Jobs: 11 Offers
Philippe Blache
pb at
Mon Jun 19 13:55:15 UTC 2000
1/ From: "Albert Llorens" <Albert_Llorens at>
based in Barcelona (Spain)
2/ From: Jacques Virbel <virbel at>
Objet : Toulouse
3/ From: Olivier Laurens <laurens at>
Subject: Job offer English computational linguist (France)
4/ From: Derek Walker <Derek.Walker at>
Subject: Computational Linguist at ISSCO (Geneva)
5/ From: abeille at (Anne Abeille)
Subject: ater
6/ From: Charlene Daniels <charlene at>
Subject: Natural Lang Processing at Cycorp, Inc., Texas US
7/ From: Karin Verspoor <karin at>
Subject: Comp Linguist: Intelligenesis Corporation, New York USA
8/ From: Peter Lucas <plucas at>
Subject: Lecturer / Senior Lecturer position available
9/ From: Richard Evans <in6087 at>
Subject: PhD Studentship in Computational Linguistics at the
University of Wolverhampton
10/ From: Koenraad de Smedt <desmedt at>
Subject: Associate Prof. in CL, U of Bergen
11/ From: S.Ananiadou at
Subject: Salford
1/ From: "Albert Llorens" <Albert_Llorens at>
based in Barcelona (Spain)
Sail Labs is one of the world's leading R&D companies in the field of
Language Understanding". With the slogan "Innovation in Understanding", the
company is focusing on three core development areas:
* Language technology
* Translation technology
* Content technology
In the Munich head office and in its branches in Berlin, Barcelona, Antwerp
Vienna, 160 developers are working on solutions, products and components
to the understanding of natural languages.
For the further expansion of our highly motivated team in Barcelona we are
looking for qualified professionals for the area of translation
Candidate tasks and profiles:
Your tasks:
* Design, development and maintenance of formal grammars for our new
Arabic-English translation engine.
* Design and development of the linguistic components of our new generation
translation systems.
Your profile:
* University degree in philosophy, linguistics, computational linguistics or
equivalent, with a strong background in natural language processing applied
the Arabic language.
* Experience in one or more of the following knowledge areas:
statistical NLP, semantic networks, example-based and pattern-based machine
translation, discourse representation, lexical knowledge representation.
* Programming experience.
* Experience in machine translation and/or developing formal grammars for
natural language processing applications.
* Native or near-native proficiency of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA).
* High grammatical proficiency in Arabic and good grammatical proficiency in
* Effective communication skills in written and spoken English.
Your tasks:
* Development and maintenance of grammars and lexicons for our new
Arabic-English translation engine.
Your profile:
* University degree in philology, linguistics, languages, computational
linguistics or equivalent. Specialization in Arabic will be a plus.
* Native or near-native proficiency in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA).
* High grammatical proficiency in Arabic and good grammatical proficiency in
* Effective communication skills in written and spoken English.
* Programming experience will be a plus.
* Experience in machine translation and/or developing lexicons and grammars
natural language processing applications will be a plus.
* Knowledge of Spanish will be a plus.
Working language: English
Starting date: As soon as possible
Office location: Center of Barcelona (in the charming 19th century
Eixample, within walking distance from the old part of the city and from the
famous 'Las Ramblas')
You will join a young, international, and highly motivated team. SAIL LABS
combines research and development of market-ready products. This will thus
a great opportunity to those people who want to apply their acquired
and skills in real-world conditions.
More information about SAIL LABS can be found at the web page
<< >>.
If you are interested, send CV and cover letter in English either by surface
mail to:
Roger de Lluria, 50 1-B
Fax: +34 - 93 - 487 76 19
or by email to
jobs-bcn at
indicating on the envelope or in the subject of the email the job reference.
2/ From: Jacques Virbel <virbel at>
Objet : Toulouse
au Laboratoire de Neuropsycholinguistique Jacques-Lordat
Dans le cadre du Programme d'aide à la mobilité des chercheurs étrangers du
Ministère de l'Education Nationale, le Laboratoire de
Neuropsycholinguistique Jacques-Lordat (LNJL) est en mesure d'accueillir un
chercheur étranger pour une durée d'un an pour participer à son programme
de recherche (
Conditions requises :
- être titulaire d'un doctorat acquis à l'étranger (les post-doctorants
étrangers ayant soutenu leur thèse en France ne sont pas éligibles) ;
- avoir 35 ans maximum au 31 décembre 2000 ;
- compte tenu de la nature des recherches, qui concernent des sujets
francophones, avoir une bonne connaissance au moins écrite du français
Conditions du séjour :
- le candidat retenu a le statut de contractuel de l'Université;
- rénumération nette : 12.000 FF/mois + couverture sociale personnelle (à
l'exclusion des ayants droits, conjoint et enfants);
- les frais de voyage et de déménagement sont à la charge du candidat retenu
- durée : 12 mois ;
- début : octobre (ou, au plus tard, novembre) 2000.
Démarche :
Les personnes intéressées et satisfaisant les conditions requises sont
priées d'adresser par e-mail, et avant le 1er juillet 2000, une lettre de
motivation ainsi qu'un curriculum vitae et tous documents et/ou
informations jugés utiles à l'adresse ci-dessous :
Pr. Jean-Luc Nespoulous
Laboratoire de Neuropsycholinguistique Jacques-Lordat
Maison de la Recherche
Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail
5, Allées A. Machado
31058 Toulouse Cedex
Téléphone : 33 5 61 50 46 72
Fax : 33 5 61 50 49 18
Email : nespoulo at
Le Laboratoire de Neuropsycholinguistique Jacques-Lordat (LNJL) s'assigne
pour objectif principal de rendre compte des processus cognitifs à
l'oeuvre, tant en production qu'en comprehension, dans divers
comportements verbaux émanant de sujets pathologiques (aphasiques,
déments...) ou normaux (enfants apprenant leur langue maternelle, adultes à
l'état stable, apprenants de L2...). Sa problématique générale vise à
tenter d'appréhender le déterminisme sousjacent des manifestations de
surface observées dans le comportement des diverses populations étuduées.
Dans ce contexte, le LNJL développe plusieurs axes où l'unité de langage,
prise en référence à différents niveaux de traitements cognitifs, est le
texte (i.e. : un discours inscrit).
Ce type d'unité présente des difficultés certaines pour l'expérimentation :
- il s'agit d'énoncés étendus (vs. phrases isolées) où les structures sont
multiples et diversement inter-dépendantes et imbriquées ;
- le texte (vs. le discours oral) ajoute une dimension spécifique à prendre
en compte : il apparaît ainsi que les propriétés visuelles
(morpho-dispositionnelles) des textes interviennent à de multiples niveaux
; entre autres, comme : instructions de lecture ; éléments directement
significatifs ; facteurs d'efficacité communicationnelle variables, en
rapport à divers processus tels que mémorisation/compréhension,
transmission d'information à des tiers, exécution dans le cas de textes
procéduraux, etc.
Malgré la complexité des problèmes qu'affronte le recours à ce type
d'unité, celle-ci constitue cependant le seul niveau pertinent pour l'étude
de phénomènes qui ne se déploient et ne sont donc appréhendables qu'à cette
échelle (traitement linguistique du temps, logique du récit, anaphore
associative par ex.). Des progrès récents concernant les structures
discursives (ex. : la RST, " RhetoricalStructure Theory ", de Mann &
Thomson et al.) et textuelles (ex. : le Modèle d'Architectures Textuelles
de Pascual et Virbel) permettent d'envisager un contrôle réaliste, pour
autant que soient abordés le problème de la composition entre modèles dont
chacun prend en charge un niveau partiel de modélisation. D'autres options
théoriques ou de modélisation peuvent être abordées dans ce contexte.
Les textes dont il est question sont aussi bien des textes préexistants,
indépendamment de leur utilisation dans des protocoles expérimentaux, que
des "textoïdes", i.e. des textes élaborés exprès à une telle fin. Dans les
deux cas, ils posent des problèmes d'analyse systématisée ou de contrôle de
propriétés. Les types de textes utilisés comprennent principalement des
récits et des textes procéduraux.
Ces recherches comportent ainsi trois composantes principales :
- linguistique - relations entre marques visuelles (typographiques et
dispositionnelles) et lexico-syntaxiques - et formelle (logique et
informatique) visant à l'étude de la composition de modèles différents
nécessaires pour représenter les aspects pris en compte ;
- psycholinguistique visant à l'étude expérimentale de l'incidence des
propriétés des textes, représentées et formalisées selon les approches
ci-dessus, par rapport aux performances de divers types de sujets ;
- neuropsycholinguistique, visant à l'élaboration et à l'évaluation
d'hypothèses sur l'architecture fonctionnelle de l'esprit/cerveau dans le
traitement du langage.
Ces recherches s'inscrivent dans le cadre d'une collaboration ancienne et
très étroite entre le Laboratoire de Neuropsycholinguistique Jacques-Lordat
et l'Equipe " Modèle de Communication Ecrite " de l'Institut de Recherche
en Informatique de Toulouse (Université Paul Sabatier) dont l'animateur est
Jacques Virbel.
Les projets, anciens et en cours, issus de cette collaboration sont
principalement centrés sur :
(1) - la contribution de la spatialisation du langage dans la structuration
des textes, et son impact sur les performances de
mémorisation/compréhension de divers types de populations (Cf. supra) ;
(2) - les ressources de questionnabilité d'un texte (à quelles questions un
texte donné comporte-il des éléments de réponse ?)
(3) - la communication non-littérale (actes de discours indirects, ironie,
Les approches suivies dans ces contextes sont principalement :
- les relations langage/métalangage/sous-langage, dans le sens de la
théorie de Z. Harris
- composition (respectivement : décomposition) de phrases lexicales (ou de
langue) en phrases textueles (ou de discours) ;
- modèles formels du texte (modèle d'Architectures Textuelles, Rhetorical
Structure Theory, modèle de Kintsch et Van Dijk, etc.) ;
- composition de modèles ;
- sémantique lexicale ;
- l'interrogation ; théorie logique des "sets of answers" ;
- théorie des actes de langage et de la coopération communicationnelle
(Grice, etc.)
Dans ce cadre général, le LNJL souhaite s'associer les compétences d'un
chercheur étranger post-doctorant :
- familiarisé avec certains au moins des thèmes précisés ci-dessus,
- pouvant apporter à ces recherches une capacité de proposition en termes
d'applications concrètes et/ou de test d'autres hypothèses théoriques et/ou
- et qui souhaiterait mettre en oeuvre ses connaisances dans le contexte
de mises à l'épreuve expérimentales dans le contexte psycho- et/ou
neuropsycholinguistique (sur sujets normaux ou pathologiques).
Jacques Virbel
Equipe Modèles de Communication Ecrite
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne
F 31062 Toulouse
Tel/Rep/Fax : 05 62 18 54 98
Email : virbel at
3/ From: Olivier Laurens <laurens at>
Subject: Job offer English computational linguist (France)
Job offer : Computational Linguist (English) at UNLOST
English version below
Offre d'emploi : Linguiste Informaticien(ne) angliciste chez UNLOST
Start-up spécialisée dans le développement de logiciels de recherche
d'information, nous recherchons UN OU UNE LINGUISTE -
INFORMATICIEN(NE) spécialiste du traitement automatique de
l'ANGLAIS. De formation supérieure en linguistique et en TALN, vous
participerez aux aspects linguistiques de l'élaboration d'un moteur de
recherche documentaire basé sur une nouvelle technologie de
modélisation du sens. Votre tâche principale sera le développement et
la maintenance de GRAMMAIRES formelles. De plus, vous serez appelé à
- à la mise au point des spécifications linguistiques (morphologie,
syntaxe, sémantique),
- à la spécification d'outils informatique d'aide au développement
à l'usage des linguistes et lexicographes,
- au développement et à la mise en oeuvre des systèmes de TALN, en
Vous serez aussi appelé à participer aux aspects R&D du projet. Vous
travaillerez au sein d'une équipe jeune et dynamique dans un
environnement de travail convivial. La langue de travail est le
français. Outre la maîtrise parfaite de l'anglais, la connaissance
d'une troisième langue est un plus.
Les compétences suivantes sont particulièrement appréciées :
* formation solide en linguistique et en grammaire
* bonne connaissance d'au moins un formalisme grammatical majeur (TAG,
UCG, HPSG, GPSG, ALEP, ...), de préférence un formalisme d'unification
* expérience de développement de grammaires formelles et lexiques
* maîtrise d'outils informatiques de manipulation de données (awk,
perl, grep, base de données, tableur, ...)
* expérience de travail sur gros corpus (et des outils associés)
* autonomie en tant qu'utilisateur professionnel des ordinateurs
(Unix, Windows NT)
Les candidats, quelle que soit leur nationalité, doivent avoir le
droit de travailler en France. Le poste à pourvoir est en CDI. La
rémunération est fonction des compétences et de l'expérience. Lieu de
travail : Massy (10 mn gare RER B)
Les candidatures sont acceptées par email ou courrier postal (envoyer
CV + disponibilité + références).
3 rue Galvani
91300 Massy
EMAIL : linguist at
SA Unlost is a start up company developing Information Retrieval
software. We are currently recruiting ONE COMPUTATIONAL LINGUIST
specialized in the ENGLISH language. The candidate should have a
university degree in linguistics and NLP. He or she will participate
in the linguistic parts of our innovating, meaning based, IR system
and will be responsible for the development and maintenance of English
formal grammars. Additionally, the successful candidate will get an
opportunity to contribute to the following tasks :
- linguistic specification (morphology, syntax, semantics),
- design of computer tools to help grammar and lexical development,
- and generally, development and implementation of NLP systems.
The successful candidate will also be welcome to contribute to the R&D
aspects of the project. The work environment is young, dynamic and
friendly. Working language is French. Besides English and French, good
knowledge of one or more additional languages is a plus.
The following skills are particularly welcome :
* excellent background in linguistics and (natural language) grammar
* proficiency in at least one major grammar formalism (TAG, UCG,
HPSG, GPSG, ALEP, ...), preferably a unification formalism
* experience in developing formal grammars and computational lexica
* working ability to use computer data manipulation tools such as
awk, perl, grep, databases, spreadsheet, etc.
* experience in working with large corpora (and knowledge of
corpora related tools)
* professional autonomy as a computer user (under either Unix or
Windows NT or both)
Candidates, whatever their original citizenship, must have permission
to work in France. This is a permanent position. The salary is
commensurate with diplomas and experience. The workplace is in Massy,
within walking distance of major commuter trains, 30 mnts from the
center of Paris.
Applications should be sent via Email or normal mail and should
include a resume and the names of referees. They should also mention
the date when the applicant would be able to start the job.
3 rue Galvani
91300 Massy
EMAIL : linguist at
4/ From: Derek Walker <Derek.Walker at>
Subject: Computational Linguist at ISSCO (Geneva)
Version française ci-dessous.
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message, it has been
submitted to several lists.
ISSCO (Dalle Molle Institute for Semantic and Cognitive Studies, in
the Translation and Interpretation School of the University of Geneva)
has an immediate opening for:
to participate in a number of Swiss and European language engineering
The qualified candidate will collaborate on software design
and implementation in one or more of the following areas:
- parallel text alignment
- syntactic and semantic tagging
- intelligent document analysis
- web-based linguistic resources
- general statistical NLP tools
- university degree in computational linguistics or computer science
- programming skills in C, Java and Perl
- knowledge of Unix systems
- good knowledge of internet technologies
- strong grounding in SGML and XML
- experience in developing software for NLP applications
- fluency in either French or English with good knowledge
of the other language
Additional qualities include:
- good communication skills
- expertise in probabilistic and statistical methods
- strong linguistic background
- fluency in German and/or Italian
ISSCO offers:
- good working conditions in a well-established research institute
- opportunities to collaborate in a variety of projects
- salary calculated by qualifications according to university scales.
We invite interested candidates to send us a letter of interest along
with a detailed CV and the names of three references to:
attn: Pierrette Bouillon
University of Geneva
40, blvd. du Pont d'Arve
CH-1211 Geneva 4
email: pierrette.bouillon at
(Please CC derek.walker at in all email correspondence)
Tel : (+41 22) 705 86 78
Fax : (+41 22) 705 86 89
L'ISSCO, Institut Dalle Molle pour les Etudes Sémantiques
et Cognitives (Ecole de Traduction et d'Interprétation,
Université de Genève)
pour participer à différents projets (suisses et
européens) dans le domaine du traitement de la langue.
Collaborer à la définition et la mise en oeuvre
de logiciels dans un ou plusieurs des domaines
suivants :
- outils d'alignement de textes
- étiquetage syntaxique et sémantique
- analyse de corpus
- ressources linguistiques pour le WWW
- outils statistiques pour le traitement de la langue
Profil requis :
- Diplôme universitaire en informatique ou en linguistique informatique
- Excellentes connaissances d'UNIX, C, Java et Perl
- Connaissances des technologies d'Internet
- Expertises en SGML et XML
- Expériences dans le développement de logiciels de traitement
des langues
- Maîtrise du français et de l'anglais
Atouts :
- Connaissances en linguistique
- Connaissances dans les méthodes statistiques et probabilistiques
- Connaissances de l'allemand et/ou de l'italien
L'ISSCO offre:
- Environnement académique dans un institut de recherche renommé
- Possibilité de participer à différents projets de recherche
- Rémunération selon barême de l'Université de Genève
Les candidats intéressés sont priés d'envoyer une lettre de candidature
un CV détaillé, avec au moins trois références, à l'adresse suivante :
attn: Pierrette Bouillon
Université de Genève
40, blvd. du Pont d'Arve
CH-1211 GENEVE 4
email : pierrette.bouillon at
(Vous êtes priés de faire une copie de toutes les correspondances email
derek.walker at
Tél : 41 22 705 86 78
Fax : 41 22 705 86 89
5/ From: abeille at (Anne Abeille)
Subject: ater
l'ufr de linguistique de paris 7
recrute des le 1er septembre
- un demi ater en sciences du langage (morphologie, syntaxe, linguistique
- un ater plein en linguistique informatique (analyse syntaxique, corpus,
veuillez envoyer votre candidature avant le 13 juin
a anne abeille
directrice de l'ufr de linguistique
tel 01 44 27 82 87
UFRL Case 7003
Universite Paris 7
2 place jussieu
75005 paris
6/ From: Charlene Daniels <charlene at>
Subject: Natural Lang Processing at Cycorp, Inc., Texas US
Rank of Job:
Areas Required: see description
Other Desired Areas:
University or Organization: Cycorp, Inc.
Department: Natural Language
State or Province: Texas
Country: US
Final Date of Application: 12/24/00
Contact: Charlene Daniels charlene at
Address for Applications:
3721 Executive Center Drive Suite 100
TX 78731
Cycorp ( has begun to harness the power of its
Cyc(TM) common sense knowledge base and reasoning system to do
semantic and pragmatic disambiguation of English. Currently we are
working on new and exciting clarification dialogue interfaces for Cyc
itself and for Cyc-based applications. These include applications for
smart Web searching, question and answer dialogues, and speech
understanding, to name just a few.
Join the team building this one-of-a-kind interactive dialogue front
end. You will create formal representations of natural language
expressions and phenomena, as well as develop applications to exploit
such representations.
Candidates for these positions must be familiar with formal logic,
and have sound fundamentals in English usage, syntax, and semantics.
In addition, one or more of the following would be a plus:
Knowledge of discourse structure, pragmatics, and dialog modeling
Experience with the influence of semantic distinctions on syntax
Familiarity with formal semantic analysis
Facility with knowledge representation and other AI tools and
Knowledge of constraint-based grammatical theories
Understanding of NL parsing theory (statistical, corpus-based, etc.)
Experience in applying that knowledge (computational NLU systems)
Experience in computational lexicography
Experience in natural language generation
Knowledge of NL interface design and human cognitive considerations
Programming skills, especially in Lisp or Scheme
General Information:
All technical positions at Cycorp involve working with the Cyc(TM)
technology -- an immense, broad, multi-contextual knowledge base and
efficient inference system which our group has developed over the last
16 years and 400 person-years. The Cyc knowledge base, spanning
fundamental "consensus" human knowledge, enables a multitude of
knowledge-intensive products and services which will revolutionize the
way in which people use and interact with computers: semantic
information retrieval, consistency-checking of structured information,
deductive integration of heterogeneous data bases, natural language
interfaces able to cope with realistic levels of
ambiguity/terseness/contextualization, and many more.
Cycorp is located in Austin, TX. We are an equal opportunity employer.
For more information about employment at Cycorp, visit our website at
For immediate consideration, please send your resume and a cover
letter to Kathleen Black at the following address:
Cycorp, Inc.
3721 Executive Center Drive, Suite 100
Austin TX 78731
Internet: info at
Telephone: +1 (512) 342-4000
Fax: +1 (512) 342-4040
No person shall be excluded from consideration for
recruitment, selection, appointment, training, promotion,
retention, or any other personnel action, or be denied
any benefits or participation in any activities on the
grounds of race, religion, color, national origin, sex,
handicap or age.
Cycorp will hire only persons authorized to work in the
United States and will verify identity and eligibility
for employment, and complete form I-9 for all new
employees within three (3) business days of the date of
7/ From: Karin Verspoor <karin at>
Subject: Comp Linguist: Intelligenesis Corporation, New York USA
Rank of Job: mid-Senior
Areas Required: Computational Linguist
Other Desired Areas: Cognitive Science
University or Organization: Intelligenesis Corporation
Department: Natural Language Engineering group
State or Province: New York
Country: USA
Final Date of Application: June 16, 2000
Contact: Karin Verspoor karin at
Address for Applications:
50 Broadway
New York
NY 10004
Intelligenesis, a New York based AI start-up firm, is seeking a
creative linguistic scientist to round out our Natural Language team.
We're engaged in the construction of Webmind, a unique and
comprehensive AI architecture that aims to be the world's first truly
intelligent software program; and also in the creation of several
products carrying out commercially useful functions (such as text
categorization, market prediction and search) utilizing Webmind
components. The Natural Language team helps support both of these
For this position, we're looking for someone who has a strong
intuitive feel for the structure of language and the dynamics of
language learning, especially as regards the integration of and
interplay between syntax, semantics, pragmatics, cognition, and
experience. But, we also need someone with a good practical sense of
what kinds of algorithms will work in practice in computational
systems, given finite computational resources. We're not looking for
a programmer here, although computer science knowledge will be
extremely valuable; we're looking someone with the ability to design
NLP algorithms and architectures, both on the general and detailed
levels, and to deal with the integration of NL systems with other
components of our AI system, such as categorization and reasoning and
symbol grounding. Experience with object-oriented design is valuable
but not required.
The ideal candidate would have some experience doing theoretical
research in a linguistic area, and experience working on the
development of computational linguistics systems. A broad knowledge
of cognitive science and a passion for making the first NL system that
actually works would also be valuable. We are dealing with deep
issues such as how much linguistic structure to build into our system
versus how much to let the system learn, and how to best utilize
technologies such as higher-order logical inference and evolutionary
computation in NL processing; issues like these require a careful
balancing of practical and theoretical issues, and an ability to draw
conceptual inspiration from a broad variety of domains.
This is a unique opportunity to do both cutting-edge research and
practical system design work, simultaneously, letting each kind of
work benefit from the other; and to participate in an AI development
project unlike any other.
To submit an application, please send (preferably by email) your
resume and an indication of your salary expectations to:
karin at
Dr. Karin Verspoor
Director, Natural Language Engineering
Intelligenesis Corporation
50 Broadway
New York, NY 10004
tel: (212) 324 2001
fax: (212) 324 3001
8/ From: Peter Lucas <plucas at>
Subject: Lecturer / Senior Lecturer position available
GBP 17,238 - 35,670 per annum
You will join the Bioinformatics/Medical Informatics research group
within the Department of Computing Science (rated 4 in the 1996 RAE).
You should have an established research record in Bioinformatics
although other areas of specialisation which would strengthen the
overall activities of the group will be considered. Applications from
researchers in Biology or Medicine who have considerable computing
experience and who wish to develop this further will also be
considered. You will also contribute to teaching and supervision at
all levels. Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Jim Hunter,
Head of Department (telephone +44 (0)1224 272287, fax: +44 (0)1224
273422, email: jhunter at Information about the Department
of Computing Science can be found on:
Application forms and further particulars are available from Human
Resources, University of Aberdeen, King's College, Aberdeen, AB24 3FX,
tel: +44 (0)1224 272727 quoting reference number FCS014A. A 24-hour
answering service is in operation.
Closing date: 16 June 2000
An Equal Opportunities Employer
Peter Lucas
Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB24 3UE, Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 1224 273829; Fax: +44 1224 273422/487048
E-mail: plucas at; URL:
9/ From: Richard Evans <in6087 at>
Subject: PhD Studentship in Computational Linguistics at the
University of Wolverhampton
With apologies for multiple postings.
PhD studentship in Computational Linguistics
(Current value of bursary 6,500 UK pounds)
The University of Wolverhampton, School of Humanities,
Languages and Social Studies invites applications for a
research studentship in Computational Linguistics.
The successful candidate will work on term extraction and
its application in anaphora resolution and automatic
abstracting. We are looking for candidates with a good
honours degree in Computational Linguistics or Computer
Science, with excellent programming skills and some experience
in statistics and Natural Language Processing or Linguistics.
Overseas candidates must have a good command of English.
The successful candidate is expected to start the studentship
in September 2000.
For further information/queries, please contact
Prof. Ruslan Mitkov, tel. 01902 322471,
Email R.Mitkov at
Formal applications must be made to:
The Research Support Unit
University of Wolverhampton
Dudley Campus
Castle View
Email L.Barlow at
and must include
- a completed application form,
- a CV and
- a covering letter in which the candidates explain
why they have applied for the studentship, give details of
their research interests/experience, background,
programming skills and an outline of any experience in
or knowledge of statistics and Natural Language
Processing or Linguistics.
When you apply, please quote the reference number
of the studentship RS276.
The application form can be downloaded from
Extended closing date for applications: 30 June 2000.
10/ From: Koenraad de Smedt <desmedt at>
Subject: Associate Prof. in CL, U of Bergen
Please distribute (with apologies for multiple postings):
Vacant position at the University of Bergen as
The University of Bergen (Norway) is officially announcing a vacant TENURED
position as Associate Professor in Computational Linguistics.
Candidates are invited to send in their applications by JUNE 24, 2000.
More information in Norwegian and English is available at:
Prof. Koenraad de Smedt mailto:desmedt at
Universitetet i Bergen tel: +47 5558-2052 fax: +47 5558-9354
11/ From: S.Ananiadou at
Subject: Salford
The Natural Language Processing Group of Computer Science
( has recently been awarded a grant
to carry out research in the context of a EUREKA funded European
collaborative project with industry and academia in the area of
bioinformatics. The group's role is to apply natural language processing
techniques to the analysis of molecular biology corpora.
Duties: to adapt and expand the Group's existing tools for automatic term
recognition and clustering; to interface the group's tools with existing
natural language parsers; to work on semantic tagging for domain specific
texts; and to aid in the design and construction of ontologies.
Expertise: MSc or preferably PhD in Computer Science, Artificial
Intelligence or Computational Linguistics. Good programming skills (Java,
Perl) are essential. Knowledge of at least basic natural language
processing techniques is highly desirable. Knowledge of statistics-based
methods in NLP is a plus.
Salary: Up to GBP 21,463 per annum (in first year), according to
qualifications and experience.
Duration: 30 months
Starting date: The post is immediately available.
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr S.Ananiadou
(S.Ananiadou at
Candidates should send a detailed CV with the names of 2 referees to:
Dr S.Ananiadou (S.Ananiadou at
Computer Science, School of Sciences,
University of Salford, Newton Building,
Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 4WT, UK
Tel: +44 161 295 0480
Fax: +44 161 295 5559
Closing date: 15th July 2000.
The Natural Language Processing Group of Computer Science
( has available two fully funded
three year research studentships. The group was recently awarded a EUREKA
funded grant in the area of NLP and Bio-informatics. Successful candidates
should have a minimum of a 2.1 honours degree (or equivalent) in Computer
Science or Artificial Intelligence. The successful candidates will be
involved (with researchers in the department and abroad) in innovative
research into:
--- novel ways of information extraction from scientific texts
---- design of domain specific ontologies
---- integration of ontologies with scientific databases
---- information retrieval
We are particularly interested in candidates able to engage in
multi-disciplinary research involving NLP.
Expertise: Good programming skills (Java, Perl). An ability to conduct
research, to work independently and to contribute to the group's research
activities. An ability to work with industrial collaborators. Knowledge of
NLP is a plus (but not essential).
The studentships carry a bursary of £6,800 plus fees (at UK/EU rates)
Informal enquiries should be addressed to Dr S.Ananiadou
(S.Ananiadou at
Candidates should send a detailed CV with the names of 2 referees to:
Dr S.Ananiadou (S.Ananiadou at
Computer Science, School of Sciences,
University of Salford, Newton Building,
Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 4WT, UK
Tel: +44 161 295 0480
Fax: +44 161 295 5559
Closing date: 7th August 2000.
Starting date: The studentships will run from 1st October 2000.
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