Appel: Proper nouns (journal TAL)

Philippe Blache pb at
Wed Sep 15 10:55:28 UTC 1999

From: Denis Maurel <maurel at>

Call for Papers: English version, see below

Appel a publication :

		Le traitement automatique des Noms propres

			Revue TAL
			      numero 2000-3

		Editeurs : Denis Maurel et Franz Guenthner

Voir l'URL:

Date limite de soumission : 1er novembre 1999

Denis Maurel
LI/E3i, Universite de Tours

Franz Guenthner
CIS, Universite de Munich


Call for papers

		Journal TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues)

	  Special issue on proper nouns in natural language processing

		Editors : Denis Maurel and Franz Guenthner

The Association pour le traitement automatique des langues (Atala)
(Association for language processing) organized a meeting on the treatment
of all forms of proper nouns in language processing on Saturday 29th May

Some papers from presentations given at the meeting will be published in the
journal TAL issue 2000-3. In addition, we would like to invite papers from
other researchers working on any aspect of the automated treatment of proper
nouns. Contribution are invited on the topics below as well as on other
related subjects:

* The construction of electronic dictionaries of proper names

* The morphological analysis of proper names

* The recognition and tagging of proper names in texts

* Computational aspect of the syntax, semantics or pragmatics of proper names

* Linguistic analysis of proper nouns

* Applications of the treatment of proper names to information retrieval,
information extraction, text mining

* etc.

The paper should be formatted following the journal guidelines. These are
spelled out at the end of a volume or at:

Papers can be submitted in English and French. They not exceed 30 pages in
double interline in Helvetica 12. We accept RTF or LaTeX + postscript. The
latex style is avalaible at:

Please send your text, by electronic mail, for the end of October to Denis
Maurel (mailto:maurel at

Submission deadline :   November 1st 1999
Notification to authors : Jannuary 1999
Final version due : May, 1st 2000

Chief editors:			A. Abeille (Universite Paris 7)
				Ph. Blache (LPL, CNRS)
				B. Habert (ENS Fontenay-Saint Cloud)
members of Editorial       	J. Anis (Universite Paris 10)
Committee:     			D. Clement (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal)
                              	A. Condamines (CNRS, Toulouse le Mirail)
				Ch. Dalessandro (LIMSI, Paris)
				M. El-Beze (UniversitÈ d'Avignon)
				C. Gardent (Universitaet des Saarlandes)
				Ch. Jacquemin (IRIN, Nantes)
				J-L. Lebrave (CNRS, ITEM)
				B. Victorri (ELSAP, Caen)
				E. Tzoukermann (Bell Labs)
				P. Zweigenbaum (AP-HP, Paris 6)
Scientific Committee:           M. Borillo (CNRS, P. Sabatier, Toulouse)
		                R. Carre (ENST, Paris)
				J-P. Descles (UniversitÈ Paris IV)
				C. Fuchs (CNRS, ENS Paris)
				M. Gross (LADL, Paris 7)
				F. Rastier (Paris 4)
				W. von Hahn (Univ Hambourg)
				Y. Wilks (Sheffield Univ)
				A. Zaenen (Xerox Grenoble)
Sub-Editor:       		Jeanine Mary (UFRL Paris 7)

Denis Maurel
LI/E3i, Universite de Tours

Franz Guenthner
CIS, Universite de Munich

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