernard Lang INRIA . David Weir Cognitive and Computing Science University of Sussex COMMUNICATIONS -------------- Les propositions de communication seront selectionn?es sur la base d'un r?sum? de 1 page ? transmettre par e-mail (de pr?f?rence) ou courrier ? l'adresse suivante : pb at Philippe Blache LPL - Universit? de Provence 29, Avenue Robert Schuman 13621 Aix-en-Provence France CALENDRIER ---------- Date limite de r?ception des r?sum?s : 1er D?cembre 1999 Notifications aux auteurs : 20 D?cembre 1999 ORGANISATEURS ------------- Philippe Blache Eric de la Clergerie LPL - CNRS INRIA From pb at Wed Sep 29 16:11:59 1999 From: pb at (Philippe Blache) Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 17:11:59 +0100 Subject: Appel: NLPRS Workshop Message-ID: From: nlprs 99 NLPRS'99 Workshop MAL'99 Multi-lingual Information Processing and Asian Language processing Beijing, China, November 5, 1999 -- Call for Papers -- Summary submission due : October 12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The recent information society has been evolved into the state of multi-lingual communication and broadcasting. However, the theoretical and empirical research and development has not been fully flourished toward the customer-oriented product. The knowledge about multi-lingual communication has not yet been fully discovered and furthermore, the knowledge about Asian language processing is too weak to understand the neighboring countries' languages even inside of the Asian countries. Here, the each country's language processing has to be introduced to other language users for their language resources, experiences and theoretical achievements. Although the characteristics among Asian languages are more similar than those of European languages, the chance of this discussion has been very few. This workshop will solicit papers from the academic sectors as well as from the commercial sectors, in order to know what are achievements of researchers and what are problems of information industry. Standardization efforts of markup languages are one of important issues for the advanced intelligent language processing. Moreover, the test suites for each language and information processing areas are invited to be presented. All submissions are welcomed in all area of NLP topics and the partial lists of topics are as follows but not limited to: - characteristics of each language processing - standards of tag set for language resources and application - test suite of language processing, e.g., IR, MT, summarization - industrial application of Asian language processing and multi-lingual information handling - multi-lingual indexing and keyword extraction - data and information structure of Asian languages - multi-lingualism in broadcasting and public affairs - computer-based language teaching - localization of language products - machine translation - cross-lingual information retrieval The workshop review and acceptance will be based on a two-page extended summary (2000 words or less). The summary must be accompanied by its title and author information including full names, affiliations of all authors and the postal mailing address and email of the corresponding author. "Software demonstration" is also very much encouraged. Submit by email to 'mal99 at' == IMPORTANT DATES == - Summary submission due: October 12 - Notification of acceptance: October 16 - Camera ready papers or presentation materials due: October 22 - Inquires concerning the workshop can be sent to one of the organizers by * email to mal99 at * fax to +82-42-867-3565 (forward to: NLPRS99 MAL Workshop) * Dr. Young-Soog Chae KORTERM, Department of Computer Science Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 373-1 Kusong-dong Yusong-gu Taejon 305-701 Korea