Appel: DCAGRS-2000

Philippe Blache pb at
Thu Feb 3 15:14:54 UTC 2000

From: helmut at

Please forward this to whoever might be interested.
Please excuse multiple mailings -- we are trying to review our
mailing lists.

                       Second Call: DCAGRS 2000

   Descriptional Complexity of Automata, Grammars and Related Structures

Submissions concerning the descriptional complexity of automata, grammars
and related structures are invited for a workshop to be held in

              London, Ontario, on 27--29 July, 2000.

Papers on applications of such issues, for instance in the fields
of software or hardware testing, systems modelling as well demonstrations
of systems related to these issues are also welcome.

A first workshop on these topics, DCAGRS99 was held in Magdeburg Germany
in July, 1999.

DCAGRS 2000 will be part of a three-conference event, held at the University
of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada, in the week of July 24 to 29,

   -- CIAA 2000, the Conference on the Implementation and Application
      of Automata, held on 24--25 July.

   -- Half Century of Automata Theory, held on 26 July.

   -- DCAGRS 2000, held on 27--29 July.

Currently, we are discussing to add an informal workshop on coding theory
to be held on 31 July and 1 August.

For more information about these events, see further below or
visit any of the following www-sites:
and follow the links from there.

The DCAGRS 2000 deadlines are as follows:

   -- 16 March 2000, submission of papers
   -- 15 April 2000, notification of authors
   -- 1 May 2000, submission of demo proposals
   -- 1 July 2000, submission of final copy for pre-proceedings
   -- 27--29 July 2000, workshop

Details regarding the submission form and procedures are available
on the www at
If you have difficulties accessing the www we can send you the
information by email. In that case, please send your request to
    boldt at  (Oliver Boldt)

Web pages regarding DCAGRS 2000 will be available at
Also information regarding accomodation, tourist attractions, and travel
will be provided there.

Information on the Tri-conference week and related events will be available
Both sites are accessible now; however, some information may only become
available at a later date.

Registration fees: We are still working on budget details. There will be
the following options for partcipants:
   -- all three events
   -- CIAA and Half Century
   -- DCAGRS and Half Century
   -- Half Century
The coding theory workshop -- if it materializes, is likely not to require
a registration fee.

DCAGRS is sponsored by the IFIP WG 1.2

Several people planning to attend have expressed the wish that we should
plan an excursion to either the Stratford Festival or some of the
beautiful natural sites in the area. To organize such a trip we shall
need to know approximately what the number of particpants would be.
Details will be made available on the WWW.

Conference chair for DCAGRS 2000: Helmut Jurgensen

Background regarding the tri-conference week:

  In 1965 a conference on "Systems and Computer Science" was held
at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. The list
of participants included Hartmanis, Brzozowski, McNaughton,
Arbib, Elgot, Gorn, Robinson, Amarel, Mesarovic, Windeknecht.
The conference was chaired by John Hart, the first chairman of the
new Department of Computer Science at The University of Western
Ontario -- John Hart has agreed to be one of the tri-event organizers.

  At WIA98 in Rouen, the predecessor of CIAA, it was suggested to
hold a conference on reminiscences and visions of people working
in automaton theory. This idea was further discussed and then agreed
upon at WIA99 in Potsdam at DCAGRS99 in Magdeburg.

  The following scientists will speak at the Half-Century conference:
   -- J. A. Brzozowski
   -- S. Greibach
   -- M. Harrison
   -- J. Hartmanis
   -- J. Hopcroft
   -- W. Kuich
   -- R. McNaughton
   -- M. Nivat
   -- M. Rabin
   -- G. Rosenberg
   -- A. Salomaa
Registration for DCAGRS 2000 will include registration for the
"Half Century of Automata Theory".

  DCAGRS was first held in Magdeburg, Germany, in 1999.

  CIAA used to be called WIA; WIA was first held London, Canada,
in 1996 and 1997, in Rouen, France, in 1998 and in Potsdam, Germany,
in 1999.

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