LN: Fin de panne
Pierre Zweigenbaum
pz at biomath.jussieu.fr
Wed Mar 8 22:48:35 UTC 2000
[English information below]
Cher(e)s abonné(e)s,
À la suite d'un changement de version du logiciel de distribution de
LN (et LN-FR), nous n'avons pas été en mesure ces derniers temps
diffuser de messages sur ces listes -- ni de vous informer de cette
situation par le même canal !
La panne est terminée, nous avons repris les envois. Les messages
soumis pour diffusion dans l'intervalle seront autant que possible
envoyés. Si vous ne voyez pas passer dans les jours qui viennent un
message que vous avez envoyé à la liste, n'hésitez pas à le renvoyer.
Merci de votre compréhension !
Bien cordialement,
Pierre Zweigenbaum et Philippe Blache.
PS : Nous en profitons pour vous rappeler les informations principales
concernant cette liste, qui se trouvent à l'adresse :
http://www.biomath.jussieu.fr/LN/LN-F/ (français)
http://www.biomath.jussieu.fr/LN/LN/ (English)
et que les messages diffusés sur LN restent accessibles aux adresses :
The LN at cines.fr list
1. Objectives and topics
2. Sponsors
3. LN list ``how to''
4. The moderators
1. Objectives and topics
The electronic list LN at cines.fr (``Langage Naturel'') aims at fostering
information exchange within the natural language processing community. It
calls for papers, announcements and reports for conferences,
seminars, summer schools;
announcements of new books and software;
specific queries (and answers) about software, corpora, etc.;
job offers;
descriptions of activities and projects;
and more generally, any information you will deem useful to distribute to the
community on the theme of natural language processing. We are open to all
suggestions about new topics.
2. Sponsors
This list was created in 1990 by Jean Véronis and Pierre Zweigenbaum
under the auspices of ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics) and
ACH (Association for Computers in the Humanities) and thanks to the financial
support of GRECO-PRC CHM (Man-Machine Communication), of the French
Ministry for Research and Technology, and of Groupe Représentation et
Traitement des Connaissances (GRTC, CNRS, Marseilles), and has then been
funded by GDR-PRC CHM (``Natural Language'' chapter). LN is now
managed under the auspices of ATALA (Association pour le Traitement
Automatique des Langues).
3. LN list ``how to''
To subscribe to the list or correct your name, send a message containing the
one following line to sympa at cines.fr (not to LN at cines.fr!!!):
subscribe LN Name Surname
To send a message to the list, send it to LN at cines.fr. This list is
``moderated'': submitted messages are forwarded to the ``moderators'',
who possibly group them and then dispatch them to the
subscribers. Please send us suggestions about the management of the
list too.
You can unsubscribe from the list at any time by sending a message
containing the one following line to sympa at cines.fr (not to LN at cines.fr !!!):
unsubscribe LN
You can obtain more information on server commands by sending a message
containing the one following line to sympa at cines.fr (not to LN at cines.fr !!!):
Finally, an archive of the messages sent is accessible on WWW at
LN currently counts over 700 subscribers over the world, among which
many are local re-distribution lists.
4. The moderators
In case of problem, directly contact the moderators:
Philippe Blache
LPL- Université de Provence
29, Avenue Robert Schuman
13621 Aix-en-Provence
E-mail: pb at lpl.univ-aix.fr
Tel: +33 (0)4 92 96 73 98
Fax: +33 (0)4 42 59 50 96
all topics
Pierre Zweigenbaum
91, boulevard de l'Hôpital
F-75634 Paris Cedex 13
E-mail: pz at biomath.jussieu.fr
Tel: +33 (0)1 45 83 67 28
Fax: +33 (0)1 45 86 80 68/ 45 86 56 85
queries and answers, subscription problems
Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel <LN at cines.fr>
Informations, abonnement : http://www.biomath.jussieu.fr/LN/LN-F/
English version : http://www.biomath.jussieu.fr/LN/LN/
Archives : http://web-lli.univ-paris13.fr/ln/
More information about the Ln
mailing list